CICA Privacy Notice
This document explains how we handle the information we hold about you.
Who we are and what we do
About personal information
Types of personal information we process
Purpose of processing and the lawful basis for
the processprocessing
Who the information may be shared with
Storing your information
Our telephone service
How our digital service uses cookies
todata personalprotection informationrights
When we ask you for personal information
detailsto contact us to ask a question
- Purpose
- Who we are and what we do
- About personal information
- Types of personal information we process
Purpose of processing and the lawful basis for
theprocessprocessing - Who the information may be shared with
- Storing your information
- Our telephone service
- How our digital service uses cookies
todatapersonalprotectioninformationrights - When we ask you for personal information
detailsto contact us to ask a question - Complaints
This privacy notice setstells outyou:
- what
thewestandardswillthatdo with your personal information - how you can
expectgetfromathecopyCriminalofInjuriesyourCompensationpersonalAuthorityinformation - what
(CICA)youwhencanwedorequestiforyouholdhave any concerns about our use of your personaldatainformation
Who (‘personalwe information’)are aboutand you;what howwe youdo
CICA canis getan accessExecutive toAgency aof copythe Ministry of yourJustice. personalWe information;collect and whatprocess youpersonal candata dofor ifthe youpurposes thinkof administering the standardsCriminal areInjuries notCompensation beingSchemes, met.
Whothe weVictims are
of Overseas Terrorism Compensation Scheme (together ‘the Compensation Schemes’), and the Hardship Fund.
CICA dealsis withthe data controller for the personal information we hold. Under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Schemes, we receive and determine compensation claims from people who have been physically or mentally injured in England, Wales,Wales andor Scotland asby a result of violent crime.
OurUnder rolethe isVictims toof administerOverseas theTerrorism CriminalCompensation InjuriesScheme, Compensationwe Schemereceive and providedetermine acompensation serviceclaims thatfrom ispeople sensitivewho inhave dealingbeen withphysically applicants,or fairmentally injured overseas in decidinga applicationsterrorist incident.
Under the Hardship Fund, we receive and efficientdetermine inclaims managingfrom alllow cases.
CICApaid isworkers thewho dataare controllertemporarily forunable theto personalwork informationdue weto hold.a Ourviolent Datacrime Protectionin OfficerEngland isor theWales, personand responsiblewhose forinjuries ensuringdo wenot complyfall withwithin ourthe dataCriminal protectionInjuries obligations.Compensation Scheme.
About personal information
‘PersonalRead information’more is information about youthe asCriminal anInjuries individual.Compensation ItSchemes, canVictims beof yourOverseas name,Terrorism addressCompensation orScheme telephoneand number.the ItHardship canFund.
About alsopersonal includeinformation
‘Personal information’ is information about youryou criminalas injuriesan compensationindividual. application.
We know how important it is to protect customers’your privacy and to comply with data protection laws. We will safeguard your personal information and will only disclose it where it is lawful to do so, or with your
Types of personal information we process
We only process personal information that is relevant to the servicesexercise weof areour providingfunctions. toThis you.
Whencan weinclude:
- your
receivename,aaddressnewandclaimcontactwedetails - your
makedateupofanbirth - information
electronicaboutfile.theThisincidentnormallyincontainswhichinformationyourelatingweretoinjured - information about your
identity,injuries and their impact (health information) - criminal offence data about any
othercriminalindividualsconvictionsinvolvedyouinmaythehave - financial
applicationinformation about your earnings (if you are claiming loss of earnings) andtheotherdetailsexpenses you have incurred due to your injuries - photographs of
theyourincidentinjuriesprovidedandinvideotherecordingsapplication(forform.example,WeCCTVcontactfootage of thepoliceincident) - your
toidentification documents - payment details (including card or bank information)
We may obtain information aboutfrom theyou incident(or andyour criminalrepresentative convictionsif you have andone), healththe professionalspolice, for medical informationpractitioners relatingand other third parties in order to assess your claim.application.
Purpose of processing and the lawful basis for the process
WeUnder willdata useprotection thelaw, personalwe informationmust wehave collecta only‘lawful basis’ for thecollecting purposeand using your personal information. There is a list of processingpossible yourlawful application,bases toin checkthe UK General Data Protection Regulation. You can find out more about what is a lawful basis on the levelInformation ofCommissioner’s serviceOffice website.
The lawful basis we providerely andon asmay requiredaffect byyour Weprotection dorights compilewhich andare publishdescribed statisticsfurther showingbelow. generalYou information,can butfind notout inmore aabout formyour data protection rights and the exemptions which identifiesmay anyone.apply on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.
WhenOur anlawful applicationbasis for processing personal information is madethe weperformance willof requirea youpublic task, which is to confirmadminister the Compensation Schemes and the Hardship Fund. This means we have to collect and use your understandinginformation thatto carry out a task laid down in law, which the law intends to be performed by an organisation such as ours.
The extent to which we need to share and obtain your personal information will be shareddetermined on a case-by-case basis according to enablewhat usis reasonably necessary to determine your claim. As consent is not the lawful basis on which we process your claimpersonal andinformation, complyyou withcannot ourwithdraw legalyour obligations.consent Weto havethe aprocessing legalof obligationpersonal information if you wish to dealcontinue with claimsyour claim. However, you can withdraw your claim at any time before payment is made and, in accordancethose withcircumstances, ruleswe ofwill only retain the Criminalsmall Injuriesamount Compensationof Scheme.personal Thisinformation requiresdescribed usin tothe sharesection below titled ‘Storing your information’.
We will use the personal information withwe somecollect otheronly peoplefor andthe organisationspurpose soof thatprocessing applicationsyour canapplication, beto properlycheck investigatedon the level of service we provide and otherwise required by law. We compile and publish statistics showing general information but not in a form which identifies anyone.
Who the information may be shared with
We need to share the personal information we process with you and with other organisations. Where this is necessary we will comply with all aspects of the data protection As well as members of our own staff, we have to disclose your identity and details of your application to the police and/or(and, in some cases, prosecuting authoritiesauthorities) to obtain information we need to assess the application. This will include obtaininggetting details of any criminal convictions held by you.
We will usually also have to disclose your identity and some application details to your doctor or other health professionals and obtain from them sufficient evidence of your injuries to allow us to assess what level of compensation should be awarded.
In someThis circumstancescan weinclude maymedical needrecords tofrom shareyour detailsGP and/or other treating practitioners and the commission of yourexpert applicationmedical withor otherpsychological thirdreports. parties,In suchmost ascases youryou employer,will DWP,be HMRC,expected orto otherprovide relevantthis governmentevidence orbut localin authoritysome agency.circumstances Ifwe youmay contactobtain usit ason ayour resultbehalf.
We ofmay beingalso aneed victimto share details of violentyour crimeapplication occurringwith inother anthird EUparties, country,such onas request,your weemployer, mayDepartment passfor yourWork detailsand onPensions, toHM theRevenue equivalent& EUCustoms, compensationor authority.another relevant government department, local authority, or agency. We may also use Fraudfraud Preventionprevention Agenciesagencies for the purposes of verifying your identity and preventing crime, fraud and money laundering. Such disclosures will be made in accordance with current data protection
Storing your information
We will keep personal information contained in our case files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for a designated number of years from the date of closure. The precise length of time depends on the nature of the application. Routine case files will normally be held for 3 years from the date the application is finalised or, if the application relates to a child, until the child turns 21.
Our Caseslegal involvingfunctions arequire seriousus injuryto willretain normallysome bepersonal heldinformation foron 7each yearsapplication frombeyond the datedestruction thedate. applicationThis is finalised.necessary Weso needthat towe docan thisidentify duplicate applications, prevent fraud, and assess any request that is made to complyre-open withan ourapplication statutoryon obligationsmedical evengrounds ifor youwhere dothe notapplicant givehas yoursubsequently consent.
Ourdied businessof requirestheir usinjuries. toThe data we retain aincludes smallyour amountname, address, date of personalbirth, informationincident ondate, eachcase applicationreference beyondand thecase destructionoutcome. date.As Thisour lawful basis is forthe fraudperformance preventionof a public task, the right to erasure does not apply and inwe caseare aunable requestto isdestroy madethis information.
Our telephone service
We offer a telephone service to re-openthose anwho applicationwant onto medicalapply grounds.over Wethe willphone retainor personaltell informationus inabout a securedevelopment environmentin their claim. Telephone calls to our Customer Support Team are recorded and accesskept for 120 days. Call recordings may be used for monitoring and staff training purposes during that period.
If you have an existing claim, we will add a written summary of the telephone call to your case file where it will be madestored onlyin whereline requiredwith forour retention policy described above.
We may also seek user feedback to help us develop our statutorytelephone purposes.service.
How our digital service uses cookies
Cookies are files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website. When you use the service, we’ll set a cookie to remember your progress through this site. This cookie does not store your personal data.
The cookie is deleted when you:
Submitsubmit your applicationDodo not interact with the service for 30 minutesCloseclose your browser window
We also use cookies to:
HelpstoreyourPCordigitaldeviceconnectwithusquickerStoreMeasuremeasure how you use ourservice,service so we can update and improve itMakemake sure we do not keep showing you the same notificationsProtectprotect yoursecurity,security by stopping sites that pretend to be GOV.UK services from gathering your information
You can read more about about how cookies are used
You and can read about how to manage cookies.
AccessYour todata personalprotection information
YouUnder candata findprotection outlaw, ifyou wehave holdrights anyincluding:
personalrightinformationofaboutaccessyou–byYoumakinghaveathe‘subjectrightaccesstorequest’.askYouuscanforfindcopiesoutofmoreyouraboutpersonalthisinformation. -
onrightourtoguidancerectificationpage,–RequestYouyourhavepersonalthedatarightfromtoCICA.Whenweyouusforto rectify personal informationWepromiseyou think is inaccurate. You also have the right toinformask us to complete information youwhythinkweisneedincomplete. -
yourrightpersonaltoinformationrestrictionandofaskprocessingonly–forYou have thepersonalrightinformationtoweaskneedusandtonotrestrictcollecttheinformationprocessingthatofisyourirrelevantpersonalorinformationexcessive.inYoucertaincan:circumstances. MakeYour
arightrequestto object toseeprocessingall–theYoupersonalhaveinformationthewerightholdtoonobjectyoutoattheanyprocessingtimeProtectof your personal informationandinmakecertainsurecircumstances.
The noright unauthorisedto personerasure hasdoes accessnot toapply it
You informationare availablenot forgenerally commercialrequired useto withoutpay a charge for exercising your consent
YouRequest canyour getpersonal moredata detailsfrom on:CICA.
AgreementsWhen we
haveaskwithyouotherorganisationssharingpersonal informationCircumstancesWe
wherepromisewetocantellpassyouonwhy we need your personal informationwithoutandtellingaskyou,only forexample,thetopersonalhelpinformationwithwetheneedpreventionandornotdetectioncollectofinformationcrimethatoristoirrelevantproduceoranonymisedexcessive.statisticsOurWeinstructionswilltonotstaffshareonyourhowpersonaltoinformationcollect,for commercial use ordeleteanyyourpurposepersonalotherinformationHowthanwethecheckadministrationthatof theinformationCompensationweSchemes,holdHardshipisFundaccurateup-to-date
How to contact us to ask a question
If you have any queriesquestions about the above issues or how your personal information is handledhandled, you can contact us at:
Governance Team
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
Governance TeamAuthority
10 Clyde Place
Buchanan Wharf
G5 8AQ
Telephone: 0300 003 3601
Outside the UK: +44 (0) 203 684 2517
Relay UK (if (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 0300 003 3 601
When we ask you for information, we will keep to the law. If you consider that your personal information has been handled incorrectly, please get in touch with us so we can seek to resolve your concerns. This does not affect your right to make a complaint to
You can also contact the Information CommissionerCommissioner’s Office for independent advice about data or to make a complaint if you are unhappy about how we have handled your personal information. You can contact the Information CommissionerCommissioner’s Office at:
Information Commissioner'sCommissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel:Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Updates to this page
Last updated
Updated to include most recent version of the privacy notice
Change to body content to reflect temporary change to telephone opening hours
How our digital service uses cookies section amended to specifically mention the type of devices that may be used. This brings it in line with other privacy notices.
Updated section on use of cookies to reflect new application service functionality.
We have updated the contact address for the CICA Governance Team as we have moved to a new office as of 2 April 2024.
Removed Live Chat section while it is currently unavailable.
Updating telephone helpline opening hours
Update on live chat service
First published.
Update history
2024-11-08 08:21
Updated to include most recent version of the privacy notice
2024-06-14 17:15
Change to body content to reflect temporary change to telephone opening hours
2024-05-20 09:43
How our digital service uses cookies section amended to specifically mention the type of devices that may be used. This brings it in line with other privacy notices.
2024-05-17 11:19
Updated section on use of cookies to reflect new application service functionality.
2024-04-02 16:18
We have updated the contact address for the CICA Governance Team as we have moved to a new office as of 2 April 2024.
2023-11-06 15:31
Removed Live Chat section while it is currently unavailable.
2022-03-23 16:37
Updating telephone helpline opening hours