Help and support for Self Assessment
Watch videos, sign up for email alerts and register for free webinars to learn more about Self Assessment.
You can sign up for email alerts about Self Assessment.
If you register for a webinar, you:
- must register and sign in 5 minutes before it starts
- can ask questions using the on-screen text box
Self Assessment help and deadlines
Watch videos on YouTube about Self Assessment help and deadlines to find out:
- why you’ve been sent a tax return
- how to:
- register for Self Assessment
- fill in your tax return
- pay what you owe
If you are filling in a Self Assessment tax return for the first time
Watch a video about completing your first Self Assessment return.
My first Self Assessment tax return
You can also watch this video in Welsh.
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How to complete your online tax return
Watch a recorded webinar how do I complete my online tax return — employment to learn how to:
- fill in your online tax return
- sign in and start your return
- show your employment details
- finish and submit your return
- pay anything you owe
Watch a recorded webinar how do I complete my online tax return — self-employment to learn how to:
- fill in your online tax return
- sign in and start your return
- show your self-employment details
- finish and submit your return
- pay anything you owe
Income from property
Watch a recorded webinar how do I complete my online tax return — income from property to learn how to:
- fill in your online tax return
- sign in and start your return
- show your income from property details
- finish and submit your return
- pay anything you owe
Foreign Rentalrental Incomeincome
Watch a recorded webinar about foreign rental income.
This is an overview of foreign rental income, including information on notifying and paying HMRC.
There are toolkits available to help you complete your Self Assessment tax return, these are the:
How to budget for your Self Assessment tax bill if you’re self-employed
Watch a video about how to budget for your Self Assessment tax bill if you’re self-employedself-employed.
How do I budget for my Self Assessment tax bill.
If you’re self-employed, you can use the self-employed ready reckoner to budget for your Self Assessment tax bill for the 2021 to 2022 tax year.
Enter your estimated weekly or monthly profit to get an idea of how much Income Tax, Class 2 and Class 4 National Insurance you’ll pay.
How to add a tax through your business tax account
Watch a video about how to add a tax through your business tax account.
howHow todo I add a tax throughto yourmy business tax account
More information
Find out more about Self Assessment tax returns.
Visit the HMRC Community Forums to find answers to your questions about Self Assessment.
Last updated
The English and Welsh videos on 'How to complete your first Self assessment tax return' have been updated.
The links for webinars about completing your online tax return and foreign rental income have been updated.
The links to register for webinars ‘how do I complete my online tax return — employment’, ‘how do I complete my online tax return — self-employment’ and ‘how do I complete my online tax return — income from property’ are no longer available.
A video about how to budget for your Self Assessment tax bill if you're self-employed has been added.
A video about Self Assessment tax returns has been added.
A recorded webinar about foreign rental income has been added.
Video added for if you're filling in a Self Assessment tax return for the first time.
Added links to register for webinars about how to complete your online tax return.
The 'How to budget for your Self Assessment tax return' and 'How to add a service through your business tax account' videos have been updated.
A video about how to add a service through your business tax account has been added.
Catch up webinars added about how to complete your online tax return for employment, self-employment and income from property.
Link to HMRC Self Assessment help and deadlines playlist added and links to individual videos removed.
Webinars about how to complete your tax return – employment, how to complete your tax return – self-employment, how to complete your tax return – income from property have been added and YouTube links for allowable expenditure you can claim against Capital Gains Tax, state benefits and your online tax return and class 2 National Insurance contributions and your tax return have been updated.
New recorded webinars added for 'how to complete your online return', 'how to start your tax return', 'how to complete the self employment section of your tax return', 'how to complete the employment section of your tax return' and 'how to check your tax return and pay what you owe'.
Webinars about how to start your tax return, how to complete the self-employed section, how to complete the employment section, how to check what you owe and how to complete the UK property pages of the tax return and finishing your return have been added. A YouTube video about 'What allowable expenditure can I claim against Capital Gains Tax?'
Webinars about how to start your tax return, how to complete the self-employed section, how to complete the employment section, how to check what you owe and how to complete the UK property pages of the tax return have been added.
Information about HMRC help and support emails, online customer forum and a self-employed ready reckoner to budget for your Self-Assessment tax bill have been added.
New videos have been added into the 'Self Assessment help and deadlines' YouTube playlist.
Webinars about how to complete your online return, starting your return, UK property income pages, help for landlords, business expenses for self employed and car expenses for the self-employed have been added.
A new recorded webinar about the UK property section of the Self Assessment tax return has been added.
Webinars for 'how to complete your online tax return' and 'online tax return for landlords' have been added.
A recorded webinar about property income and how to complete the property section of your online tax return has been added.
A recorded webinar about 'How to complete your online tax return' has been added.
Toolkits on Self Assessment for 'Capital vs revenue expenditure' and 'Income Tax losses' have been added.
The latest webinars on how to complete your online tax return have been updated.
The latest webinars for 'Online tax return help for Landlords' have been added.
The latest webinar about how to complete your Self Assessment tax return added.
Webinars for 'Online tax return' and 'Online tax return for landlords' have been added and 'Foster carers' webinars have been removed.
New videos have been added into the Self Assessment YouTube playlist.
A new video about the self-employed section of the Self Assessment tax return, and the latest webinars, have been added.
A new video about how to appeal against late filing penalties has been added.
Update to inform that available webinars can last up to 2 hours.
The latest webinars about how to complete your online tax return and Self Assessment help and support if you have income from property have been updated.
The latest webinars on how to complete your online tax return have been added.
First published.