UK visa support for Ukrainian nationals
Guidance on support available to Ukrainian nationals and their family members.
See the latest foreign travel advice for Ukraine.
If you began your journey in Ukraine, you do not need to:
- complete a passenger locator form
- take a COVID-19 test before travel to the UK or book a PCR test to take on arrival
Please check the travel advice issued by your carrier and check what you need to do before entering the UK.
Please do not attempt to travel to the UK without a valid visa.
The Home Secretary announced the Ukraine Family Scheme
The Ukraineand Familythe Local Sponsorship Scheme allowsfor Ukraine on 1 March 2022 which will provide additional support for Ukrainian nationals and their family membersmembers.
Advice offor British nationals,nationals UKin settledUkraine
There’s personsseparate andadvice certainfor othersBritish tonationals comein Ukraine. Check the latest Ukraine foreign travel advice.
Ukraine Family Scheme
The Ukraine Family Scheme allows applicants to join family members or extend their stay in the UK.
If you’re outside the UK
If you’re applying to the Ukraine Family Scheme from outside the UK you should follow these steps:
Apply to the Ukraine Family Scheme.
If you’re in the UK
Guidance on how to apply from inside the UK will be available soon.
LocalFamily Sponsorshipmigration Scheme for Ukrainevisa
TheYou governmentcan hasapply announced plans for a newfamily sponsorshipmigration schemevisa forif Ukrainiansyou’re withoutthe anyimmediate family tiesmember toof thea UK.British Thenational schemewho willusually allowlives sponsors,in suchUkraine. asYour communities,British privatenational sponsorsfamily ormember localmust authorities,be toone bringof thosethe forcedfollowing:
ofwho18yourcomechildunder thistheschemeagewillofalso18anbeadultgrantedrelativeleaveyouprovidecarewhoinitiallivesperiodwithofyou12duemonthstoandaablemedicalcondition
It’s free to workapply.
You andmust accesscontact publicUKVI services.before you make an application.
Telephone: government+44 will808 work164 closely8810 with– internationalselect partnersoption and1 neighbouring(0808 countries164 on8810 theif schemeyou’re toin ensurethe thatUK displaced– Ukrainiansselect option 1)
Lines are supportedopen to24 apply.hours a day 7 days a week.
This is a free phone number.
WeYou’ll willneed alsoto makeprovide sureinformation thatabout thoseyourself whoand wantyour tofamily sponsormembers, anas individualwell oras familycontact candetails volunteerwhich andwill be matchedshared quickly with UkrainiansUKVI.
UKVI inwill need,then workingconfirm closelywhether withyou’re theeligible devolvedfor administrationsa family migration visa and localshare authoritiesdetails acrossof the (free) application process.
FurtherThere detailsmay onbe thecases schemewhere forsome people willdo benot publishedmeet soon,the includingeligibility informationcriteria, onfor howexample peoplethe andEnglish organisationslanguage inrequirement or minimum income requirement. Given the UKcurrent cancircumstances, applyif somebody does not meet these requirements, UKVI will consider an alternative grant of leave to become the UK.
Visa application centres
The UK Visa Application Centre (VAC) in Kyiv is now closed and all UK visa services in Kyiv are suspended.suspended in order to keep people safe.
Family members of British nationals who usually live in Ukraine and need a UK visa can apply through and provide their biometrics at the new, temporary locations in:
Alternatively, you can apply through an existing VAC in a nearby country if you can safely travel. VACs are currently operating in:
Before attending a VAC you must complete your online application form and have a GWF reference number.
Currently, all other visa applicants are unable to apply through a VAC in Ukraine. If you can safely travel, you can apply through a VAC in one of these nearby countries.
Find a visa application centre.
If you intend the enter the UK by sea or rail you must still apply for a family visa and attend the closest available VAC.
After you apply
You’ll need to attend an appointment at a visa application centre (VAC) to provide your biometric information (fingerprints).
Family members of British nationals who usually live in Ukraine can access (walk-in) appointments in Lviv, Rzeszow or can apply outside Ukraine if you can travel safely.
You can upload supporting documents for your application online before attending your VAC appointment or you can have your documents uploaded at your appointment. There is a fee for uploading your documents at the VAC.
If you did not keep your passport when you submitted your visa application in Kyiv, you will be contacted by the VAC to discuss how and when your passport will be returned to you. In the meantime, your passport will remain in a secure location in the Kyiv VAC.
How long it takes
OurUKVI VACaim into Lvivprocess isfamily stillmigration acceptingvisa applications foras thequickly newas possible and your application will be prioritised.
Where family members of British nationals who usually live in Ukraine Familyhave Schemegiven their biometrics and have retained their passport, but nothaven’t forreceived anytheir othervignette, typesthey ofshould UKVI on:
Telephone: you+44 can808 safely164 travel,8810 you– canselect applyoption through1 a(0808 VAC164 8810 if you’re in athe nearbyUK country.– VACsselect option 1)
Lines are currentlyopen operating24 in:hours a day 7 days a week.
This is a free phone number.
YourdetailswillbepassedtoUKVIcaseworkerswhowilltrytohelpfacilitatetravel. -
Other visas
BeforeUkrainian attendingnationals ain VACUkraine you(who mustaren’t completeimmediate yourfamily onlinemembers applicationof formBritish andnationals havenormally living in Ukraine, or where the British national is living in the UK), are currently unable to make visa applications to visit, work, study or join family in the UK through a GWFVAC referencein number.Ukraine.
FindIf you can safely travel, you can apply through a visaVAC applicationin centre.a nearby country.
If you need assistance, contact UKVI:
Telephone: + 44 808 164 8810 – select option 3 (0808 164 8810 if you're in the UK – select option 3)
Monday to Friday 24 hours
This is a free phone numbernumber.
Local Sponsorship Scheme for Ukraine
The government has announced plans for a new sponsorship scheme for Ukrainians without any family ties to the UK. The scheme will allow sponsors, such as communities, private sponsors or local authorities, to bring those forced to flee Ukraine to the UK.
There will be no limit on this scheme and we will welcome as many Ukrainians as wish to come and have matched sponsors.
Those who come under this scheme will also be granted leave for an initial period of 12 months and able to work and access public services.
The government will work closely with international partners and neighbouring countries on the scheme to ensure that displaced Ukrainians are supported to apply.
We will also make sure that those who want to sponsor an individual or family can volunteer and be matched quickly with Ukrainians in need, working closely with the devolved administrations and local authorities across the country.
Further details on the scheme for people will be published soon, including information on how people and organisations in the UK can apply to be sponsors.
If you need to travel to the UK urgently
If you need to travel to the UK urgently for compassionate reasons you should apply for a visa in the usual way at the nearest VAC if you can travel safely and include clear compelling or compassionate reasons for your visit in your application. You should also tell staff at the VAC about these reasons during your appointment.
Ukrainians canin uploadthe supportingUK
The documentsHome forOffice yourhas applicationagreed onlinesome beforetemporary attendingconcessions yourto VACsupport appointmentUkrainian ornationals youcurrently canin havethe yourUK documentswho uploadedare atnow yourunable Therereturn iswhen atheir feeexisting forvisa uploadingexpires. yourThese documentsconcessions atwill theassist VAC.
Ukrainian nationals in remaining in the UK
If you’re in the UK and unable to return to Ukraine, you may be able to extend your visa or switch to another immigration route even if your visa does not normally allow you to do so.
If you are a visitor
The Home Office has introduced a temporary concession to allow Ukrainian nationals in the UK on a visitor visa to switch into a points-based route or a family visa route.
If you are in the UK on a visitor visa and cannot return to Ukraine you can apply to switch to another visa. You will need to meet the requirements of that immigrationvisa route.route and pay the associated visa fee(s).
Skilled Workers
If you are a Skilled Worker
If you are on a Skilled Worker visa that is due to expire you can apply to extend your leave or apply for settlement if you meet the Immigration Rules.
Full details can be found in the Skilled Worker visa guidance.
If you are a student
If you are on a Student visa that is due to expire you can apply to extend your leave,leave or switch to a Graduate visa, or switch to another type of visa if you meet the Immigration Rules.
Full details can be found in the Student visa guidance.
Seasonal Workers
If you are a seasonal worker
You can extend your visa to 31 December 2022 if you cannot return to Ukraine. You must continue working in a job permitted by the Seasonal Worker route, with the same Scheme Operator (your sponsor).
You do not need to do anything. UKVI will work with your Immigration Sponsor to progress your visa extension. You’ll receive a notification from the Home Office that this concession applies to you.
If you are an HGV driver on the Seasonal Work route
You can extend your visa to 31 December 2022 if you cannot return to Ukraine. You must continue working in your current occupation with the same sponsor.
You do not need to do anything. UKVI will work with your Immigration Sponsor to progress your visa extension. You’ll receive a notification from the Home Office that this concession applies to you.
If you are a pork butcher on the Seasonal Work route
You can request a temporary extension in the seasonal worker route until 31 December 2022 if you cannot return to Ukraine.
If you request a temporary extension in the seasonal worker route you do not need to do anything. UKVI will work with your Immigration Sponsor to progress your visa extension. You’ll receive a notification from the Home Office that this concession applies to you.
You may, however, be eligible for the Skilled Worker route, subject to meeting the Immigration Rules. You should discuss with your employer.
If you are in the UK and need assistance, contact UKVI:
Telephone: 0808 164 8810 – select option 2
Monday to Thursday (excluding bank holidays), 9am to 4:45pm4:45pm.
Friday (excluding bank holidays), 9am to 4:30pm4:30pm.
This is a free phone number, but network charges may still apply.
Her Majesty’s Passport Office (HMPO) is prioritising passport applications for British nationals in Ukraine.
We are proactively contacting people to get more information where needed so cases can be prioritised.
As of 24 February 2022, HMPO are unable to accept passport applications from Ukraine.
Advice for British nationals in Ukraine
There’s separate advice for British nationals in Ukraine. Check the latest Ukraine foreign travel advice.
Last updated 4 March 2022 + show all updates
Guidance updated.
Added link to Ukraine Family Scheme.
Updated page title and summary. Updated coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance.
Updated guidance to reflect announcement by the Home Secretary on 1 March 2022.
Updated information on family migration visas.
Updated information on visa application centres.
Guidance updated to reflect concessions for Ukrainian nationals currently in the UK.
Guidance updated to reflect the closure of the VAC and suspension of UK visa services in Kyiv.
First published.