UK visa support for Ukrainian nationals
Guidance on support available to Ukrainian nationals and their family members.
YouSee mustthe notlatest foreign travel toadvice for Ukraine.
Please check the UKtravel beforeadvice youissued haveby ayour visacarrier orand acheck letterwhat fromyou need to do before entering the HomeUK.
Please Officedo givingnot youattempt to travel to the UK without permission to enter.
If you’re Ukrainian and you have family in the UK
Ukraine Family Scheme
The Ukraine Family Scheme enablesallows youfamily tomembers comeof toBritish thenationals, UK orsettled topersons stayand longercertain ifothers you’reto acome familyto memberor of:
- a
stayBritishincitizen - someone
thewithUK.Readpermissionmoretoinformationsettleaboutin the UK,UkraineforFamilyexampleScheme.Youtheycanhavecallindefinitetheleavefreetohelpline:Telephone:remain+or44EU808settled164or8810pre-settled–status- someone
selectwithoptionrefugee1MondaystatustoorFriday,humanitarian8amprotectiontoin the UK8pmIt
Telephone:can+44apply175to390come7510to–theselectUKoptionif1MondayyoutohaveFriday,a8amnamedtosponsor8pmSaturdayorandonSunday,any9amother existing visa you’re eligible to apply for.5.30pmUkraine
IfSponsorshipyou’reSchemeUkrainian(Homesandfor Ukraine)If you do
don’tnot have family in the UK,UKUkraineyouSponsorshipcanSchemeapply(Homesfor the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme.Ukraine)The scheme
UkraineenablesSponsorshippeopleSchemeandallowsorganisationsUkrainianinnationalsthe UK (sponsors) to bring Ukrainians and their family members to thecomeUKtounder the HomesUKforifUkrainetheyScheme.If you have a
namedundercan:- come to the UK
Homesfor upUkraineto 3 years - work in the UK
- access public services and claim benefits
Scheme.Read more information about applying to the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme.
Readoutmorehowinformationpeopleaboutand organisations record their interest in becoming a sponsor.Other visas you can apply for
You can make an application to visit, work, study or join family in the UK.
UKinthenormalway.Check which visas are available.You’ll need to complete your online application form. You’ll get a GWF reference number. You can use this to book an appointment at a visa application centre to have your fingerprints and photograph taken.
Visa application
ApplicationcentresCentres(VACs)VACapplication centre in any country if you are able to travel safely.Visa
VACsapplication centres are currently operating throughout Europe including:BeforeattendingaVACyoumustcompleteyouronlineapplicationformandhaveaGWFreferencenumber.Find a visa application centre.
If you’re
youalreadyneedinassistance,thecontactUKUKVI:Telephone:on+a44visa8081648810–selectoption1MondaytoFriday,8amto8pmSaturdayandSunday,9amto5.30pmCallsarefreeofchargeIf you’re
youUkrainiancannotyou’llcontactbeUKable0808tonumbers,stayyoulonger.canuseanothernumberinstead.mayapply:havetopay–checkwithyourphoneproviderifyou’renotsure.- to
Telephone:the+44Ukraine175Extension390Scheme- to
Ifyou’reUkrainianandarealreadyintheUKUkraine Extension Scheme
You can apply to the Ukraine Extension Scheme if you’re Ukrainian
Ukrainian,or youthehavefamilyamemberUkrainianoffamilysomeonemember.Ukrainian.if2022.Youcanalsoapplyifhavepermission to stay that endedexpiredon or after 1 January 2022
2022.Read more information about applying to the Ukraine Extension Scheme.
Otheryour visa or switch to a different visavisasIf
Youyou’re Ukrainian, you can also stay in the UK by extending your current visa or switching to another oneimmigrationroute,whereeligible,evenyourmeetvisathedoeseligibilitynotrequirements.normallyYouyoucantoextenddoorso.Checkswitchwhatevenyouifneedyourtocurrentdo.IfvisayoudoesneednottousuallytravellettoyouthedoUKthis.urgentlyIf you have
needtotraveltotheUKurgentlyforcompassionatereasonsyoushouldapplyforvisafamilyinmember,theusualwayatthenearestVACiftraveltosafelyextendandyourincludecurrentclearvisacompellingor switchcompassionatetoreasonsanotherforoneyourifvisitinapplication.allowsYouthat.shouldalsotellstaffattheVACaboutthesereasonsduringyourappointment.Check
YouwhatcanUkrainiansuploadinsupportingthedocumentsUKforonyouraapplicationvisaonlinebeforeattendingyourVACappointmentoryouhaveyourdocumentsuploadedatyourappointment.ThereisafeeforuploadingyourdocumentsattheVAC.If you’re travelling with pets
Read guidance on bringing pets to the UK from Ukraine.
IfUKyou’reVisasBritishand ImmigrationinUkraineYou
There’scanseparatephoneadvicetheforfreeBritish24nationalshourinhelplineUkraine.ifCheckyoutheneedlatesthelp:Ukraine helpline
Ukrainehelplinewhoisneedopena7passportdaysoraemergencyweek.traveldocument.Stay up to date
Use the ‘Get emails about this page’ button to create a GOV.UK account and subscribe to updates about this page. You need a UK mobile number to create an account.
If you do not have a UK mobile number, you can still subscribe to updates on all pages about ‘Russian invasion of Ukraine: UK government response’.
- to
- someone
Last updated 4
Condensed information so it’s clearer and focused on visa support for Ukrainian nationals: - removed links to information that’s included in the Ukraine foreign travel advice section - added links to indefinite leave to remain and EU settled or pre-settled status pages - clarified what you can do if you have a sponsor - added more information about visa application centres - clarified information about staying longer if you’re already in the UK - removed chapter about travelling to the UK urgently as it’s no longer needed
Monday to Friday opening hours for call to the contact centre about the Ukraine Family Scheme have changed to 8am to 8pm.
Updated phone line opening hours.
Added link to Ukraine Extension Scheme guidance.
Changed helpline opening hours.
Ukrainian and Russian translations updated to include information about the Ukraine Extension Scheme (information published in English on 29 March).
Added information about the Ukraine Extension Scheme.
Added link to information about travelling with pets.
Added Ukrainian and Russian translations.
Updated information about the Ukraine Family Scheme.
Added alternative phone number for people who cannot use UK 0808 numbers.
The temporary VAC in Lviv is no longer operating.
Guidance updated.
Added link to Ukraine Family Scheme.
Updated page title and summary. Updated coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance.
Updated guidance to reflect announcement by the Home Secretary on 1 March 2022.
Updated information on family migration visas.
Updated information on visa application centres.
Guidance updated to reflect concessions for Ukrainian nationals currently in the UK.
Guidance updated to reflect the closure of the VAC and suspension of UK visa services in Kyiv.
First published.