
PE and sport premium for primary schools

How much PE and sport premium funding schools will receive for the academic year 2023 to 2024 and advice on how itto shouldspend be

Applies to England

About the PE and sport premium

SchoolsAll havechildren aand centralyoung rolepeople toshould playlive inhealthy supportingactive lives. The UK Chief Medical Officers recommend that all children and young people toshould livetake healthypart activein lives.moderate Thisto isvigorous particularlyintensity truephysical ofactivity primaryfor schoolat whereleast the60 foundationsminutes ofevery positiveday. andChildren enjoyablewith participationspecial ineducational regularneeds physicaland activitydisabilities should betake established.

Crucialpart toin achieving20 thisminutes isof ensuringdaily thatactivity.

The pupilsChildhood haveObesity accessPlan tosays that at least 30 minutes of physicaldaily activity duringshould thetake schoolplace day,in alongsideschools.

Schools high-qualityhave PEa provisionkey taughtrole byto confidentplay andin knowledgeableachieving teachersthis andaim. opportunitiesThis tois experienceparticularly andtrue participateof inprimary aschools widewhere rangethe foundations of sportspositive and physicalenjoyable activities.participation PEin andregular sportphysical premiumactivity grantare fundingembedded. All children should behave usedequal byaccess schools towards these aims.

How to usehigh-quality the PE provision and sportopportunities premium

Schoolsto mustexperience useand theparticipate fundingin toa makewide additionalrange of sports and sustainablephysical improvementsactivities. toAcademic theachievement qualitycan ofimprove thein PE,school sportbecause andof physicalthe activitybenefits theychildren provide.can gain.

ThisSchools meansshould that you must use the PE and sport premium to:

  • buildfunding capacityto andhelp capabilityachieve withinthese theaims. schoolIt tomust ensurenot thatbe improvementsused madefor nowcore-type areschool sustainableactivities. andThey willshould benefituse pupilsit joiningto themake schooladditional inand futuresustainable years
  • developimprovements or add to the PE, sport and physical activity thatthey yourprovide, schoolsuch provides

  • funding improvement

Makinghigh-quality sustainablePE improvementsand shouldsport befor consideredat asleast a2 priority.hours Thisa isweek, oftencomplemented achievedby througha developingwide andrange investing in the knowledge and skills of theextracurricular teachingsport staff and othercompetitive schoolopportunities

  • providing staffor whoimproving mayequal haveaccess involvement in supporting a lasting change to thesport school’sfor approachboys toand physical activity, curriculum PE or provision of school sport.

  • Key indicators

    YouSchools should useprioritise the PE and sport premium spending to secureimprove improvements in the following 5 key indicators:areas:

      • Increasedincreasing all staff’s confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
      • Engagementincreasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport
      • Theraising the profile of PE and sport is raised across the schoolschool, asto asupport tool for whole school improvement
      • Broaderoffer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils
      • Increasedincrease participation in competitive sport


    ExamplesMost ofschools howwith theseprimary-age maypupils bereceive achievedthe include:PE and sport premium. The exceptions are:

    • providingnursery staffschools
    • studio withschools
    • university professionaltechnical development,colleges
    • independent mentoring,schools, appropriateexcept trainingfor non-maintained special schools

    How funding is calculated and resourcesthe toamounts helppayable themfor teach2023 to 2024

    Schools receive PE and sport morepremium effectivelyfunding tobased allon the number of pupils andthey embedhave physicalin activityyears across1 yourto school

  • embedding6. In physicalcases activitywhere intoschools themay schoolnot dayhave throughset encouragingyear activegroups travel(for example, in some special schools), pupils aged 5 to and10 attract the funding.

    In most cases, we determine funding by using data from school,the activeJanuary break2023 timesschool andcensus. holdingFor activea lessonsnew andschool, or a school teaching

  • providing targetedeligible activitiespupils orfor supportthe first time in the academic year 2023 to involve2024, andfunding encourageis thebased leaston activedata children
  • raisingfrom attainmentthe inautumn primary2023 school swimmingcensus.

    For tothe meetyear requirements2023 ofto 2024, the nationalamounts curriculumpayable beforewill thebe:

    • schools endwith of16 keyor stagefewer 2eligible -pupils everywill childreceive should£1,000 leaveper primarypupil
    • schools schoolwith able17 toor swimmore eligible pupils will receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil

    Payment dates for 2023 to 2024

    ActiveMaintained mileschools, including PRUs and general hospitals

    ActiveMaintained milesschools, canincluding pupil bereferral anunits effective(PRUs) and waygeneral tohospitals, makedo regularnot physicalreceive activityfunding partdirectly offrom the schoolDepartment day.for IfEducation schools(DfE). chooseWe togive takethe partfunding into anthe activelocal mile,authority youand shouldthey usepass existingit playgrounds,on fields,to hallsthe and sports

    ItWe isgive notlocal appropriateauthorities to use PE and sport premium funding tofor fundmaintained theschools costin of2 aseparate speciallypayments. constructedThey course.will receive:

    • 7/12 attainmentof the funding allocation in primaryOctober school2023
    • 5/12 swimming

    Swimmingof andthe waterfunding safetyallocation arein nationalApril curriculum2024

  • For requirementsa andnew essentialmaintained lifeschool skills.or Thefor nationala curriculumschool requirementthat is thatteaching byeligible pupils for the endfirst oftime keyin stagethe 2,2023 pupilsto should2024 beacademic taughtyear, to:local authorities will receive:

    • swim7/12 competently,of confidentlythe andschool’s proficientlyfunding overallocation ain distanceFebruary 2024
    • 5/12 of atthe leastschool’s 25funding metresallocation in April 2024
    • use

    Academies, afree rangeschools ofand city strokestechnology effectively,colleges

    We forsend example,academies front(including crawl,free backstrokeschools) and city technology colleges the PE and breaststroke *-sport performpremium afunding safein self-rescue2 separate payments. They will receive:

    • 7/12 of the funding allocation in differentNovember water-based2023
    • 5/12 situationsof the funding allocation in April 2024

    YouAn canacademy use(including thea PEfree andschool) sportor premiumcity totechnology fundcollege thewhich professionalis developmentnew, andor trainingteaching thateligible ispupils availablefor tothe schoolsfirst totime trainin staffthe 2023 to support2024 high-qualityacademic swimmingyear, andwill waterreceive:

    • 7/12 safetyof lessonsthe forfunding theirallocation pupils.

      in April 2024
    • 5/12 of the funding allocation in May 2024

    Non-maintained special schools

    YouWe cansend alsonon-maintained usespecial schools the PE and sport premium tofunding providein additional2 top-upseparate swimmingpayments. lessonsThey towill pupilsreceive:

    • 7/12 whoof havethe notfunding beenallocation ablein toNovember meet2023
    • 5/12 of the nationalfunding curriculumallocation requirementsin forApril swimming2024

    Using the PE and watersport safetypremium

    Any -use afterof the deliveryPE ofand coresport swimmingpremium andmust waterbe safetyin lessons.

    Whataccordance yourwith fundingthe shouldterms notoutlined bein usedthe for

    Youconditions shouldof notgrant document. This means schools must use yourthe fundingPE and sport premium to:

    • fundbuild capitalcapacity expenditure
    • employand coachescapability orin specialistthe teachersschool and make sure that improvements made to coverthe planningquality preparationof PE, sport and assessmentphysical (PPA)activity arrangementsprovision -now thisare shouldsustainable beand fundedwill frombenefit yourpupils corejoining staffingthe budgetsschool in future
    • teachdevelop or add to the minimumPE, requirementssport ofand physical activity that the nationalschool curriculumprovides

    Continued (or,professional indevelopment

    Schools should see the casecontinued professional development (CPD) of academiesteachers andas freea schools,key priority to teachmake yoursure existingthat the future quality of the teaching of PE, curriculum)sport -and apartphysical fromactivity top-upis swimmingsustainable. lessonsThis afterincludes pupils’providing completionstaff ofwith:

    • professional coredevelopment
    • mentoring
    • appropriate lessonstraining
    • access to external resources

    Capital expenditure

    WhereWe schoolsrecommend havethat anschools existing capitalisation policy, you should use thisestablished policyquality toassured determinelocal, whetherregional proposedand spendingnational wouldsubject-specific beand consideredsuitably toqualified beCPD capital expenditure.providers.

    IfSchools ashould schoolmonitor doesand notassess havethe aeffectiveness capitalisationof policythe itCPD remainsbeing forprovided them to determinemake whatsure qualifiesthat asit capital,is butup youto mightstandard.

    Other wisheffective ways to usespend the followingpremium

    Schools resources:can also:

    • local-authority-maintainedembed schools:physical consistentactivity financialinto reportingthe framework:school capitalday expenditure

    • academies:by capitalencouraging expenditureactive istravel definedto inand thefrom academiesschool handbookand as:having “capitalactive assetsbreak times

    • provide targeted activities or fundingsupport areto thoseinvolve fromand whichencourage anthe entityleast expectsactive children
    • help to deriveprovide benefitequal access for moreall thanpupils oneto year:the typicallyrange land,of buildings,sports vehicles and informationphysical technology.activities Theythat arethe usuallyschool called fixed assets.”


    SmallSchools purchasescan shouldalso notuse bethe capitalised.PE Yourand sport premium to raise attainment in primary school orswimming trustand shouldwater determinesafety anby appropriatefunding (detop-up minimis)swimming value,sessions belowfor whichthose transactionspupils shouldthat bedo chargednot tomeet revenue.national curriculum requirements after they’ve completed core swimming lessons.



    YouAchieving aresustainable accountableoutcomes foris howkey youto useany spending of the PE and sport premiumpremium.

    Before fundingmaking allocatedany todecision you.on Thewhat the funding mustshould be spentused forfor, theschools purpose(in itparticular, wasgovernors providedand trustees) toshould makeconsider additionalhow the spending will benefit future pupils and sustainablewhat improvementsthe tolasting legacy of this spending will be.

    Schools should focus their efforts on upskilling the whole staff workforce so that they feel confident and able to lead a PE, sportlesson andindependently.

    Use physicalof activityexternal offered.


    AsSchools partmay wish to engage the expertise of external coaches to offer their role,pupils governorsa andwider academyvariety of sports. Governing bodies, trustees or proprietors should monitor:seek assurance that providers have appropriate safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures in place, including inspecting these as needed.

    We do not expect:

    • howthese thecoaches fundingto isreplace beingthe spent
    • howneed itfor fitsthe intoprimary schoolteaching improvement plansstaff
    • schools to use the impactgrant itto isfund havingannually onrepeated pupilscoach-led initiatives


    Spending andin localan authoritiesacademic year

    Schools must followspend the termsPE setand out sport premium funding in full for the conditionsbenefit of grant.the Ifpupils aattending localthe authorityschool orwithin athe schoolacademic failsyear toit complyhas withbeen theseallocated terms,for. theFunding Secretaryshould ofnot Statebe mayallocated requireto theonly repaymentbenefit ofa thecertain wholeyear orgroup.

    Schools cannot roll over any partunused offunding into the premiumfollowing paidacademic toyear. They must spend the localfunding authoritybefore or31 school.

    OnlineJuly reporting

    You2024 mustso publishit detailscan ofbe howaccounted youfor spendin:

    What at the latest.

    PE and sport premium should not be used for

    OnlineFunding reporting must clearlynot show:be used for:

    • thecapital amountexpenditure
    • employing ofcoaches PEor specialist teachers to cover planning preparation and sportassessment premiumarrangements received(this should be funded from the school’s core staffing budgets)
    • ateaching fullthe breakdownminimum requirements of howthe itnational hascurriculum beenor, spentfor oracademies, willthe beexisting spentPE beforecurriculum of apart from top-up swimming lessons after pupils have completed core lessons. Teaching the endcurriculum ofshould be funded through the academicschool’s yearcore funding
    • thebuying impactservices thethat schoolwill hasbe seendelivered onor pupils’used PE,in physicalfollowing activity,academic andyears sport(this participationincludes paying for invoices and attainmentsubscriptions in advance)
    • howgoods that exceed the improvementsde willminimis be(lowest) sustainablevalue infor purchases set by the futureschool
    • buying staff PE kit

    YouExamples mustof alsowhat publishcomes theunder percentagecapital ofexpenditure pupilsinclude:

    • multi-use withingames yourareas yearand 6Daily cohortMile intracks
    • Forest theSchool 2022environments toand 2023Trim academicTrails
    • buying yearvehicles
    • fixed whoplayground metequipment, thesuch nationalas curriculumclimbing requirementframes
    • trophy to:cabinets or similar

    Examples of what schools should pay for from their staffing budget include:

    • swimsubsidising competently,core confidentlystaffing, andsuch proficientlyas overPE asubject distanceleaders ofor atexternal leastcoaches 25who metresare engaged in repeated annual initiatives
    • usefunding athe rangecost of strokesa effectively,teaching forassistant example,or frontapprentice crawl,to backstrokedeliver andPE breaststroke
    • performlessons safeinstead self-rescueof inprimary differentteaching water-based situationsstaff

    AttainmentSchools datareceive separate funding for yearthe 6national pupilsPE shouldcurriculum. beAn providedexample fromthat theirfalls mostunder recentthis is swimming lessons.and Thiswater maysafety belessons dataand fromany yearsassociated 3,costs, 4,other 5than oradditional 6,top-up dependinglessons onfor pupils who have not been able to meet the swimmingnational programmecurriculum atrequirements.

    Defining yourcapital school.expenditure

    Schools Itcan isonly essentialuse toPE retainand attainmentsport datapremium fromfunding swimmingfor lessonsrevenue inexpenditure. yearsIf 3you’re tonot 5sure towhether a particular cost can be ableclassified toas reportrevenue thisexpenditure, accuratelyask infor yearlocal 6.professional advice. We cannot provide individual advice on this.

    ToCapital helpexpenditure youfor plan,the monitorpurposes andof reportthis ongrant thefunding impactis defined as: ‘The purchase of youran spending,asset partners(tangible inor theintangible), physicalor educationexpenditure which adds to/enhances and schoolnot sportmerely sectormaintains havethe developedvalue aof Theexisting templateasset.’

    For canexpenditure to be accessedtreated throughas capital, the Associationasset must:

    • be used for PEmore andthan Youthone Sportyear
    • be Trustabove websites.the Itschool’s is(local recommendedauthority’s thator thetrust’s) templatede isminimis usedthreshold tofor recordrecognition yourof activityassets throughoutto theits year,balance insheet readiness- ofthis publicationcan atinclude:
      • individual assets worth over the endde minimis threshold
      • grouped assets, that is assets of a similar nature that the school year.

        Reviewbuys ofat onlinethe reports

        Schoolsame onlinetime, reportingwhich willcost bemore monitoredthan by DfE.the Wede willminimis lookthreshold

      • bulked atassets, afor selectionexample ofa schools’bulk onlinepurchase reportsof toequipment confirmwhere thatthe usevalue of the PEindividual anditem sportis premiumbelow describedthe inset thevalue, reportwhich meetscost themore requirementsoverall outlinedthan withinthe thisde guidanceminimis andthreshold
    • increase the conditionsuseful life, performance or value of grantthe document.


    WhereIf concernsthe orspending discrepancieswould aretrigger identifiedasset recognition for the departmentschool willor makelocal contactauthority, withunder your own local accounting policy, the schoolspending would not be eligible to addressbe andfunded investigatethrough thesethis fully.grant.

    Schools Incan use grant funds to maintain existing assets because the eventfunding thatcan anybe concernsused aretowards confirmed,maintenance appropriatecosts. andFor proportionateexample, actionrepainting willlines beon takenthe againstplayground is allowable as the school,playground whichshould mayalready includebe actionrecognised toas recoveran fundingasset, fromand the school.cost of repainting lines on it is a revenue maintenance cost.

    EligibilityAccountability and reporting

    MostSchools schoolsare withaccountable primary-agefor pupilshow receivethey use the PE and sport premium infunding theallocated academicto yearthem. 2022The toschool’s 2023,senior including:

    • schoolsleadership maintainedteam byshould make sure that the localfunding authority
    • academiesis (includesspent freefor schools)
    • specialthe schoolspurpose (forit childrenhas withbeen specialprovided educational- needsthat oris disabilities)
    • non-maintainedto specialmake schoolsadditional (schoolsand forsustainable childrenimprovements withto specialthe educationalPE, needssport thatand thephysical Secretaryactivity offered.

      As part of Statetheir forrole, Educationgovernors hasand approvedacademy undertrustees sectionshould 342monitor ofhow the Educationfunding Actis 1996)

    • citybeing technologyspent collegesand (CTCs)
    • pupildetermine referralhow unitsit (PRUs providefits educationinto forschool childrenimprovement whoplans cannotand attendassess athe mainstreamimpact school)
    • generalit hospitals
    is having on pupils.

    TheSchools, followinglocal typesauthorities and academy proprietors must follow the terms set out in the conditions of schoolsgrant dodocument. notIf receivea thisschool, funding:

    • nurserylocal schools
    • studioauthority schools
    • universityor technicalacademy collegesproprietor (UTCs)
    • independentfails schoolsto (exceptcomply forwith non-maintainedthese specialterms, schools,the whichSecretary doof receiveState may require the funding)

    Howschool weto calculaterepay funding

    all or any part of the premium paid.

    SchoolsAs receivepart of the conditions of grant, schools must publish a report detailing how they have spent their PE and sport premium funding basedallocation on thetheir numberschool ofwebsite pupilsby in31 yearsJuly 12024.

    Reports tomust 6.include:


    • the casesamount whereof schoolsPE doand notsport followpremium yearreceived
    • a groupsfull (forbreakdown example,of inhow someit specialhas schools),been pupilsspent, agedincluding 5justifying toany 10additional attractcosts incurred and describing:
      • the funding.

        Inmeasurable mostimpact cases,that wethe determineschool howhas manyseen pupilson inpupils’ yourPE schoolattainment, attractphysical theactivity fundingand bysport usingparticipation datadue fromto the Januaryspending

      • how 2022the schoolspend census.

        Ifwill yoube aresustainable ain newthe schoolfuture

    Schools ormust aalso schoolpublish teachingthe eligiblepercentage of pupils forwithin theits firstyear time6 cohort in the 2023 to 2024 academic year 2022who tomet 2023,the wenational willcurriculum baseswimming yourand fundingwater onsafety datarequirements. fromWe thecollect autumnthis 2022as schoolpart census.

    Fundingof fora 2022school’s toPE 2023

    Schoolsand withsport 16premium orreporting fewerrequirements eligibleeven though the funding can only be used to provide additional support for pupils receivefailing £1,000to permeet pupil.the curriculum standards.

    Schools withshould 17provide orattainment moredata eligiblefor pupilsyear receive6 £16,000pupils andfrom antheir additionalmost paymentrecent ofswimming £10lessons. perThis pupil.

    Youmay canbe accessdata thefrom publishedprevious allocationsyears, fordepending 2022on tothe 2023swimming andprogramme readat the conditionsschool. ofSchools grantmust forkeep 2022attainment todata 2023.

    Thefrom breakdownswimming oflessons fundingin foryears the3 academicto year5 2021to be able to 2022report isthis alsoaccurately year 6.


    To dateshelp forschools 2022plan, tomonitor 2023

    Maintainedand schools,report including PRUs andon generalthe hospitals

    Maintainedimpact schools,of including PRUstheir spending, partners in the PE and generaland hospitals,school dosport notsector receivehave fundingdeveloped directlya from DfE.planning Wetool giveand thea fundingrecording totemplate. yourThese localare authorityon the Association for PE and theyYouth passSport itTrust onwebsites. We recommend that schools use these to you.

    Weplan giveand localrecord authoritieshow they use the PE and sport premium fundingthroughout forthe maintainedyear, schoolsto inbe 2ready separateto payments.publish Theythe receive:report at the end of the school year.

    • 7/12

      Review of youronline fundingreports

      We’ll allocationcontinue onto 31monitor Octoberpublished 2022

    • 5/12reports. We’ll look at a selection of yourreports fundingto allocationconfirm onthat 28the Apriluse 2023
    of the PE and sport premium described in the report meets the requirements outlined within this guidance and the conditions of grant document.

    If youwe areidentify aconcerns newor maintaineddiscrepancies, we’ll contact the school orto ifaddress youand investigate these fully. If any concerns are teachingconfirmed, eligiblewe’ll pupilstake forappropriate theand firstproportionate timeaction inagainst the 2022school, towhich 2023may academicinclude year,action localto authoritiesrecover receive:funding.

    • 7/12

      Digital oftool

      We’ll yourbe fundingintroducing allocationa onnew 27digital FebruaryPE 2023

    • 5/12and ofsport yourpremium fundingreporting allocationtool onfor 28schools. AprilThis 2023

    Academies,digital freetool schoolswill and CTCs

    Wecapture senddetails academieson (includinghow freea schools)school and CTCs theirhas used its PE and sport premium fundingand inthe 2impact separateit payments.has Youhad receive:on achieving the aims and objectives of the funding.

    The information gathered will include:

    • 7/12figures ofon yourthe fundingoverall allocationspend
    • what onthe 8funding Novemberhas 2022been spent on
    • 5/12whether ofthere youris fundingany allocationunspent onfunding
    • swimming 2and Maywater 2023safety attainment

    IfWe’ll youpilot arethe adigital newtool academyfor (includesthe aacademic freeyear school)2023 orto CTC,2024. orIt ifwill yoube area teachingmandatory eligiblerequirement pupils for theschools firstto timecomplete init from the 20222024 to 20232025 academic year, you receive:year.

    • 7/12

      The ofdigital yourtool totalwill fundingprovide allocationa onfurther 28measure April 2023

    • 5/12 of youraccountability totaland fundingwill allocationhelp onidentify 2any Maynon-compliant 2023

    Non-maintainedspending specialof schools

    Wethe send non-maintained special schools their PE and sport premiumpremium. fundingWe inintend 2to separatelaunch payments.the Youtool receive:

    • 7/12in ofMay youror fundingJune with2024. theWe’ll firstsend paymentinformation youto haveschools scheduledcloser withto usthis afterdate, 8including Novemberdetails 2022
    • 5/12 of yourtraining fundingsessions withon thehow firstto paymentcomplete youthe havedigital scheduled with us after 3 May 2023

    Further guidance

    You can get further guidance at:

    Other helpful guidance documents are:

    Published 19 September 2014
    Last updated 719 NovemberJuly 20222023 + show all updates
    1. Updated the guidance for the academic year 2023 to 2024. This shows schools how to use the funding more effectively and highlights the importance of sustainability and equal access for all pupils. It confirms that schools must spend the funding in the academic year it has been allocated for. There is also a new section on the upcoming digital tool.

    2. Updated to include revised payment dates for 2022 to 2023 and provide clarification on sustainable improvements and what capital expenditure includes.

    3. Updated the information about carried forward unspent PE and sport premium grant funding, added the payment dates for 2021 to 2022 and a link to the conditions of grant.

    4. Updated to confirm continuation of the PE and sport premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. Also updated to reflect the announcement that schools can carry forward unspent PE and sport premium funding into the 2021 to 2022 academic year.

    5. Updated information about any PE and sport premium carried forward from the 2019 to 2020 academic year. The deadline to spend carried forward funding is now the end of the 2020 to 2021 academic year.

    6. Updated sections relating to coronavirus (COVID-19), accountability and how to use funding.

    7. Added link to details for the 2020 to 2021 academic year, including conditions of grant (not 2021 to 2022 as appeared in error on previous change note)

    8. Includes link to the Conditions of Grant for 2021 to 2022

    9. Added section 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) update'.

    10. We have added a link to the published allocations and conditions of grant for 2019 to 2020.

    11. Updated for the 2019 to 2020 academic year.

    12. We have confirmed that the £320 million PE and Sport Premium will continue in the 2019 to 2020 academic year.

    13. Corrected allocation date: new academies, free schools, and CTCs will receive seven-twelfths of their 2018 to 2019 allocation on 1 March 2019.

    14. Information on the 2018 to 2019 funding amounts and when schools will receive payments.

    15. Updated for the academic year 2017 to 2018.

    16. Added details about funding for 2017 to 2018.

    17. Updated information for the 2016 to 2017 academic year.

    18. Added link to allocations data for the 2015 to 2016 academic year.

    19. Updated information for the 2015 to 2016 academic year.

    20. Added links to Sports Coach UK's coaching portal and to a series of short films about the PE and sport premium.

    21. Added a link to the County Sports Partnerships (CSP) Network website where schools can find contact details for their local CSP.

    22. Added the breakdown of funding for the academic year 2014 to 2015, including conditions of grant.

    23. First published.