DealDealing in items madecontaining ofivory or containingmade of ivory
WhatWhen and how you need to doregister toyour buy,item sell or hireapply outfor itemsan madeexemption ofcertificate orto containingdeal ivory in the UK.
- From:
- Published
- 24 February 2022
- Last updated
26JanuaryJuly20252023— See all updates
You mustcannot have an exemption to deal in items madecontaining of or containingmade ivoryof fromelephant theivory, followingunless speciesthey listedare inregistered theas Ivoryexempt Actor 2018:
- elephant
- hippopotamus
- killer
certifiedwhale - narwhal
- sperm
Youexempt, areunder dealingthe inIvory ivoryAct if you: 2018.
- buy,
Referencesselltoor hire out an ivory itemin–thisincludingguidancetradingmeanor swapping it with something that has value or for a discount - offer or arrange to buy, sell or hire out an ivory item
from– including advertising and inviting an offer,elephant.TheorActdisplayingdoesitnotforapplysaletoin a shop or gallery - keep an ivory item
itemsforthatsaleyouorownhire - cause,
ifarrangeyouorhavehelpnosomeoneintentionelse to buy,dealsellinorthem.ThehireActoutappliesanthroughoutivorytheitem - import
wholeorofexport an ivory item to or from the UKUnitedtoKingdom,buy,includingorinforNorthernsale or hire
If you dealbreak inthe itemslaw madeunder ofthe orIvory containingAct a2018 listed ivory species without an exemption, or make it possible for someone else to do so, you face a maximum fine of £250,000 or up to 5 years’ imprisonment.imprisonment.
WhenThe youmeaning needof to register or apply for an exemption dealing
You mustare registerdealing orin apply for an exemption for an item made of or containing a listed ivory species: if you:
- to
buy,sell or hire it offeroutornow,arrangeortoinbuy,thesellfutureorhireit- before
keepyouitimport,forexportsaleor re-exporthire exportit to or from the UK –foryousaleshouldoralsohireimportcheckitotherintorulesthethatUKapplyfortosaleyouroritem, including rules on trading in endangered specieshire
Buying or hiring an item
IfYou’re you’realso buyingdealing orin hiring an item that’s made of or contains a listed ivory species,if you mustcause check it’s registered or certifiedmake asit exemptpossible beforefor yousomeone takeelse ownershipto ofdeal it.
Read thein guidance about buying or hiring ivory, andeven what to do if you’re a new owner.
When you do not needdirectly aninvolved exemption
Youin dobuying, notselling, needhiring, toimporting register or applyexporting for an exemptionivory ifitem you:yourself.
- are
Throughoutathequalifyingservicemuseumandsellingguidance,weuse‘sellhireoutout’anwhenitemreferringto anotherallqualifyingthemuseumways(findyoumoremightdetailsbe‘dealingivory’.Under - own
‘buying’anincludesitemacquiringmade of or containing a listed ivory speciesforbutvaluabledoconsideration,notsuchwantastoadealtradeinorit - deal
swapinwithivorysomethingfrom species that arehasnotvalue,listedorin the Ivory Act 2018 – you may need to follow other rules, for exampleafordiscountitemsinmadeaof walrus ivorystore - are
‘selling’dealingincludesoutsidedisposingthe UK, and no part of theivorytransactionfortakesvaluableplaceconsideration,insuchtheasUK - keep
value,itorfor personalause - give
discountitinaway as a giftstore - leave
‘offering’itincludestoadvertisingsomeoneandininvitingyouranwill - lend
offer,itor–displayingifinnoapayment,shopexchange or bartergalleryisforinvolvedsale - register
onlyandealiteminunderivoryaitemsstandardthatexemption - apply
areforexemptanfromexemption certificate if the item was made before 1918 and has outstandingly high artistic, cultural or historic value - a musical instrument
instrumentsmade before 1975 with less than 20% ivory by volume itemsvolume- a portrait miniature
miniaturesmade before 1918 with a total surface area of no more than 320 square centimetres - being
itemssoldaorqualifyinghiredmuseumoutintendsto abuyqualifyingormuseumhire - it was made before 1918
- it’s of outstandingly
thesehighexemptionartistic,categories,culturalyouorcanhistoricusevalue checkforifexemptionyourcertificatesitemcostqualifies£250.This
forfee covers:- an initial
exemptionreviewifofyou’reeachnotapplicationsure registerbyathesingleAnimalitemandunderPlantaHealthstandardAgency (APHA)exemption- assessment
applybyforan expert
exemptiontakecertificateapproximatelyfor3anmonths.itemYoumadecannotbeforesell1918orthathireisoutofyouroutstandinglyitemhighuntilartistic,youculturalhaveorreceivedhistoricalthevalue- an initial
thatmustyounotifyintendAPHAtoifsellyou’re selling or hiringhireout an item that’sthatpreviouslyhasbeenancertified.Sets
awardedaretoconsideredsomeonea set if all the objects were:else- produced
Youatcantheonlysamedealtimeinwiththesetheitemsintentionifofyourbeingregistrationkeptorandapplicationusedistogether - part
successful.Whatofyouthecansamedooriginal set – for example a teapot with an ivory knobthatthat’sispartnotofexemptIfayouteaownset,ivoryorthataisknifenotandexempt,sheath - register
keepaitsetforofpersonalitemsuse giveitawaygift- apply
leaveforitantoexemptionsomeonecertificateinforyourawill lendsetitof-itemsprovidedasthatanosinglepayment,itemexchange–orapplicationsbartercostis£250involved- all
hire,itemsyouarewillpartbeofcommittingtheansameoffencetransaction,underandtheyou’reIvorysellingActor2018.CheckhiringifthemyouroutitemtoqualifiestheforsameexemptionIfperson - each
youritem in the group qualifies for the same standard exemption, foryouexample,mustaregistergroupitoforpre-1918applyportraitforminiatures - read
theguidanceelephantonbeforethis1975page - use
andthe onlineaddedivoryonlyeligibilityforchecker – the checkerpurposeswill ask you a series of questionsrestoration.Checktoifhelpyouryouivorycheckitemswhichcanexemptionbeyouconsideredneed allhightheartistic,objectsculturalwereorproducedhistoricatvalue.Added
withthat’sthebeenintentionaddedoftobeingankeptitemandor used totogetherallreplacetheotherobjectsmaterialyouonareansellingitemorcanhiringbeoutfromwereanypartspecies,ofincludingtheextinctsamespeciesoriginalsuchsetatheteapotaddedwithoranreplacement ivory isknobfromthataislistedpartspeciesofitamustteahave been:set- taken
afromdaggerthewithlistedanivory specieshandlebeforethat1975 - added
comesonlywithtoarestore the itemsheath - getting evidence of the item’s provenance (place of origin or earliest known history)
- having its age verified by an expert
- getting it radiocarbon dated
- an original dated receipt or bill to show when it was manufactured, sold or repaired
- a dated catalogue, newspaper article or published article containing photographs or detailed descriptions of the item
- a date mark on the item
- information known by the owner or another person, for example, that the owner inherited the item before the relevant date
apersonwithexpertiseorrelevantqualificationssuchas- a
specialist,museum curator or arts specialist recognised by a relevant trade association, representative body or similar organisation - someone
awhopersondealsinvolvedin ivorytheassociatedcommercialuseoftheitemiftheyhavetherelevantexpertise - musical
Theinstrumentspercentagemadevolumebeforeis1975thewithpercentagelessthatthanthe20% ivory bycontentmakesupofthetotal - items made
ofbeforeall3theseMarchmaterials.1947Awithsetlessofthanobjects10%canivorybebyconsideredvolume,awheresingleallitem.Youshouldnotincludeanyemptyspacesorvoidswhenyouassesstotalisvolume.Ifintegral - judge by eye, if it’s
itis-for example, a large piece of wooden furniture with a single small ivory plate around a keyhole (an escutcheon) - take measurements and use a formula to work out the volume
adamagingstandardpianowithivorykeyswouldlikelymeet‘lessyouthancan20%usevolume’conditionforthemusicalinstrumentexemption-however,ifthepianohasotheryouivoryhaveparts,aboutothersimilarthanitems.theYoukeys,doitmayqualifysoyoumeasureitemsandtoincludeassessallthe percentageivoryvolume.Ivory
initemstheassessmentapieceoffurnitureasmallamountofwouldpieceslikelymeetthe10%volumeconditionthe‘lessthan10%bythevolume’surfaceexemptionapieceivory-handledobject)cutleryyouisshouldunlikelymeasuretomeet10%areavolumecondition‘lessthan10%byasvolume’exemption- a proportion
chessofsetcontainingivorychesspiecesisunlikelytomeet10%surfacevolumeareaconditionof the object.‘lessthan10%ivorybyvolume’exemption - usually
weremainly person,andcouldbeboxes.Toqualifyforthisexemptiontheitemmust:beaportraitminiaturemadebefore1918haveatotalvisiblesurfaceareathatisnomorethan320squarecentimetres
You can check examples of portrait miniatures that may qualify under the portrait miniature exemption
exemption(section6,page16)..A portrait miniature’s main subject matter may show:
beings.paintingminiature could also:also:- show the subject matter in full –
-itdoesneedtobelimitedto - include other details which are not the
painting’s - be on both sides of the ivory
hasbemoreeligiblethanforonethe portrait miniature standardonexemptionit,youryouitemmightmust:notableportraittominiatureregistermadeitbeforeunder1918- have
theastandardtotalportraitsurfaceminiatureareaexemption.Youthatmightisneednoto:registermoreitthanas320asquaresetcentimetresor–groupyouundershould not include the portrait miniature’sminiatureframeexemptionregisteror anycertifypartitcoveredunderbyoneofotherwhenexemptions
anivoryframeIf your portrait miniature has an ivory frame, it
framemustthatbeisintegral and original to the item.Eligibility
becannotconsideredregisterasanpartitemofunder the portrait miniatureminiature.exemptionThisifmeansthereyouiscananyregisterothertheivoryportraitonminiatureit,withexcepttheforivoryifframeitashasaansingleoriginalitemandunderintegralthisexemption.Iftheframeexample,isanotsnuffintegralboxandthatoriginalhasthenayourportrait miniature oncannotitsmeetlidthisandexemption.Ifivorythereinlaysisonanytheothersidesivorycouldonnotyourbeitem,registereditundercannotmeetIf
However,your item hasmaymorebethancapableoneofportraitmeetingminiatureoneonofit,theyouothermight need to:exemptions.- register
Assessittheassurfaceaareasetfororportraitgroup - register
theportrait miniature maymustalso be eligiblenomorethan320squarecentimetresthisexemption certificatetoifapply.Youitcandoesusenotformulasmeetforthedifferentcriteriashapes,forsuchaasstandardsquaresexemption.andForcircles,example,toitscalculatetheoflargeryourthanitem.You320canconvertanareathat’scalculatedininchesintosquarecentimetresbymultiplyingitby6.45.Qualifying museums
Doyou’renotregisteringincludeantheitemportraitunderminiature’stheframequalifyingormuseumanyexemptionpartyourcovereditembymustthenotframeconsistinonlyyourofcalculation.Qualifyingunworkedmuseumsivory.exemptionThisUnworkedexemptionivoryappliesistoivorysellingthatorishiringinivoryitsitemsnaturaltorawqualifyingstate.museums.The museum buying or hiring the item must be
amemberoftheInternationalCouncilofMuseumsorfollowing:- Arts Council England for museums in England, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man
- Scottish Ministers for museums in Scotland
- Northern Ireland Museums Council for museums in Northern Ireland
- the Welsh Government
MoreforinformationmuseumscaninbeWalesfoundwithintheArtsCouncil’slistofAccreditedMuseums- register
intendyourtoitemsellor sethireofoutitemsservice.Register(asanitemunderstandarditem)exemption - apply
Addforupantoexemption6certificatephotosforofyourtheitem orandsetincludeaphotothe(aswholeaitemsingleanditem)anyifdistinguishingitfeatures,wasincludingmadewherebeforethe1918ivoryis. Describetheitemhowoutstandinglyithighmeetsartistic,theculturalexemptionorcriteria.Providehistoriccontactvaluedetails.Declarethattheiteminyouropinionmeetstherelevantexemptioncriteria.Payanadministrationfeeof£20.- provide
you’rethesellingowner’sornamehiringandoutaddress3ormoreitemsuptoamaximumof20items - provide
allthe capacityitemsinformwhichpartyou’reofmakingthesametransaction,beingsoldorhiredouttosameperson - provide
eachyouritemnameinandtheaddressgroupindividuallymeetsthesameexemption,forexample,agroupofpre-1918portraitminiatures - £20
YoutocannotregisterimportorexportivorytofromoftheitemsUK(asforasalesingleoritem)hire,forunlessayou:registerstandardorexemptioncertifytheitemasexempt- £250
Forormoresetinformationofonitemshow(astoacompletesinglecustomsitem) - £20
declarations,followguidanceseeAPHAwhichifcommodityyou’recodessellingfallorunderhiringtheoutbananonitemdealingwhichinhasivory.CITESanobligations:existingtradingexemptionincertificate - add
ThisaincludesdescriptionifandyouexplainmovehowCITESitspecimensmeetsbetweenGreatBritain(England,ScotlandandWales)andEU,criteria. - upload
andbetweenGreat1Britainand 6Northernphotographs - any
registerdistinguishingorfeatures - the
certifywholeyouritem - where
asexemptunderIvoryisActonbeforethemakingitem useyou’veforappliedcommercialgaininanywaykeeptosaleoffersaletransportexemptionforcertificate,saledisplayyou’lltoreceivetheanpublicemailforconfirmingcommercialAPHApurposesbreach3themonthsbancausefortheyoubanto receivebebreachedfacilitatebreachonofyourtheapplication.ban- it
WhatbelievesisyournotitemanoffenceundertheivorybanItnotlongerillegal toeligible - the
allinformationpartiesyou’vetogiventheabouttransactiontheanditemanyoneisinvolvedwronginortheincomplete,transactionincludingareifoutsidetheUK theoutsidetothenotUKtherebeismadenoadvertisingthecontainitemivory,inandtheyouUKthedosalenottakestellplaceusoutsidetheUKisadvertisedonwebsiteexemptionorcertificateisdisplayedinshop,exemptiongallerycertificateorif:exhibitioninUKhasasbeenavailablelostforsaleorhire- you
willhavemovebeenintounableortooutgetofthe certificateUKfromforthepurposespreviousofownersaleorhire
Itisresponsibilitynumberofanyoneintendingtobeinvolvedaemail,saleor ifpurchasethatofisannotivoryavailable,itemthetonamefindofoutifitemownercontainsandoraisdescriptionmadeofelephantivory.IfitemAPHAdoescontainorismadeofivory,itbeassumedbetheelephantcertificateivoryandunlesssend you acancopy.proveotherwise.Contact APHA
Centreperiodfor InternationaltransactionsTradein-ivoryBristol
If you do not want to deal in an item made of or containing a listedtrade ivory species, or yourswap registrationwith issomething cancelled,that youhas can:
CheckExemptions whichfor exemptiondealing youin needivory
You can either:
You should check the item is eligible for the exemption you’re registering or applying for. ban.
IfThere youare know which exemption you need, you can start your registration or exemption certificate application.
Standard exemptions
You can register an item under a standard exemption if it meets one of the following criteria, it is: exemptions:
ItThere costsis £20also to register an item.
Ifexemption you’refor sellingitems ormade hiringbefore out1918 anthat itemare that’sof previouslyoutstandingly beenhigh registeredartistic, undercultural aor standardhistorical exemption, you’ll need to re-register it.value.
Exemption certificate
YouIf canyou applyhave for an exemptionivory certificateitem ifthat bothyou conditionsthink applyfalls tointo yourone item:
This means the itemdeclare willivory usuallyyou beintend ato raresell andor importanthire exampleout ofservice its
Youyou can use the ivory service to:can:
You cancannot registersell betweenor 3hire andout 20any itemsivory you own that arehas not abeen setregistered or certified under aany groupcircumstances. registration.
YouIf canyou’re payinvolved ain reducedarranging registrationor feefacilitating ifan bothillegal ofsale, thepurchase followingor apply:
Youand cannotbe useawarded thean ivoryexemption servicecertificate tobefore registeryou acan groupdeal ofin items. Youthe shoulditem email tousing requestthe andeclare applicationivory form.
You’llyou needintend to tellsell usor whichhire standardout exemptionservice.
If you wantneed tohelp registerdeciding yourif items under in your email.item Themay costqualify offor registeringexemption, ause groupthe ofivory itemsitem iseligibility £50.checker.
YouIf cannotyour applyitem fordoes annot meet one of these exemption certificatecriteria, foryou amust groupnot ofdeal it.
Check yourif itemivory ishas eligible
YouUnder needall tothe checkexemptions, andif provideany informationivory thathas yourbeen itemadded meetsafter the eligibilityrelevant criteriadate for(1918, the1947 exemption you’re registering or applying1975) for.
Toit checkmust eligibilityhave criteria,been youtaken canfrom either:
You shouldcan alsoregister checkor additionalcertify informationa ifset you’reof applyingobjects foras ana exemptionsingle certificate for an item madeif beforeboth 1918the withfollowing outstandinglyapply:
Examples as mammoth.include:
This applies to items under all exemptions.
ItemAssess age
ForTo allassess exemptions,the exceptage ifof you’rean sellingivory oritem, hiringyou outneed an item to ademonstrate qualifyingthat museum,it youwas shouldmade provideor evidenceexisted tobefore showa howcertain old your item is. date.
You can usedo differentthis methods to verify the age of an item, including: by:
You do not need to use all 3 of these methods to assess age.
Evidence of provenance could include: include:
An expert who can provide written verification of the item’s date could include: include:
PercentageAssess percentage volume
YouTo register for the ‘less than 10% by volume’ exemption or the ‘musical instrument less than 20% by volume’ exemption, you need to provideassess evidencethe percentage volume of your item.
To assess the percentage volume of an ivory item, you need to showconsider how much ivoryof the item’s total content is inmade yourfrom itemivory. (theFor percentageexample, volume)a ifpiece you’reof registeringfurniture itmay underbe eithermade of theivory, followingwood exemptions:and other materials.
To assess the percentage volume, you can: can:
For setsitems ofwith objects,ivory youinlay should(thin assesspieces theof percentageivory volumeon the surface of ivoryan inobject), relationit may be difficult to thework wholeout set.
It’show yourdeep responsibilitythe toivory assessgoes. You can measure the item’ssurface likelyarea percentageof the ivory volume,inlays evenas ifa it’sproportion difficultof tothe betotal certain.
Emptysurface spaces
Youarea shouldof notthe includeobject. anyHowever, emptyeven spacesif whenthe youivory assessinlay surface area is more than 10% of the total volume,surface forarea, exampleif the spaceinlay withinis ashallow violin. its percentage volume may still be less than 10% of the total item.
IfSome youexamples cannotof tellcommon ifitems thereand aretheir emptyivory spacespercentage withoutvolume:
However,You evenmay ifnot thebe ivoryable inlayto surfacefind areaout isthe moreexact thanpercentage 10%volume of ivory, for example, if the totalitem surfaceis area,an irregular shape or if the depth of ivory inlay is shallowdifficult itsto percentagedetermine. volumeHowever, mayit stillis beyour lessresponsibility thanto 10%assess of the totalitem item. and take reasonable care to reach a conclusion about its percentage ivory volume.
IntegralCheck if ivory
ToFor bestandard eligibleexemption foritems themade pre-3before 3 March 1947 with less than 10% ivoryby standardvolume, exemption,the allitem ivorywill inonly anbe itemexempt mustif beall the ivory is integral. This means you cannot remove the ivory withoutcannot difficulty,be damagingremoved from the item,item orwithout stoppingdifficulty itor beingwithout useddamaging in the same way. item.
Integral ivory includes partscomponents thatdesigned canto be detacheddetachable from the itemitem, butif without them,that component the item cannotcould beno usedlonger infunction theas sameintended. way.An Forexample example,of integral ivory is a detachable ivory knob from a measuring instrument. instrument.
Integral ivory would not include an ivory statue that’sthat has been temporarily mounted on a non-ivory plinth. plinth.
PortraitCheck miniatures if your item meets the portrait miniature exemption
A portrait miniature is typically a portrait painted on a thin sheet of ivory. The term ‘portrait miniature’ comes from the technique used to create them and not its size. size.
Portrait miniatures were:
If the item is owned by a qualifying museum and is locatedbeing anywhereacquired else,by itanother mustqualifying museum, the item does not need to be aregistered memberor ofcertified thebefore Internationalbeing Councilsold ofor Museums.hired.
DealingIf betweenthe 2item qualifyingis museumsbeing doessold notor requirehired out to a registration.
Startqualifying museum by anyone other than a registrationqualifying ormuseum, exemptionit certificatemust application
Usebe registered through the Declare ivory serviceyou to:
IfAfter youregistering knowan youritem, you’ll be emailed a unique registration number for each item isyou maderegister. Keep a record of orthis containsnumber ivory,as butsoon areas notyou surereceive whichit species,so you can continuematch it to registeryour item or applyitems forlater anon.
If exemptionthe atAnimal yourand ownPlant riskHealth –Agency (APHA) willbelieves assume the item containsdoes onenot ormeet morethe listedexemption ivorycriteria, species. you will be told if your registration has been cancelled or revoked.
IfEach you’retime registering an item is sold or applyinghired forout anunder exemptionthe certificatestandard onexemptions, behalfthe ofowner someoneor else,applicant youwill shouldneed getto make a new registration and pay the owner’sregistration permission,fee.
Group registration
You can register multiple items under a standard exemption and youpay must: a reduced administration fee, if all the following apply:
The cost of registering a group of items is £50.
If you’reyou usinghave thea onlinegroup service,of items that you mustthink alsomeet providethis yourset emailof address.criteria, you need to get an application form and tell us which exemption you plan to apply for by emailing
Register an item or apply for an exemption certificate on someone else’s behalf
IfYou you’recan makingregister an applicationitem or apply for an exemption certificate usingon someone else’s behalf.
You need the onlineowner’s service,permission, and you mustwill need to provide their name and address. You should also provide the owner’s email address,address if theyit’s have one.available.
Importing costs: or exporting ivory
PaymentsElephants and their ivory are non-refundable. listed by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
So toif supportyou yourplan registrationto import, export or application
Forre-export eachan ivory item that falls under the Ivory Act 2018, you must: must check if you also need a CITES permit or a commercial use certificate.
PhotosYou must show:
Afteritem you’veyou registeredwant to import or applied forexport anis exemption
Iffor you’vepersonal registereduse anonly, item,you you’lldo receivenot yourneed registrationto byregister Thisunder willthe includeIvory Act, but you may still need to apply for a uniqueCITES submissionpermit.
If referenceyou numberplan to use an ivory specimen for eachcommercial itempurposes you registermust undercheck if you need a standardcommercial exemptionuse –certificate, keepalso aknown recordas ofan theArticle reference10 numbercertificate. This may be needed for eachan item.ivory specimen you plan to:
What hasis receivedan youroffence application.under the ivory ban
It mayis takean upoffence toto:
YouCausing mayor needfacilitating the ban to showbe thebreached referenceincludes numberdoing orsomething exemptionthat certificatehelps someone else to thedeal newillegally ownerin asivory.
For proofexample, a dealer in the itemUK hasmight distribute a catalogue that includes an exemption,unregistered ifivory youitem sellfor sale online. The dealer would be committing the offence of facilitating a sale whether or hirenot itthe outsale was to take place in future.the UK.
In informationanother aboutexample, an itemivory changes
Youdealer mustin contactthe tomight amendact yourin registrationa orsale exemptionarrangement certificatetaking ifplace yououtside becomethe awareUK. thatThe informationdealer youwould havebe givencommitting aboutthe offence of causing or facilitating the itemsale. isIf wrongthe sale, or incomplete.any Youelement mustof giveit, APHAtook place in the necessaryUK informationthen toboth correctthe whatbuyer isand wrongthe orseller, incomplete.
APHAas maywell cancelas yourthe registration,dealer, orwould revokealso yourbe exemptioncommitting certificatean if: offence.
However, youas sellsome orcountries hirehave outmade anivory item
Adealing registrationillegal, isa nosale longerin validanother aftercountry anmay itembe isillegal soldunder orthat hiredcountry’s
AnIf exemptionyou certificatesell, remainshire validor asbuy longthrough as the itemUK, meetsor theany exemptionpart criteriaof and the informationtransaction onhappens in the certificateUK, isthe accurate.item Itmust isbe notregistered invalidatedor bycertified theas itemexempt. beingFor soldexample, orif hiredthe out.item:
Youmedia canaccessible contactfrom toavailable requestin the UK
If toyou thisstarted page
Publisheda 24transaction Februarybefore 6 June 2022
Last updatedyou 28had Januaryuntil 2025
+ show3 allJuly updates
The section under 'Check if your item meets the portrait miniature exemption' has been updated to provide further guidance on how to register items with more than one portrait miniature.
Updated the section on 'Register items under a standard exemption' to provide additional guidance that you should keep a record of the unique registration number when registering single items.
Provided more detailed guidance on the portrait miniature exemption with a new section 'Check if your item meets the portrait miniature exemption' under 'Check if your item qualifies for exemption'. Updated the 'Assess the surface area for portrait miniatures' section for clarity. Corrected the portrait miniature exemption surface area amount from "smaller than" to "no more than".
Updated guidance with a new section on importing and exporting ivory items. Clarified information under 'Exemptions for dealing in ivory'. Guidance page has been restructured to provide better information flow.
Updated reference to the transition period for transactions that started before 6 June as this has now expired.
Updated to reflect the Ivory Act came into force from 6 June 2022. Provided information about the transition period for existing ivory transactions.
From 6 June, you will not be able to deal in items containing or made of elephant ivory under the Ivory Act 2018 unless they are registered as exempt or certified as exempt.
First published.
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Update history
2025-01-28 00:05
This guidance now covers ivory from the following species: elephant, hippopotamus, killer whale, narwhal and sperm whale. It may take up to 3 months to receive a decision about exemption certificates. You can access the ivory service from a link on this page. The structure and wording of the guidance has been updated to make it clearer.
2023-07-26 14:32
The section under ‘Check if your item meets the portrait miniature exemption’ has been updated to provide further guidance on how to register items with more than one portrait miniature.
2023-02-07 09:01
Updated the section on ‘Register items under a standard exemption’ to provide additional guidance that you should keep a record of the unique registration number when registering single items.
2022-12-14 12:23
Provided more detailed guidance on the portrait miniature exemption with a new section ‘Check if your item meets the portrait miniature exemption’ under ‘Check if your item qualifies for exemption’. Updated the ‘Assess the surface area for portrait miniatures’ section for clarity. Corrected the portrait miniature exemption surface area amount from “smaller than” to “no more than”.
2022-10-21 12:30
Updated guidance with a new section on importing and exporting ivory items. Clarified information under ‘Exemptions for dealing in ivory’. Guidance page has been restructured to provide better information flow.
2022-07-04 00:15
Updated reference to the transition period for transactions that started before 6 June as this has now expired.
2022-06-06 00:15
Updated to reflect the Ivory Act came into force from 6 June 2022. Provided information about the transition period for existing ivory transactions.
2022-03-16 09:00
From 6 June, you will not be able to deal in items containing or made of elephant ivory under the Ivory Act 2018 unless they are registered as exempt or certified as exempt.
2022-02-24 00:00
First published.