
Advice for SIA approved contractors

Understand how you can meet the ACS standard on matters including licensingright requirementsto forwork, employment screening, licensing of directors and using overseas suppliers.


ACS: Directors and SIA licensing

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ACS: Right to work guidance

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ACS: Outsourced employment screening

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ACS: Using overseas suppliers

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An SIA approved contractor must comply with the law and meet the ACS standard.

Use ‘Directors and SIA licensing’ to understand the scope of SIA licensing and ensure that all of your directors comply with the law.

ReadUse ‘Usingthe overseas‘Right suppliers’to work guidance’ to understand whathow you mustcan doshow ifus that you useare overseasdoing suppliersthe required ‘right to deliverwork’ serviceschecks inon theyour UK.employees.


Use 28‘Outsourced Septemberemployment 2020
Lastscreening’ updatedto 18understand Junewhat 2024 + showevidence allyou updates

  1. Deletedus documents 'ACS: Right to workconfirm guidance'that andyou 'ACS:are Outsourcedstill employmentmeeting screening' because the rightACS tostandard workif guidanceyour iscompany duplicatedoutsources inits 'Getemployment Licensed'screening.

    Read and‘Using theoverseas screeningsuppliers’ guidanceto hasunderstand beenwhat rewrittenyou andmust addeddo toif ouryou documentuse collectionoverseas onsuppliers guidanceto fordeliver approvedservices Alsothe removedUK.

Published references28 toSeptember these2020
Last documentsupdated in16 theMay summary2022 + show andall body text.

  1. Removed the documents 'ACS: Guidance on employment status' and 'ACS: Preventing tax avoidance'. We have replaced these with the 'Learn how HMRC rules apply to the security operatives you deploy' guidance page.

  2. Added a new guidance document: 'ACS: Using overseas suppliers'