Importing live animals, animal products and high-riskhigh risk food and feed not of animalnon-animal origin from non-EU countries to Great Britain
TheHow documentsto youimport needanimals and theanimal borderproducts checksto yourGreat importBritain must(England, passScotland toand importWales), the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man from non-EU countries.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
This guidance applies to businesses in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) that import or move live animals, animal products and high risk food and feed of non-animal origin (HRFNAO) from non-EU countries to Great Britain.
You should follow different rules for personal imports of animals and animal products into Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).
You should check the current topical issuesissues, likesuch diseasesas fordiseases, that would affect your import.
YouLive needanimals, togerminal useproducts, theanimal Importby-products ofnot Products,intended Animals,for Foodhuman andconsumption Feed System (IPAFFSABP) forand imports of:
liveanimals- products of animal origin (POAO)
subjectfromtonon-EUveterinarycountrieschecks high-riskarefoodcategorisedandasfeedlow,notmediumoforanimalhighoriginrisk under the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM). HRFNAO)germplasm(alsoiscallednot included in the risk categorisation under the BTOM.Read more about importing live animals and germinal
products)animalproductsby-productsundernotBalaiintendedrules under the Border Target Operating Model.
DocumentsWhere you needcan import from
HealthYou certificatescan mustonly accompanybring live animals, includingPOAO equines,and ABP into Great Britain from approved non-EU countries.
Some animals and animal products andmust HRFNAOalso importedcome from establishments approved to export to Great Britain.
Check (England,what Scotlanddocuments you need
You need a health certificate, sometimes called an official certificate, for medium and Wales),high therisk Channelimports. IslandsFor medium or Islehigh ofrisk Man.
Inanimals someand cases,products you willneed also need:
- an
importexportlicencehealth certificate (EHC) orauthorisation aimportercommercialdeclarationdocumenttowheremeetonesomeisotheravailable.legalCompetentrequirements,authoritieslikeshouldthoseusecontrollingmodelthehealthtradecertificatesintoendangeredcreatespecies
YouFor mustlow importrisk HRFNAOimports of ABP fromand non-EUPOAO countriesyou intoneed Greata Britaincommercial throughdocument. aThe bordergoods controlmust postmeet (BCP).
Findthe outrelevant whichimport BCPconditions youto shouldbe use.considered low risk.
ImportersThe shouldcommercial checkdocument if their product must be vetfrom checkedthe atsupplier aand BCPtravel bywith lookingyour forconsignment.
Suppliers can use the CNtemplate codecommercial document for theirimports productof in:ABP.
In some cases, you may also need:
Liveto animals,meet germplasm,other POAOlegal andrequirements, animalfor by-products
Read Youexample mustthose importcontrolling livethe animals,trade germinalin products,endangered POAOspecies (CITES)
andguidance animalbelow by-productsspecific fromto non-EUyour countriesimport intoto Greatfind Britainout throughmore aabout UKwhat borderdocuments controlyou post.need.Check
Findif outyou whichneed BCPa youspecific shouldlicence use.
ImportersFor shouldmedium checkor ifhigh therisk CNanimals codeand forproducts, theirif productthere is listedno inexport Regulationhealth 2019/2007certificate (EHC) toor findimporter outdeclaration iffor theyour POAOgoods, oryou animalneed by-productsan mustimport belicence checkedor at a BCP.authorisation.
YouFor mustsome uselow IPAFFSrisk ABP toand notify the Great Britain BCPPOAO atproducts, leasta onespecific workinglicence dayor beforeauthorisation yourmay consignmentalso isbe duerequired prior to arrive.import.
ForCheck importsthe list of POAOgeneral andlicences animalto by-productssee thatif dothe notlicence requireyou veterinaryneed checksalready atexists.
You amust BCP,follow therethe isconditions noin requirementthe licence and check your licence to pre-notifysee aif portit ofmust thealso arrivaltravel ofwith the consignment.
If andthe identitylicence requirementsyou forneed equinesdoes importednot orexist, movedyou must either:
- complete form RM01 to
GreatapplyBritainforviaathespecificEU,rabiesNorwaylicenceorforNorthernanimalsIreland.Equines(excludingimportedpet dogs, cats ormovedferrets) - complete
toformGreatIV58Britaintofromapply for acountryspecificotherlicencethanoranauthorisationEUforMemberanimalState,pathogensNorwayand some POAO orNorthernABP
High Ireland,risk viafood theand EU,feed Norwayof ornon-animal Northernorigin Ireland,(HRFNAO)
You do not need toany enterlicences, Greatauthorisations Britainor viapermits afor BCPHRFNAO if:imports.
havewillaneedhealthofficialcertificatedocuments if you import HRFNAO under emergency controls:
youricehaveproductssubmittedfromaChinanotificationlistedthroughinIPAFFSAnnex 1 of 2011/844thenutsexporterandcannutproveproducts,theirfruitequineandpassedfruitanproducts,animalseedshealthandinspectionseedatproducts,adriedrecognisedspicesEUandBCPguar–gumtheylistedneedintoAnnexeither2uploadofthe2019/1793- Chernobyl
CommonaffectedHealthproducts - laboratory
(CHED)analyses - health
tocertificatesIPAFFS(officialorcertificates) - commercial
You Entrywill Documentneed:
Laboratory aanalyses
You copymust ofprovide thefull CHEDlaboratory analyses for HRFNAO products to thescreen APHAfor Animalvarious importscontaminants. team
ReadThe EUscreening guidanceprocess forand creatingwhat ato CHEDscreen for depends on TRACESyour NT.product.
IfLaboratory youanalyses cannotfrom prove that the equinescompetent you’reauthority importingwhere havethe passedsample anwas animaltested healthare inspectionvalid atfor an6 EUmonths. BCP,They they must enterbe Greataccompanied Britainby atan aofficial recognisedcertificate.
Official BCP. certificates
The BCPEU needsexporter tomust:
- apply
havefor thefacilitiesofficialtocertificatecarryinouttheiridentityownandcountryphysical–checkscompetentforauthoritiesequines.AnshouldAPHAuse modelveterinaryofficialofficecertificateswilltoinspectcreateanversionsequinethatandexportersrelevantcandocumentationapplyagainifAPHA:- for
decidegive you an electronic copy to upload to theequineImportrequiresofanotherProducts,animalAnimals,healthFoodinspectionsuspectandanyFeednon-complianceSystem (IPAFFS)
The ifcertificate youis needvalid afor licence
Some4 animalsmonths. andThe animaloriginal productscertificate (not a copy) must havetravel anwith importthe licenceconsignment.
Commercial todocuments
The becommercial importeddocument intofor Greatyour Britain.HRFNAO Checkwill theusually listbe offrom generalthe licenceshaulage tocompany seeor ifits theairway licencebill. youIt needshould exists.include the:
- description
mustoffollowwhat’stheconditionslicenceconsignment - name
andofchecktheyourpersonlicenceortoorganisationseewhoifsent it - name
mustofalsotravelwithconsignment.Ifpersontheorgeneralorganisationlicenceit’syoubeingneedsentdoesto - address
notofexist,theyoupremisesmustofeither:- origin
completeaddressformofRM01thetodestinationapplypremises- reference
foridentifyingathespecificlot,licencebatchfororanimalsconsignment - date
(excludingthepetconsignmentdogs,wascatsorferrets)sent completenameformandIV58addresstoofapplythefortransporteraandspecificdetailslicenceonforhowanimalthepathogensconsignmentandwillproductsbe transported
The youdocument canmust importtravel fromwith the consignment.
Notify authorities in Great Britain about imports from approved:outside the EU
You need to use IPAFFS to notify a BCP before importing:
EUliveandanimals- germinal
EFTAproducts -
countriessubject to veterinary checks non-EUHRFNAO-
countriessubject to veterinary checks
SomeYou animalsmust anddo animalthis productsat mustleast alsoone comeworking fromday establishmentsbefore approvedyour togoods exportare expected to Greatarrive the point of entry.
GettingChecks imports checked at a BCPBCPs
MostThere consignmentsare ofchecks animalsat the border on medium and animalhigh productsrisk consignments imported from non-EU countries.
Low risk consignments imported from non-EU countries must beenter checkedthrough at a BCP., Contactbut thethey APHAmay Animalnot importshave teamphysical toor findidentity out if your consignment must be checked.checks.
Finding the right BCP
FindYou must import your animals or animal products through a UKpoint BCPof that’sentry approvedwhich tohas checkthe relevant border control point for the animals or animal products in your shipment.
You must pay a fee to have your consignment checked at a BCP. Find the fees for checks on live animals at a BCP or contact the product BCP you plan to use for information on the fees you’ll be charged.
You themay BCPalso beforehave the consignment arrives
Use IPAFFS to notifypay the BCP of imports.
If you do not notify the BCP before you import a consignment,common youuser maycharge. beThe chargedcommon anuser additionalcharge feeapplies orto yourcommercial checksmovements could take longer.
You must complete part 1 of theanimal Commonproducts, Healthplants Entry Document (CHED) on IPAFFS and submitplant thisproducts tothrough the BCPPort of entryDover oneand working day before your consignment is due to arrive.Eurotunnel.
YouFind mustout makeabout sureBCP the original health certificate travels with the consignment.charges.
When your consignment arrives
When your consignment arrives, port operators may charge you to move it to the BCP.
Official veterinarians or inspectors at the BCP willmay then check the consignment. This may also include a physical check.
The result of the check will be recorded on IPAFFS and officials will give you a completed and validated common health entry document (CHED.).
Leaving the BCP
You must not remove your consignment from the BCP or customs clearance area until official inspectors have completed and validated the CHED.
After your consignment leaves the BCP, you must:
- make sure your consignment goes directly to the destination named on the CHED
- make sure the original CHED goes with your consignment to its final destination
- comply with any movement restrictions associated with your import
ABP: confirm goods have arrived at their destination if they need channelling
‘Channelling’ is where an ABP consignment must be moved directly from the point of entry to the approved point of destination. All precautions, including safe disposal of waste, must be taken to avoid risks of spreading diseases to animals or humans.
The recipient must tell APHA within one day of the goods arriving at the destination.
For low risk goods, the import risk summary table will tell you if your import needs channelling.
The following medium risk ABPs are subject to channelling:
- those intended for the manufacture of feed for fur animals, petfood other than raw petfood, and for derived products for uses other than for feeding farmed animals
- rendered fats which are not destined for the production of feed for farmed animals, the manufacture of cosmetics, medicinal products or medical devices
- fat derivatives
- photogelatine
- horns and horn products, excluding horn meal, and hooves and hoof products, excluding hoof meal, intended for the production of organic fertilizers or soil improvers
- trade samples
Untreated blood and blood products require channelling if all the following is true:
- they are for the manufacture of derived products for uses other than feeding farmed animals
- they have been derived from animals belonging to the taxa Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla (excluding Equidae) and Proboscidea, including their crossbreeds
- they come from a country or region where vaccination programmes against foot-and-mouth disease are being officially carried out and controlled in domestic ruminant animals for at least 12 months
Untreated blood products from animals other than Suidae, Tayassuidae and Equidae require channelling if they come from countries or regions where:
- there have been recorded cases of vesicular stomatitis and bluetongue in the previous 12 months
- vaccination programmes against vesicular stomatitis and bluetongue are being officially carried out against those diseases for at least 12 months in the susceptible animals
Untreated blood products from Suidae and Tayassuidae animals require channelling if they come from countries or regions where:
- no case of swine vesicular disease, classical swine fever and African swine fever has been recorded in the previous 12 months and vaccination has not been carried out against those diseases in those 12 months
- cases of vesicular stomatitis (including the presence of seropositive animals) have been recorded in the previous 12 months and vaccination has been carried out against this disease within those 12 months in the susceptible species
Animal welfare when importing live animals
You must make sure you meet animal welfare standards when transporting live animals.
Endangered species
You need to check if your import is on the list of endangered species covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).. If your import is on the CITES list, you may need to apply for a CITES permit before importing.
Display, laboratory and research animals
You need to follow different rules, known as the Balai Directive, if you’re importing display, laboratory and research animals, including those used in conservation or education programmes.
Transiting live animals and animal products through Great Britain Britain
Read guidance about moving live animals and animal products from one country to another and transiting Great Britain, known as ‘landbridge’ movements.
Importing animals and animal products from non-EU countries to Great Britain that transit through the EU EU
There are different requirements to import live animals, germinal products, ABP and POAO if they start their journey in a non-EU country then travel through the EU on their way to Great Britain. Britain.
Imports of HRFNAO have specific import conditions on entry into Great Britain and must always follow the rules for imports from non-EU countries, even if they transit the EU. EU.
Read guidance below specific to your import to find out more about the requirements.
Equines imported or moved to Great Britain through the EU, Norway or Northern Ireland
Normally, equines (horses and donkeys) imported or moved to Great Britain from a non-EU country need to enter Great Britain through a BCP, unless they come from Norway or Northern Ireland.
If they have passed animal health inspections at a recognised EU BCP then they do not need to enter Great Britain through a BCP.
Read guidance about the EU’s digital certification and management platform (TRACES).
If you cannot prove that the equines you’re importing have passed an animal health inspection at an EU BCP, they must enter through a point of entry with the relevant approved BCP.
An APHA veterinary officer will inspect an equine and relevant documentation again if APHA:
- decides the equine requires another animal health inspection
- suspects any non-compliance
Live animals, germinal products and ABP
Live animals, germinal products and ABP subject to veterinary checks that originate in a non-EU country and travel through the EU before arriving in Great Britain do not need to enter Great Britain at an established point of entry with the relevant authorised BCP if they meet all the following requirements:
- the goods have a GB health certificate certified in the third country of
originorigin - a Great Britain importer has notified on IPAFFS at least one working day before the expected time of arrival at the point of entry – select the EU member state the goods are travelling from as the ‘country of
origin’origin’ - you can show proof of a successful health inspection – you can upload the
commonhealthentrydocument(CHED)to the IPAFFSnotificationnotification
If the goods have not met these requirements, then they must: must:
- be notified on IPAFFS at least one working day before the expected time of arrival at the point of entry – select the non-EU country the consignment originated from as the ‘country of
origin’origin’ - have a GB health certificate
- enter Great Britain at a point of entry with the relevant authorised BCP for document, identity and physical
Products of animal origin (POAO)
If your consignment of POAO has undergone full animal and public health checks and has been cleared for circulation on the EU market, follow the guidance to import food and drink (POAO) from the EU to Great Britain. .
Other consignments of POAO from non-EU countries must: must:
- be notified
usingon IPAFFS at least one working day before the expected time of arrival at the point of entry – select the non-EU country the consignment originated from as the ‘country oforigin’origin’ - have a
GreatGBBritain - enter Great Britain at a point of entry with the relevant authorised BCP for document, identity and physical checks
Contact APHA for help
Contact the APHA Animal imports team for help.
Last updated
The page has been updated with information about changes to imports in line with the Border Target Operating Model. Structural changes have also been made throughout the page to clarify the guidance.
Added information about imports of live animals and animal products which transit the EU.
There are new fees for BCP checks in England and Scotland from 1 July 2023. Updated the link to find the new 'fees for checks on live animals at a BCP'.
Updated with new dates for the introduction of controls on equines imported or moved to Great Britain from a country other than an EU Member State, Norway or Northern Ireland, via the EU, Norway or Northern Ireland.
Updated with new dates for when equines do not need to enter Great Britain through a Border Control Post (BCP) provided they meet certain health and identity requirements.
Content added on health and identity requirements for equines.
Updated with guidance on how to comply with rules from 1 January 2021.
Updated to explain that importers should use IPAFFS instead of TRACES to notify BCPs of live animal imports.
Changed new import system users will need from TRACES to IPAFFS.
Explained new processes for Live animal notifications and Animal products notifications.
Highlighted the link to guidance about how importers should prepare for Brexit.
Updated to include link to EU Exit guidance
Replaced the link to UK border inspection posts on the EU website with a link to UK border inspection posts on GOV.UK in the section Finding the right Border Inspection Post.
BIP fees updated
Updated contact details links to the European Commission.
Change of address for Centre for International Trade Carlisle.
General review and update to clarify guidance in some sections including commercial imports, notifying the BIP
Added a link to the form to request updates on changes to rules on imports of animals and animal products.
Updated guidance under the general licences heading.
AHVLA documents have been re-assigned to the new Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
First published.