Living in France
OfficialInformation information for UKBritish nationalscitizens living in or moving to Franceor needliving toin know,France, including guidance on residency, healthcare and driving.
This youguide shouldsets do
Youout should:
registeressentialasinformationaforresidentBritish citizens moving to or living inFranceregisterFrance.forReadhealthcareaboutashowaourresidentconsulates inFrance
YouParis, shouldBordeaux followand theMarseille advicecan ofhelp.
This theinformation Frenchis Governmentprovided andas youra localguide authority.only. You canshould alsoget readdefinitive ourinformation Francefrom travelthe adviceFrench forauthorities. ourThe latestForeign, guidance.
ForCommonwealth information& onDevelopment gettingOffice a(FCDO) COVID-19is vaccinenot asliable afor UKany nationalinaccuracies in France,this seeinformation.
Read ourgeneral coronavirusguidance travelon advicemoving or retiring abroad.
To stay up to date
You should:date:
- sign up
tofor email alerts - follow the British Embassy
AttendIf ayou virtualwere citizens’living outreachin meeting
France before 1 January 2021
TheSome Britishparts Embassyof holdsthis virtualguide eventsonly forapply UKif nationalsyou have been living in France. AttendFrance onesince ofbefore our1 citizenJanuary outreach2021. meetingsYou toshould keepread upthese in addition to datethe onrest workingof andthe livingguidance in France.each section.
You canshould also:
- also read
theourFrenchLivinggovernment’sguidanceonyourrightsFranceEurope page signupthedetailedEmbassy’sguidancenewsletter,aboutVoisinscitizens’Voices.rightsReadunderpreviousthenewsletterWithdrawaleditions
The Withdrawal AgreementCoronavirus
IfFollow youthe wereadvice legallyof residentthe inFrench FranceGovernment beforeand 1 January 2021, your rightslocal willauthority. beYou protectedshould byalso read the WithdrawalFrance Agreementtravel advice. You must apply for aour newlatest residenceguidance.
For statusinformation byon 1getting Julya 2021COVID-19 tovaccine secureas youra rights.
YouUK shouldnational alsoin France, read ourcoronavirus guidancetravel on living in Europe.advice.
Visas and residency
IfYou youmust weretell legallythe residentUK ingovernment Franceoffices beforethat 1deal Januarywith 2021,your youbenefits, mustpension applyand onlinetax forif theyou Withdrawalare Agreementmoving Residencyor Permitretiring (WARP)abroad.
Check beforethe 1entry Julyrequirements 2021.for YouFrance needand toread havethe yourFrench WARPgovernment’s:
- guidance
beforeon1visas -
Octoberabout2021.residencyDoifnotyoudelayhaveapplying.Allmoved to France - guidance for UK nationals
residentliving in France - information
needontojoiningapplyaforfamilythememberWithdrawalAgreementResidencyPermit.ThisincludesUKnationals:- with a European
“permanent”,andorresidencyhasifnoyouexpiryweredate) - with a European
Eachl’Union personEuropéenne must»’, makeby a4 separateOctober application.2021, Childrenyour underrights 18are doprotected notby needthe toWithdrawal apply,Agreement, unlesspending theya needdecision aon residencyyour permitapplication.
From to1 workJanuary or2022, willyou turnmust 18be closein topossession theof applicationyour deadline.
WARP. Read themore flowchartabout on the applicationresidence websitepermit which shows what documents you need to provide.
RegularlyChildren checkdo yournot emailrequire and spama folderWARP, forbut contactmust fromapply yourat Prefecture.their Theyprefecture willwhen contactthey youturn if18 anythingyears isold. missing,Contact oryour incorrect,prefecture or if theyyour havechild anyis questionsunder on18 yourand file.has Respondbeen promptlyasked to requestspresent toa help prefecturesWARP processfor applications quickly.
Youwork should:
Additionalyour support
Ifinitial youemail needconfirmation) additionaland supportcontact to complete your residencyprefecture. application,You readcan thealso guidanceemail on the UK NationalsInterior SupportMinistry: Keep copies of any correspondence.
Continue to France
Checkcheck theyour entryemail requirementsand forspam Francefolder, and readrespond thepromptly Frenchto governmentrequests guidanceto onhelp movingprefectures tofinalise Franceyour (inapplication French).quickly.
PassportsLate and travel
YouIf shouldyou carryhave yournot residenceyet permitapplied, (EUyou permitcan orstill Withdrawalapply Agreementfor permit) as well as your validWARP passportif when you travel.have Ifreasonable yougrounds havefor appliedmissing butthe notdeadline. yetYou receivedwill yourneed permit,to carryprovide yourevidence certificate of application.why Youyour willapplication haveis receivedlate.
Replacement thiscards asand an email.renewals
If youyour havesituation notchanges yet(address, appliedmarital forstatus, aetc.), residenceor permit, you shouldlose carryyour evidencecard, that you areneed residentto inreport France.these Thischanges couldand includerequest a tenancynew agreement,WARP propertyon rentalthe receipts,French orGovernment gas or electricity bills in your name dating from 2020.portal.
MakeYou suremust youalso showrenew your residenceWARP permit,when orit otherexpires. residenceContact proof,your anyprefecture timeto youfind areout askedthe toprocess showfor renewing your passportWARP at border control.locally.
Appeal process
If youyour cannotapplication showis thatrefused, you arewill residentbe innotified France,about youthe mayappeal beprocess. askedRead additionalthe questionsFrench atgovernment theadvice borderon how to enterappeal thea Schengenresidency area,decision(in andFrench).
Family yourmembers
Your passportclose mayfamily bemembers stampedcontinue onto entrybe andable Thisjoin willyou notand affectsettle your rights in France.
CheckFrance yourat passportany ispoint validin forthe travelfuture. beforeFind youmore bookinformation youron trip.who Youthis canapplies applyto foron orthe renewLiving yourin BritishEurope passportpage from France..
YouThey must havetravel atto leastFrance 6and monthsthen leftsubmit ona anWARP adultapplication orto childthe passportlocal toprefecture travelas toyour mostfamily countriesmember. inNationals Europeof (notcertain includingnon-EU Ireland).countries Thismay requirementneed doesa notvisa applybefore iftravel. youCheck arethe inFrance scopevisas ofwebsite thefor Withdrawalguidance Agreement.
Ifon youfamily renewedmembers yourjoining currenta passportBritish beforenational under the previousWithdrawal oneAgreement. expired,Family extrareunion monthsvisas mayare havefree beenof addedcharge.
If toyou itsneed expiryfurther date.information Anyon extrahow monthsto onsecure your passportresidency, overincluding 10contact yearsdetails mayfor notprefectures, countyou towardsmay find the 6residency monthsin needed.
RenewFrance yourwebpages passportfrom beforethese bookingorganisations youruseful:
Region |
Website |
Brittany, |
Dordogne, |
Franco-British |
D’Occitanie, |
Church |
EntrySpecial requirementsresidence permits
YouIf canyou travelor toyour otherdependant Schengenhave areaa countriesspecial forresidence uppermit to(categories 90A, daysM inand anyD, 180-dayknown periodin withoutFrench as a visa“titre forde purposesséjour suchspecial”) asthat tourism.was Thisissued isbefore a31 rollingDecember 180-day2020, period.
Toyou staymay longerapply thanfor 90a daysWithdrawal inAgreement anyResidence 180-dayPermit period,upon tosurrender workof orthe study,special orresidence forpermit. businessThere travel,is youno mustdeadline meetto theapply, entrybut requirementsyou setcannot outhold byboth thepermits countryat youthe aresame travellingtime
Passports to.and Thistravel
Coronavirus couldtravel meanrestrictions applyingmay foraffect atravel visato orand workfrom permit.France.
PeriodsYou ofcan timeapply authorisedfor byor arenew visayour orBritish permitpassport willfrom notFrance.
Check countthe towardsFrench yourTravel 90-dayAdvice visa-freefor limit.passport validity requirements.
DifferentAlways rulescarry willyour applypassport towhen EUtravelling countrieswithin thatthe areSchengen notarea. partIf ofyou thehave Schengencitizenship area.of Checkan eachEU country’sor travelEuropean adviceFree pageTrade forAssociation information(EFTA) oncountry, entryin requirements.
Traveladdition to theyour UKBritish citizenship, you should enter and Irelandleave hasFrance notusing changed.your EU or EFTA passport.
YouIf mustyou registerstay forin healthcareFrance aswith a residentFrench inresidence France,permit andor inlong addition,stay youvisa, canthis signtime updoes fornot top-upcount healthtowards insuranceyour (mutuelle).90-day visa-free limit for the Schengen area.
If you arevisit legallyother residentSchengen inarea France,countries yououtside canFrance, getmake asure Frenchyou socialdo securitynot cardexceed forthe healthcarevisa-free (carte90 vitale).days Toin getany a180-day Frenchperiod. This socialapplies securityeven card,if you willhave needa toFrench registercarte/titre withde yourséjour local«accord Caissede Primaireretrait d’Assurancedu MaladieRoyaume-Uni (CPAM).de Theyl’Union canEuropéenne» tell(WARP). youYou whichare documentsresponsible they need for yourcounting Top-uplong insuranceyou coverstay (mutuelle)under also exists to cover the costSchengen ofvisa healthcarewaiver, notand coveredyou bymust acomply Cartewith Vitale.its conditions.
IfDifferent yourules haveapply beento residentEU incountries Francethat forare morenot thanpart 3of monthsthe youSchengen canarea. applyCheck toeach becountry’s coveredtravel byadvice thepage Frenchfor healthcareinformation systemon (PUMA).entry requirements.
If ouryou guidancewere onliving accessing healthcare in France andbefore make1 sureJanuary 2021
When you aretravel, correctlycarry registeredyour forcarte/titre yourde circumstances.
Readséjour the« Frenchaccord governmentde guidanceretrait ondu accessRoyaume-Uni tode healthcare.
Youl’Union canEuropéenne also» read(the guidanceWARP) on:
Statein healthcare:addition S1
to your valid passport.
You maymust beproactively entitledshow toyour stateresidence healthcaredocument, paidor forother byevidence theof UKresidence status, if you liveare inasked Franceto andshow you:
areyourreceivingpassportaatUKborderStatecontrol.PensionareIfreceivingyousomehaveotherapplied‘exportablefor,benefits’arebutanotfrontieryetworkerreceived,whoyourlivesWARP,inshowFranceyourandcertificatecommutesoftoapplication,workwhichinyoutheshouldUK- have
ReadIf ouryou guidancecannot onprove usingthat anyou S1are forma resident in FranceFrance, to ensure you aremay correctlybe registeredasked foradditional healthcare.
Europeanquestions Healthat Insurancethe Cardborder (EHIC)to andenter Globalthe HealthEU. InsuranceYour Cardpassport (GHIC)
Ifmay yoube arestamped residenton inentry France,and youexit. mustThis will not useaffect your UK-issuedrights EHICin orthe GHICcountry foror healthcarecountries inwhere France,you unlesslive youor arework. If a studentpassport oris astamped, detachedthe (posted)stamp Currentconsidered EHICsnull willand remainvoid validwhen untilyou thecan expiryshow dateevidence onof thelawful card.residence.
If you livehave andrights workunder inthe France,Withdrawal Agreement, you maycan beenter ableand toexit getyour host country with a Frenchvalid EHICpassport. toYou getdo healthcarenot whenneed youany traveladditional tovalidity otheron EUthe countries.
Ifpassport youbeyond arethe livingdates inon Francewhich you mayare betravelling.
You eligiblemust register for ahealthcare newas UK-issueda EHICresident ifin you’re:
TheRead cardour youguidance receiveon:
willhealthcaredependinonFrancewhenandyoumakemovedsuretoyouFrance.Applyarenowcorrectly registered forayournewcircumstances. -
AnTravel EHICinsurance is not aintended replacementto forcover comprehensivehealthcare travelcosts insurance.if you live overseas.
ForRead morethe informationFrench readgovernment our guidance onon:
- access to healthcare
- how
YouRead shouldthe also read guidance on:
Working and studying in France
If you wereare legallyplanning residentto inmove to France beforeand 1work, January 2021, you havemay theneed righta tovisa. work, as long as you remain legally resident.
Read the French government’s guidance on EUworking exitin France as a foreign national and workinghow into Franceget a visa. (in French).
To apply for a job you may need to provide a:
- UK police certificate
UK ‘subject access request’, the equivalent of a casier
judiciarejudiciaire - International Child Protection Certificate (ICPC) criminal records check from the ACRO Criminal Records Office to work with children
If you are planning to come to France to work, you may need a visa.Read:
Read the Department for International Trade’s guidance on:
- working or providing services in France
Read the French government’s guidance on:
Frontier workers
If you livework in France andFrance, wereeven regularlyif commutingyou to work infor anothera EUUK-based orcompany, EFTAthis country,may beforeaffect 1where Januaryyou 2021 youpay mayNational needInsurance-type acontributions. permitRead tothe showNational youinsurance areand asocial frontiersecurity worker. Youcontributions mustsection also apply for amore residency permit in France. information.
If you livewere living in theFrance UKbefore or1 anotherJanuary EU2021
You ofhave EFTAthe countryright and commuted to work inunder Francethe beforeWithdrawal 1Agreement Januaryif 2021 you needhave a permit.Withdrawal YouAgreement mustResidence applyPermit for(WARP) thisor permithave fromapplied thefor Prefectureone. whereYou youmust workhave beforea 1WARP Julyin 2021.
Toorder apply,to youwork. needRead athe validFrench passport,government’s aadvice recenton facialBrexit photograph;and aworking certificatein ofFrance.
If employmentyou orlive proofin ofFrance self-employedand activitywere onregularly Frenchcommuting Seework more detail in theanother MinisterialEU Order.or WeEFTA willcountry updatebefore this1 pageJanuary once2021, moreread informationour onguidance thefor applicationfrontier process is available.workers.
StudyingProfessional in France
You willmay beneed eligibleto forget broadlyyour theprofessional samequalification supportrecognised asif French nationals, as long as you werewant legallyto residentwork in Francea beforeprofession 1that Januaryis 2021.regulated You must apply for a residency permit in France.
Read our guidance on:
continuingrecognitionyourofstudiesprofessionalintheEUqualificationshealthcarehowfortostudentsget your qualification recognised in France
Moving to France to study
If you arewere planningliving to study in France,France make sure you meet all visa requirements before you1 travel.January 2021
ContactIf the relevant higherregulator education provider in France toofficially checkrecognised whatyour feesprofessional youqualification maybefore have1 toJanuary pay.
University2021, tuitionor feesyou forstarted UKthe nationalsrecognition comingprocess toby Francethis todate, studymake fromsure 1you Januaryunderstand 2021the mayterms beof higheryour duedecision. toYou theshould Frenchget government’sadvice reformsfrom tothe publicrelevant university tuition fees.regulator.
Studying feesin will not apply to:France
Check with your grant provider for any continued eligibility for student support (in French)French).
Read andguidance readon:
- continuing
theyourCampusstudiesFranceinguidancetheonEU - studying
tuitioninfeethereformsEuropean Union. - healthcare
(inforEnglish)students in France
If moreyou informationwere read living in France before 1 January 2021
The studying in the European Union. includes information if you were already living in France before 1 January 2021.
Money and taxTax
The UK has a double taxation agreement with France toso ensurethat you do not pay tax on the same income in both countries. Ask the relevant tax authority your questions about double taxation relief.
ExistingYou doubleshould taxationget arrangementsprofessional foradvice UKon nationalspaying livingtax in FranceFrance. haveFind notan changed.English-speaking lawyer in France.
Read the guidance about:
- tax if you leave the UK to live
- tax on your UK income if you live abroad
- paying income tax in France
- EU
byfactsheettheonEuropeanbuyingUniongoods online from UK websites
Declaring your assets
You shouldmust getdeclare professionalany adviceassets on(in payingFrench) taxheld inoutside France.France, Findincluding anbank English-speakingaccounts, lawyersecurities, ininsurance, France.annuities and property. This declaration is separate to the annual tax return.
National Insurance
insurance and social security contributions
National Insurance-type contributions(NIC) are called ‘social security contributions’ (SSC) in France. Find out if you need to pay National Insurance in the UK or social security contributions in France.
WhetherIf UKyou banksplan canto providemove services to customersFrance livingand inwork, theeven EEAif isyou acontinue matterworking offor locala lawUK-based company, you and regulation.your Youremployer bankmay orneed financeto providerpay shouldsocial contactsecurity youcontributions ifin theyFrance. needThese tosocial makesecurity anycontributions changeswould toentitle youryou productto orcertain thebenefits, waysuch theyas providehealthcare, IfFrance.
Read youguidance haveon anyNational concernsInsurance aboutfor whetherworkers youfrom mightthe beUK affected,working contactin yourthe providerEEA or seekSwitzerland.
You independentcan financialcheck advice.your UK National Insurance record.
UK Benefits
Read theour Moneyguidance on entitlement to UK benefits and Pensionpensions Servicewhile guidanceyou onare banking,living insurancein andFrance
Check financialwhich servicesUK changesbenefits you can claim while abroad and how to claim them.
Many income-related benefits such as Pension Credit and Housing Benefit cannot be paid if you’re abroad for more informationthan on4 cross-border banking.weeks.
DeclarationFrench ofBenefits
French assetsunemployment benefit
AllFor residentsFrench mustunemployment declarebenefits, anyyou assetsshould:
heldifoutsideyou’reFrance,eligibleincludingonbanktheaccounts,Frenchsecurities,government’srights,website -
French isdisability separatebenefit
Contact the Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) (in French) to find out which, if any, disability allowance is most appropriate for you.
French family allowance
To apply for child allowance, family income support, single-parent allowance or housing allowance, contact the annualCAF tax(Caisse return.d’Allocations Familiales) (in French). If you need help applying, request an appointment with the social worker at your local town hall (mairie).
Read our guidance on entitlement to UK benefits and pensions while you are living in France.
YouRead willState needPension toguidance tellif theyou UKhave governmentlived officesin thatAustralia, dealCanada withor yourNew benefits,Zealand pension and tax if you are movingclaiming or retiringwaiting claim your UK State Pension.
If you retire in France, you can claim:
- your UK State Pension or new UK State Pension.
PleasecontactContact the International Pension Centretoforclaimfurther information - your French pension if you worked in France, by contacting your local pensions office (Caisse d’Assurance Retraite et Santé au Travail or CARSAT) – see CLEISS and Sécurité Sociale (in French)
- pensions
YouRead can read the French government’s guidance on French social security including pensions.
Read the Money and Pension ServiceService’s MoneyHelper guidance on pension and retirement changes for more information on cross-border pensions.
Life certificates for UK State Pensions
If you get a ‘life certificate’ from the UK Pension Service, you needmust to respond as soon as possible - yourYour payments may be suspended if you don’ Ornot.
Alternatively, you can ask your local town hall (mairie) to fill in a French life certificate (certificat de vie) (in French) instead.
BenefitsMoney and banking
Whether UK banks can provide services to customers living in the EEA depends on local laws and regulation.
Read ourthe Money and Pension Service’s MoneyHelper guidance on entitlementbanking, toinsurance UKand benefitsfinancial services for more information on cross-border banking.
Accommodation and pensions
buying Read youour areguidance livingon:
- legal requirements and advice on buying a property in France
- buying a property abroad
Driving in France
You willcannot needrenew toor tellreplace theyour UKUK, governmentGibraltar, officesJersey, thatGuernsey dealor withIsle yourof benefits,Man pensionlicence andif taxyou iflive in France. Read the guidance on what you aremust movingdo orto retiringdrive abroad.legally in France:
whichyou UKneed benefitsto drive in the EUcanlive claimtherewhiletravel abroadin FranceExchanging
andyour howUK, toGibraltar, claimJersey, them.
ManyIf income-relatedyou benefitslive suchin asFrance, Pensionthe Creditrules andfor Housingexchanging Benefityour cannotlicence befor paida ifFrench you’reone abroadvary fordepending moreon thanwhen 4your weeks.
licence was first issued. You cando requestnot proofneed ofto thetake timea you’vedriving workedtest. inYou thecannot UKuse froman HMRC,International ifDriving youPermit are(IDP) askedinstead forof this.
Frenchexchanging unemploymentyour benefit
ForCheck Frenchwhen unemploymentyour benefits,licence was first issued. If you should:
iftheyou’reearliesteligibledriving entitlement date on theFrenchbackgovernment’sofwebsitecontactyourPôlelicenceEmploito(inseeFrench)whentoitclaim
Frenchwas disabilityfirst benefit
Contactissued. theAll Maisonpaper Départementalelicences desthat Personnesdid Handicapéesnot (MDPH)come (inwith French)a aboutplastic disabilityphotocard allowancewere –issued therebefore are1 severalJanuary disability2021.
If allowancesyour soUK, it’sGibraltar, bestJersey, toGuernsey seekor adviceIsle fromof themMan driving licence was first issued before applying.
French1 familyJanuary allowance
ToYour applylicence is recognised in France for childas allowance,long familyas incomeit support,is single-parentvalid. allowanceCheck orthe housingexpiry allowance,date contacton the CAFfront (Caisseof d’Allocationsyour Familiales)plastic (inphotocard French)licence. ifIf you needhave helpnot applying,been requestissued anwith appointmenta withplastic thephotocard, socialyou workercan atcontinue to use your localpaper townlicence hallfor (mairie).
Drivingas inlong France
as it is valid. Paper licences are usually valid until you are 70 years old.
If youyour are resident inlicence France,has you can continueexpired, toor usehas yourless UK licence until 1than January6 2022, ifmonths’ validity remaining, you must exchange it hasfor nota expired.
ValidFrench UK licenceslicence. You do not need to beneed exchanged duringto thistake period,a untildriving atest. reciprocalWhen agreementyour application is reachedaccepted betweenyou thewill Unitedreceive Kingdomyour and‘attestation de France. Wedépôt aresécurisée’. workingYou withcan theuse Frenchthis governmentdocument to finalise thisto agreement and willdrive updatein thisFrance pageuntil whenyou informationreceive isyour available. new licence.
TheYou provisionscan allowingonly UKexchange nationalyour residentslicence inif Franceit tois continuedue usingto theirexpire UKwithin licence6 untilmonths. 1If Januaryyou 2022 do not extendhave a valid reason to UK nationals resident inrequest France whose licence has already Weexchange, areyour workingapplication closelywill withbe therejected.
If Frenchyou Governmentneed to findexchange ayour solutionlicence, forapply thoseonline with expired licences and willwith updatethe thisAgence pageNationale whendes informationTitres isSécurisés available.(ANTS) (in French).
If your UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man driving licence was first issued on or after 1 January 2021
Your licence is recognised for 1 year from the date of issue of your residency permit (carte de séjour). If you areintend visitingto stay in France andfor longer than 1 year, you havemust exchange your licence for a UK photocard licence ,French youlicence during this first year. You do not need to carrytake ana additionaldriving Internationaltest.
If Drivingyou Permitneed (IDP). to exchange your licence, apply online at the Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés (ANTS) (in French).
ForRead informationthe French government’s guidance on driving inlicences France,(in readFrench).
Confirming theyour guidancedriving on:entitlements
whatTo exchange your driving licence you need to
driveprovideabroad- proof of your driving
rulesentitlements to the French authorities. A certificate or letter of entitlement sets out which categories of vehicles you are entitled to drive.If your licence was issued in
FranceGreat Britain (England, Wales or Scotland), you should create a licence check code online
If your licence was issued in Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Jersey or the UKIsle withof Man, contact the relevant issuing authority to request a Frenchletter licenceor certificate of entitlement.
You canshould usesubmit your French licence insummary/letter or certificate of entitlement using the online ANTS platform (in French).
Disabled drivers
If you have a UK forBlue shortBadge visits,and orlive exchangein France, you must return it forto athe original UK licenceissuing withoutauthority. takingYou can apply for a WeFrench willdisabled updateparking thesecard pages(in ifFrench) therewith areyour anylocal changesOffice tofor Disabled People (Maison Départementale pour les Personnes Handicapées).
Read the rules,EU asguidance soonon asthe informationEU isparking available.card for people with disabilities (in French).
Bringing a UK-registered vehicle to France
Read our guidance on on taking a vehicle out of the UK.
Driving outside France with a French licence
ReadYou can use your French licence when visiting the EuropeanUK. Union’sKeep guidanceup-to-date onwith carthe registrationUK andHighway taxesCode.
If you go to live in France.the YouUK, mayyou becan exemptexchange fromyour someFrench oflicence thesefor taxes.a IfUK so,one without taking a test.
To drive in another country, in addition to your French licence, you willmay need certificatesan ofIDP. exemption.Apply for one with the Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés (ANTS) (in French). More information on how to apply for an IDP is on the Interior Ministry website (in French).
Read the EU guidance on:
You cannot vote in elections in France or in European Parliament elections.
You may be able to vote in some UK elections. You can:
Births, deathsdeaths, marriages and gettingcivil marriedpartnerships
If your child is born in France, you willcan register the birth with the UK authorities in addition to registering locally. If your child has British nationality, you do not need to register the birth abroad.with the UK authorities to apply for a British passport.
If someone dies in France you can:
- read our guidance
on- what to do after someone dies abroad
Find out how you can get married or get a civil partnership abroad.
Find out about notarial and documentary services in France
You may also need:
AccommodationandbuyingpropertyPetsReadIfouryou’reguidancemovingon:whatconsiderFrancewhenwithbuyingyourapet,propertyreadabroadlegaltherequirementsguidance andadviceensureonyoubuyingcomplyawithpropertytheinregulations:- taking
Franceyour pet abroad howmoving toimportEUpersonalcountriesbelongingswithtoyourFrancepet(inFrench)
PetsIfToyouvisithaveotheracountriespetpassportissuedbyFranceoranotherEUmemberstate,youcanuseittotravelpetpet,tocheckGreatBritainandelsewhereinEU.ArulesGB-issuedEUpetpassportisnotvalidtraveltoEUcountryoryou’’recompliantwiththeEUPetTravelRegulations.needs.Read guidance on:
bringing your pet to
GBGreat Britain travelling.withCheck that yourpetpet’sinrabiesthevaccinationsEUtravellingare up toNortherndate.IrelandVetswithinyourGreatpet
CheckBritainthecannotrulesenterofrabiesthevaccinationcountrydetailsyou’rein non-UK issued pet passports- taking
- travelling to
forIrelandanywithadditionalyourrestrictionspet - travelling
orwithrequirementsyourbeforepetyouintravel.the EU
YouDialcandialFrance,France, or dial:- 17 for police
- 18 for fire brigade
- 15 for medical
FindDial thefullEUlist116of000emergencyhotlinenumberto report a missing child inFrancethe EU country where you live or in another EU country.If you need guidance on child abduction, read the guidance on international parental child abduction, the French government guidance on child custody and the French government guidance on child abduction; the EU guidance on child abduction and the EU guidance on child abduction to another EU country.
If you have been the victim of a rape or sexual
assault,assaultyouincanFrance,findread the guidance onrapewhat to do andsexualwhereassaultto get support inFrancecases of rape and sexual assault.If you’re the victim of a crime, have been arrested, or are affected by a
crisiscrisis,abroad,embassyEmbassyinReturning to the UK
YouCheckshouldthetellCOVID-19 travel guidance for entering the UK.Tell the French and UK authorities if you are returning to the UK permanently.
You should tell your local French tax office (in French) that you are changing address and the date you will leave.
You’ll need to tell your local social security office (in French) and benefit office you’re leaving if you’ve been getting unemployment benefit (in French) or child and housing benefit (in French).
If you get a
themoveInternationalyourPensionpensionCentre.toIftheyouUK,getaFrenchpension,yourthepensionInternationalprovider.Pension Centre.Read the guidance on returning to the UK permanently which includes information on, amongst other things,
youinformation- help
returnandtoservicestheinUKFrance - notarial
permanentlymeetdocumentarytheservicesordinarilyinresidenttest,France -
you’llyourbelocalablecitizens’toadviceaccesscentreNHS(incareFrench) -
find advice centre (in French)
DisclaimerThisSupportinformationforisBritishprovidednationalsasabroad: a guideonly.setsDefinitiveoutinformationhowshouldtobestayobtainedsafefromabroad,theandFrenchexplainsauthorities.howThetheForeign,FCDOCommonwealthcan&supportDevelopmentyouOfficeif(FCDO)youisgetnotintoliableforanyinaccuraciesinthisinformation.difficulty. - what to do after someone dies abroad
Last updated
Important information in the 'Working in France', and 'National insurance' sections if you work in France, even it if it is for an employer based in the UK. 'Visas and Residency' and 'Passport and travel' sections also updated.
Guidance reviewed and updated, including on national insurance and social security section, and information for disabled drivers.
Visas and residency section updated: the UK Nationals Support Fund service in France has closed. If you need further information on how to secure your residency, contact one of the support organisations listed.
Visas and residency section updated: you must apply online for your Withdrawal Agreement Residence Permit (WARP) by 4 October 2021 if you have not already done so. You must be in possession of your WARP by 1 January 2022.
Visas and residency section updated: if you need support with your residency application, contact the relevant UK Nationals Support Fund organisation before 15 October 2021.
Updated guidance on how to exchange a UK driving licence exchange for a French one.
Re-added in a the bullet point on outreach meetings in the intro, since it was apparently accidentally deleted.
Guidance reviewed for people who are moving or moved to France after 1 January 2021. Following the residency application deadline, it also includes sub-sections relevant to people living there since before 1 January 2021.
Driving section updated: how to exchange a UK driving licence for a French one from 28 June onwards
Driving section: update on driving licence arrangements
Update to Visas and residency on registering and checking status of application; update to Driving in France about driving licences; update in Accommodation on importing personal belongings
Additional support section updated with link to guidance on UK Nationals Support Fund, healthcare section updated including guidance on the S1 form and applying for EHIC and GHIC cards; working and studying section updated with link to Department for International Trade (DIT) guidance on recognition of professional qualifications and link to DIT guidance on working or providing services in France.
Coronavirus section updated with a link to guidance on vaccines
Updated as the transition period ends with new information on residency, pet travel and moving to France
Passports and travel section updated on carrying proof of residence when travelling.
UK Nationals Support Fund section updated with expanded geographical coverage for France.
Healthcare section updated on how to apply for a new UK EHIC as a student or S1 holder. Working section updated with information on frontier workers.
Visa and residency section updated with a new link to detailed guidance on how to apply for the new residency permit
Visa and residency section updated on how to apply for the new residency permit. Also new details on the Church of England-Diocese in Europe, for people in Nouvelle Aquitaine who need support to secure their residency.
Passports and travel section updated to include information on passport validity and entry requirements when travelling to other European countries from January 2021
Visas and residency section updated to include the postponement of the residency application website, and information about how to access the UK National Support Fund for those who may find it harder to complete their residency applications.
Updated information on education and university tuition fees in the working and studying section and new information on how to exchange a UK driving licence.
New information on the online portal to register your residency which opens in July 2020.
Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.
Brexit update: changes in residency section on new online portal for residence permit applications; in travel section on the grace period; and on driving licences.
Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement
Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.
EU Exit update: updated information on EU Exit in healthcare, visas and residency, driving and working sections
We have updated the "Residency and Visas" section of this guide, including our translation of the French government's website, as well as the "Driving in France" section.
We have updated the contact details you need to apply for an S1 form.
We have announced new citizens outreach meetings in Poitiers (13/03), Paris (18/03) and Marseille (19/03).
Updated information on passports: you must use the checker tool to see if your passport is still valid for your trip
EU Exit update: Revised the following sections of the Living in Guide: visas and residency, healthcare, money and tax, pensions and driving in France.
EU Exit update - Updated information on access to healthcare
EU exit update - updated information on pensions and driving
Attached new informative note on name change
The French Ministry of Interior has recently launched a new website, We have now translated three sections of their guidance into English on residency, UK driving licenses and elections.
We have added a new unofficial translation of the "elections" section of the French authorities's new website,
We have updated the section on "registration in France" to reflect the Ministry of Interior's latest advice and to provide you with a link to the recent website on Brexit published by the French authorities. We are also providing you with a non-official translation of their guidance.
EU exit update: New information in residency and visa section on draft withdrawal agreement in principle between the UK and EU. Plus information on travelling with pets in Europe in pet section.
Added a link to sign up for the Embassy's newsletter, Voisins Voices, and added a link to the future citizens outreach meetings page in France.
New contact form added for questions about the carte de séjour application. Under Registration in France, section, added a link to useful information from the préfecture de Dordogne.
Addition of the top 10 questions on Brexit from UK nationals in France under the "Brexit: what you need to know" section. This Q&A was created by the British Embassy in Paris to answer the top 10 questions of UK nationals living and working in France.
Added in information about French registration
Additional information on visas and requirements, including on applying for "carte de séjour."
Updated June 2018
Complete revision of guidance to ensure it's up to date and accurate.
Added information re: French law requiring the carrying of ID at all times in France.
Added: support and guidance for British nationals experiencing mental illness in France
Added two new paragraphs re: Travel Advice and Lost Property.
Information added on changes to EHIC rules and health cover for early retirees.
Information added for Britons living in France on how to register to vote in the French municipal and European elections.
Life certificates information for UK state pension updated
First published.
Update history
2024-10-22 15:29
Update to EU Entry/Exit System (EES).Added – The EU plans to introduce the Entry/Exit System (EES). The exact date that EES will be introduced has not been confirmed.
2024-10-08 17:10
Information on exemption from EU Entry/Exit Scheme (EES) has been updated.
2024-07-10 10:46
Added information about the new EU Entry /Exit System (EES). The information about driving in France has also been updated.
2024-02-02 14:54
Updated Residency and Travel sections with new links for minors’ residency and travel documents. Additional information on dependent family members.
2024-01-18 15:07
Information link added to reflect changes in overseas voting law.
2023-01-05 09:46
Healthcare section updated on how to register for state-sponsored healthcare and health insurance in France. Driving section updated on driving a French-registered vehicle in the UK.
2022-11-28 12:01
Updated guidance with public information services that can assist with accessing residency rights, information for minors (covered by the Withdrawal Agreement) entering France. and information about driving a UK registered car as a resident.
2022-07-28 15:45
Working and Healthcare sections updated to highlight requirements for signing up to the French Healthcare System if you have a French employment contract.
2022-03-31 08:12
Important information in the ‘Working in France’, and ‘National insurance’ sections if you work in France, even it if it is for an employer based in the UK. ‘Visas and Residency’ and ‘Passport and travel’ sections also updated.
2021-05-27 14:28
Update to Visas and residency on registering and checking status of application; update to Driving in France about driving licences; update in Accommodation on importing personal belongings
2021-03-03 12:47
Coronavirus section updated with a link to guidance on vaccines
2020-09-07 12:56
Passports and travel section updated to include information on passport validity and entry requirements when travelling to other European countries from January 2021
2020-06-29 10:54
Visas and residency section updated to include the postponement of the residency application website, and information about how to access the UK National Support Fund for those who may find it harder to complete their residency applications.
2020-04-01 16:59
Updated information on education and university tuition fees in the working and studying section and new information on how to exchange a UK driving licence.
2020-02-07 07:31
New information on the online portal to register your residency which opens in July 2020.
2020-01-23 14:45
Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.
2019-10-16 09:05
Brexit update: changes in residency section on new online portal for residence permit applications; in travel section on the grace period; and on driving licences.
2019-09-23 17:29
Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement
2019-09-03 17:38
Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.
2019-04-10 20:18
EU Exit update: updated information on EU Exit in healthcare, visas and residency, driving and working sections