Plant imports: authorised border control posts in the UK
A list of places where you can bring consignments of plants, seeds and produce into the UK, including ports and airports.
A list of border control posts (BCPs) and control points (CPs) for plants imported to the UK.
If you’re a port or airport operator and interested in building new or modifying existing border control posts, read guidance on applying to set up a BCP.
This information is also available as an interactive map.
Updates to this page
Last updated
Updated the Plant imports: border control posts at UK airports list
We have removed the entry for Heathrow Airport – Airport Perishable Handling Ltd (APH) as that is no longer operational. We have added Heathrow Airport – Heathrow Perishable Centre (HPC) as a newly designated border control post.
Updated the Plant imports: border control posts at UK airports list
Added 'Heathrow Airport - Swissport Cargo Services (HCH)' as an entry under the Plant imports: border control posts at UK airports list. Removed the entry for 'Heathrow Airport - Worldwide Flight Services Ltd, Building 552' under the same list.
Removed the listing for 'Heathrow Airport - Swissport Cargo Services' as this was published in error.
Updated opening times for Harwich Inspection centre in Plant imports: border control posts at UK ports attachment.
We've republished this information in a more accessible format. The information was previously published elsewhere on GOV.UK:
First published.