Apply for a Ukraine Family Scheme visa
Guidance for family members of British nationals, UK settled persons and certain others to come to or stay in the UK under the Ukraine Family Scheme.
The Ukraine Family Scheme allows applicants to join family membersmembers, or extend their staystay, in the UK. Everyone must make a separate application, even children travelling with a family member.
It is free to apply.
You will be able to live, work and study in the UK and access public funds.
If you need any assistance, pleasecontact callUK theVisas 24/7and freeImmigration.
Telephone: helpline+ +4444 808 164 8810 (0808– 164select 8810option if1
7 you’redays ina theweek, UK).24 hours a day
Calls are free of charge
If you cannot contact UK 0808 numbers, pleaseyou can use another number instead. You may have to pay – check with your phone provider if you’re not sure.
Telephone: +44 (0)175175 390 7510.7510 – select option 1
7 days a week, 24 hours a day
To apply to the Ukraine Family Scheme you must:
be applying to join or accompany your UK-based family
member;andmember -
UkrainianUkrainian, or theimmediatescheme;schemeandto join a UK-based immediate family member -
have been
residingliving in Ukraine on or immediately before 1 January 2022(including(eventhoseifwhoyou have now left Ukraine)
You can apply if you’ve already arrived in the UK and meet the requirements above.
If you’re a Ukrainian national who had temporary permission to stay in the UK on or before 18 March 2022, you willcan be able to apply to the Ukraine Extension Scheme insteadinstead. from 3 May 2022. Your partner and children can also apply if they’re already in the UK as your ‘dependants’.
If you previously had permission to stay in the UK but it has expired since 1 January 2022, you’llyou’re also be eligible to apply.apply to the Ukraine Extension Scheme.
Your application will be subject to security checks.
UK-based family member
Your familyUK-based family member must be one of the following:
a British national
someone settled in the UK - for example, they have indefinite leave to remain, settled status or proof of permanent residence
someone from the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland
someone with refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK
YouYour must provide evidence that your UK-based family member ismust be one of the following:
anyour immediate family member -
anyour extended family member -
antheimmediatespousefamilyormembercivil partner, unmarried partner, child, parent, or fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner ofanyour extended family member
You willshould be asked to provide a copy of an official document that confirms your relationshipfamily torelationships yourif UK-basedyou familyare Forto - for example, a marriage or birth certificate if you have one.certificate.
PleaseYou note you can still apply if you are unable to provide thisthese document,documents. explainingYou should explain why you are unable to doprovide so.them when you apply - for example, if you had to leave all your documents behind when you left.
Immediate family members
An immediate family member is your or your UK-based family member’s:
spouse or civil partner
unmarried partner (you must have been living together in a relationship for at least
two2 years) -
child who is under 18
parent (if you are under 18)
fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner
Extended family members
An extended family member is your UK-based family member’s:
parent (if you are over 18)
child who is over 18
grandchild or your partner’s grandchild
brother or sister
aunt or uncle
niece or nephew
mother-in-law or father-in-law
brother-in-law or sister-in-law
Immediate family member of an extended family member
An immediate family member of an extended family is the:
If your UK-based family member is your (or an extended family member’s) spouse, civil partner, fiancé(e) or proposed civil partnerpartner, the relationship must have started before 1 January 2022.
Other family members will be considered where there are exceptional circumstances.
If you have a family member from the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland
You might also be eligible for thean EU Settlement Scheme Family Permit if you are the family member of someone who is living in the UK with settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme who is from the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. You must be outside of the UK to apply for an EU Settlement Scheme Family Permit.
You can choose which schemeapplication you applymake for but please do not apply to both the Ukraine Family Scheme and thefor an EU Settlement Scheme Family Permit.
YouPermit mustas beit outsidemay ofcause thea UKdelay toin applygetting foryour an EU Settlement Scheme Family Permit.decision.
Regardless of whichwhat scheme you apply to,for to enter the UK, if you’re eligible you’ll be able to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme once you’re in the UK.
How long you can stay
You can stay in the UK for up to 3 years.
It is free to apply to the Ukraine Family Scheme.
You do not need to pay the immigration health surcharge or biometric enrolment fee for this scheme.
Apply from outside the UK
You must apply onlineto for the Ukraine Family Scheme online if you are outside the UK.
Prove your identity
If you inhave applyinga forvalid theUkrainian Ukraineinternational Familypassport
You Schemecan oruse the Ukraine‘UK SponsorshipImmigration: SchemeID (Homescheck’ forapp Ukraine),to weprove haveyour translatedidentity theif applicationyou screenshave toa valid Ukrainian andinternational Russian.
Thispassport. applicationYou isdo alsonot anneed applicationto forattend a biometricvisa immigrationapplication document.centre to give your biometric information.
IfUsing youthe hold‘UK aImmigration: validID Ukrainiancheck’ internationalapp
The passport‘UK orImmigration: anID expiredcheck’ Ukrainianapp internationalchecks your identity and verifies that the passport withyou’re ausing formalbelongs extensionto stampyou. issuedYou’ll bybe told when to download the Ukrainianapp governmentonce you begin your application online at GOV.UK - you can download the app at any time, but it will not work before this point.
IfYou’ll youuse holdthe aapp validto Ukrainianscan internationalyour passport or antake expireda Ukrainianphoto internationalif passportyou withcan’t ause formalthe extensionscanner.
There stampis issueddetailed byinformation about how to use the Ukrainianapp government,if you will need tohelp.
If completeyou ancan’t applicationuse online,the butapp
If you docan’t notuse needthe toapp, attendyou andon’t appointmentneed atto attend a visa application centre (VAC) to give your biometric information.
Uploading yourInstead, documents
Youyou must uploadgive ayour copybiometric ofinformation thewithin photograph6 pagemonths of yourarriving validin orthe expired Ukrainian international passport.UK.
If you arehave applying with an expired Ukrainian international passport youwith musta uploadformal aextension copystamp
You ofcan’t use the page‘UK whereImmigration: theID check’ app If your passport has expired even if it has a formal extension stamp issued by the Ukrainian governmentgovernment. isYou shown.
Ifdon’t youneed haveto them,attend a visa application centre to give your biometric information. Instead, you shouldmust alsogive provideyour anybiometric documentsinformation thatwithin show:6 months of arriving in the UK.
During your application you must upload copies of both:
yourtherelationshipphotographtopage of yourUK-basedexpiredfamilymemberpassportyouthewerepageresidingofinyourUkraineexpiredonpassportorwithimmediatelythebeforeformal1extensionJanuary2022stamp
You can upload yourthese documents using our commercial partner document upload app. This will be either TLS or VFS depending on which country you are applying in. You can download the app from the TLS or VFS website when you make your application.
If you need support to upload imagescopies of your documents, you can still book an appointment at a VAC.
Officialvisa permissionapplication letter
If youryou applicationdon’t hashave beena processedvalid youUkrainian willinternational receivepassport, or an officialexpired permissionUkrainian letterinternational frompassport UKwith Visasa &formal Immigrationextension (UKVI)stamp
If confirming that you cando travelnot tohold thea UK.
Thevalid permissionUkrainian letterinternational willpassport, allowor youan toexpired boardUkrainian ainternational planepassport orwith othera formformal ofextension transportstamp toissued by the UK.
YouUkrainian shouldgovernment, notyou travelwill need to thebook UKand untilattend youan haveappointment receivedat ana officialvisa permissionapplication letter.
Atcentre the(VAC). UKThis border
also applies to child applicants.
BorderDuring Force,the airlinesonline andapplication carriersprocess, willyou’ll be informedasked thatto customersupload withcopies validof Ukrainianany passportsidentity whodocuments you may have beensuch acceptedas:
- a
underUkrainianthenationalUkraineidentityFamilycard - a
Schemecombinationwillofbeofficialissueddocumentswith–aforletterexample,confirmingatheyphotohavedrivingpermissionlicencetoandtravelbirthtocertificate - an
theemergencyUKcertificatewithoutissued by aUKUkrainianvisaauthorityinsincetheirMarchpassport.2022
WhenIt youis arrivenot inmandatory theto UK,provide these documents, but it may help support your application if you willare needable toto.
You showcan upload your permissiondocuments letterusing toour Bordercommercial Forcepartner officersdocument whoupload app. This will endorsebe youreither passportTLS withor aVFS 6-monthdepending entryon stamp.
Thewhich 6-monthcountry entryyou stampare isapplying evidencein. ofYou yourcan rightdownload tothe work,app studyfrom andthe claimTLS benefitsor inVFS thewebsite UK.
Extendingwhen youryou staymake inyour theapplication.
Visa UK
application centres
You will need to submithave your biometricsphotograph withinand 6fingerprints monthstaken ofat arrivinga invisa theapplication UKcentre to(VAC) extendas part of your stayapplication. forChildren upunder tothe 3age yearsof and5 bewho issueddo withnot hold a biometricvalid residenceUkrainian permitinternational (BRP)passport aswill evidencenot ofhave yourtheir immigrationfingerprints status.
Youtaken canbut startwill thestill processneed to providebook yourand biometricattend informationa byVAC completingappointment theand onlinehave form.a digital photograph taken.
OnceVACs wein haveUkraine receivedare yourcurrently details,closed. weYou willcan tellapply youat howa toVAC providein yourany biometricother information.
Thiscountry mightif beyou byare providingable usto withtravel safely.
There is a digitisedtemporary facialVAC imagefor usingpeople applying to the UKUkraine Immigration:Family IDScheme Checkin appRzeszow, orPoland. byYou’ll visitingneed oneto ofcomplete ouryour online application centresand inbook an appointment before attending the UKRzeszow toVAC provide- awalk-in facialappointments photographare andno yourlonger fingerprints.accepted.
YouVACs doare notcurrently needoperating tothroughout doEurope thisincluding:
Provide evidence that you’re eligible for the UK,scheme
If butyou have them, you doshould needalso toprovide makeany suredocuments that youshow:
haverelationshipprovidedto yourbiometricsUK-basedbeforefamilythemember -
6weremonthsresidingends.IfinyouUkrainedoonnotorholdimmediatelyabeforevalid1UkrainianJanuaryinternational2022 -
passportother evidence requested as part of the application
IfYou youcan doupload notyour holddocuments ausing validour Ukrainiancommercial internationalpartner passportdocument youupload app. This will needbe toeither bookTLS andor attendVFS andepending appointmenton atwhich acountry visayou applicationare centre.
Ifapplying youin. haveYou acan Ukrainiandownload domesticthe passportapp from the TLS or IDVFS card,website when you willmake your application.
If you need support to bookupload andimages attendof your documents, you can book an appointment at a visa application centre.
Visa application centres
You docan notstill needapply if you are unable to bookprovide anthese appointmentdocuments. atYou ashould VACexplain why you are unable to provide yourthem biometricwhen informationyou apply - for example, if you holdhad ato validleave Ukrainianall internationalyour passport.documents behind when you left.
After you’ve applied
You will need to haveawait youra photographdecision from UK Visas and fingerprintsImmigration takenon atyour application before travelling to the UK.
If you attended a VACvisa asapplication partcentre, ofyou will need to return to collect your Childrenbefore underyou travel to the ageUK.
We ofare 5prioritising whoUkraine doFamily notScheme holdapplications and aim to make a validdecision Ukrainianas internationalquickly passportas possible.
You will notbe havecontacted theirwhen fingerprintsa takendecision buthas been made with more guidance on the travel process.
Your decision letter will stilltell you if you need to bookcollect anda attendbiometric aresidence VACpermit appointmentwhen andyou havearrive ain digitalthe photographUK, taken.or if you need to give your biometric information first.
VisaIf you attended a visa application centre availability
as part of your application
VACsOnce inyour Ukraineapplication arehas currentlybeen closed.processed, Youyou’ll canbe applygiven at a VACvisa.
This invisa anywill countryallow if you areto ableboard a plane or other form of transport to travelthe safely.UK.
ThereDo isnot ago temporaryto VACthe forvisa peopleapplication applyingcentre forto thecollect Ukraineyour Familyvisa Schemeuntil inyou Rzeszow,have Poland.been contacted.
You’ll needbe able to completepick up your onlinebiometric applicationresidence andpermit bookonce anyou’re appointmentin beforethe attendingUK. theYour Rzeszowbiometric VACresidence -permit walk-incan appointmentsbe areused noto longerconfirm accepted.
VACsyour arestatus currentlyand operatingrights throughoutin Europethe including:UK.
Howa longvisa itapplication takescentre as part of your application
YouOnce your application has been processed you will needreceive toan awaitofficial apermission decisionletter from UKVIUK onVisas your& applicationImmigration beforeconfirming travelling.that you can travel to the UK.
WeThe arepermission prioritisingletter Ukrainewill Familyallow Schemeyou applicationsto andboard aima toplane makeor aother decisionform asof quicklytransport asto possible.the UK.
You willshould benot contactedtravel whento athe decisionUK hasuntil beenyou madehave withreceived morean guidanceofficial onpermission letter.
If you applied using the travel‘UK process.Immigration: ID check’ app, you’ll be able to pick up your biometric residence permit once you’re in the UK.
If you aredidn’t granteduse permissionthe under‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app you’ll need to submit your biometrics within 6 months of arriving in the UkraineUK Familyto Schemeextend youyour stay for up to 3 years and be given a biometric residence permit. You will receivebe either:told how to do this in your decision letter.
youdoholdnotaneedvalidtoUkrainianapplyinternationaltopassport) application to come to the UKaextend your visa(ifif you were able to use the ‘UK immigration: ID check’ app or if you attended aVACvisatoapplicationgivecentre as part of yourbiometrics)PleaseYoudoneednottoattendapply to give your biometrics within 6 months of arriving in theVACUKtoifcollectyou received a stamp in yourvisapassportuntilwhen youhaveenteredbeenthecontacted.UK.ContactYou
UKVIwill then be able to stay in the UK for up to 3 years.You
candocallnot need to do this as soon as you reach thefreeUK,24/7buthelplineyouondo+44need808to164make8810sureifthat youarehaveoutsideapplied to give your biometrics before do this in your decision letter.Apply
fromtoinsideextend your stay in the UKYou
mustcanapplystartonlinetheforapplicationthetoUkrainegiveFamilyyourSchemebiometricsifbyyoucompletingarethe onlineinform.You will then book and attend an appointment at UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) service point.
You’ll be able to pick up your biometric residence permit once this process is complete.
UKVCASUK Visa and Citizenship Application Service (UKVCAS) service pointsYou will need to give your fingerprints and a photograph (biometric information) at a UKVCAS service point - this is to get a biometric residence permit.
Children under the age of 5 will not have their fingerprints taken but will still need to attend the UKVCAS service point and have a digital photograph taken.
Some services at UKVCAS service points have a fee. You do not need to use these services, such as document scanning, to complete your
applicationandyoushouldnotpayfortheminadvance.application.If you
needwant to use of any of these services at a UKVCAS service point during your appointment, you will not need to pay a fee forthem.them and you should not pay for them in advance.HowApply
longfromitinsidetakesthe UKYou must apply online to the Ukraine Family Scheme if you are in the UK.
You will then book and attend an appointment at UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) service point.
After you apply
We will prioritise your application and aim to make a decision as quickly as possible.
You will be contacted when a decision has been made.
UK Visas and ImmigrationContact
UKVIYouIfcanyoucallneedtheanyfreeassistance,24/7contacthelplineUKonVisas0808and ImmigrationTelephone: + 44 808 164 8810
Callsaboutarethefreescheme.of chargeStayuptodateUseIftheyou‘GetcannotemailscontactaboutUKthis0808page’numbers,buttonyoutocancreateuseaanotherGOV.UKnumberaccountinstead.andYousubscribemay have toupdatespayabout–thischeckpage.withYouyourneedphoneaproviderUKifmobileyou’renumbernottocreateanaccount.sure.IfTelephone:you+44do175not390have7510a–UKselectmobileoptionnumber,1
Last updated
You can now apply online and use the ‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app to prove your identity if you have a valid Ukrainian international passport.
Added a link to the Ukraine Family Scheme and Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme application screens translated into Russian and Ukrainian.
Changed helpline opening hours.
Ukrainian and Russian translations updated to include information about the Ukraine Extension Scheme (information published in English on 29 March).
Added information about the Ukraine Extension Scheme.
Added Ukrainian and Russian translations.
Updated the 'Uploading your documents' section to clarify the information about the document upload app commercial partner. This will be either TLS or VFS depending on which country you are applying in.
Updated guidance to reflect changes to the out of country application process from 15 March 2022.
Updated information for people applying from inside the UK.
Added information about changes to the application process from 15 March.
Added alternative phone number for people who cannot use UK 0808 numbers.
Updated guidance on extended family members.
The temporary VAC in Lviv is no longer operating.
First published.