Policy paper

Contingency plan for exotic notifiable diseases of animals in England

This contingency plan describes how the government will manage an outbreak or incident of exotic notifiable disease of animals in England.


Contingency plan for exotic notifiable diseases of animals in England

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This contingency plan describes how government, and operational partners, prepare for and respond to an exotic notifiable disease outbreak or incident.

This document is reviewed each year.


Notifiable diseases are covered by legislation. This includes:

Updates to this page

Published 17 March 2016
Last updated 8 November 2024 + show all updates
  1. We removed the version of this document published on 8 November 2024 as it was not ready for publication.

  2. Updated the document 'Contingency plan for exotic notifiable diseases of animals in England' with the latest version

  3. Updated both documents with the latest versions following an annual review.

  4. Updated both documents with the latest versions following an annual review.

  5. Updated both documents with the latest versions following an annual review.

  6. Updated both documents with the latest versions following an annual review.

  7. Added the 2018 version of the contingency plan.

  8. 2017 edition of the contingency plan is now available.

  9. First published.

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