
Trade marks and designs: hearing diaries

Details of all scheduled trade mark (unless otherwise specified) procedural hearings, main hearings and appeals to the appointed person.



These documents are updated regularly to highlight the trade marks and designs hearings which have been scheduled.

Main hearings

If a member of the public, media or any interest party wishes to attend a video hearing, teleconference or telephone hearing they should contact the hearings clerk at who will then make the necessary arrangements.

Appeals to the Appointed Person

If a member of the public, media or any interest party wishes to attend a video hearing, teleconference or telephone hearing they should contact the hearings clerk at who will then make the necessary arrangements.

Please note that attendees to hearings at the International Dispute Resolution Centre (IDRC) Building will require photo ID.

Unless shown otherwise, main and hearings take place at:

International Dispute Resolution Centre (IDRC)
1 Paternoster Lane,
St. Paul’s,

Unless shown otherwise, appeals to the Appointed Person hearings take place at either of the following 2 locations:

International Dispute Resolution Centre (IDRC)
1 Paternoster Lane,
St. Paul’s,


7 Rolls Buildings
Fetter Lane

Updates to this page

Published 7 February 2017
Last updated 211 October 2024 + show all updates
  1. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  2. Trade Marks Main, Appeals and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  3. Appeals diary updated.

  4. Main, Appeals to the appointed person and Procedural diaries updated.

  5. Appeals diary updated.

  6. Main and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  7. Main and Appeals hearings diaries updated.

  8. Trade Marks Main and Appeals hearing diaries updated.

  9. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  10. Main, Procedural and Appeals to the appointed person diaries updated.

  11. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  12. Trade Marks Main, Appeals and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  13. Trade marks Main and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  14. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  15. Trade marks Main and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  16. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  17. Trade marks Main, Appeals and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  18. Trade Mark Main, Appeals and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  19. Trade Marks, Main, Appeals and Procedural diaries updated.

  20. Main, Procedural and Appeals hearing diaries updated.

  21. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  22. Trade marks Main, Appeals to the appointed person and Procedural diaries updated.

  23. Trade marks Main, Appeals and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  24. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  25. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  26. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  27. Trade marks main and procedural hearing diaries updated.

  28. Trade mark main and procedural hearing diaries updated.

  29. Appeals diary updated.

  30. Main hearings and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  31. Trade marks Main, Procedural and Appeals hearing diaries updated.

  32. Updated Appeals to the Appointed Person diary.

  33. Main, Appeals and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  34. Main, Procedural and Appeal hearing diaries updated.

  35. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  36. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  37. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  38. Main and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  39. Appeals to the appointed person diary, Trade Mark Main and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  40. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  41. Trade Mark Main and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  42. Main and Appeals to the appointed person diaries updated.

  43. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  44. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  45. Main and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  46. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  47. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  48. Trade marks, main, appeals and procedural hearing diaries updated.

  49. Trade Marks Main Appeals and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  50. New Main Hearings Diary, Appeals to the Appointed Person and Procedural hearings added.

  51. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  52. Main and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  53. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  54. Main, Procedural and Appeals hearings diaries updated.

  55. Main hearings diary and Procedural hearing diary updated.

  56. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  57. Appeals hearings diary, Main hearings diary and Procedural hearing diary updated.

  58. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  59. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  60. Main, Procedural and Appeals hearings diaries updated.

  61. Appeals hearings diary updated.

  62. Main and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  63. Main, Appeals to the appointed person and procedural hearings diaries updated.

  64. Trade marks main hearings and Appeals to the appointed person diaries updated.

  65. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  66. Main, Appeals and Procedural diaries updated.

  67. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  68. Main hearings diary updated.

  69. Appeals diary updated.

  70. Main, Appeals to the appointed person and Procedural diaries updated.

  71. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  72. Main hearings diary updated.

  73. Trade Mark Procedural hearings diary updated.

  74. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  75. Trade Marks Main hearing diary updated.

  76. Trade mark main hearing diary updated.

  77. Trade mark main hearing diary updated.

  78. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  79. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  80. Trade mark main, appeals and procedural diaries updated.

  81. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  82. Main and procedural diaries updated.

  83. Trade mark main hearing diary updated.

  84. Main and procedural diaries updated.

  85. Main, appeals and procedural diaries updated.

  86. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  87. Main and procedural diaries updated.

  88. Main and procedural diaries updated.

  89. Main diary updated.

  90. Main and procedural diaries updated.

  91. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  92. Main and procedural diaries updated.

  93. Trade mark main, appeals and procedural diaries updated.

  94. Main, appeals and procedural diaries updated.

  95. Main and procedural diaries updated.

  96. Man and procedural diaries updated.

  97. Trade marks Main hearings diary updated.

  98. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  99. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  100. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  101. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  102. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  103. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  104. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  105. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  106. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  107. Trade mark main, appeals and procedural diaries updated.

  108. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  109. Trade mark main, appeals and procedural diaries updated.

  110. Trade mark main diary updated.

  111. Trade mark main hearing diary updated.

  112. Trade mark appeals hearing diary updated.

  113. Trade mark main hearing diary updated.

  114. Trade mark main, appeals and procedural diaries updated.

  115. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  116. Trade mark appeals hearing diary updated.

  117. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  118. Trade mark main hearing diary updated.

  119. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  120. Trade mark main, appeals and procedural hearing diaries dated.

  121. Main and procedural hearing diaries updated.

  122. Main, appeals and procedural diaries updated.

  123. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  124. Trade mark main hearing diary updated.

  125. Trade mark main hearing diary updated.

  126. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  127. Main and procedural trade mark diaries updated.

  128. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  129. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  130. Appeals diary updated.

  131. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  132. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  133. Trade mark main and procedural diaries updated.

  134. Trade mark main and appeals hearing diaries updated.

  135. Main, appeals and procedural hearing diaries updated.

  136. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  137. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  138. Trade mark main and appeals hearing diaries updated.

  139. Appeals to the appointed person hearing diary updated.

  140. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  141. Main hearing diary and appeals diary updated.

  142. Contact details and building addresses have been changed.

  143. Trade mark main hearing diary updated.

  144. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  145. Appeals hearing diary updated.

  146. Trade marks main hearings diary updated.

  147. Trade mark main hearing diary updated.

  148. Trade mark appeals hearing diary updated.

  149. Main hearings diary updated.

  150. Trade mark procedural hearings diary added.

  151. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  152. Main hearings diary updated.

  153. Main hearings diary updated.

  154. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  155. New online appeals and main hearings diary added.

  156. Online appeals and main hearings diary added.

  157. Main trade mark hearing diary added.

  158. Online trade mark appeals hearing diary added.

  159. Main trade mark hearing diary added.

  160. Online trade mark appeals hearing diary added.

  161. Main trade mark hearing diary added.

  162. Trade mark main and appeals hearing diaries added.

  163. Trade mark appeal hearings diary updated.

  164. Main hearings diary updated.

  165. Trade mark procedural diary updated.

  166. Trade marks main and procedural diaries updated.

  167. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  168. Main hearings diary updated.

  169. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  170. Main hearings diary updated.

  171. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  172. Main hearings and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  173. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  174. Main hearings diary updated.

  175. Main hearings diary updated.

  176. Updates to main hearings and procedural hearings diary.

  177. Main hearings, Appeals to the appointed person and Procedural hearings diaries have been updated.

  178. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  179. Main hearings diary updated.

  180. Updates to main hearings and procedural hearings diary.

  181. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  182. Updates to main hearings and procedural hearings diary.

  183. Main hearings diary updated.

  184. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  185. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  186. Main hearings and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  187. Main hearings diary updated.

  188. Procedural hearings diary updated.

  189. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  190. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  191. Main hearings and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  192. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  193. Main hearings and procedural hearings diaries updated.

  194. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  195. Procedural hearing diary updated.

  196. Main hearings diary updated.

  197. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  198. Main hearings and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  199. Main hearings and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  200. Main hearing and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  201. Main hearings and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  202. Main hearings and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  203. Main hearings and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  204. The London address has been updated.

  205. Main and procedural hearings diaries updated.

  206. Main and procedural hearings diaries updated.

  207. Appointed persons diary updated.

  208. Main hearings and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  209. Main hearings diary updated.

  210. Appointed person diary updated.

  211. Main and procedural hearing diaries updated.

  212. Appointed person diary updated.

  213. Main hearings and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  214. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  215. Main hearings and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  216. Main hearing and procedural hearing diary updated.

  217. Main hearings diary updated.

  218. Main hearings diary updated.

  219. Appeals diary updated.

  220. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  221. Main hearings diary updated.

  222. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  223. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  224. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  225. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  226. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  227. Procedural hearings diary updated.

  228. Procedural Hearing Diary, Appeals Diary and Hearing Diary updated.

  229. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  230. Main hearings diary and procedural diary updated.

  231. Main hearings diary and procedural diary updated.

  232. Appeals to appointed persons diary updated.

  233. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  234. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  235. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  236. Main hearings diary and procedural diary updated.

  237. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  238. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  239. Main hearings diary and appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  240. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  241. Procedural hearings diary updated.

  242. Main hearings and Appeals the the appointed person diaries updated.

  243. Appeals to appointed persons diary updated.

  244. Appeals to appointed persons diary updated.

  245. Trade Mark Procedural hearings diary and Trade Mark Main Hearings Diary updated.

  246. Appeals to appointed persons diary updated.

  247. Appeal to appointed person diary updated.

  248. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  249. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  250. Trade marks procedural diary and Trade marks main hearing diary updated.

  251. Appeals to appointed persons diary updated.

  252. Appeals to appointed persons diary updated.

  253. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  254. Appeal to appointed person diary updated.

  255. Appeals to appointed persons diary updated.

  256. Main hearings diary and appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  257. Appeals to appointed persons diary updated.

  258. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  259. Procedural hearings diary updated.

  260. Main hearings diary updated.

  261. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  262. Appeals to appointed persons diary updated.

  263. Main hearings diary and procedural hearings diary updated.

  264. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  265. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  266. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  267. Appeals to appointed persons diary updated.

  268. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  269. Main hearings diary updated.

  270. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  271. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  272. Appeals to the appointed persons diary updated.

  273. Main hearings and Procedural hearings diaries updated.

  274. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  275. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  276. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  277. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  278. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  279. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  280. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  281. Procedural hearings diary updated.

  282. Main hearings diary updated.

  283. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  284. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  285. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  286. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  287. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  288. Main hearings diary updated.

  289. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  290. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  291. Main hearings and Appeals to the appointed person diaries updated.

  292. Main hearing diary updated.

  293. All diaries updated.

  294. Main hearings and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  295. Appeals to the appointed person diary added.

  296. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  297. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  298. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  299. Main hearings, Appeals to the appointed person and Procedural hearing diaries updated.

  300. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  301. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  302. Appeals diary updated.

  303. Main hearings diary updated.

  304. Appeals to the appointed person diary updated.

  305. First published.

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