
Ebola and Marburg: returning workers scheme (RWS)

Advice for people returning to the UK after working in an Ebola or Marburg virus affected area.

All workers returning from areas affected by Ebola or Marburg virus should be risk assessed by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).

About the scheme

UKHSAThe (formerlyReturning PublicWorkers HealthScheme England)(RWS) establishedis thefor returningany workersorganisation schemethat (RWS)has inUK Novemberresident 2014,staff aswho parthave ofbeen arrangementsor will be deployed to protectareas andaffected monitorby theEbola healthor ofMarburg thosevirus, whoin travelresponse to Ebolathe affectedoutbreak. areasThis forincludes theirhumanitarian work.and Thishealthcare isorganisations partthat ofare asending coordinatedworkers effort to protectsituations thewhere healththey ofmight thebe widerdirectly to Ebola or Marburg virus.

The The UKHSA RWS iswas forestablished anyin businessNovember or2014, organisationas thatpart hasof staffarrangements whoto travelprotect toand monitor the UKhealth fromof areasthose affectedwho bytravel to Ebola oraffected Marburgareas virus.for Thistheir includeswork. humanitarianThis andis healthcarepart organisations,of asarrangements wellto assupport media and othermonitor organisationsthe thathealth areof sendingthose workerswho travel to situationshigh whereconsequence theyinfectious mightdisease beaffected directlyareas exposedfor totheir Ebolawork, oronce Marburgthey virus.are back in the UK.

To ensure that UKHSA is able to establish prompt and efficient screening arrangements, and can provide organisations with regular updates and guidance we ask that:

  • organisations undertaking business in Ebola or Marburg affected areas must register with the UKHSA returning workers scheme
  • once registered, organisations should provide UKHSA with the travel details of all staff (paid or unpaid) returning from Ebola or Marburg affected areas, in advance of their arrival into the UK

Current outbreak areas

The RWS is currently active due to an outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Rwanda.

On 27 September 2024, health authorities in Rwanda confirmed detection of Marburg in patients in health facilities in the country. Rwanda should be considered a Marburg affected area until further information is available.

There are currently no active outbreaks of Ebola virus disease.

Register for the scheme

Contact to find out more about the scheme and to register.

Further information about Ebola or Marburg

See Viral haemorrhagic fevers: epidemiology, characteristics, diagnosis and management.

Updates to this page

Published 22 July 2015
Last updated 13 October 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated information.

  2. Updated with information about Marburg virus disease outbreak in Rwanda.

  3. Updated Current outbreak areas section.

  4. Updated information on current Marburg-affected areas.

  5. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas.

  6. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas.

  7. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas.

  8. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas.

  9. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas.

  10. Updated to reflect end of Ebola outbreak in DRC.

  11. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas.

  12. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas.

  13. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas.

  14. Updated to reflect end of outbreak in Béni, North Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  15. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas and registering for the scheme.

  16. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas and registering for the scheme.

  17. Updated information on current Ebola-affected areas.

  18. Updated information about current Ebola outbreaks and registering for the returning workers scheme (RWS).

  19. Updated information about current Ebola outbreaks and registering for the returning workers scheme (RWS)

  20. Updated affected areas covered by the scheme - now Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equateur province only.

  21. Updated to include Équateur province as an Ebola-affected area.

  22. Added current Ebola-affected areas to which the RWS applies.

  23. First published.

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