Original document : https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/defence-and-security-accelerator-dasa-open-call-for-innovation

Change description : 2025-02-25 12:05:00: Notice added advising this document has been superseded with link provided to current cycle on the DASA apply for Funding Page. [Guidance and regulation]

Showing diff : 2024-11-19 13:54:50.209081167 +00:00..2025-02-25 12:05:04.970524682 +00:00


Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) Open Call for Innovation

The Open Call is looking for innovative ideas to improve the defence and security of the UK. Your idea could be a concept, product or service, at various levels of maturity.

Update history

2025-02-25 12:05
Notice added advising this document has been superseded with link provided to current cycle on the DASA apply for Funding Page.

2024-11-19 13:54
IFA042 – Unlocking the true potential of Test and Evaluation for Defence: updated with note on the upcoming pause to the IFA, after the close of Cycle 4. Competition Document – Open Call for Innovation: updated the Open Call schedule with upcoming cycle dates and removed past dates. Statement regarding Security Rapid Impact re-opening has been updated. References to Defence Rapid Impact being closed have been removed. Open Call Innovation Focus Areas front page: updated with note on the upcoming pause to the IFA, after the close of Cycle 4.

2024-09-26 17:39
The cycles for which IFA042 will be open for, has been updated

2024-09-03 12:00
Removed Defence rapid impact on pause messaging

2024-06-11 11:51
Open Call Innovation Focus Areas – IFA041 – Revolutionizing Biosensing: Instant Detection within Aerosol Collector Substrates has been moved to Past Innovation Focus Areas.

2024-06-11 09:05
Competition Document: Open Call for Innovation amended to reflect Defence Rapid Impact will not be opening for FY24/25 Cycle 2. Also Section 2, What are we looking for? Reference to three sections amended to 2.IFA042 updated to state it will remain open for submissions until at least FY24/25 Cycle 2.

2024-05-07 10:27
Removed wording around DASA transparency Data. Also removed from editable PDF

2024-05-01 13:39
IFA042 – Unlocking the true potential of Test and Evaluation for Defence – HTML attachment has been updated to include links back to the Open Call Competition Document that includes Cycle dates relevant to the IFA.

2024-04-23 12:30
New IFA added – (IFA042) Unlocking the true potential of Test and Evaluation for Defence

2024-04-18 14:53
Updated link to offline proposal template

2024-03-18 15:18
Uploaded a new version of the ‘Open call generic proposal template’. The changes are:- Removed the Security Open Call Questions- Removed references to Excel files in preparation for their expected removal from the eligible file options

2024-03-06 14:49
Updated link to Security Rapid Impact section

2024-03-06 12:19
Uploaded a HTML version of the Security Rapid Open Call document. Removed the document version, and updated the link within the Open Call for Innovation document.

2024-03-06 12:04
Cycle updates, and Important update for Security Rapid Open Call.ARCHIVE – Security Rapid Open Call Competition Document – file attachment added.Open Call Innovation Focus Areas updated to reflect: IFA035 – Making Science Fiction a Reality: Future Directed Energy Weapons pausing until further noticeIFA041 – Revolutionizing Biosensing: Instant Detection within Aerosol Collector Substrates Closing.IFA041 – Revolutionizing Biosensing: Instant Detection within Aerosol Collector Substrates Attachment updated to state IFA is closed.IFA035 – Making Science Fiction a Reality: Future Directed Energy Weapons Attachment updated to state IFA is paused.

2024-03-05 10:08
Updated funding guidance for Defence Rapid Open CallNew FY24/25 Cycle Dates for Open Call have been added

2024-02-19 11:59
Open Call Innovation Focus Areas updated -to remove IFA040 A Bridge To Fall as this has closed permanently.IFA035 will pause from close of FY23/24 Cycle 5 (6th March 2024) until further notice.IFA035 Making Science Fiction a Reality: Future Directed Energy Weapons – HTML attachment – note added to advise IFA will pause from close of Cycle 5 onwards until further notice.IFA040 A Bridge To Fall HTML attachment deleted and moved to Past Innovation Focus Areas.

2024-01-11 11:06
Updated Public facing information and Competition process and assessment sections to include the sharing of PVPS as well as the abstract and title

2023-12-06 09:31
IFA041 updated to state it will close after FY23/24 cycle 5

2023-11-29 13:00
Competition Document: Open Call for Innovation – Statement relating to sharing of proposals at Section 7. Competition process and assessment updated.Open Call Innovation Focus Areas updated to remove IFA039 and update IFA041 with statement regarding being open for its second cycle.IFA040 A Bridge to Fall – Statement added regarding this IFA currently being closed.IFA039 – AI for Defence Document deleted as IFA is closed and will not re-open.

2023-11-23 11:21
Open Call generic proposal template has been updated with instruction on page 20 relating to profit percentage box being visible and pages 27 and 28 added referencing Security Rapid Impact additional questions.

2023-09-08 13:12
Upload a new version of ‘Open call generic proposal template’, which includes formatting changes to make it more accessible.

2023-09-05 11:50
Uploaded a generic copy of the open call submission portal formAdded new IFA – IFA041 – Revolutionizing Biosensing: Instant Detection within Aerosol Collector SubstratesUpdated IFA035 – It has been re-opened in Cycle 4Reopen of the Security Open Call

2023-08-17 09:05
IFA038 Advanced Materials for Defence has been removed from current Innovation Focus Areas. IFA038 Advanced Materials for Defence Attachment deleted.

2023-08-11 16:00
Minor updates to text for IFA035 ahead of it reopening in the next Cycle. Some dates for FY23/24 Cycle 4 have been amended.

2023-08-04 15:09
Added the following copy to IFA035 – Making Science Fiction a Reality: Future Directed Energy WeaponsThis IFA will reopen for submission of proposals from the 05 September 2023 (FY23/24 Cycle 4). Please note there may be updates to the competition scope when compared to that stipulated in previous cycles.

2023-07-24 09:19
IFA039 has been updated to reflect that cycle 3 will be the final cycle – end date 5 September. References to other AI DASA competitions have been updated, to reflect which competitions are currently open.

2023-06-14 12:00
The Open Call competition document has been updated. The following competitions are now closed; Security Rapid Impact Open Call, IFA036 Beyond Line of Sight Communications and IFA040 A Bridge to Fall.

2023-06-12 16:11
IFA036 – Beyond Line of Sight update. The IFA will be closed after Cycle 2.

2023-06-09 13:42
Further detail has been added about the Security Open Call funding.

2023-05-24 16:41
Section 8.2 2023/2024 Dates – amended from ‘Decision date’ and ‘Feedback released’ to ‘Decision released by’ and ‘Feedback released by’

2023-05-24 13:42
IFA038 Advanced Materials For Defence is now not re-opening for Cycle 3 and will remain closed until further notice.Open Call for Innovation ‘Decision date’ and ‘Feedback released’ now stated as ‘Decision released by’ and ‘Feedback released by’

2023-04-25 12:02
With the opening of Cycle 2 the following changes have been made:Open Call Innovation Focus Areas – HTML attachmentIFA040 – A Bridge to Fall – Updated to reflect the IFA will pause after Cycle 2 until further notice.IFA039 – AI For Defence – Updated to reflect IFA is open for Cycle 2.IFA038 – Advanced Material For Defence – Updated to reflect this IFA has now paused for Cycle 2 and expected to resume for Cycle 3 with revised requirements.IFA035 – Making Science Fiction a Reality: Future Directed Energy Weapons – Updated to reflect this has now paused until further notice.IFA034 – Countering IEDs by Novel Technology and Techniques – removed from list of current IFAs.IFA040 – A Bridge To Fall – HTML attachmentRequirement for Proposals submitted to IFA040 must now complete within 5 months.IFA040 will pause until further notice from the end of this cycle.IFA039 – AI For Defence – HTML attachmentScope updated to reflect current DASA competitions with an AI theme to ensure proposals are submitted to the most appropriate competition.

2023-03-31 09:40
Innovation Focus Area IFA038 Advanced Materials for Defence will pause from close of FY23/24 Cycle 1. No submissions will be possible during FY23/24 Cycle 2.

2023-03-29 11:23
Removed the warnings regarding the temporary closure of the submission serviceRemoved the unlocked offline proposal template document

2023-03-17 12:01
Uploaded new versions of the unlocked proposal template. The text files have been replaced with a single Excel table for ease of use when entering text.

2023-03-16 09:18
Attached the unlocked proposal template formRemoved the locked proposal template formUpdated pages with the extention date

2023-03-15 15:07
Updated submission service reopening date, now 29th March.

2023-03-02 10:38
Link to Application Forms included against Open Call Competition Document and all Innovation Focus Areas.

2023-03-02 09:05
Updates to notification regarding system upgrade – now re-opening 16th March 2023.IFA039 attachment updated with full requirement.Innovation Focus Areas attachment updated with notice of pause to IFA035.Open Call Defence Rapid Impact, Security Rapid Impact and Innovation Focus Areas Locked Application Form PDFs added to allow offline creation of proposals.

2023-02-28 08:54
IFA034 has been removed from this page as it will no longer re-open.

2023-02-22 13:28
Documents updated to reflect three submission areas of Open Call; Defence Open Call, Security Open Call and Innovation Focus Areas. Innovation Focus Areas (IFAs) added as individual attachments.

2023-02-14 16:33
DASA’s Security open call competition has updated the future cycle dates

2022-12-14 13:59
IFA 1.2 Advanced Materials for Defence – Updated the clarification table, added an extra row for Air.

2022-11-23 12:17
IFA038 Advanced Materials for Defence – Added, this IFA has opened.IFA033 Human Augmentation – Removed, this IFA has closed.IFA034 Countering IEDs by Novel Technology and Techniques has been paused, notes Added to this IFA to reflect submissions cannot currently be made.2022/2023 Past Cycle Dates Removed, 2023/2024 Cycle Dates Added.

2022-11-04 14:38
Added a notification that IFA034 will be paused upon completion of the current cycle.

2022-10-21 16:44
The security open call competition document has been updated to provide guidance for proposals submitted into cycle 4, which now have a suggested duration of 9 months.

2022-09-23 14:16
Closing date for Human Augmentation IFA now set as 23 November 2022

2022-09-20 12:04
Launch of IFA 035 Making Science Fiction a Reality: Future Directed Energy WeaponsLaunch of IFA 036 Beyond Line of Sight CommunicationsClosing of: Double Act: National Security Technologies (IFA032) Simulating Future Battlespace Complexity (IFA024)Defence People – Skills, Knowledge and Experience (IFA023)Operate and Deliver Effects in Contested Domains (IFA022)Delivering Agile Command and Control (IFA021)Integrate Information and Physical Activity Across all Domains (IFA020)Announcing closing date for Human Augmentation IFA033 for 23 November 2022

2022-09-13 10:34
Double Act: National Security Technologies (IFA032) is closing 20th September

2022-08-26 16:07
The innovation focus areas webpage has been updated to outline that the following IFAs are likely to be suspended at end of this call (20 September 2022):• Simulating Future Battlespace Complexity (IFA024)• Defence People – Skills, Knowledge and Experience (IFA023)• Operate and Deliver Effects in Contested Domains (IFA022)• Delivering Agile Command and Control (IFA021)• Integrate Information and Physical Activity Across all Domains (IFA020)

2022-08-10 12:46
An additional bullet point added to the innovation outline section, to describe what innovation outlines are used for.

2022-08-04 15:08
Closing date for Open Call Cycle 3 has changed from 14 September 2022 to 20 September 2022Closing date for Double Act: National Security Technologies (IFA032) is now 20 September 2022

2022-07-13 10:14
The Security Open Call competition document has been updated with guidance for the proposal duration advised for each open call cycle.

2022-06-22 12:01
Update of Open Call Cycle Dates and IFA031 removed

2022-06-06 12:48
Double Act: National Security Technologies IFA has been updated to clarify that an innovation outline is required prior to submission of a full proposal.

2022-05-19 13:11
Updated the decision and feedback release dates for Cycle 5 to 6 and 13 June.

2022-05-11 12:15
New IFA (IFA034 – Countering IEDs by Novel Technology and Techniques) launched.

2022-05-04 16:01
New Innovation Focus Area added – Human Augmentation

2022-05-04 12:48
A new Innovation Focus Area has launched – Double Act: National Security Technologies

2022-04-29 10:37
Included a closing date for IFA031 Next Generation Wearable Technology

2022-04-27 12:00
Removed MSIA IFA 030

2022-03-02 12:00
Removed ARCD from the IFA list as it is now closed. Added the closure date for MSIA. 27 Apr 22.