
Apply for healthcare cover in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland (CA8454)

HowApply to apply for thea S1 healthcare entitlement certificate for(S1) yourif dependentsyou’re orpaying forUK youNational andInsurance youras dependentsa ifworker youwhile areresident takingin maternity,an paternityEU orcountry, adoptionIceland, leaveLiechtenstein, inNorway theor listedSwitzerland. countries.


Who thiscan form if:


  • you

    You havewill aneed certificateto ofcheck coverageif foryou theare periodentitled thatto youa needcertificate aof S1coverage forto yourcontinue dependentspaying whileNational workingInsurance temporarilycontributions in anthe EUUK.

    If country, Iceland Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland

  • you needare, a S1 for yourself and your dependents if you arereside an employee who is, or will be, resident in anthe EUEU, country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, or SwitzerlandSwitzerland, whileand onyou maternity,have paternitynot oralready adoptionbeen leave
  • youissued arewith livinga andhealthcare workingentitlement incertificate the(also UKknown andas needS1), athen certificatecomplete forform yourCA8454. dependentsUse whothis liveto inapply anfor EUhealthcare country,cover Iceland,from Liechtenstein,the Norway,UK orfor Switzerland
  • you alreadyand haveyour adependants.

    HMRC certificatewill ofrespond coverage,to areyour residentapplication inwith inany anaction EUyou country,need Iceland,to Liechtenstein,take.

    If Norway,you’re ora Switzerlandstudent

    You butmay workbe onlyable into theapply UKfor andhealthcare needabroad aif certificateyou forare yourstudying dependentsin:

    • the EU

    • Iceland

    • Liechtenstein

    • Norway

    • Switzerland

    Before you start

    IfFind youmore areinformation livingabout andhow workingto inapply anfor EUhealthcare country,cover Iceland,abroad Liechtenstein,(GHIC Norway, or Switzerland and needEHIC) healthcareon coverthe forNHS yourselfwebsite.

    Other only,ways youto should apply for thehealthcare S1cover

    You certificatemay ofbe coverageable to thisapply certificatefor confirmshealthcare thatcover if you paythink UKyou Nationalare Insuranceeligible and do not need to pay social security contributions

    • Ifhave eligiblerecently forleft athe healthcareUK

    • are entitlementnot certificateworking

    • are it will be automatically issued alongside your certificate of coverage.retired 

    You canshould alsocontact apply for the S1NHS forBusiness yourServices dependentsAuthority whenat applyingthe forfollowing aaddress:

    Overseas certificateHealthcare ofServices
    NHS coverageBusiness ifServices youAuthority
    Bridge areHouse
    152 employedPilgrim orStreet
    Newcastle self-employedupon andTyne
    NE1 only6SN

    Telephone: working0191 temporarily218 in1999

    Outside oneUK: country+44 within191 the218 EU,1999

    Monday Iceland,to Liechtenstein,Friday, Norway,8am orto Switzerland.6pm

    ReadIf Nationalthis Insurancedoes ifnot youapply workto abroadyou, forfind more information onabout certificateshow ofto coverageaccess (includinghealthcare howin tothe apply).EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.

    What you’llyou will need

    If you or an agent complete the application youyou’ll will need to tellsay HMRC if you:

    • have changed your name and, if so,so what your previous name was

    • are a national of the EU, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland or LiechtensteinLiechtenstein, and if you have an EU Settlement Scheme status

    • have more than one nationality ― youyou’ll will need to give details about how you got each one

    • have a family member who is a national of the EU, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland or Liechtenstein ― youyou’ll will need their details including their relationship with you

    • have the client reference number if you are an agent

    If youyou’re are an agent

    If youyou’re are an agent working on behalf of your client, your client needs to fill in an authorising your agent (64-8) form.

    You should submit the completed form with your CA8454 application form.

    How to apply

    Apply online

    YouYou’ll will need to signhave ina toGovernment useGateway thisuser service.ID and password. If you do not already have signa inuser details,ID, you willcan becreate ableone tothe createfirst them.time you sign in.

    You do not have to fill in the form in one go. You can save your answers and return later.

    If you’re an individual, employer or agent:

    StartApply now


    Apply happensby next 

    1. We’llGet confirmall andof sendyour ainformation healthcaretogether coverbefore certificateyou ifstart. you’reYou eligiblewill forfill this periodform abroad.

      Checkin whenonline and you cancannot expectsave ayour reply


    2. YouFill canin checkthe whenform youon canscreen.

    3. Print expectand apost replyit fromto HMRC aboutHMRC, using the applicationpostal thataddress youshown haveon submitted.the form.


This tofile thismay page

Publishednot 2be Novembersuitable 2020
Lastif updatedyou 31use Julyassistive 2024 + showtechnology all(such updates
  1. Wescreen havereader). replacedIf you need a more accessible format, email and updatedtell us what format you need. It will help if you tell us what assistive technology you use. Read the existingaccessibility formstatement for HMRC forms.

Email HMRC to applyask for athis healthcareform entitlementin certificate.Welsh.

Check Thiswhen covers you orcan anyexpect ofa yourreply

You dependentscan ifcheck when you arecan takingexpect maternity,a paternityreply orfrom adoptionHMRC leaveabout in,the orapplication forthat anyyou dependentshave livingsubmitted.

Published in,2 oneNovember of2020
Last theupdated listed1 countries.

December 2023 + show all updates
  1. Change to the application process for applying for a certificate of coverage where you will now also receive a healthcare entitlement certificate if you qualify. Removed mariner section as an applicant does not need to provide this any longer. A new section has been included so that you can check when you can expect a reply from HMRC after you've applied.

  2. Information about applying for healthcare certificate (including a Portable Document S1, E106 or E109) in the EU, European Economic Area, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland has been added.

  3. Information about applying for healthcare cover in the EU, European Economic Area or Switzerland if you're a student or you're retired has been added.

  4. Changes have recently been made to this page under the section headed ‘How to Apply’. The changes relate to any additional information you may need to provide with your CA8454 application.

  5. More information about what you need to include has been added to the 'If you’re a mariner' section.

  6. This has been updated following the announcement of the UK’s deal with the EU. Use the online service or postal form to apply for a Portable Document S1, E106 or E109 in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland or Liechtenstein.

  7. First published.

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