This travel advice covers Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
The FCDO advises against all travel to:
- Gaza
- the Sheba’a Farms and Ghajjar
- within 500m of the border with Lebanon (the ‘Blue Line’) east of Metula, including the northern edge of the town and east of Route 98 along the Syrian border
The FCDO advises against all but essential travel to:
- areas north of and including Jenin city, Burqin and Arranah in the north of the West Bank. This includes Jenin refugee camp and all areas north of this until the Jalamah checkpoint for access to Israel
COVID-19 entry restrictions for Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Before you travel, check the ‘Entry requirements’ section for Israel’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.
Travelling from and returning to the UK
Check what you must do to travel abroad and return to England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
If you plan to pass through another country to return to the UK, check the travel advice for the country you’re transiting.
If you’re planning travel to Israel or the Occupied Palestinian Territories, find out what you need to know about coronavirus there in the Coronavirus section.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s guidance on foreign travel insurance.
For information about COVID-19 vaccines, see the Coronavirus page.
Make sure you are aware of Israeli immigration policies before you travel. Allow extra time for increased security measures and checks at airports during Israeli holidays and during the peak summer tourist season. See Entry requirements.
The security situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories can be fast moving, tense and unpredictable. You should be vigilant at all times and keep up to date with local media and travel reports. You should avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings.
In March and April 2022, there have been a number of clashes between Palestinians, Israeli security forces and Israeli settlers in the West Bank, including in Jenin and Nablus cities, in Palestinian refugee camps, near settlement outposts and along Route 60 and other West Bank arterial roads used by both Palestinians and Israelis.
Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including places visitedfrequented by foreigners including the Old City in Jerusalem, on public transport, and in busy public spaces. March-AprilOn 20227 sawApril 52022, terrorist2 Israeli civilians were killed in Tel Aviv in a shooting attack. Three other attacks occurred in Israel,Israel in whichMarch 242022 Israelisin wereBe’er killed.Sheva, Bnei Brak and Hadera killing another 11 Israelis. See Terrorism
There have been repeated instances of rocket fire from Gaza, which may occur well beyond the Gaza border area; Israel has often responded withby airreturning strikesprojectile fire into Gaza. If travelling in central or southern Israel, makefamiliarise sureyourself youwith know the safety actions that you should take ifin the event of a warning sirensiren, sounds, follow advice from local authorities and stay informed of the security situation through the media and this travel advice. See Gaza
InFrom Israel10 May 2021, Hamas and theother Westmilitant Bank,groups therein isGaza afired riskover of4000 violentrockets incidents,and mortars towards Israel, including stabbings,southern shootings,and arson,central vehicleIsrael, rammingsTel Aviv, and stoneJerusalem. throwingThe attacksIsraeli onDefence peopleForces and(IDF) vehicles.responded Thesewith incidentsairstrikes haveinto involvedGaza. protestorsFurther (bothrocket Israelisfire from Gaza, and Palestinians),IDF Israelicounterstrikes, securityare forcespossible. andIn Israelithe settlers.event Youof further rocket fire, you should checkfollow the advice of local newsauthorities. A beforeceasefire travellingcame tointo seeeffect ifon 21 May 2021.
In Israel and the West Bank, there have been recentnumerous violent clashes between protestors and avoidsecurity areasforces whichand havestabbing, beenshooting, thearson, sitevehicle oframming recentand violence.
Incidentsstone throwing attacks on people and vehicles. These incidents have occurred in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and the Old City (particularly at and around Damascus Gate, Herod’s gate, Lion’sLions Gate and the Chain Gate),Gate Nablus,areas Jenin,of the Old City), Nablus, Hebron, at Israeli checkpoints, near settlement outposts, and around some Palestinian refugee camps and along Route 60 (especially junctions near Nablus), Route 443 and other West Bank arterial roads used by both Palestinians and Israelis. You should exercise extreme caution on these routes, particularly at night.camps.
There is a risk that tourists or bystanders could be caught up in any incident. You should be vigilant, exercise caution, avoid any demonstrations or large gatherings and follow instructions of local authorities. You should exercise extreme caution when considering visiting Nablus, Hebron or Palestinian refugee camps which have previously been the site of violent clashes (we advise against all but essential travel to the camps in Jenin)Jenin settlementsand Nablus) and settlement outposts which have been the site of recent violent incidentsclashes (e.g near Beit El, Homesh,Shiloh, Shilo, Evyatar, etc) and avoid such locations after dark. YouIn the light of recent violent clashes, you should checkalso exercise extreme caution when considering visiting the localcitiy newsof beforeHebron.
Stone travellingthrowing toand theseviolent areasclashes can also happen along Route 60 within the West Bank (particularly north of Ramallah and on stretches of the road near settlement outposts), along West Bank roads leading to seesettlement ifoutposts thereand havealong beenRoute recent443 clashesbetween Tel Aviv and avoidJerusalem. areasYou whichshould haveexercise beenextreme thecaution siteon ofthese recentroutes, violence.particularly at night.
There is a risk of increased tension around Jewish high holidays (Passover, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Succoth), after Friday prayers, and on other religious holidays and anniversaries. This is heightened when different religious or national holidays overlap. JerusalemPassover, DayRamadan, (dateCatholic varies),Easter Land Day (30 March) and NakbaOrthodox DayEaster (15will May)all maycoincide bein tense.April 2022. Demonstrations and other forms of civil unrest can occur at short notice and often turn violent. You should exercise extreme caution:caution followwhen localvisiting mediathe andOld thisCity travelof adviceJerusalem, particularly Damascus Gate, and avoidespecially anyon demonstrationsFridays orand largeat gatherings.night. See Safety and security
In April, May and June 2021, there were violent clashes between Israeli and Palestinian protestors and Israeli security forces in Jerusalem, and in the West Bank, particularly at the boundaries between Areas A and B. These incidents can escalate quickly. You should exercise extreme caution and avoid any demonstrations, and follow instructions of local authorities.
In May 2021, Arab citizens across Israel including in Lod, Haifa, Jaffa and Be’er Sheva demonstrated against events in Jerusalem.
There are significant tensions between Israel, and the Assad regime and Iranian military forces in Syria. The situation remains fragile, with attempted and actual military exchanges either side of the border. If travelling in the area remain vigilant, follow advice from local authorities and stay informed of the security situation through the media and this travel advice.
There are also continued tensions between Israel and Lebanon. The situation on the ground could change quickly. See Border with Lebanon
If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission. Consular support is severely limited in parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Occupied Golan Heights where the the FCDO has has existing advice against all travel (see above).
The Overseas Business Risk service offers information and advice for British companies operating overseas on how to manage political, economic, and business security-related risks.