Homes England Live
Explore how we can support your organisation to deliver high quality homes and thriving places for communities across England.
Applies to England

Homes England Live stakeholder events bring professionals together to share learning, forge links and catalyse opportunities to create the new homes and thriving places that communities across England want and need.
Open to public, private and third sector organisations operating in the housing and regeneration sector, these events take place in different regions and offer an opportunity for existing, new and potential partners to meet, build knowledge and accelerate progress.
Come together with peers from all areas of the sector alongside Homes England leaders and colleagues and get involved with discussion forums, masterclasses and networking opportunities.
DetailsJoin ofus for the next Homes England Live event willon appearMonday here2 shortly.December 2024, from 1pm to 4.30pm in London at Thistle London Marble Arch.
Register to attend Homes England Live
Updates to this page
Last updated 3
Removed details of Homes England Live on Monday 2 December 2024.
Updated the summary introduction to the page contents.
Details of Homes England Live on Monday 2 December 2024 and a link to register have been added.
Removed old registration form and added a new registration form for future events.
Updated the homepage text to include links to further information on our key interventions and added a link for people to register for the next event.
First published.