
UK visa support for Ukrainian nationals

Guidance on support available to Ukrainian nationals and their family members.

YouSee mustthe notlatest foreign travel toadvice for Ukraine.

Please check the UKtravel beforeadvice youissued haveby ayour visacarrier orand acheck letterwhat fromyou need to do before entering the HomeUK.

Please Officedo givingnot youattempt to travel to the UK without permission to enter.

If you’re Ukrainian and you have family in the UK

Ukraine Family Scheme

The Ukraine Family Scheme enablesallows youfamily tomembers comeof toBritish thenationals, UK orsettled topersons stayand longercertain ifothers you’reto acome familyto memberor of:

Saturday isand freeSunday, 9am to apply.5.30pm

You’llIf beyou ablecannot tocontact live,UK work,0808 studynumbers, andyou claimcan benefitsuse inanother thenumber UK.

Readinstead. moreYou informationmay abouthave theto Ukrainepay Family Scheme.

Ifcheck youwith doyour notphone haveprovider familyif inyou’re thenot UK


You Telephone: can+44 apply175 to390 come7510 to theselect UKoption if1
Monday youto haveFriday, a8am namedto sponsor8pm
Saturday orand onSunday, any9am other existing visa you’re eligible to apply for.5.30pm


If Sponsorshipyou’re SchemeUkrainian (Homesand for Ukraine)

If you dodon’t not have family in the UK,UK

Ukraine youSponsorship canScheme apply(Homes for the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme.


The schemeUkraine enablesSponsorship peopleScheme andallows organisationsUkrainian innationals the UK (sponsors) to bring Ukrainians and their family members to thecome UKto under the HomesUK forif Ukrainethey Scheme.

If you have a named sponsor youunder can:

  • come to the UKHomes for upUkraine to 3 years
  • work in the UK
  • access public services and claim benefits

Read more information about applying to the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme.

FindRead outmore howinformation peopleabout and organisations record their interest in becoming a sponsor.

Other visas you can apply for

You can make an application to visit, work, study or join family in the UK.UK in the normal way. Check which visas are available.

You’ll need to complete your online application form. You’ll get a GWF reference number. You can use this to book an appointment at a visa application centre to have your fingerprints and photograph taken.

Visa applicationApplication centresCentres (VACs) in Ukraine are currently closed. You can apply at a visaVAC application centre in any country if you are able to travel safely.

VisaVACs application centres are currently operating throughout Europe including:

Before attending a VAC you must complete your online application form and have a GWF reference number.

Find a visa application centre.

If you’reyou alreadyneed inassistance, thecontact UKUKVI:

Telephone: on+ a44 visa

808 164 8810 select option 1
Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm
Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 5.30pm
Calls are free of charge

If you’reyou Ukrainiancannot you’llcontact beUK able0808 tonumbers, stayyou longer.can use another number instead. You canmay apply:have to pay check with your phone provider if you’re not sure.

  • to

    Telephone: the+44 Ukraine175 Extension390 Scheme

  • to7510 extend yourselect currentoption visa
  • 1
    Monday to switchFriday, 8am to a8pm
    Saturday differentand visa
  • Sunday, 9am to 5.30pm