
Get funding to develop and exploit knowledge assets

Find funding to develop early stage knowledge assets towards adoption or commercialisation.

Knowledge Assets Grant Fund

Funding type: grant

Who can apply: UK public sector organisations with an Accounting Officer

Total funding: £5 million this financial year

Maximum award: up to £250,000 (3 different grant values available)

Competition opensApplication deadline
16 June 202311am on 7 September 2023
15 September 202311am on 14 December 2023
322 JanuaryDecember 2024202311am on 14 March 2024 (AI themed, see below)
22 March 202411am on 6 June 2024

TheFor Knowledgethe AssetsAutumn Grantcall Fund(closes supports11am organisations7th acrossSeptember), the publicKnowledge sectorAsset inGrant theFund UKencourages toapplications, exploreand excitingwill newgive usespriority ofto datasets,successful technology,proposals, intellectualthat property,fall ideas,under andthe expertise.themes of:

Funding1. isDigital availableeconomy

We forare useseeking into supportingsupport the development,development repurposing, commercialisation or expandedrepurposing use of publicdigital sectortechnology knowledge assets.

Themedassets fundingincluding rounds

The(but Knowledgenot Assetslimited Grantto): 

  • Digital Fundplatforms, runsprogramming, alternating general and themedprocesses.
  • Digital callsmethods .of Duringstoring bi-annualand themedaccessing calls,data.
  • Artificial on-themeintelligence applicationsor willstatistical bemodels.
  • Knowledge prioritised,and howeversystems non-themedwhich projectssupport aregood stillgovernance welcomed.

    Ourand upcomingmanagement themedof calldigital willtechnologies runor fromdata 3assets.

  • Software.

2. JanuaryEnvironment 2024 to 11am on the 14th March 2024 and give priority to proposals that fall under the theme of Artificial Intelligence.sustainability

GOTTWe isare lookingparticularly tointerested fund projectsin thatsupporting enable transformative changes through the development and use of Knowledgeknowledge Assetsassets inassociated thewith wider public or private sector.
Projects in scope comprise both the developmentmanagement, ofmonitoring, newmitigation, AIalleviation, algorithms or softwareadaption andto themajor applicationsustainability ofchallenges, existingwhich solutionsmight ininclude areas(but whichis have not beenlimited considered before in the public


  • Climate couldChange: include,Rising buttemperatures, ischanging notweather limitedpatterns, to, the use and developmentextreme ofevents AIdue technologiesto suchincreased as: *greenhouse Machinegas Learning *emissions.
  • Loss Deepof Learning *Biodiversity: NaturalHabitat Languagedestruction, Processing *pollution, Computerand Vision *overexploitation Robotics *leading Expertto Systems * Artificial Creativity

    Projects could include the responsiblerapid usedecline of AIspecies suchand asecosystems.

  • Water byScarcity gettingand thePollution: mostGrowing outwater ofscarcity textand orcontamination imagefrom data,industrial improvingand businessagricultural processes,activities.
  • Land workflowsDegradation and decisionDesertification: making.Unsustainable Weland are also interested in technical AI projects that further develop or use existingpractices knowledgecausing assetssoil thatdegradation canand bethe appliedexpansion toof providedeserts.
  • Pollution solutionsand toWaste: newRelease problems.of Projectspollutants fundedinto shouldair, developwater, theand asset’ssoil, usealong beyondwith ‘businessimproper aswaste usual’management.

The purposesfund andwill shouldcontinue haveto thewelcome potentialapplications forfrom adoptionall ineligible other areas ofand government or for commercialisation.organisations.


The fundingKnowledge events

StaffAssets fromGrant allFund eligiblesupports organisations areacross invitedthe topublic registersector forin ourthe briefingUK webinarto onexplore 15exciting November,new 12pmuses toof learndatasets, moretechnology, aboutintellectual ourproperty, AIideas themedand funding round.expertise.

BeFunding theis firstavailable tofor hearuse aboutin newsupporting competitions,the upcomingdevelopment, eventsrepurposing, andcommercialisation otheror GOTTexpanded news.use Toof joinpublic thesector GOTTknowledge mailing list enter your information.assets.

Types of funding you can apply for

There are 3 bands of funding you can apply for:

  • Explore Grant (up to and including £25,000)
  • Expand Grant (£25,001 to £100,000)
  • Extend Grant (£100,001 to £250,000)

The size of the grant for each band is determined by the amount of information requested to meet the criteria for that band.

The bandings do not reflect the stage of development of your project. For example, you can apply for an Explore Grant to help you take an already well-developed project in a new direction.

Who can apply

Central government department’s, Arm’s Length Bodies and Public Sector Research Establishments are eligible for the Knowledge Asset Grant Fund.

Organisations in the NHS secondary and tertiary care sector, and publicly owned commercial organisations, are not be eligible to apply for grant funding or other services from the Government Office for Technology Transfer (GOTT).

We have welcomed a range of innovative projects from within the NHS secondary and tertiary care sector and publicly-owned commercial organisations over the last two years and would like to thank all of those clients who have worked with us. We now need to show success in other sectors that require our help.

GOTT has a cross-government mandate and must ensure that our limited resources avoid duplicating support and funding that is already available. We would encourage NHS Trusts to look at alternative funding schemes available to the NHS secondary and tertiary care sector by viewing Health Technology Pathway: Navigation Tool for Innovators in England document.

We remain committed to supporting health care and life science projects amongst a diverse sector mix, and we remain open to applications from central government and associated public sector organisations that may have health and life sciences knowledge assets.

Be the first to hear about new competitions, upcoming events and other GOTT news. To join the GOTT mailing list enter your information here

How to apply

Find out about each band and if your organisation or project is eligible for funding:

Applications for funding are administered by our partners at Innovate UK.

UK Innovation and Science Seed Fund (UKI2S)

Funding type: early stage venture capital funding

Who can apply: emerging spin-out companies based on knowledge assets from UK public sector organisations. Read more about the UKI2S investment criteria.

Total funding: £13.9 million investment for public sector knowledge assets

Maximum investment: no limit (pre-seed to series A funding and beyond)

Deadline: N/A

UKI2S is an early-stage investment fund backed by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI),(UKRI), Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),(BEIS), the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)(UKAEA) and other public bodies. Together, they are supporting the most ambitious UK innovators at seed and beyond to:

  • create new companies and facilitate sustainable growth
  • enhance the health and security of society
  • deliver economic gains from the UK public funding

UKI2S works closely with GOTT to provide investment capital to exploit the UK’s public knowledge assets.

How to apply

Pitch for UKI2S investment.

Published 4 October 2022
Last updated 2419 OctoberJune 2023 + show all updates
  1. Added information about themed funding rounds and changed the opening date for the next competition to 3 January 2024.

  2. Removed previous funding round deadlines, as this has now passed. Also removed details on themed autumn call as this has now passed, and the next call for funding is not themed.

  3. Updated links for new competition

  4. removed past deadline

  5. amendment to numbering

  6. Further detail given on themed calls

  7. Information added regarding priority themes and different opening dates

  8. Change to include eligible and ineligible organisations

  9. Change to detail that commercial organisations have been excluded

  10. Future application deadlines have been added for the Knowledge Asset Grant Fund. Eligibility information has been added to the Knowledge Asset Grant Fund as from the 8 June 2023 NHS Trusts will no longer be in scope.

  11. The next phase of the Knowledge Assets Grant Fund competition is now open.

  12. Added competition opening dates for 2023.

  13. Added new deadlines for Knowledge Assets Grant Fund