Foreign travel advice


! Warning FCDO advises against all travel to parts of Tunisia.

Warnings and insuranceSummary

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YourThe travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against advice from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

Areas(FCDO) where FCDO advises against travel

Western Tunisia, including the Tunisia-Algeria border

FCDO advises against all travel to:

  • the Chaambi Mountains National Park
  • and the designated military operations zones:
    • zones of Mount Salloum
    • Salloum, Mount Sammamma
    • and Mount Mghila


  • the ismilitarised duezone tosouth cross-borderof terroristthe activitytowns of El Borma and operationsDhehiba
  • within by20km of the Tunisianrest securityof forces. 

    the Libya border area north of Dhehiba
  • the town of Ben Guerdane and immediate surrounding area
  • In addition,addition and for security reasons, the FCDO advises against all but essential travel to:

    • areaswithin north75km of the Libyan border, including Remada, El Borma and westthe town of Zarzis
    • the governorate of Kasserine, including the town of GhardimaouSbeitla
    • within in10km Jendoubaof Governorate,the includingborder Elwith FeidjaAlgeria Nationalsouth Parkof Kasserine governorate
    • within 30km of the Tunisia-Algeria border in El Kef and Jendouba governorates,governorates south of the town of Jendouba, including the archaeological site of Chemtou
    • Kasserineareas Governorate,north includingand thewest town of Sbeitla
    • withinthe 10kmtown of theGhardimaou restin ofJendouba thegovernorate, Tunisia-Algeriaincluding borderEl southFeidja ofNational Kasserine GovernoratePark
    • within 10km of Mount Mghila
    • Mount Orbata


    Before Tunisia,you includingtravel, check the Tunisia-Libya‘Entry border

    requirements’ section for Tunisia’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.

    FCDOIt advisesis againstmore allimportant than ever to get travel to:insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s guidance on foreign travel insurance.

    • Since 1 July, the militarisedcity zoneof southSfax has witnessed several days of thecivil townsunrest, including reports of Elinjuries, Bormaarrests and Dhehiba

    • withinone 20kmdeath, ofrelated theto restheightened oftensions thebetween Tunisia-Libyalocal borderresidents areaand northmigrants offrom Dhehiba
    • sub-Saharan Africa. Security forces in Sfax and the townregion ofare Benon Guerdanehigh alert. Further disturbances could occur with little or no warning and immediateimpact surroundingother area
    Black people perceived to be of sub-Saharan African origin.

    ThisTerrorists isare duestill very likely to cross-bordertry terroristto activitycarry out further attacks in Tunisia, including against UK and fightingWestern interests. There have been a number of self-initiated attacks in Libya.2023. On 3 July a National Guard officer was attacked with a knife in the La Goulette area of Tunis.

    In addition,June, FCDOa advisespolice againstofficer allwas butstabbed essentialand travelkilled tooutside withinthe 75kmBrazilian Embassy in Tunis. In May, a fatal shooting took place on the island of Djerba, near to where Tunisian and international visitors were taking part in the Tunisia-Libyaannual border,Jewish includingpilgrimage Remada,at the El BormaGhriba synagogue. Three security personnel and thetwo towncivilians ofwere Zarziskilled, and ten people were injured.

    FindSecurity outforces moreremain abouton whya FCDOhigh advisesstate againstof travel.

    Beforealert youin travel

    NoTunis traveland canother beplaces. guaranteedYou safe.should Readbe vigilant at all thetimes, adviceincluding around religious sites and festivals. Crowded areas, government installations, transportation networks, businesses with Western interests, and areas where foreign nationals and tourists are known to gather may be at higher risk of attack. You should be particularly vigilant in thisthese guideareas and follow any specific travel advice thatof appliesthe local security authorities. In more remote areas of the country, including tourist sites in southern Tunisia, security forces’ response times to you: 


    Parliamentary insurance

    elections took place in December 2022 and January 2023 and the new Parliament opened in March 2023.

    IfProtests youoccur choosein toTunisia travel,with researchlittle youror destinationsno warning, and getcan appropriatesometimes travelbecome insurance.violent. InsuranceThey shouldusually covertake yourplace itinerary,in plannedcentral activitiesareas of Tunis and expensesother major cities, and in anthe emergency.

    Aboutvicinity FCDOof travelgovernment advice

    FCDObuildings, providesoften advicebut aboutnot risksalways ofon travelweekends or around prominent national anniversary dates. In response to helpthe Britishcurrent nationalssituation makein informedIsrael decisions.and Findthe outOccupied morePalestinian aboutTerritories, FCDOpeaceful traveldemonstrations advicehave occurred in some Tunisian cities, including outside some Western embassies. Avoid all protests, and move away from gathered crowds. Keep up to date with developments through the media and follow the instructions given by the Tunisian authorities as well as your hotel and tour operator, if you have one. See Political and security situation.

    FollowYou andcan contact FCDOthe travelemergency onservices Twitter,by Facebookcalling:

    If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission. Consular whensupport thismay advicebe islimited parts of Tunisia.