
Trade remedies notice: provisional countervailing duty on ironing boards from TürkiyeTurkey

The Secretary of State for Business and Trade is applying provisionala countervailing duty on ironing boards from TürkiyeTurkey under the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018 (“the Act”).Act”)



The Secretary of State for Business and Trade has accepted a recommendation made by the Trade Remedies Authority (TRA), and is giving effect to that recommendation,recommendation underin accordance with paragraph 1517 and 19 of Schedule 4 underto the Act 2018and (“theregulation Act”)92 of the regulations to apply provisionala definitive countervailing duty on ironing boards from Türkiye.Turkey.


Published will25 requireMay UK2023
Last importersupdated to7 obtainSeptember a2023 + show bankall guarantee,updates
  1. 'Trade bondremedies ornotice pay2023/18: adefinitive cashcountervailing depositduty equalon ironing boards originating from Turkey' added to thedocuments provisionallist. dutyThis againstnotice theirtakes customseffect declaration.