Original document : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/living-in-france
Change description : 2019-09-03 17:38:00: Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating. [Brexit]
Showing diff : 2019-04-10 19:26:08 +00:00..2019-09-03 16:43:26 +00:00
Official information British people moving to and living in France need to know, including EUBrexit Exit guidance, residency, healthcare and driving.
This Exit:page whattells you needwhat to know
Asdo aahead of the UK nationalleaving whothe isEU. residentIt inwill France,be youupdated should:if anything changes, including if a deal is agreed.
To keep up to date with information about EU Exit:Brexit:
YouCheck may want to check the entry requirements for France.
AfterBefore Brexit you can still apply for a European carte de séjour at your local préfecture under the current system, although it is not compulsory. With the extension of the Article 50 period, préfectures should continue to accept applications, give and honour appointments, and issue EU cartes de séjour to UK leavesnationals. If your residency application is refused or you think it has been handled incorrectly by your préfecture, please contact British Embassy Paris.
You should include:
We will beprovide afeedback newto registrationthe systemFrench Ministry of the Interior and push for improvements if needed.
After Brexit, whether you have obtained a European carte de séjour or not, all UK nationals resident in France will need to changeobtain youra registrationnew documenttype of residence permit relevant to their situation to claim their rights. This includes UK nationals waiting for French nationality and UK nationals married to or PACsed to (in a newcivil card.partnership with) French nationals.
If the UK leaves the EU with a deal, you will have until at least June 2021 to doapply this.for the new card. The agreement on citizens’ rights will allow UK nationals to stay in their Member State of residence after the UK leaves the EU.Brexit.
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, UK nationals living in France on the day the UK leaves the EU will be given a grace period of one year to obtain their residence card. You will have six6 months from thethis day the UK leaves the EU to apply for your card and ayou yearwill to receive it.it before the end of 12 months from exit.
During this grace period, you will retain your right of residence, and associated work and social rights. European cartes de séjour that have already been issued will also remain valid.valid However,for whetherone oryear notfollowing exit. However, whether you holdhave obtained a European carte de séjour,séjour or not, you must apply for a residence card under the new system during the first six months of the grace period.
YourThe statuscard uponyou applyingare forissued theif newthere’s residenceno carddeal will depend on whichyour cardpersonal yousituation. shouldThe applycategories, for.which Thehave categoriesbeen specified, are as follows:
Applications for a residence card will cost €119.€119 if there’s no deal. UK nationals who have lived in France for at least five years and hold a permanent carte de séjour prior to Brexit will be able to exchange their card for the new card with reduced formalities once the new system is launched.
The French Ministry of Interior have detailed this information in an ordonnance and accompanying decree. You can read their question and answers on residency (in French). We have also provided a non-official English translation below.
The French Government will shortlyin due course be updating their Q&A and will communicate details of the application process. However, in anticipation of this, you should start to gather together relevant documentsdocuments(e.g. like bank statementsstatements), and household bills, to show you have been lawfully resident in France.
BeforeYou thecan UKread leaves the EU,French yougovernment’s canofficial stillguidance apply for aUK cartenationals deliving séjourand atworking yourin localFrance prefectureand underhow theto currentprepare system.for However,the ifBrexit you(in haveFrench), notor yetdownload hadour yournon-official appointmentEnglish bytranslation:
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You again.can Ifapply yourfor residencyor applicationrenew isyour refusedBritish orpassport youfrom thinkFrance.
See itour hastravel beenadvice handledfor incorrectlyFrance byand yoursign prefecture,up pleaseto contactemail Britishalerts Embassyfor Paris.up-to-date Youtravel should include:
WeAfter willBrexit, providethe feedbackrules toon thetravel Frenchwill Ministrychange. ofCheck theyour Interiorpassport andis pushvalid for improvementstravel ifbefore needed.
Youyou canbook readyour thetrip. FrenchYou’ll government’sneed officialto guidancerenew foryour UKpassport nationalsbefore livingtravelling andif workingyou indo Francenot andhave howenough totime prepareleft foron theyour UKpassport. leavingIf thethere EUis (ina French),deal, ornothing downloadwill ourchange non-officialuntil Englishat translation.
Frenchleast Ministrythe end of Interior2020. -During Residencythis informationtime ENG
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Youcan maycontinue want to read our travel advice.
Youfreely canin applythe forSchengen orarea renewwith your BritishUK passportpassport. fromWhat France.happens after 2020 will form the next part of negotiations.
If youthere’s cannotno getdeal, anew passporttravel inrules time,will youapply. mayYou needmust tohave getat anleast emergency6 travelmonths documentleft on an adult or ‘emergencychild passport’.
YouIf shouldyou checkrenewed your current passport isbefore validthe forprevious travelone beforeexpired, youextra bookmonths yourmay trip.
Ifhave thebeen UKadded leavesto theits EUexpiry withoutdate. aAny deal,extra theremonths willon beyour newpassport travelover rules.
If10 theyears UKmay leavesnot thecount EUtowards withoutthe a6 deal,months theneeded.
If Europeanthere’s Commissionno hasdeal, saidUK younationals maywill not need visas for short stays elsewhere in the SchengenEU. area or the EU. You maywill be able to stay up to 90 days in anyanother EUEU, EEA or EFTA country, within a 180180-day dayperiod. period,You withoutmust aretain visa.
Ifevidence theof UKtravel leaves(such theas EUtrain withand aplane deal,tickets), nothingin willcase changethese untilare therequested endby ofnational 2020.authorities. DuringIf this period, you canhold continuea toresidence travelpermit freelyfrom inan theEU, SchengenEEA areaor withEFTA yourcountry, UKyou passport.will Whatbe happensable afterto 2020transit willthrough formother theEU, nextEEA partor ofEFTA negotiations.
Youcountries shouldto readreach theyour Frenchcountry government’sof websiteresidence. onWe travelwill toupdate Francethis afterguidance theas UKmore leavesinformation thebecomes EU.available.
You shouldmust ensureregister that you are correctly registered for healthcare as a resident in France, and if necessary, for health insurance. PleaseRead read the NHS guidance on who is able to access healthcare in France, and how to register.
If you are legally resident in France, you can get a French social security card for healthcare (carte vitale). To get a French social security card, you will need to register with your local Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM). They can tell you which documents they need for your registration. Top-up insurance cover (mutuelle) also exists to cover the cost of healthcare not covered by a Carte Vitale.
If you are resident in France, you should not beuse using a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from the UK tofor access healthcare in France.
When mayyou usetravel anfrom EHICFrance tofor access state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in another European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland.
If you live in France and receive an exportable UK pension, contribution-based Employment Support Allowance or another exportable benefit, you may currently be entitled to state healthcare paid for by the UK. You will need to apply for a certificate of entitlement known as an S1 certificate.
YouRead can read the NHS’sNHS guidance on France.
YouIf canyou are a student, read the NHS’sNHS guidance on healthcare and studying abroad.
You should check your prescriptions are legal in France.
You can find information on mental health in France.
If thethere UKis leaves the EU with a deal, your current rights on access to healthcare in France will remain the same until 31the Decemberend 2020,of the implementation period, as long as you remain a resident in France.
If thethere’s UKno leaves the EU without a deal, your access to healthcare is likely to change. If you are a permanent or temporary resident, you should review the status of your healthcare cover.
UnderFollowing new legislation, the French government has proposedindicated that if there’s no deal, UK pension holders with an S1 that are currentlyresident entitledin toFrance S1before healthcareBrexit will continue to be entitled to healthcare for up to 2 years.years on equal terms to local healthcare users. This is while arrangements are negotiated to provide similar agreements for French citizens.
Healthcare entitlements from employment in France should not be affected.
YourThe EHICUK mayhas notoffered beto validmaintain in the eventEHIC thescheme UKif leavesthere’s theno EUdeal, withoutbut athis deal.would Thebe UKreliant hason offeredFrance continuing to maintainaccept the EHIC scheme should the UK leaveEHICs. theThe EUFrench withoutGovernment ahas deal;indicated however,that thisyour isEHIC reliantwill onno Francelonger continuingbe tovalid acceptif UKthere’s EHICs.no deal.
You shouldmust take action now to confirmensure you are ready to apply for your new residency status andduring decidethe what6 stepsmonth youapplication needwindow tofollowing takea tono deal and decide how you will ensure access to healthcare if thethere’s UKno leavesdeal. theShould EUUK withoutnationals aface deal.changes UKin nationalstheir willcircumstance beand ablewish to return to the UKUK, forthey treatment.will have an entitlement to NHS services as soon as they take up ordinary residence in the UK.
YouRead shouldthe read theNHS NHS’s guidance on healthcare for UK nationals in France and how it may change after the UK leaves the EUBrexit.
YouRead should read our guidance on working in another EU country.
YouTo apply for a job you may need to provide a:
If thethere UKis leaves the EU with a deal, your right to work will stay the same until the end of the implementation period.
If thethere’s UKno leaves without a deal, UK nationals living and working in France on the day the UK leaves the EU will keep their right to work for a period of one year whilst their application for a residence card is in process (see(read residency)our residency guidance). If you are living and working in France on the day the UK leaves the EU, this residence card will allow you to keep your right to work.
IfRead the guidance on providing services after Brexit if you’re planning to start a business, provide a service, or do a job in a regulated profession after the UK leaves the EU, further guidance can be found here.Brexit.
You can look at the French government’s website on working in France after the UK leaves the EU (in French).
The UK has a double-taxation agreement with France to ensure people do not pay tax on the same income in both countries.
YouRead should read the guidance about:
WeYou recommendshould you get professional advice on paying tax in France. Find an English-speaking lawyer in France.
All residents must declare any assets held outside France, including bank accounts, securities, rights, insurance, annuities and property. This declaration is separate to the annual tax return.
YouFind mayout beif ableyou tocan pay National Insurance while abroad in order to protect your State Pension and entitlement to other benefits and allowances.
Brexit UKwill leavesnot thechange EU
Ifexisting thedouble taxation arrangements for UK leavesnationals living in France. You should direct individual taxpayer questions about double taxation to the EUrelevant withouttax aauthority.
If there’s no deal, it may become more expensive to use your UK bank card in France.
Read more about using a bank card, insurance or other financial service in the EU.
The UK leaving the European Union will not change existing double taxation arrangements for UK nationals living in France. You should direct individual taxpayer questions about double taxation to the relevant tax authority.
You will need to tell the UK government offices that deal with your benefits, pension and tax if you are moving or retiring abroad.
If you retire in France, you can claim:
You can read the French government’s guidance on French social security including pensions.
If you get a ‘life certificate’ from the UK Pension Service, you need to respond as soon as possible - your payments may be suspended if you don’t. Or you can ask your local town hall (mairie) to fill in a French life certificate (certificat de vie) (in French) instead.
The UK Governmentgovernment will continue to pay UKa stateState pensionsPension to those eligible in Francethe EU after theBrexit. UK’sYour exitUK fromState thePension EU.will Ifbe theuprated UKin leavesApril the2020, EU2021 withoutand a2022 deal,if you canlive readin the EU, EEA or Switzerland.
Read our guidance on pensions if there’s no deal.
If thethere UKis leaves the EU with a deal and you work and pay social security contributions in France, you will still be able to add your UK social security contributions towards your French pension. This will happen even if you claim your pension after the end of the implementation period.
You may still be able to claim some UK benefits like child and disability benefits if you live in France. You can:
IfMany you’re abroad for more than 4 weeks, many income-related benefits such as Pension Credit and Housing Benefit cannot be paid.paid if you’re abroad for more than 4 weeks.
You can request proof of the time you’ve worked in the UK from HMRC, if you are asked for this.
For French unemployment benefits, you should:
YouContact should contact the Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) (in French) about disability allowance – there are several disability allowances so it’s best to seek advice from them before applying.
To apply for child allowance, family income support, single-parent allowance or housing allowance, contact the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) if you need help applying, request an appointment with the social worker at your local town hall (mairie).
The UK government will continue to pay the UK stateState pension,Pension, child benefits, and disability benefits to those eligible in the EU after the UK leaves the EU.Brexit.
If thethere UKis leaves the EU with a deal and you work and pay social security contributions in France, your UK social security contributions will be taken into account when applying for French contributions-based benefits. This will happen even if you claim contributions-based benefits after the end of the implementation period.
If thethere’s UKnot leaves the EU without a deal, the French government has proposed that they will continue to take periods of work in the UK before theBrexit UK leaves the EU into account when claiming certain French contributions-based benefits. We will update this guidance when an agreement is reached.
If thethere’s UKno leavesdeal, the EU without a deal. The French government has also said that UK nationals with less than five years’years residence who receive the Revenu de Solidarite Active (RSA) prior to the UK’s exit from the EU will be able to continue receiving the RSA benefit for a period of a year. Eligible UK nationals with more than five years’ residence will also be able to continue receiving the benefit during the grace period and beyond.
YouRead can read our guidance on benefits and pensions in a no deal scenario.
If you are a resident in France, you haveshould one year from your date of arrival to exchange your UK licenselicence for a French one. You can still use your French licence in the UK for short visits or exchange it for a UK licence without taking a test if you return to live in the UK.
For information on driving in France, read the guidance on:
ThereHowever, there are currently considerable delays in processing requests to exchange overseas driving licences for French ones. The Centre d’Expertise et de Ressources des Titres (CERT) in Nantes is responsible in most cases for exchanging driving licences. It has returned licences to some UK nationals residing in FranceFrance. andWe askedare themin todiscussion waitwith untilFrench authorities to understand the newlatest systemposition. If your driving license is inlost, placestolen afteror theclose UKto leavesexpiration, theCERT Europeanshould Union.fast track your application. However if your situation is not urgent you should consider waiting to apply to CERT to apply for a French driving licence in view of the backlog.
Read our guidance on taking a vehicle out of the UK.
YouRead should read the European Union’s guidance on car registration and taxes in France. You may be exempt from some of these taxes. If so, you will need certificates of exemption.
Please contact your local prefecture or read the French government’s guidance on driving in France with a foreign licence (in French).
If thethere UKis leaves the EU with a deal, driving licence rules will stay the same during the implementation period.period (until 31 December 2020).
PleaseRead read our guidance on driving in the EU after the UK leaves the EUBrexit.
If thethere’s UKno leaves the EU without a deal, and you are aalready UKresiding nationalnormally living in France on the day the UK leaves the EU, you will continue to be able to drive in France with your UK driving licenselicence under the same conditions as any resident.
If you wish to visit France as a tourist following any no-deal Brexit, under current French proposals you will need to carry a translation of Interioryour -driving Drivinglicence. LicensesYou informationmay ENG
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to consider purchasing an international driving permit, which the French authorities accept as a translation of your UK driving licence.
You may be able to vote in some UK elections. You can:
If you’re resident in France, you can vote in local municipal and European parliamentary elections.
Once the UK leaves the EU, UK nationals will no longer be eligible to vote in local and European elections.
The French Ministry of the Interior have a website to help UK nationals living and working in France (in French) which covers voting, or you can [read our non-official translation]voting.
French Ministry of Interior - Elections information ENG
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If your child is born in France, you will need to register the birth abroad.
If someone dies in France you can:
Find out how you can get married abroad.
Find out about notarial and documentary services in France
You may also need:
Read our guidance on:
WhenYou the UK leaves the EU, you will still be able to travel to and from the UK with a cat, dog or ferret after Brexit, but the rules will change. You can read guidance on pet travel to Europe after the UK leaves the EU.
While the UK is still an EU Member State you’ll be able to travel with your pet to the EU under the current pet travel rules using your current EU pet passport. If you’re travelling with your pet for the first time you’llyou havemust to visit your vet to get a pet passport.
Read guidance on returning your cat, dog or ferret to the UK. For moving pet horses and other equines read guidance on exporting horses and ponies: special rules.
You can dial the European emergency number 112 in France, or dial:
Find the full list of emergency number in France.
If you have been the victim of a rape or sexual assault, you can find guidance on rape and sexual assault in France.
If you’re the victim of a crime, have been arrested, or are affected by a crisis abroad, contact the British embassy in Paris.
You should tell the French and UK authorities if you are returning to the UK permanently.
CheckYou should read our guidance on:
access to benefits and services in the UK if there is a no deal
bringing your taxfamily statusto willthe changeUK
access ifto youhigher returneducation, 19+ further education and apprenticeship funding
importing vehicles back to the UK.
bringing your pet back to the UK
checking your tax status after returning to the UK
You should tell your local French tax office (in French) that you are changing address and the date you will leave.
If you get a UK State Pension, you must tell the International Pension Centre. If you get a French pension, contact your pension provider.
You’ll need to tell your local social security office and benefit office you’re leaving if you’ve been getting unemployment benefit or child and housing benefit.
Read our guidance on bringing your pet to the UK and importing vehicles to the UK.
This information is provided as a guide only. Definitive information should be obtained from the French authorities. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is not liable for any inaccuracies in this information.
2024-10-22 15:29
Update to EU Entry/Exit System (EES).Added – The EU plans to introduce the Entry/Exit System (EES). The exact date that EES will be introduced has not been confirmed.
2024-10-08 17:10
Information on exemption from EU Entry/Exit Scheme (EES) has been updated.
2024-07-10 10:46
Added information about the new EU Entry /Exit System (EES). The information about driving in France has also been updated.
2024-02-02 14:54
Updated Residency and Travel sections with new links for minors’ residency and travel documents. Additional information on dependent family members.
2024-01-18 15:07
Information link added to reflect changes in overseas voting law.
2023-01-05 09:46
Healthcare section updated on how to register for state-sponsored healthcare and health insurance in France. Driving section updated on driving a French-registered vehicle in the UK.
2022-11-28 12:01
Updated guidance with public information services that can assist with accessing residency rights, information for minors (covered by the Withdrawal Agreement) entering France. and information about driving a UK registered car as a resident.
2022-07-28 15:45
Working and Healthcare sections updated to highlight requirements for signing up to the French Healthcare System if you have a French employment contract.
2022-03-31 08:12
Important information in the ‘Working in France’, and ‘National insurance’ sections if you work in France, even it if it is for an employer based in the UK. ‘Visas and Residency’ and ‘Passport and travel’ sections also updated.
2021-05-27 14:28
Update to Visas and residency on registering and checking status of application; update to Driving in France about driving licences; update in Accommodation on importing personal belongings
2021-03-03 12:47
Coronavirus section updated with a link to guidance on vaccines
2020-09-07 12:56
Passports and travel section updated to include information on passport validity and entry requirements when travelling to other European countries from January 2021
2020-06-29 10:54
Visas and residency section updated to include the postponement of the residency application website, and information about how to access the UK National Support Fund for those who may find it harder to complete their residency applications.
2020-04-01 16:59
Updated information on education and university tuition fees in the working and studying section and new information on how to exchange a UK driving licence.
2020-02-07 07:31
New information on the online portal to register your residency which opens in July 2020.
2020-01-23 14:45
Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.
2019-10-16 09:05
Brexit update: changes in residency section on new online portal for residence permit applications; in travel section on the grace period; and on driving licences.
2019-09-23 17:29
Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement
2019-09-03 17:38
Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.
2019-04-10 20:18
EU Exit update: updated information on EU Exit in healthcare, visas and residency, driving and working sections