HMRC email updates, videos and webinars for Self Assessment
Learn more about getting started with Self Assessment including registration, tax returns, tax bills and payments.
Subscribe to receive email updates
Subscribe to the HMRC help and support email service to get information on a wide range of topics for individuals, businesses, employers and agents.
You can also:
- make changes to your topic subscriptions
- unsubscribe from the service whenever you want
Use the HMRC app to make a Self Assessment payment
The HMRC app is a quick and easy way to get information about your tax and National Insurance, tax credits and benefits. You can use it to check important details, view estimates and make payments.
Watch a video about how to use the HMRC app to make a Self Assessment payment.
How to use the HMRC app to make a Self Assessment payment
You can download the app from:
- the App Store for iOS
- the Google Play Store for Android
Registering and joining webinars
You can register for webinars in advance but we recommend you join each webinar 5 minutes before the start.
Get help with Self Assessment
Watch videos on YouTube to learn about:
- starting Self Assessment, including why you’ve been sent a tax return and how to register for Self Assessment
- how to fill in your tax return
- how to fill in your tax return if you’re self-employed including allowable expenses
- UK property income including allowable expenses
- student and postgraduate loan repayments and what you need to show on your tax return
- Self Assessment tax bills and penalties, including what your tax bill may include, the different ways you can pay and how to appeal a late filing penalty
If you are filling in a Self Assessment tax return for the first time
Watch a video about completing your first Self Assessment tax return.
My first Self Assessment tax return
This video is also available to watch in Welsh (Cymraeg).
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New to Self Assessment
Watch a recorded webinar about being new to Self Assessment.
This webinar provides information to those new to Self Assessment, including:
- key dates
- who must send a tax return
- a brief overview of how to register
- the main tax return, including tailoring your tax return
- understanding your tax calculation
- budgeting for your Self Assessment tax bill
- how to pay
- record keeping
- benefits of the HMRC app
Starting your online tax return
Register for the next live webinar about starting your online tax return.
You will learn about how to get started with your online Self Assessment tax return, including:
- who must send a tax return
- registering for Self Assessment
- starting your tax return
- the ‘Tell us about you page’
- ‘Tailoring’ your tax return
The employment section of your online tax return
Register for the next live webinar about the employment section of your online tax return
You will learn about filling in the employment page of your online Self Assessment tax return. The webinar will cover:
- employment records you’ll need
- the employment page of your tax return
- showing taxable employment benefits and expenses
- claiming tax relief on work related expenses
- how to tell us about student loan and postgraduate loan deductions
The self-employment section of your online tax return
Register for the next live webinar about the self-employment section of your online tax return.
You will learn about how to complete the self-employment section of your online Self Assessment tax return. The webinar will cover:
- the details of your business and your turnover
- expenses
- capital allowances and balancing charges
- other tax adjustments
- the losses page
- tax deducted and Class 4 National Insurance
- Class 2 National Insurance
The UK property section of your online tax return
Register for the next live webinar about the UK property section of your online tax return.
You will learn about filling in the UK property section of your online Self Assessment tax return, including:
- rent a room relief and joint lettings
- the qualifying conditions for furnished holiday lettings
- when to record income and expenses
- the property income allowance
- the property expenses page
- adjustments for other property income
- profits and losses for other property income
Other income and tax reliefs on your online tax return
Register for the next live webinar about other income and tax reliefs on your online tax return.
In this webinar you can find out about:
- other income:
- bank interest
- dividend income
- state pensions
- other state benefits
- work pensions
- High Income Child Benefit Charge
- other types of income
- tax reliefs:
- payments into pensions
- payments to charity
- blind persons relief
- marriage allowance
Finishing your online tax return
Register for the next live webinar about finishing your online tax return.
You will learn how you finish your online Self Assessment tax return. We’ll cover:
- underpaid tax and other debts
- overpaid tax
- if you’ve not paid enough tax
- checking your return
- saving and submitting your return
- amending your return after you’ve sent it
Your Self Assessment calculation and payments
Register for the next live webinar about your self assessment calculation and payments.
You will learn about your Self Assessment tax return calculation and payments, including:
- what’s included in your calculation
- payments on account
- the full Self Assessment calculation
- what to pay and when
- budget payment plans
- payments already made
- how to pay
- what to do if you can’t pay on time
How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you’re self-employed
Watch a recorded webinar about how to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you’re self-employed.
You will find out:
- how to get started with your Self Assessment tax return
- how to show employment income
- about the self-employment section in more detail
- how to include other income you need to tell us about and claim tax reliefs
How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you have UK property income
Watch a recorded webinar about how to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you have UK property income.
You will find out:
- how to get started with your Self Assessment tax return
- how to show employment income
- about the UK property section in more detail
- how to include other income you need to tell us about and claim tax reliefs
How to finish your Self Assessment tax return, your tax calculation and payments
Watch a recorded webinar about how to finish your Self Assessment tax return, your tax calculation and payments.
You will learn about finishing your tax return, including:
- underpaid tax and other debts in your tax code
- what to do if you’ve paid too much tax
- understanding, viewing and printing your tax calculation
- submitting your tax return
- paying your tax bill
- a brief overview of how to amend your tax return if you’ve made a mistake
Foreign rental income
Recorded webinar
Watch a recorded webinar about foreign rental income.
You will find out about:
- notifying HMRC
- paying HMRC
Double Taxation Relief and foreign income
Watch a video about Double Taxation Relief and foreign income.
Double Taxation Relief and foreign income
You will find out:
- what Double Taxation Relief is
- how to claim relief for tax paid on foreign income when a double taxation agreement (DTA) is in place
- what records to keep
Foreign income and what you need to report
Watch a video about foreign income and what you need to report to HMRC.
Do I need to declare foreign income to HMRC
You will find out:
- what foreign income is
- how and when to tell us about foreign income you have received
- how to tell us about foreign income received in previous years
There is a capital versus revenue expenditure toolkit and an Income Tax losses toolkit available to help you complete your Self Assessment tax return.
How to budget for your Self Assessment tax bill if you’re self-employed
Watch a video about how to budget for your Self Assessment tax bill.
How do I budget for my Self Assessment tax bill
Use the HMRC app to make a Self Assessment payment
Watch a video about how to use the HMRC app to make a Self Assessment payment.
How to use the HMRC app to make a Self Assessment payment
Set up a Time to Pay arrangement online for Self Assessment
Watch a video how to set up a Time to Pay arrangement online for Self Assessment.
How to set up a Time to Pay arrangement online for Self Assessment
How to add a tax through your business tax account
Watch a video about how to add a tax through your business tax account.
How do I add a tax to my business tax account
Get more information
Find out more about Self Assessment tax returns.
You can also get help online for Self Assessment.
HMRC community forums
You can use the online HMRC community forums to ask questions, see what others are asking and get answers.
Last updated
Links to live webinars for 'starting your online tax return', 'the employment section of your online tax return', 'the self-employed section of your online tax return', 'the UK property section of your online tax return', 'other income and tax reliefs on your online tax return', 'finishing your online tax return' and 'your Self Assessment calculation and payments' have been added.
Link to a recorded webinar about foreign rental income has been updated.
Links to live webinars about 'New to Self Assessment', 'How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you're self-employed', 'How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you have UK property income' and 'How to finish your Self Assessment tax return, your tax calculation and payment' have been removed.
The ‘Set up a Time to Pay arrangement online for Self Assessment’ video link has been updated.
A live webinar link for how to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you’re self-employed and a video for how to set up a Time to Pay arrangement online for Self Assessment have been added.
Link to a live webinar about being new to Self Assessment has been updated.
Link to a recorded webinar about being new to Self Assessment has been added.
Links to live webinars in the sections ‘New to Self Assessment’, ‘How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you’re self-employed’, ‘How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you have UK property income’ and ‘How to finish your Self Assessment tax return, your tax calculation and payments’ have been added.
The link to the Welsh video about completing your first Self Assessment tax return has been updated.
The section 'Understand and pay your Self Assessment tax bill' has been removed.
A link to get help online for Self Assessment has been added.
A link to check what you need to do to file your first Self Assessment tax return has been added.
The English link to the video about completing your first Self Assessment return has been updated.
The link to the video about how to budget for your Self Assessment tax bill has been updated.
Videos about 'Double Taxation Relief and foreign income' and 'foreign income and what you need to report' have been added.
A recorded webinar about understanding and paying your Self Assessment tax bill has been updated.
We have added new recorded webinar links under Self Assessment for self employment, UK property income and tax calculation and payments.
Links to live webinars about 'How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you're self-employed', 'How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you have UK property income' and 'How to finish your Self Assessment tax return, your tax calculation and payment' have been added. Recoded webinars about 'Starting your online Self Assessment tax return', 'The employment and UK property sections of your online Self Assessment tax return' and 'Finishing your online Self Assessment tax return' have been removed.
The link to the recorded webinar on Foreign rental income has been updated.
A new section about how to use HMRC's digital assistant to get technical support with HMRC online services has been added.
A recorded webinar has been added to the 'Starting your online Self Assessment tax return' section. A recorded webinar has been added to 'The employment and self-employment sections of your online Self Assessment tax return' section. A recorded webinar has been added to 'The employment and UK property sections of your online Self Assessment tax return' section. A recorded webinar has been added to the 'Finishing your online Self Assessment tax return' section.
Live webinars with information about starting and completing a Self Assessment tax return online have been added. The section 'How to complete your online tax return' has been removed.
A video about how to use the HMRC app to make a Self Assessment payment has been added.
Information about the HMRC help and support email service and a new 'Get help with Self Assessment' section with a series of videos has been added.
A new section and a recorded webinar about how to understand and pay your Self Assessment tax bill has been added.
The English and Welsh videos on 'How to complete your first Self assessment tax return' have been updated.
The links for webinars about completing your online tax return and foreign rental income have been updated.
The links to register for webinars ‘how do I complete my online tax return — employment’, ‘how do I complete my online tax return — self-employment’ and ‘how do I complete my online tax return — income from property’ are no longer available.
A video about how to budget for your Self Assessment tax bill if you're self-employed has been added.
A video about Self Assessment tax returns has been added.
A recorded webinar about foreign rental income has been added.
Video added for if you're filling in a Self Assessment tax return for the first time.
Added links to register for webinars about how to complete your online tax return.
The 'How to budget for your Self Assessment tax return' and 'How to add a service through your business tax account' videos have been updated.
A video about how to add a service through your business tax account has been added.
Catch up webinars added about how to complete your online tax return for employment, self-employment and income from property.
Link to HMRC Self Assessment help and deadlines playlist added and links to individual videos removed.
Webinars about how to complete your tax return – employment, how to complete your tax return – self-employment, how to complete your tax return – income from property have been added and YouTube links for allowable expenditure you can claim against Capital Gains Tax, state benefits and your online tax return and class 2 National Insurance contributions and your tax return have been updated.
New recorded webinars added for 'how to complete your online return', 'how to start your tax return', 'how to complete the self employment section of your tax return', 'how to complete the employment section of your tax return' and 'how to check your tax return and pay what you owe'.
Webinars about how to start your tax return, how to complete the self-employed section, how to complete the employment section, how to check what you owe and how to complete the UK property pages of the tax return and finishing your return have been added. A YouTube video about 'What allowable expenditure can I claim against Capital Gains Tax?'
Webinars about how to start your tax return, how to complete the self-employed section, how to complete the employment section, how to check what you owe and how to complete the UK property pages of the tax return have been added.
Information about HMRC help and support emails, online customer forum and a self-employed ready reckoner to budget for your Self-Assessment tax bill have been added.
New videos have been added into the 'Self Assessment help and deadlines' YouTube playlist.
Webinars about how to complete your online return, starting your return, UK property income pages, help for landlords, business expenses for self employed and car expenses for the self-employed have been added.
A new recorded webinar about the UK property section of the Self Assessment tax return has been added.
Webinars for 'how to complete your online tax return' and 'online tax return for landlords' have been added.
A recorded webinar about property income and how to complete the property section of your online tax return has been added.
A recorded webinar about 'How to complete your online tax return' has been added.
Toolkits on Self Assessment for 'Capital vs revenue expenditure' and 'Income Tax losses' have been added.
The latest webinars on how to complete your online tax return have been updated.
The latest webinars for 'Online tax return help for Landlords' have been added.
The latest webinar about how to complete your Self Assessment tax return added.
Webinars for 'Online tax return' and 'Online tax return for landlords' have been added and 'Foster carers' webinars have been removed.
New videos have been added into the Self Assessment YouTube playlist.
A new video about the self-employed section of the Self Assessment tax return, and the latest webinars, have been added.
A new video about how to appeal against late filing penalties has been added.
Update to inform that available webinars can last up to 2 hours.
The latest webinars about how to complete your online tax return and Self Assessment help and support if you have income from property have been updated.
The latest webinars on how to complete your online tax return have been added.
First published.
Update history
2025-02-01 08:00
The link to the recorded webinar about foreign rental income has been removed.
2025-01-28 15:49
The links for 8 live webinars have been removed. A link to watch a Welsh video about understanding your Self Assessment statement has been added. The link to watch a Welsh video about completing your first Self Assessment tax return has been updated.
2024-12-10 11:36
A collection of videos for the ‘State Pension and tax’ has been added.
2024-10-11 11:45
A recorded webinar link about being new to Self Assessment – an introduction was added.
2024-10-10 13:57
The link to watch a video about completing your first Self Assessment tax return has been updated.
2024-10-01 08:53
Updated live webinar links added for ‘New to Self Assessment – an introduction’, ‘New to Self Assessment – budgeting and payments’, ‘Starting your online tax return’, ‘The employment section of your online tax return’, ‘The self-employment section of your online tax return’, ‘The UK property section of your online tax return’, ‘Other income and tax reliefs on your online tax return’, ‘Finishing your online tax return’, and ‘Your Self Assessment calculation and payments’. New webinar added for ‘Cryptoassets and paying tax’.Links to new videos added to ‘Get help for Self Assessment’.
2024-09-27 11:04
A video about understanding your Self Assessment statement has been added.
2024-09-17 14:04
New recorded webinars about being new to Self Assessment – an introduction and budgeting and payments have been added.
2024-06-14 10:53
Recorded webinars for starting your online tax return, the employment section of your online tax return, the employment section of your online tax return, the UK property section of your online tax return, other income and tax reliefs on your online tax return, finishing your online tax return and your Self Assessment calculation and payments have been added. Webinars for how to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you are self-employed, how to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you have UK property income and how to finish your Self Assessment tax return, your tax calculation and payments have been removed.
2024-05-10 09:12
Links to live webinars for ‘starting your online tax return’, ‘the employment section of your online tax return’, ‘the self-employed section of your online tax return’, ‘the UK property section of your online tax return’, ‘other income and tax reliefs on your online tax return’, ‘finishing your online tax return’ and ‘your Self Assessment calculation and payments’ have been added.
2024-03-18 15:27
Link to a recorded webinar about foreign rental income has been updated.
2024-03-01 10:58
Links to live webinars about ‘New to Self Assessment’, ‘How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you’re self-employed’, ‘How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you have UK property income’ and ‘How to finish your Self Assessment tax return, your tax calculation and payment’ have been removed.
2024-02-16 09:37
The ‘Set up a Time to Pay arrangement online for Self Assessment’ video link has been updated.
2024-01-19 10:11
A live webinar link for how to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you’re self-employed and a video for how to set up a Time to Pay arrangement online for Self Assessment have been added.
2024-01-15 14:24
Link to a live webinar about being new to Self Assessment has been updated.
2023-12-18 15:56
Link to a recorded webinar about being new to Self Assessment has been added.
2023-11-23 09:09
Links to live webinars in the sections ‘New to Self Assessment’, ‘How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you’re self-employed’, ‘How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you have UK property income’ and ‘How to finish your Self Assessment tax return, your tax calculation and payments’ have been added.
2023-11-03 11:53
The link to the Welsh video about completing your first Self Assessment tax return has been updated.
2023-10-17 11:21
The section ‘Understand and pay your Self Assessment tax bill’ has been removed.
2023-08-15 11:12
The English link to the video about completing your first Self Assessment return has been updated.
2023-07-21 13:50
The link to the video about how to budget for your Self Assessment tax bill has been updated.
2023-07-20 14:34
Videos about ‘Double Taxation Relief and foreign income’ and ‘foreign income and what you need to report’ have been added.
2023-07-06 08:07
A recorded webinar about understanding and paying your Self Assessment tax bill has been updated.
2023-06-15 15:53
We have added new recorded webinar links under Self Assessment for self employment, UK property income and tax calculation and payments.
2023-05-19 10:45
Links to live webinars about ‘How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you’re self-employed’, ‘How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you have UK property income’ and ‘How to finish your Self Assessment tax return, your tax calculation and payment’ have been added. Recoded webinars about ‘Starting your online Self Assessment tax return’, ‘The employment and UK property sections of your online Self Assessment tax return’ and ‘Finishing your online Self Assessment tax return’ have been removed.
2023-03-31 11:20
The link to the recorded webinar on Foreign rental income has been updated.
2022-12-29 15:06
A new section about how to use HMRC’s digital assistant to get technical support with HMRC online services has been added.
2022-12-09 15:14
A recorded webinar has been added to the ‘Starting your online Self Assessment tax return’ section. A recorded webinar has been added to ‘The employment and self-employment sections of your online Self Assessment tax return’ section. A recorded webinar has been added to ‘The employment and UK property sections of your online Self Assessment tax return’ section. A recorded webinar has been added to the ‘Finishing your online Self Assessment tax return’ section.
2022-11-18 11:41
Live webinars with information about starting and completing a Self Assessment tax return online have been added. The section ‘How to complete your online tax return’ has been removed.
2022-10-05 11:17
A video about how to use the HMRC app to make a Self Assessment payment has been added.
2022-08-26 07:43
Information about the HMRC help and support email service and a new ‘Get help with Self Assessment’ section with a series of videos has been added.
2022-07-28 08:30
A new section and a recorded webinar about how to understand and pay your Self Assessment tax bill has been added.
2022-07-13 13:19
The English and Welsh videos on ‘How to complete your first Self assessment tax return’ have been updated.
2022-04-21 11:21
The links for webinars about completing your online tax return and foreign rental income have been updated.
2022-03-25 10:16
The links to register for webinars ‘how do I complete my online tax return – employment’, ‘how do I complete my online tax return – self-employment’ and ‘how do I complete my online tax return – income from property’ are no longer available.