
Apply for Department for Education (DfE) personal data

How to apply for access to personal data from DfE and its executive agencies.

Applies to England


ByDfE default,can allshare personal data willwith beexternal accessedorganisations viathrough thecertain Officechannels.

Where we can share data under the Digital Economy Act 2017 (DEA), we will:

  • manage project approval through the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Research Accreditation Service
  • share it via the ONS Secure Research Service (SRS)

In time, we will share this data via the Integrated Data Service.

DfE will only share personal data under DEA when the ONS SRS).has However,already wherede-identified it, for individuals and body corporates. The ONS is the SRSservice provider and DEA accredited processor for disclosure.

Where we cannot share data under DEA, the DfE data sharing service will manage project approval under DfE legislation. DfE’s default route for sharing personal data is notthrough suitableONS andSecure evidenceResearch canService under DfE legislation.

In some circumstances, DfE may allow personal data to be providedshared with some organisations via a direct supply of data to supportthat this,organisation.

Apply for access to linked DfE and Ministry of Justice data

Visit Ministry of Justice (MoJ) data first for access to the linked MoJ and DfE data set.

You will need to complete the MoJ application form.

Apply to ONS Research Accreditation Service for access to DfE personal data

You can currently apply directly to ONS Research Accreditation Service for the following exemptionsDfE ondatasets:

We’re also working to make the usefollowing DfE datasets directly available from ONS, including:

It is our ambition to make the following data available to external researchers via ONS Research Accreditation Service in a similar way to LEO, including:

We are not yet able to confirm when this will be possible.

Apply to DfE data sharing service

You can apply for access to any DfE personal data that:

  • you cannot currently get access to via ONS Research Accreditation Service
  • has data variables not included within the datasets available from ONS Research Accreditation Service

By default, all DfE personal data shared under DfE legislation will be considered:made available via the ONS Secure Research Service.

Where the SRS is not suitable and you provide evidence to support this, we will consider the following exemptions on the use of SRS for sharing data:

  • data is being processed to fulfil an essential public task, such as the running of education or children’s services
  • you are doing research funded or commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE) and its executive agencies or other government departments
  • you are doing research that is sponsored or supported by by DfE and and its executive agencies as it adds significant value to the evidence base supporting education or children’s services

If you are unsure, contact contact


Application toprocess

To DfEapply, foryou accessneed to DfE personal datato:


You may also find the digital digital Findfind and explore explore NPD tool tool helpful helpful when working out which data items you need from the national pupil database (NPD).

If you are a DfE contractor contractorwho wantingwants to apply for personal data for a DfE-commissioned research project, contact your contract manager or research project lead to discuss how to complete the the DfE-commissioned commissioned research application form for DfE personal data.form.

The data sharing service is here to help you:

  • progress your application through the data sharing service
  • access the right data for your project
  • document the data share through a signed data sharing agreement, memorandum of understanding, or commercial contract - contact contact for for a copy of our standard terms and conditions

Data tables

Use these data tables to provide your data requirements:

All completed applications must be submitted to

AccessingFurther DfEinformation personalon dataaccessing using the ONS SRSSecure Research Service

Anyone who needs to access DfE personal data via the ONS SRSSecure Research Service must be accredited under the ONS approved researcher scheme. We recommend you begin this process as soon as possible and take steps to become accredited by ONS in parallel to your application.

Contact withif you have any questions.

OnceOnly you are an ONS-approved researcherapproved andresearchers, yourwith an application has been approved by the ONS Research Accreditation Service or DfE, Data thereSharing Service, are 3permitted waysto you can access DfE data forin approvedthe projectsSRS.

There throughare the3 ONSways SRS:you can access this data:

  • physical labs: you can book a session to access DfE data at 1 of 5 ONS locations across the UK
  • SafePod: this is available for approved researchersresearchers, and currentlythere foundis in thesea list of currently available locations
  • remote access: once your organisation meets security standards and has organised connectivity with ONS, you can access data online using your own equipment, subject to specified conditions

Before gaining access to DfE personal data shared in the ONS SRS,Secure Research Service, you will be asked to signsign:

  • under DEA legislation, an individual declaration form
  • under DfE legislation, a data sharing agreement, memorandum of understanding, or commercial contract. contract

Contact forto request a copy of our standard terms and conditions.


Before gaining access to your outputs from ONS, your data must meet DfE and ONS statistical disclosure control (PDF, 249 KB, 13 pages) rules for accessing outputs.

Further information on direct access to DfE personal data

Before applying for DfE personal data, you must:

Applybackground directlychecks toon ONSstaff forhandling otherDfE keypersonal datasets


  • provide canevidence currentlyof applyany directlydata tosharing ONSagreements forwith theseother datasets:

    • theorganisations longitudinalinvolved educationin outcomesthe (LEO)data study,share
    • submit whicha comparescomplete students’application levelform
  • Published of7 educationJanuary to2022
    Last theirupdated level7 ofDecember employment2023 + show andall earningsupdates
    1. Updated lifeto -include readinformation more about LEO data andsharing howunder tothe applyDigital forEconomy it.

    2. theAct growing2017. upYou incan Englandnow (GUiE)access dataset,some whichDfE willpersonal enabledata researchthrough into the linkONS betweenResearch familyAccreditation householdScheme composition andupdated educationalthe attainmentpage -to readreflect morethis. aboutUpdated howthe todata applytable for GUiE
    3. the gradingnational andpupil admissiondatabase.

    4. Updated England (GRADE)the initiative,DfE which makes available data fromsharing DfE,service theapplication Officeform of Qualifications and Examinationsguidance, Regulation (Ofqual) and the Universitiesindividualised andlearner Collegesrecord, Admissionsnational Servicepupil (UCAS)database covering exam results from 2017 to 2019 and gradesschool fromworkforce summerdata 2020tables. -Updated readthe more‘Apply aboutdirectly how to applyONS for GRADE

    5. We’reother alsokey workingdatasets’ tosection makewith theinformation followingabout DfEthe datasetsfurther directlyeducation availableworkforce fromand ONS:

      Applyrecord fordata linkedtables, DfENational andPupil MoJDatabase data

      Visit Ministrytables ofand Justicethe datainformation firstsecurity forquestionnaire. accessAdded to the linkedstatistical Ministrydisclosure ofcontrol Justicedocument. (MoJ)Added anda DfElink data set.

      For access to otherthe DfEchildcare dataand assets,early completeyears ansurvey applicationof form or contact for more information.parents.

    Published 7 January 2022
    Last updated 5 April 2023 + show all updates
    1. Uploaded new versions of the Individualised Learner Record data tables, the National Pupil Database data tables, the DfE data sharing service application form guidance and the application form.

    2. Uploaded new versions of the national pupil database and higher education data tables, the application form and the guidance. Added a new link to Growing Up in England (GUiE) and an update on which DfE data assets will soon be available directly from ONS.

    3. Uploaded new versions of the National Pupil Database data tables, Higher Education Statistics Agency data tables, and the application form and guidance.

    4. Uploaded new versions of the National Pupil Database data tables, School Workforce data tables, Individualised Learner Record data tables and the Higher Education Statistics Agency data tables and made minor updates to the application form, guidance and information security questionnaire.

    5. Updated the application form and guidance to apply for access to DfE personal data through the ONS SRS. Also updated the National Pupil Database data table.