Original document : https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/israel
Change description : 2024-12-06 16:49:00: Updated information on leaving Gaza (See ‘Leaving Gaza’ on the ‘Warnings and insurance’ page) [Guidance and regulation]
Showing diff : 2024-11-14 11:05:52.926680902 +00:00..2024-12-06 16:50:45.281236737 +00:00
2024-12-13 13:01
FCDO no longer advises against all travel or all but essential travel to some areas of Israel and the West Bank but continues to advise against all travel or all but essential travel to other areas of Israel and the OPTs (‘Warnings and insurance’ and ‘Regional risks’ pages).
2024-12-06 16:49
Updated information on leaving Gaza (See ‘Leaving Gaza’ on the ‘Warnings and insurance’ page)
2024-11-14 11:05
Removal of information about withdrawal of British Embassy staff families (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)
2024-10-26 08:04
On 26 October, Israel carried out military strikes against Iran. (‘Warnings and insurance’)
2024-10-14 16:06
New information on terror attacks and risk of falling fragments or debris from intercepted missiles (‘Safety and security ‘page)
2024-10-06 21:48
Latest update: Updated information on Help from FCDO in Israel (Warnings and Insurance Page).
2024-10-02 04:03
Updated information on the conflict affecting Lebanon (Warnings and Insurance Pages)
2024-09-29 00:09
Updated information on the conflict affecting Lebanon (Warnings and Insurance Pages)
2024-09-28 23:49
Updated information on the Conflict in Lebanon (Warnings and Insurance Pages)
2024-09-22 13:44
Updated information on conflict in Israel and the OPTs (attacks on northern Israel) (Warning and Insurance pages)
2024-09-11 17:03
Updated information on border crossings, new information on risk of violent incidents and an increased risk of political tensions. (See ‘Warnings and Insurance’ and ‘Safety and Security’ pages)
2024-09-08 15:57
Added information on Jordan-Israel land border closure after security incident on 8 September.
2024-08-25 06:27
Attack on Israel by Lebanese Hizballah (Warnings and Insurance).
2024-07-28 19:26
Update on areas that the FCDO advises against all travel to. (Warnings and Insurance)
2024-07-26 15:19
Information that from 1 January 2025, all visitors to Israel from visa-exempt countries will need to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) before they arrive (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2024-07-24 16:12
Information that from 1 August 2024, all visitors to Israel from visa-exempt countries will need to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) before they arrive (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2024-07-03 16:57
New information on access at the Rafah border crossing (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)
2024-04-26 12:35
Removal of some language on military activity in the region (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2024-04-19 15:02
Information on explosions in Iran, and unconfirmed reports of explosions in Syria and Iraq (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2024-04-14 08:16
13 April 2024 – drones and missiles fired from Iran into Israel (‘Warnings and Insurance’ page)
2024-04-11 11:07
Information added on risks of attempting to enter Gaza by sea, including by humanitarian flotilla (‘Regional risks’ page) and the possibility of an attack on Israeli territory from Iran (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2024-04-08 11:37
Information on Ramadan and access to Al-Aqsa Mosque (‘Safety and security’ page).
2024-02-23 17:11
This travel advice has been rewritten to make it easier to read and understand.
2024-01-12 00:15
Update to Safety and Security page
2023-12-15 20:22
Addition of information to reflect the extension of practical support to cross the border with Egypt at Rafah to UK visa holders who meet specific criteria (‘Summary’ page).
2023-11-02 14:34
Addition of information to reflect the opening of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt on 1 November, and further information on rocket attacks in Eilat and the Red Sea area (‘Summary’ page).
2023-11-02 08:51
Addition of information to reflect the opening of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt on 1 November (‘Summary’ page).
2023-10-27 19:41
Addition of information: As of 27 October, Israeli Defence Forces have significantly expanded operations.
2023-10-23 20:36
To clarify: FCDO now advises against all travel to the West Bank excluding Jerusalem and Route 1 between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
2023-10-23 11:37
FCDO now also advises against all travel to recently evacuated communities in northern Israel (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-10-20 21:50
You are advised against all travel to the whole of the West Bank, excluding Jerusalem and Route 1.
2023-10-19 05:31
The booking portal for HMG assisted departures is closed. International commercial flights are still departing from Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv and Ramon airport in Eilat. (‘Summary’ Page)
2023-10-18 20:05
FCDO advises against all travel to within 5km of the border with Lebanon (‘Summary’ page)
2023-10-17 19:01
The booking portal for assisted flights out of Israel will close at 1000 (UK time)/midday (Israel time) on 18 October; any British national wishing to depart on an HMG assisted flight should make a booking before this time (‘Summary’ page)Changed language advising against all travel within 4km of the border with Lebanon (‘Summary’ page)
2023-10-16 19:10
Update on current terrorism risks (‘Terrorism’ page)
2023-10-15 20:35
FCDO now also advises against all travel to within 4km of the border with Lebanon (‘Summary’ page)
2023-10-13 23:54
Clarification to sections on Conflict in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories and on Assisted Departure. (“summary”)
2023-10-13 07:20
The Israeli military announced on the morning of 13 October that the entire population of Gaza north of Wadi Gaza should relocate to southern Gaza within the next 24 hours. We advise following this advice issued by the Israeli authorities. We recognise this a fast-moving situation that poses significant risks.(“summary”)
2023-10-12 16:49
The UK government is facilitating commercial flights from Israel back to the UK, and temporary withdrawal of some family members of British Embassy and Consulate staff. The FCDO continues to advise against travel to parts of Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and to advise against all but essential travel to all other parts, including the Rafah crossing into Egypt (‘Summary’ page).
2023-10-10 17:27
If you are in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including Gaza, you are advised to register your presence with the FCDO. The FCDO continues to advise against travel to parts of Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and to advise against all but essential travel to all other parts, including the Rafah crossing into Egypt. (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2023-10-09 15:46
If you are in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, you are advised to register your presence with the FCDO. The FCDO continues to advise against travel to parts of Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and to advise against all but essential travel to all other parts. (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2023-10-08 14:55
Further update following rocket fire from Gaza and attacks in southern Israel (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2023-10-07 19:52
Further update following rocket fire from Gaza and attacks in southern Israel (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2023-10-07 11:04
Updated information following rocket fire from Gaza and attacks in southern Israel (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2023-07-12 14:51
Updated information on entry/exit to Ben Gurion airport (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2023-06-22 10:56
Information about the global terrorism risks to British nationals abroad on all FCDO travel advice pages
2023-06-19 14:38
Removal of information on the requirement to have a health insurance policy with coverage for the treatment of COVID-19 (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2023-05-20 10:42
Change to advice on the threat of rocket fire to commercial aviation, following the ceasefire agreed on 14 May.
2023-05-19 09:04
Clarity on dual nationals facing pre-approvals, information should a traveller be denied entry, information for minors travelling to Israel, and to remove redundant requirements (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2023-05-10 17:28
Updated information on the collateral threat to commercial aviation from rocket fire and the risk of disruption to scheduled services (‘Summary’ page).
2023-04-08 13:09
Updated information about terror attacks in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (Summary, Safety and Security, Terrorism pages).
2023-03-27 10:41
Updated information about political demonstrations and strikes across Israel (‘Summary page’).
2023-03-09 21:57
New information on a shooting incident in Tel Aviv (‘Summary’ page)
2023-03-03 10:18
Updated information on advice against all but essential travel to the village of Huwara, south of Nablus (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2023-03-01 12:10
Update about advising against all travel within 500m of the border with Syria (the ‘Alpha Line’) (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2023-02-02 09:24
Updated information on dates where there is an increased risk of demonstrations and other forms of unrest (‘Summary’ page).
2023-02-01 15:15
Updated information on recent terrorist incidents (‘Terrorism’ page).
2022-12-06 13:49
Addition of information on taking extra care while on public transport in Jerusalem (‘Safety and security’ page).
2022-11-29 14:48
Updated information on foreign nationals entering and residing in the West Bank (‘Entry Requirements’ page) and information on a terrorist attack that occurred on 23 November (‘Summary’ page and ‘Terrorism’ page)
2022-10-21 12:29
Updated information on bus usage on and entry to the West Bank and risks to be aware of at LGBT+ events (‘Safety and security’, ‘Local laws & customs’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages).
2022-10-12 14:38
Updated information on COVID-19 entry requirements, local laws and customs and details on where to find further information Israel’s COVID-19 regulations (‘Summary’, ‘Coronavirus’, ‘Local laws and customs’ and Entry requirements’ pages).
2022-08-08 12:50
The FCDO now advises against all but essential travel to the city of Nablus, Joseph’s Tomb, and the Balata and New Askar refugee camps near Nablus
2022-08-07 20:44
Addition of information on increased threat of terrorist attacks due to heightened tensions in Gaza (‘Terrorism’ page)
2022-07-29 11:01
Addition of advice about incursions (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages)
2022-07-18 11:25
The FCDO no longer advises against all but essential travel to the city of Nablus, Joseph’s Tomb, and the Balata and New Askar refugee camps near Nablus (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages)
2022-05-26 18:08
Updates to the Coronavirus and Entry requirements pages (See ‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)
2022-05-12 11:20
Adding factual information on an incident on 5 May (‘Terrorism’ page)
2022-04-14 10:48
The FCDO now advises against all but essential travel to the city of Nablus, Joseph’s Tomb, and the Balata and New Askar refugee camps near Nablus (‘Summary’ page).
2022-04-12 16:36
The FCDO now advises against all but essential travel to areas north of and including Jenin city, Burqin and Arranah in the north of the West Bank. This includes Jenin refugee camp and all areas north of this until the Jalamah checkpoint for access to Israel. (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages)
2022-04-08 13:43
Update to information following an attack in Tel Aviv on 7 April (‘Summary’ and ‘Terrorism’ pages). Update to information on eligibility for a Green Pass (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2022-04-07 09:19
Editorial amendments to text related to clashes in 2021 (‘Summary’ page)
2022-03-31 14:10
Update to information on clashes in March 2022 (‘Summary’ page)
2022-03-30 13:48
Undated Information on recent incidents (‘See ‘Summary’ and ‘Terrorism’ pages)
2022-03-29 12:22
Information added on recent incidents (‘Terrorism’ and ‘Summary’ pages)
2022-03-11 11:01
Updated information on entry requirements for travellers who are fully vaccinated (‘Entry requirements’ page)