Import animalfood productsand fordrink human consumption from the EU to Great Britain
GuidanceHow forto businesses that import meat,or dairy,move eggsfood and animaldrink productsfrom forthe humanEU CheckGreat import rules, restrictions and what documents you need.Britain.
- From:
- Published
- 15 June 2021
- Last updated
27JanuaryAugust20252024— See all updates
Products covered by this guidance
This guidance explainsapplies theto importbusinesses rulesin forGreat anyBritain food(England, Scotland and drinkWales) that containsimport productsor ofmove animalfood originand (POAO).drink Forfrom example:
- meat
- eggs
- dairy
- honey
- gelatine
Thesethe rulesEU apply to productsGreat thatBritain. originatedThis inincludes thefood EU.and Theydrink alsounder applysafeguard measures.
It applies to non-EUfood productsand ifdrink theythat either:originated in:
theEUanon-EUcountryandhasonentrytoEU- were
Processing – processing means any action that substantially alters the initial product, including heating, smoking, curing, maturing, drying, marinating, extractionextraction, andextrusion extrusion.
FollowThese differentproducts guidanceare tocategorised import:
- fish
asforlow,humanmediumconsumption - animal
orproducts forhighhumanriskconsumptionunderfromthenon-EUBordercountriesTargetOperatingModel
The outguidance ifon it’sthis apage compositealso orapplies compoundto productgoods andimported followfor additionalcommercial guidance.
Compositepurposes productsby containpost processed animalor productscourier. andContact plantyour productspost thator arecourier integralservice to thefind product.out Forif example,they aoffer lasagnean containingimport minceservice meat,for tomatocommercial sauceimports, and wheatto pasta.get more information about the process.
Compound‘Food productsand containdrink’ morein thanthis oneguidance animalspecifically product,means whichfood canand bedrink processedproducts orof unprocessed.animal Fororigin example,for sausageshuman containingconsumption cheese.
Read(POAO). additionalExamples import guidance for:include:
- compound products
meat - composite products
eggs dairyhoneygelatine
You byneed postto orfollow courier
Thedifferent sameguidance rules apply to goodsimport importedor move:
containcanprocessedPOAOandonlyplantimport animalproductsproducts tothatGreatareBritainintegralfrom approvedtoestablishments andthefrom approvedfinalcountries.- Check
product,thesuchlistasoflasagne compoundapproved countriesproductsto-seetheseifmaytherecontainareprocessedrestrictionsandonunprocessedPOAOcomponents,yourandimportanydueplanttocomponentsaprovidediseasespecialoutbreak.- Check
characteristicsthatbutyouraresuppliernotisintegralontothe listfinalrelevantproduct POAOlistfromofnon-EUapproved establishmentscountries.
- Check
Check import conditions
ImportPOAO informationinvolved notesin explaina thedisease specificoutbreak importor conditionspublic forhealth eachissue productare typebanned (meator andhave meatimport products,restrictions. forImporters example).must Theyfollow containthe statutory guidance for importers,POAO vetsunder andsafeguard border control officials.measures.
- Read
Youthecangeneralonlyimport informationPOAOtonoteGreatforBritainproductsfromapprovedof animal originestablishments. - Find the
andspecificfromimportapprovedinformation note for your productcountries.
DocumentsCheck required what documents you need
All POAOhigh areand either low or medium risk.risk Youimports needthat tohave checkpassed theSPS riskimport categorychecks ofin eachthe commodityEU youand wishwere toproduced import,or tolast findprocessed outin whicha documentsnon-EU youcountry need.
Mediumwill riskneed imports:to requiredbe documents
Mediumre-certified riskwith imports need a GB health certificate fromissued in the EU country of export.export.
ProductsAll fromhigh non-and medium risk imports of products processed in the EU countriesbut originating from a non-EU country need ana EUGB health certificate iffrom they:the EU country of export.
- were
Forlasthighprocessedandmedium riskimportsthatoriginated - passed SPS
Thehealth certificate should be from the EU country of export.
TheYou may need an official importer declaration for certain products – the health certificate will tell you ifwhen you need one. You may also need an officialimport importerlicence declaration.or authorisation.
IfFor thereall islow notrisk aimports, healthyou’ll certificateneed available,a youcommercial document. You may also need an import licence or authorisation.
You riskshould imports:contact requiredthe documents
ForDepartment lowof riskAgriculture, POAOEnvironment imports:
- you
andneedRuralaAffairscommercial(DAERA)document - you
ifdoyou’renotmovingneedPOAOaunderhealthsafeguardcertificate - you
measuresmayfromneedNorthernanIrelandimporttolicenceGreator authorisation
Health certificates
The EU exporter must apply for the GB health certificate in their own country.
Competent authorities (for example, governments) should use use model health certificates to to create certificatesversions that exporters can apply for.
If the exporter creates a GB health certificate using a a system approved to produce verifiable PDF certificates, they do not need to send the original health certificate with the consignment. They must send you the official, verifiable PDF certificate once it ishas been signed by the competent authority. Use this for your import notification in the import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS).
If the exporter cannotdoes not use a system approved to produce verifiable PDF certificates, the competent authority must send the original paper GB health certificate with the consignment and send you an electronic copy to attach to your import notification in in IPAFFS.
If there’s no health certificate for your product you may need an import licence or authorisation.
Import licences
You may need an import licence or authorisation to import your POAOfood and drink product from the EU if there’s no health certificate for your product.
In some cases, you may need an import licence as well as a health certificate.
Check the list of of general licences to to see if the licence you need already exists, and what you should do if it’s not on the list.
Commercial documents for low risk products – what exporters should includedocuments
Low risk imports of of POAO must travelmust withhave a commercial document.
Your exporter must complete thisthis.
The commercial document andmust include: include the:
- description of what’s in the consignment, for example ‘cooked meat’
meat’,andlabel- name of the person or organisation who sent it
it - name of the person or organisation it’s being sent to
to - address of the premises of origin
origin - address of the destination premises
premises - reference identifying the lot, batch or consignment
consignment - date the consignment was sent
sent - name and address of the transporter and details on how the consignment will be transported
The document must travel with the consignment.
Notify authorities in Great Britain (IPAFFS notifications)Britain
You must submit an import notification on on IPAFFS to to notify authorities in Great Britain about your import.import of POAO from the EU. This is also known as a common health entry document (CHED).
You must do this at least one working day before the import isthe POAO is expected to arrive at the point of entry.
When you submit your import notification in in IPAFFS, you’ll get a notification reference number, sometimes called a unique notification number (UNN) for the product. The format of this number will be CHEDP.GB.YYYY.XXXXXXX.CHEDP.GB.YYYY.XXXXXXX.
The reference number does not need to be added to the health certificate.
Choose outthe howcorrect tocountry registerof origin
You need to useadd theinformation to IPAFFS service.
Chooseabout the correct country of origin
For products that originated or were last processed outside the EU,EU, and passed passed SPS import import checks on entry to the EU,EU, choose the EU country of export for your your IPAFFS notification. notification. Select the EU country of export for both the country of origin and country of dispatch.
For products that originated in the EU or were last processed in the EU,EU, choose the EU country for your your IPAFFS notification. notification. Select the country where the product was last processed as the country of origin.
Add information about the business you’re importing from
You need to add information to IPAFFS about the business you’re importing from, if it’s coming from:
Follow these steps to add the approved business:
Sign in or register to use
use. - On the ‘Traders addresses’ page, select ‘Add a place of origin’, then select ‘Create a new place of origin’.
origin’. - In the ‘Place of origin name’ field, enter the full name of the exporting business, then its authorisation number.
number. - In the ‘Place of origin’ fields, enter the full address, telephone number, country and email address for the business.
business. - Save these details – they will be saved to your address book so that you can use them again.
again. - Add the approved business to your import notification.
If the goods have come from more than one approved business, add other businesses in ‘additional details’.
Import notifications if there’s a new or emerging disease outbreak
If safeguard measures are in place because of a new or emerging disease and there is no commodity code for your food or drink, you should:
- Download and fill in the
theforundertheimportsat‘URGENT– POAO safeguardingSAFEGUARDINGREQUIRED’. -
APHA will
willaorveterinarian (OV) totocertificate. - The
EUcertificate. - Email the completed form and health certificate to Include thethein‘IMPORTnotificationNOTIFICATION––UNDERmeasuresSAFEGUARDCHEDP.GB.YYYY.XXXXXXX’.MEASURESCHEDP.GB.YYYY.XXXXXXX’. -
APHA will
ImportImporting products made of more than one commodity type
If you are importing a product that contains different commodity types with different import requirements, you need to submit separate import notifications on on IPAFFS for for each commodity type. Commodity types include plant products, high risk food and feed of non-animal origin (HRFNAO), and animal products.products
For example, if your product contains contains HRFNAO and and animal products, you need to:to:
- submit a
athe - submit a
You should include both both CHED reference reference numbers in the commercial documentation uploaded to each import notification. For example, you need to:
- add the
thethenotification. - add the
For all types of CHED, the reference number should be entered in the field labelled ‘data element (DE) 2/3’ on the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). You should write the the CHED reference reference number in the following format on your customs declaration –- GBCHDyyyy.nnnnnnn. For example, the product containing containing HRFNAO and and animal productsproducts would be declared using document code:using:
If any any CHED reference reference numbers are missing, your products may be held until this is resolved. Find more guidance on on how to enter data into CDS.
Get help
If you need technical support with IPAFFS:
- call the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) helpline on 03300 416 999
- email
Help completing import notifications
If If you need help to complete import notifications, contact the Port Health Authority at your nominated border control post.
ChecksMovements atfrom theNorthern UKIreland borderto Great Britain
ThereYou maycan bemove checksPOAO atfrom theNorthern borderIreland onto POAOGreat imports,Britain unlessif theythey’re arequalifying fromNorthern Ireland.Ireland goods.
Checks at the border
YouUnless mustthe presentgoods yourare consignmentfrom Ireland, there are checks at the the border controlon postmedium (BCP) ifand itlow isrisk calledgoods for sanitaryfrom andthe phytosanitaryEU. (SPS) checks.
AllUnless they are from Ireland, all goods must enter Great Britain through a point of entry that has athe relevant relevant border control post (BCP.).
Goods moving directly from the Republic of Ireland canmust also enter England or Scotland through Heyshama andpoint theyof entry with a relevant BCP, or through Heysham. Goods from Ireland can enter Wales through any named point of entry.
There are separate border rules for for qualifying Northern Ireland goods.
ChecksImporting atminced airportsmeats, meat preparations or mechanically separated meat
You must meet the following criteria to import minced meats, meat preparations or mechanically separated meat to Great Britain:
MeatpreparationsandmincedmeatmusteitherbedeepfrozenorcomefromcountriesapprovedtoexportchilledgoodstoGreatBritain. MincedpoultrymeatmustcomefromcountriesapprovedtoexportmincedpoultrymeattoGreatBritain.Mechanicallyseparatedmeat(pigorpoultry)mustbedeepfrozenorchilled andmustcomefromcountriesapprovedtoexportittoGreatBritain.ConsignmentsmustcomplywithGreatBritain’shealthcertificaterequirements,meathygienerulesandlabellingrulesonshelflifeandinstructionsforuse.
The following countries are approved to export chilled minced meats, minced poultry meat, chilled meat preparations and chilled or deep frozen mechanically separated meat (pig or poultry) to Great Britain:
Other countries will need to apply for approval to export these commodities to Great Britain.
Find out if your consignment needs SPS checks
If you’re importing food and drink from the EU to Great Britain, you must present the consignment at the relevant BCP if it is called for SPS checks.
If you’re importing the goods through an airport, the authorities will carry out any necessary checks before they release the consignment for collection by your transporter.transporter.
Checks at ports
If you’re importing the goods through a port, you’llthe way to find out if youyour needconsignment needs SPS checks eitherwill throughdepend theon IPAFFSwhether systemyour ortransporter is using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS). to clear customs.
If your transporter is using GVMS to, clear customs, they should use the the check if you need to report for an inspection service to to find out.out what they need to do.
If your transporter is not using using GVMS, , IPAFFS will givewill youprovide an initial risk assessment whentelling you submitif your importconsignment notification,needs whichSPS willchecks tellwhen you ifsubmit your consignmentimport needs SPS checks.notification. If ityour consignment does need checks, you’ll getalso receive a message by text and email message 2 hours before your transporter’s estimated time of arrival in Great Britain. The message will confirm what you need to do.
If If IPAFFS says tells you your consignment doeshas not need checks,been selected for SPS checks, you should continuestill to check for messages until your consignment has cleared the port.port, This is because the authorities may still call you for checks based on their final risk assessment.
Read separate guidance if you’re transiting goodsanimal products through Great Britain under the Common Transit Convention.
Find out out what happens at at BCPs.
ImportIf mincedyou meats,need meat preparations or MSM
EUContact countries can export the following products as chilled goods:
- chilled minced meats of beef, pork, sheep, goat and poultry
- chilled meat preparations
- chilled mechanically separated meat (MSM) of pork and poultry
These products must:
- be chilled to an internal temperature of no more than +4°C
- meet the conditions on the health certificate
- follow the meat hygiene and labelling rules in Great Britain
Some other countries can also export these chilled products to Great Britain:
- Greenland
- Iceland
- Liechtenstein
- Norway
- Switzerland
- the Faroe Islands
All other countries, if approved to export minced meat, must deep freeze it to -18°C.
Move products from Northern Ireland to Great Britain
You can move products from Northern Ireland to Great Britain if they’re qualifying Northern Ireland goods.
You should contact the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) if you’re moving POAO under safeguard measures from Northern Ireland to Great Britain.
Get help
Contact APHA’s imports’s imports team if if you’re not sure about anything.
If you need help with your customs declaration, declaration
contactContact HMRC for for help.
Updates to this page
Last updated 21
We've added links to the import information notes for products of animal origin.
Information has been added on importing products made from more than one commodity type.
Updated to reflect changes to border and documentary checks that come into force on 30 April 2024.
Updated the section 'Notify the authorities in Great Britain' so that traders know what they need to do for 30 April, and so that consignments arriving from the EU are not subject to higher inspection rates.
Added information on importing chilled and deep frozen meat preparations, minced meat and mechanically separated meat from 30 April 2024, including which countries are approved to export them.
Added a link to the new compound products page.
Information about 'country of origin' has been clarified.
The guidance has been updated to include current information about the Border Target Operating Model risk categories, health certificates and common health entry documents.
A prompt has been added to prepare for new import controls which begin on 31 January 2024.
Removed out-of-date guidance. Clarified what's in a commercial document and that every import will need one. Added new sections for 2024 changes due to the Border Target Operating Model.
Removed references to changes to import controls previously due to come into effect on 1 July 2022, as these have been postponed. The page will be updated in autumn 2022 with new dates for import controls.
Import controls on EU goods to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) planned from July will not be introduced in 2022. The controls that have already been introduced remain in place. This page will be updated in autumn 2022.
Updated the section 'If you need help with your customs declaration'.
Added a 'If you need help with your customs declaration' section to the bottom of the page.
Updated with helpline for import notifications.
Guidance updated to show change in rules from 1 January 2022 for imports from the Republic of Ireland to Great Britain
Updated list of POAO you cannot import from 1 July 2022.
Updated to show changes to dates when import rules apply to imports from the EU to Great Britain.
Updated with new dates for the introduction of controls on imports of products of animal origin.
Updated 'If you need help' section with a link to the imports webinar page.
First published.
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Update history
2025-01-21 15:37
We’ve added links to the import information notes for products of animal origin.
2024-08-27 15:19
Information has been added on importing products made from more than one commodity type.
2024-04-30 00:01
Updated to reflect changes to border and documentary checks that come into force on 30 April 2024.
2024-04-17 09:50
Updated the section ‘Notify the authorities in Great Britain’ so that traders know what they need to do for 30 April, and so that consignments arriving from the EU are not subject to higher inspection rates.
2024-03-18 15:00
Added information on importing chilled and deep frozen meat preparations, minced meat and mechanically separated meat from 30 April 2024, including which countries are approved to export them.
2024-03-14 18:59
Added a link to the new compound products page.
2024-02-09 10:57
Information about ‘country of origin’ has been clarified.
2024-01-31 00:15
The guidance has been updated to include current information about the Border Target Operating Model risk categories, health certificates and common health entry documents.
2024-01-05 16:22
A prompt has been added to prepare for new import controls which begin on 31 January 2024.
2023-11-17 09:30
Removed out-of-date guidance. Clarified what’s in a commercial document and that every import will need one. Added new sections for 2024 changes due to the Border Target Operating Model.
2022-07-01 14:37
Removed references to changes to import controls previously due to come into effect on 1 July 2022, as these have been postponed. The page will be updated in autumn 2022 with new dates for import controls.
2022-04-28 16:36
Import controls on EU goods to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) planned from July will not be introduced in 2022. The controls that have already been introduced remain in place. This page will be updated in autumn 2022.