Check if you need a licence to impound water
If you impound water, or plan to, you may need to apply for an impounding licence.
Applies to England
An impoundment is a structure within inland waters that can permanently or temporarily change the water level or flow. This includes:
- dams
- weirs
- fish passes
- hydropower turbines
- sluices
- penstocks
- culverts
- lock gates
- retaining walls
- flumes
- reservoir embankments
- temporary diversions during construction work
You must have an impounding licence before you start work on building a new impoundment structure, even in an emergency. That is, unless one of the exemptions under ‘When you do not need a licence’ applies.
If an existing structure does not currently have an impounding licence, you must get one before you start work to alter or remove the structure.
ThereYou aremay somealso situationsneed whereto apply to the Environment Agency for an environmental permit for a flood risk activity when you maybuild in, over or next to main rivers. For rivers and watercourses that are not main rivers you must apply to your lead local flood authority for consent.
If you want to abstract (take) water, check if you need an impoundinglicence abstract water.
ExemptionsWhen you do not need a licence
You do not need an impounding licence if your activity is exempt.
TheThere are several exemptions where an impounding licence is not needed.
These are:
- works constructed without a licence before 1 April 2006, except where a notice is served by the Environment Agency requiring application for a licence
- where a public authority that manages or owns waterways or harbours constructs any new impoundment, alters an existing impoundment or obstructs or impedes the flow of inland waters while exercising its powers or undertaking its duties
- where the impoundment is authorised by a drought order or drought permit
- where structures and works are authorised by legislation (for example an act of Parliament)
- works constructed or altered by a water company that is authorised by a development control order
- where the Environment Agency serves notice requiring impoundment only for the purpose of screening or passage for eels
Low risk impoundingimpoundment activities
Some impoundingimpoundment activities have a low impact on the environment and other water users.
CheckThe ifEnvironment Agency will not normally need you canto complyapply withfor an impounding licence for:
The Environment Agency will not normally needrequire a licence application for:
Other foractivities that will not normally require a licence toare:
worksimpoundthattemporarilydivertFind out
duringhowconstructionto applyormaintenanceofastructureanddonotaffectanyotherwaterusers,rightsortheenvironmentimpoundingworksorchangestotheimpoundmenttoreduceoravoidanimmediatethreattohumanlife,propertyortheenvironmentduringanemergencyanyactivityoutsidethechannel,exampleontopoftheriverbanks,suchasinstallingormaintainingbridgesupportsorflooddefencesworkintheriver,parallelandadjacenttothebankthatdoesnotsignificantlynarrowthechannel,forexampleinstallingsheetpiling,riprapandrockrevetmentsforerosionprotectioninstallingwavewallonanexistingreservoirdamthatisnotintendedanyextraincreasingtheheightofspillwaysidewalls(thatdoesnotaltertheimpoundinglevel)altering,movingorconstructingaspillwaywithoutincreasingtheimpoundedlevelorchangingthedownstreamflowregimetothedetrimentoftheenvironmentLowriskimpoundmentchecklistIf you impound
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UpdatesApply for a licence to thisimpound pagewater
Find 31out Marchhow 2022
Lastto apply updatedfor 3a Octoberlicence 2024
+ showto allimpound updateswater
Published 31 March 2022
Last updated 3 July 2023
+ show all updates
Explained if you want to alter an existing impoundment structure that does not currently have an impounding licence, you must get one before you start work to alter or remove the structure. Added a link to the flood risk activity permitting page. Clarified the information about exemptions. Clarified that you can request enhanced pre-application advice if you are unsure whether you need an impoundment licence.
Find 31out Marchhow 2022
Lastto apply updatedfor 3a Octoberlicence 2024
+ showto allimpound updateswater
Explained if you want to alter an existing impoundment structure that does not currently have an impounding licence, you must get one before you start work to alter or remove the structure. Added a link to the flood risk activity permitting page. Clarified the information about exemptions. Clarified that you can request enhanced pre-application advice if you are unsure whether you need an impoundment licence.
Update history
2024-12-17 14:10
Updated the exemption scenario for construction or alteration works authorised by a development consent order.
2024-11-08 10:49
Updated the ‘Low risk impoundment activities’ section to add in what these are, with a list of questions you can check against. Removed the link to the regulatory position statement 302.
2024-10-03 13:59
Updated the ‘Low risk impounding activities’ section to link to the regulatory position statement (RPS) ‘Low risk impounding activities: RPS 302’, as this now defines these activities and how to comply with the RPS.
2023-07-03 09:32
Explained if you want to alter an existing impoundment structure that does not currently have an impounding licence, you must get one before you start work to alter or remove the structure. Added a link to the flood risk activity permitting page. Clarified the information about exemptions. Clarified that you can request enhanced pre-application advice if you are unsure whether you need an impoundment licence.
2022-03-31 15:42
First published.