Original document : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/importing-live-animals-or-animal-products-from-non-eu-countries

Change description : 2019-08-21 14:43:00: Highlighted the link to guidance about how importers should prepare for Brexit. [Brexit]

Showing diff : 2019-05-20 14:54:31 +00:00..2019-08-21 13:45:58 +00:00


Importing live animals or animal products from non-EU countries

Getting the right licence, where you can import from, and the checks your consignment must pass at a border inspection post (BIP).

Update history

2025-01-28 17:23
Added links to additional import guidance for composite and compound food products.

2024-08-27 15:34
Information has been added on importing products made of more than one commodity type.

2024-04-30 00:01
The page has been updated with information about changes to imports in line with the Border Target Operating Model. Structural changes have also been made throughout the page to clarify the guidance.

2024-01-17 11:30
Added information about imports of live animals and animal products which transit the EU.

2023-07-01 00:15
There are new fees for BCP checks in England and Scotland from 1 July 2023. Updated the link to find the new ‘fees for checks on live animals at a BCP’.

2019-08-21 14:43
Highlighted the link to guidance about how importers should prepare for Brexit.

2019-05-20 15:50
Updated to include link to EU Exit guidance