Importing live animalsanimals, or animal products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin from non-EU countries to Great Britain
The thedocuments right licence, where you canneed import from, and the border checks your consignmentimport must pass atto aimport borderfrom inspectionnon-EU post (BIP).
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
You there’sshould afollow nodifferent dealrules Brexit
You’llfor stillpersonal beimports ableof to import animals and animal products frominto non-EUGreat countiresBritain after(England, Brexit.Scotland Butand theWales).
You processshould forcheck notifying the UKcurrent authoritiestopical ofissues theselike importsdiseases willfor change.your import.
FindYou outneed aboutto importinguse animals,the animalImport productsof andProducts, high-riskAnimals, foodFood and feedFeed notSystem (IPAFFS) for imports of:
- live animals
- products of animal origin
if(POAO)thesubjectUKtoleavesveterinarythechecks - high-risk
EUfoodwithandnofeeddeal.CommercialnotimportsCommercialimportsmostanimalanimalsoriginand(HRFNAO) - germplasm
products(alsoofcalled germinal products) - animal
Documents appropriateyou certificationneed
Health andcertificates must enteraccompany thelive EUanimals, throughincluding aequines, borderanimal inspectionproducts postand (BIPHRFNAO) whereimported checksto areGreat carriedBritain out(England, toScotland ensureand thatWales), importthe conditionsChannel haveIslands beenor met.Isle of Man.
In mostsome cases, you dowill notalso need need:
- an import licence or
authorisation.Complianceauthorisation - a
withcommercialanimaldocument - to
healthmeetandsomewelfareothercontrolslegaldoesrequirements,notlikeremovethose controlling theneedtradetoincomplyendangeredwithspecies
You othermust relevantimport legislation,HRFNAO includingfrom thosenon-EU relatingcountries tointo theGreat controlBritain ofthrough tradea inborder endangeredcontrol (BCP).
ToFind satisfyout yourselfwhich thatBCP you canshould complyuse.
Importers withshould thecheck trade,if welfaretheir andproduct animalmust healthbe rules,vet youchecked mayat alsoa wish to contact the APHABCP Centreby looking for Internationalthe TradeCN Carlislecode for furthertheir guidance.product in:
Live foranimals, currentgermplasm, issuesPOAO relating to imports and exports of animals and animal products.
IfYou youmust wantimport informationlive onanimals, changesgerminal orproducts, updatesPOAO toand importsanimal ofby-products animalsfrom andnon-EU animalcountries productsinto rulesGreat byBritain email,through youa shouldUK completeborder andcontrol returnpost. theFind requestout forwhich informationBCP formyou should use.
Checking if you need a licence
CertainImporters animalsshould andcheck productsif ofthe animalCN origincode includingfor sometheir thatproduct areis coveredlisted byin EuropeanRegulation Union2019/2007 regulationsto mustfind haveout anif importthe licencePOAO or authorisationanimal toby-products must be importedchecked intoat Greata Britain.BCP.
General licences
CheckYou themust listuse ofIPAFFS generalto licencesnotify thatthe areGreat availableBritain toBCP seeat ifleast theone licenceworking youday needbefore alreadyyour exists.consignment is due to arrive.
IfFor theimports generalof licencePOAO orand authorisationanimal youby-products needthat exists, you do not haverequire toveterinary apply,checks butat youa mustBCP, makethere sureis youno followrequirement theto conditionspre-notify ina port of the publishedarrival licence.of the consignment.
Health generaland licencesidentity mustrequirements travelfor withequines imported or moved to Great Britain via the consignmentEU, -Norway checkor yourNorthern generalIreland.
Equines licenceimported toor seemoved ifto thisGreat isBritain thefrom case.
Specifica licences
Ifcountry theother generalthan licencean youEU needMember doesState, notNorway exist,or youNorthern mustIreland, applyvia forthe aEU, specificNorway licenceor forNorthern thatIreland, productdo usingnot formneed IV58.
Youto shouldenter returnGreat theBritain completedvia applicationa formBCP to:if:
thetheyAPHAhaveCentreaforhealthInternationalcertificate- you
TradehaveCarlislesubmittedifathenotificationentrythroughpointisinEnglandIPAFFS - the
Somerecognised animals,EU suchBCP as– rodents,they lagomorphsneed (hares,to rabbitseither andupload pikas)the andCommon mostHealth exoticEntry mammals,Document must(CHED) haveto IPAFFS or email a specificcopy licenceof -the completeCHED formto RM01the APHA Animal imports team
Read EU guidance for thiscreating licence.a CHED on TRACES NT.
If you cancannot importprove from
Youthat canthe onlyequines bringyou’re liveimporting animalshave orpassed an animal productshealth intoinspection theat an EU fromBCP, countriesthey onmust theenter EU’sGreat approvedBritain Thea listsrecognised ofBCP. approvedThe countriesBCP isneeds oftento includedhave at the backfacilities ofto thecarry EUout regulationsidentity thatand governphysical movement.checks for equines.
ContactAn the APHA Centreveterinary foroffice Internationalwill Trade:inspect Carlislean toequine findand outrelevant whichdocumentation legislationagain applies.if APHA:
- decide
animaltheproductsequinemustrequirescomeanotherfromanimalestablishmentshealththatinspection - suspect
WhenCheck if you need a health certificate
IfSome you’re importing live animals and animal products,products you must makehave surean theimport exporterlicence you’reto workingbe withimported gets into Great Britain. Check the healthlist certificateof requiredgeneral bylicences EUto orsee nationalif law.the licence you need exists.
You canmust contactfollow the APHAconditions Centrein forthe Internationallicence Tradeand Carlislecheck your licence to findsee outif whenit youmust needalso totravel dowith this.the consignment.
If the general licence you need adoes commercialnot document
Youexist, mayyou alsomust needeither:
- complete
yourformconsignmentRM01 tobeapplyaccompaniedforbycommercialspecificdocument.Youlicencecanforcontactanimalsthe(excludingAPHApetCentredogs,forcatsInternationalorTradeferrets) - complete
Carlisleform IV58 tofindapplyoutforwhena specific licence for animal pathogens and products
Where you do.can import from
TheYou exportercan shouldonly drawbring uplive theanimals commercialand documentanimal andproducts shouldinto includeGreat amongstBritain otherfrom things:approved:
Some ofanimals theand importeranimal andproducts themust exporter
also come from establishments approved to export to Great Britain.
Getting imports checked at a BIPBCP
Most consignments of animalanimals and animal products imported from non-EU countries must be checked at a BIPBCP.
Finding outContact if your consignment must be checked
You can contact the APHA CentreAnimal forimports International Trade Carlisleteam to find out if your consignment must be checked.
BeforeFinding the consignmentright arrivesBCP
It’sFind a legalUK requirementBCP that’s approved to tellcheck the BIPanimals aboutor youranimal consignmentproducts in advance - if you do not, you may be charged an additional fee or your checks could take longer.shipment.
ForYou animals, you must completepay parta 1fee ofto thehave commonyour veterinaryconsignment entrychecked documentat (CVEDa BCP). andFind returnthe itfees tofor thechecks BIP,on 24live hoursanimals beforeat youra consignmentBCP isor duecontact tothe arrive.
Forproduct animalBCP products, you mustplan completeto partuse 1for ofinformation on the CVEDfees andyou’ll returnbe itcharged.
Notify to the BIPBCP before the consignment is unloaded.arrives
YouUse shouldIPAFFS contactto notify the BIPBCP of imports.
If you plando tonot usenotify tothe discussBCP howbefore you shouldimport notifya themconsignment, aboutyou yourmay Thecharged BIPan canadditional alsofee giveor youyour achecks blankcould CVED.take longer.
FindYou contactmust detailscomplete forpart EU1 BIPsof andthe forCommon UKHealth BIPs.
YouEntry mustDocument make(CHED) sureon originalIPAFFS healthand certificatessubmit travelthis withto allthe consignments.BCP Youof cannotentry useone aworking faxedday orbefore photocopiedyour version.
Findingconsignment theis rightdue BIP
to arrive.
You must make sure the BIPoriginal you’rehealth usingcertificate istravels approvedwith to check the animals or animal products in your shipment.consignment.
When your consignment arrives
When your consignment arrives, port operators may charge you to move it to the BIPBCP.
Official veterinarians or inspectors at the BIPBCP will then check animalthe orconsignment. animalThis product identity and documentation.
They may alsoinclude carry out a physical check.
IfThe yourresult consignmentof passes the check,check officials will givebe yourecorded aon completedIPAFFS and validatedofficials CVED.
Youwill mustgive payyou a feecompleted toand havevalidated your consignment checked at a BIPCHED.
See the BIP fees table.
Contact the BIP you plan to use for information on the fee you’ll be charged, and fees for animal products.
Leaving the BIPBCP
You must not remove your consignment from the BIPBCP or customs clearance area until official veterinariansinspectors have completed and validated the CVEDCHED.
WhenAfter your consignment leaves the BIPBCP, you must must:
- make sure
ityour consignment goes directly to the destination named on theCVEDCHED.Youmust - make sure the
CVEDoriginal CHEDaccompaniesgoesthewith your consignment tothisitsdestination.Youfinalmustdestination - comply
keepwith anylivestockmovementatrestrictionstheassociateddestinationwithforyouratimport
Transiting leastlive 30animals daysthrough afterGreat theyBritain
Read arrive.guidance Inabout somemoving casesfood thecontaining animalsanimal mayproducts havefrom one third country to stayanother atthird thecountry premisesand fortransiting longer.Great Britain, known as ‘landbridge’ movements.
PersonalAnimal importswelfare when importing live animals
You canmust bringmake anysure fruit,you vegetables,meet meat,animal fish,welfare dairystandards orwhen othertransporting animallive productsanimals.
Endangered (forspecies
You example,need eggs,to honey)check intoif your import is on the UKlist ifof you’reendangered travellingspecies fromcovered aby countrythe Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). If your import is on the EU.CITES list, you may need to apply for a CITES permit before importing.
Display, cannotlaboratory bringand meat,research meatanimals
You products,need milk,to dairyfollow productsdifferent orrules, potatoesknown intoas the UKBalai fromDirective, mostif countriesyou’re outsideimporting thedisplay, EU.
EndangeredContact speciesAPHA for help
Contact the APHA Animal imports team for help.
Last updated 1 July 2023 + show all updates
There are
morenewthanfees25,000forendangeredBCPspeciescheckscoveredinbyEngland and Scotland from 1 July 2023. Updated theConventionlinkontoInternationalfindTradetheinnewEndangered'feesSpeciesfor(CITES).checks on live animals at a BCP'.It -
andwithanimalnewanddatestheirforpartstheandintroductionderivatives.Ifofyou’recontrolsimportingon equines imported or moved to Great Britain from a country other than anendangeredEUspeciesMemberintoState, Norway or Northern Ireland, via the EU,youNorwaymayor Northern Ireland. -
Updated with new dates for when equines do not need to
applyenterforGreataBritainCITESthroughpermitabeforeBordertheControlimportPosttakes(BCP)place.FindprovidedouttheymoremeetaboutcertainCITES,healthincludingandtheidentityspeciesrequirements. -
Content added on
thehealthCITESandlist.identity requirements for equines.Display, -
researchwithanimalsTheguidanceBalaionDirectivehowsetstooutcomplythewithregulationsrulesforfromimporting1display,Januarylaboratory2021. -
animals,toasexplainwellthatasimportersthoseshoulduseduseinIPAFFSconservationinsteadorofeducationTRACESprogrammes.AnimaltowelfarenotifywhenBCPsimportingof liveanimalsYouanimalmustimports. -
Changed IPAFFS.Contact -
APHAnewCentreprocesses forInternationalLiveTradeanimalCarlisle.notifications and Animal products notifications.
Highlighted 2014
Lastthe updatedlink 20to Mayguidance 2019
+ showabout allhow updates
- importers should prepare for Brexit.
Updated to include link to EU Exit guidance
Replaced the link to UK border inspection posts on the EU website with a link to UK border inspection posts on GOV.UK in the section Finding the right Border Inspection Post.
BIP fees updated
Updated contact details links to the European Commission.
Change of address for Centre for International Trade Carlisle.
General review and update to clarify guidance in some sections including commercial imports, notifying the BIP
Added a link to the form to request updates on changes to rules on imports of animals and animal products.
Updated guidance under the general licences heading.
AHVLA documents have been re-assigned to the new Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
First published.
Update history
2025-01-28 17:23
Added links to additional import guidance for composite and compound food products.
2024-08-27 15:34
Information has been added on importing products made of more than one commodity type.
2024-04-30 00:01
The page has been updated with information about changes to imports in line with the Border Target Operating Model. Structural changes have also been made throughout the page to clarify the guidance.
2024-01-17 11:30
Added information about imports of live animals and animal products which transit the EU.
2023-07-01 00:15
There are new fees for BCP checks in England and Scotland from 1 July 2023. Updated the link to find the new ‘fees for checks on live animals at a BCP’.
2019-08-21 14:43
Highlighted the link to guidance about how importers should prepare for Brexit.
2019-05-20 15:50
Updated to include link to EU Exit guidance