Original document : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/list-of-customs-agents-and-fast-parcel-operators

Change description : 2020-06-24 12:23:00: The list of customs agents and fast parcel operators been updated with 38 additions and 2 amendments. [Brexit]

Showing diff : 2020-06-18 14:12:00 +00:00..2020-06-24 11:24:55 +00:00


List of customs agents and fast parcel operators from 1 January 2021

Find customs agents and fast parcel operators who can help submit customs declarations from 1 January 2021.

The UK has left the EU

This page tells you what you'll need to do from 1 January 2021. It'll be updated if anything changes.

You can also read about the transition period.

Most people use customs agents to deal with customs for them. Customs agents and fast parcel operators on this list are not approved or recommended by HMRC.

It can be complicated to submit import and export customs declarations, so you may want to use a company which specialises in this area.

These include:

  • customs agents and brokers
  • freight forwarders
  • shipping companies
  • fast parcel operators (for example, couriers or next-day parcels services)
  • agents who specialise in a certain industry, for example fresh foods or pharmaceuticals

Find out more about getting someone to deal with customs for you.

Add your company

If your business offers customs services and is not listed here, email: externalstakeholders.customs@hmrc.gov.uk with the following information:

  • the name of the business to be listed
  • the telephone number and email address for contact
  • whether you would like to be listed as an agent, a fast parcel operator, or both

Customs agents A to Z

You can search for customs agents on the British International Freight Association website.

The following companies listed alphabetically also provide a range of customs services on traders’ behalf.

A-Z list

Numerical A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Name Phone number Email address
1st Penguin Shipping Ltd 01794 830 555 stephen@penguin-shipping.co.uk
1st  Seakargo Ltd    01473 375030  info@seakargo.com
2XL UK 01482 904 301 Hugo.donche@ecs2xl.com
512 (Doncaster) Limited 01302 217512 Dom@5-1-2.com


Name Phone number Email address
A A Freight UK01394 673533sam@freightuk.co.uk
A B Cargo 03300 417 227 tony@abcargo.co.uk
AAA Freight Services Ltd 0203 9269 999 mo@aaafreightservices.com
AAI Group + 44 1268 886820 london@aai-intl.co.uk
Abacus Express Logistics Ltd 01753 686442 info@abacusexpresslogistics.com
Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce 01224 343908 chambercustoms@agcc.co.uk
Admark Shipping Solutions Limited 01394 338224 mark.pilsworth@admarkshipping.co.uk
Advantage Worldwide (UK) Limited 01932 758920 uksales@advantageworldwide.co.uk
ACC Shipping Ltd 01474 330 050 clearances@accworldwide.com
ACE Forwarding Limited 01224 773 776 Terry@dgm.co.uk
ACP Freight Services 02392 862 112 customs@acpfreight.com
Action International Freight 01704 551234 hq@actiion-inter.com
Active Freight Management Limited 01784 473900 imports@active-freight.com
Aerona Customs Clearing Agents Ltd 0161 652 3443 sales@aeronacca.co.uk
AGI Global Logistics Ltd 01179 561567 sales@agi.global
Agility Logistics Limited 0161 868 2852 brexit@agility.com
Air & Ocean Logistics Ltd 01753 689 820 operations@airoceanlogistics.co.uk
Air Cargo Trader Ltd 0208 638 5754 info@act-cargo.co.uk
Airfreight Worldwide LTD 0121 785 4870 info@airfreightworldwide.com
Airport Cargo Ltd 0208 890 0055 info@airportcargoltd.co.uk
Air Sea Logistics Ltd 01753 687411 imports@airsealogistics.com
Air Sea Scotland Ltd 0141 887 8877 scott@airseascotland.scot
AIT Worldwide Logistics (UK) 01753 680300 london@aitworldwide.com
AIT Worldwide Logistics (UK) 01392 449300 exeter@aitworldwide.com
AIT Worldwide Logistics (UK) 0161 437 0300 manchester@aitworldwide.com
Airsupply Shipping Agents 01753 689 365 info@airsupplyshipping.com
Alegrant ltd 44 (0) 7747 607710  Catherine@alegrant.com
Alinea London Limited 020 7101 4242 holly@alinea.org.uk
Alinnza Trading London Ltd 07840 191 477 ezequield@alinnzatrading.com
Allair Global 03339 884 848 Heathrow@allairglobal.com
All Cargo UK Ltd 07587 137436 info@allcargouk.com
AllClear Logistics Limited 01473 274 001 imports@allclearlogistics.com
Alliance Heathrow 0208 818 7780 heathrow@allianceshippinggroup.co.uk
Alliance Shipping Birmingham 01527 597 777 birmingham@allianceshippinggroup.co.uk
Alliance Shipping London 01268 410 211 lon@agc.as
Allseas Global Logistics 0161 272 8989 info@allseasglobal.com
Alpi UK Limited 01753 210060 customs@alpiuk.com
ALS Customs Services Ltd 01784 424 545 gpotter@als-cs.com
A.M. Shipping Ltd 01277 810 811 tony@amshipping.com
AMT Intercargo UK Limited 44 (0)1 224 772 120 freight.uk@amt-sa.com
Anchor Freight Ltd 01473 928 200 Freight@anchor-freight.co.uk
Andrews Shipping & Fwdg Ltd 0208 805 5588 andreas@andrewsshipping.com
Anglia Forwarding Ltd 01708 527 000london@anglia-forwarding.co.uk
Anglia Forwarding Ltd01394 694670 Sandiesaul@anglia-forwarding.co.uk
Anglo Freight (UK) Ltd 02380 171811 chris.goodman@anglofreight.co.uk
Anjon Freight Services Limited 0151 227 1942 ray@efs.co.uk
APLL UK Ltd 44 (0)208 5363441 Ian_Harris2@apllogistics.com
Aprile UK Ltd 01992 578 387 s.yilmaz@uk.aprilenet.com
Aquarius Airfreight Services Ltd 02088 142 873 Info@aquariusairfreight.co.uk
Aramex UK Ltd 01753 210 500 aramexukenquiries@aramex.com
ASCO Freight Management Ltd 01224 470 599 afm.ops@ascoworld.com
ASG Logistics Ltd 020 8629 2588 imports@asglogistics.com
ASM Freight Services Ltd 020 8572 5792 info@asmfreight.co.uk
Association of Freight Software Suppliers 07484 856 368 steve.bartlett@afss.org.uk
Atlantic Pacific Global Logistics Ltd 01268 582 776 sales@atlantic-pacific.com
Aviation Support Ltd 01753 757 100 shipping@aviation-support.co.uk
Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce 01292 678 666 ecert@ayrshire-chamber.org
Aztek International Freight Limited 01268 286 444 nick@aztekintl.com


Name Phone number Email address
B E Freight Movements Ltd 0845 055 9918 jude@befreight.co.uk
B&H Worldwide Ltd 02087 595 544 mventham@bhworldwide.com
Balkans Direct Ltd 01304 821 553 office@balkansdirect.com
Banks & Lloyd (Shipping) Ltd 01625 441 200 info@banksandlloyd.com
Barker & Hood Ltd 01206 215700 colchester@barker-hood.co.uk
Barnsley and Rotheram Chamber of Commerce 01709 386200 export@brchamber.co.uk
BDA Overseas Ltd 01753 680203 ops@bda-cargo.co.uk
BDP International UK Ltd 01322 388870 bdp.enquiries.uk@bdpint.com
Beamish Freight Solutions Ltd 07771 366 051 sally@beamishfs.com
Beckchoice Ltd 01375 489840 info@beckchoice.co.uk
Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce 01582 522 448 export@chamber-business.com
Bethan Customs Consultancy Ltd 01651 269 980 info@bethancc.com
Bettafreight Services 0121 783 9933 Chris@bettafreight.co.uk
Black Country Chamber of Commerce 0330 024 0820 export@blackcountrychamber.co.uk
Blaiklock Limited 01932 598444 operations@blaiklock.uk.com
Bluewater Shipping UK Ltd 01224 771 191 bwopsaberdeen@bws.dk
BMW Shipping Agents Ltd 023 8022 3472 rogerb@bmw-shipping.co.uk
Boast International Ltd 01394 276 086 des@boast.co.uk
Bollore Logistics UK Ltd 0151 243 6930 christine.masters@bollore.com
Braid Logistics UK Ltd 0141 445 2525 lgraham@braidco.com
Britannia Bureau Ltd 01621 856 444 enquiries@britanniasolutions.com
Broadside Customs Clearance Agency Ltd 01394 286200 info@broadsidecca.co.uk
Brooklands International Freight Services Ltd 01737 823575 ops@bifs.net
Brunel European LTD 01268 243 610 paige@bruneleuropean.co.uk
Brunel Shipping 01268 243 610 info@brunelshipping.co.uk
Brunswick International – Liverpool 0151 933 1315 steve.crane@brunswickinternational.co.uk
Buckle Shipping 01394 600 702 Tom@buckleshipping.com
Bullet Express Ltd 0330 102 7500 worldwide@bulletexpress.co.uk
Burhill Cargocare Limited

Customs specialist in the food, sanitary, phytosanitary and health industry
01784 473 815 deryck@burhill-cargocare.co.uk
Burhill Logistics Ltd 01394 612 000 commercial@burhilllogistics.com
Business West 01275 370 712 ezcert@businesswest.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
C & R Global Logistics Ltd 0161 533 0797 sales@crgloballogistics.com
Caledonian Freight Ltd 01324 472 611 ops@caledonianfreight.com
Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce 01223 237414 enquiries@cambscci.co.uk
Campbell McCleave & CO Ltd 02894423388 imports@cmcair.co.uk
Cannon Freight Ltd 01902 456785 ian@cannonfreight.co.uk
Cardinal Maritime Limited 0151 705 1801 Karl.Heron@cardinal.co.uk
Cargo Air Freight Ltd 0289 037 3740 info@cargo-air.co.uk
Cargo Forwarding Ltd 0289 037 3700 info@cargo-forwarding.co.uk
Cargo Overseas Ltd 0161 498 6111 eucustoms@cargo-overseas.co.uk
Cargo World Logistics Limited 01925 940 040 hello@cargoworldlog.com
Carlton Freight Ltd 0151 707 1224 enquiries@carltonfreight.com
Casper Shipping 01642 243 662 (Option 2) customs@casperltd.com
Cavalier Logistics UK LTD 0203 887 1350 dvanturton@cavlog.com
Cavendish Freight services 01394 612118 vicki@cavendishfreight.co.uk
CBI Global Freight Management Ltd 0161 870 8760 nigel.sleigh@cbiglobal.com
CCL - Customs Clearance Ltd 0208 231 0900 cs@ccllhr.com
CCT Worldwide (UK) Customs Services Ltd 01634 711 969 customs@cct worldwideltd.com
CEVA Logistics 01394 606 115 Helen.Bird@cevalogistics.com
CH Robinson Worldwide (UK) Limited 01753 683288 graham.betts-bucke@chrobinson.com
Chamber International 0845 034 7200 info@chamber-international.com
ChamberCustoms (All UK Ports) 0207 654 5800 info@chambercustoms.co.uk
Chambers & Cook Freight Ltd 0121 356 1441 info@ccfreight.com
ChannelPorts Ltd 01304 218 302 brexit@channelports.co.uk
Charles Kendall Freight Ltd 0208 384 9494 compliance@charleskendall.com
Charlton House Ltd 0845 054 2302 seanna.whitmore@customsadvisory.co.uk
CHD Forwarding Ltd 01394 674 669 imports@chdforwarding.co.uk
CIE Services Ltd 07990 844 605 rachel@cieservices.co.uk
CLA UK  01162790930 Operations@cla-uk.com
Claridon Group Ltd 01375 656100 imports@claridon.com
Clarksons Port Services 02890 242 242 Mark.ewings@clarksons.com
Clear Fr8 Ltd 01304 806 425 operations@clearfr8.com
Clearing Customs UK Ltd44 0 35351382657johndawson@bell.ie
Cool Cargo Logistics Ltd020 8577 0033info@coolcargo.co.uk
Corvus Air Cargo Ltd01274 623900info@crowoverseas.co.uk
Cory Logistics0139 460 1146brexit@corylogistics.com
Crow Overseas Freight01274 623111info@corvusair.co.uk
Customs & Trade Compliance Limited0208 144 6408Compliance@Cutraco.com
Customs Clearance Consortium0333 012 4819info@eori.uk


Name Phone number Email address
D.S. Freight Services Ltd 01753 682153 ops@dsfreight.co.uk
Daily Groupage Services Ltd 01304 201007 dover@dailygroupage.com
Damco UK Ltd 0208 751 6217 heathrowhubimportsuk@damco.com
dap UK Limited + 44 (0) 1394 670058 Ianwhite@ntgdap.co.uk
Dartswift International Ltd 44 (0) 151 236 2035 www.dartswiftintl.com
Davies Turner & Co Ltd 03300 301 870 road@daviesturner.co.uk
Davies Turner Air Cargo Ltd 01753 680 828 aircargo@daviesturner.co.uk
DB Schenker and Schenker Ltd 0208 831 4537CST.UK@dbschenker.com
Deloitte LLP 01223 259 424 Kjudd@deloitte.co.uk
Denholm Global Logistics Limited [+44] (0)1375 363338 gary.hopkinson@dgluk.com
Denholm Port Services Limited 01324 489760 forwarding.grg@denholm-portservices.com
Derry Bros Custom Clearance Ltd 028 8778 4949 customs@derrybros.com
Deugro (United Kingdom) Ltd 01489 578 222 mark.riley@duegro.com
DFDS Logistics Ltd 01469 562868 clearance.uk@dfds.com
DH Freight Ltd01394 547421lee.dawson@dhfreight.com
DHL Global Forwarding 0208 754 5000 or 0208 754 5094 DGF_UK_CDZ_Enquiries@dhl.com
Diamond Global Logistics01753 3685336sales@diamondglobal.co.uk
Diamond Worldwide ltd 020 8194 0786  info@dwwltd.co.uk
DinaCato International Freight Forwarding Services Ltd 01502 446 446 info@dinacato-logistics.com
DLA Piper UK LLP 0207 796 6465 tax-hublondon@dlapiper.com
DLH Worldwide Ltd 0161-848 8001 Jeremy@dlhworldwide.com
DMS International Ltd01293 772608ops@dms-intl.com
Doncaster Chamber of Commerce 01302 640 124 export@doncaster-chamber.co.uk
Dornack International Ltd01708 686960simon.goddard@dornack.com
Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry 01202 714 814 Internationaltrade@dcci.co.uk
Doyle shipping Group (Belfast) 02890 755 881 shipping@dsg.uk
Drac Logistics Ltd 01324 614 065 charlotte.bowfield@draclogistics.co.uk
Dragon Logistics & Transport Ltd + 44 (0) 7706958092 ted@dragonlogistics.co.uk
Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce 01382 228 545 International@dundeeandanguschamber.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
E W Taylor & Co. (Forwarding) Ltd 01795 435 350 info@ewtaylorgroup.com
Eagle Cargo Services 0208 591 8877 info@eaglecargoservices.com
East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce 01254 356 448 cds@chamberelancs.co.uk
East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) 0333 320 0333 chambercustoms@emc-dnl.co.uk
Eclipse Worldwide Ltd 01604 759888 davidh@eclipseworldwide.co.uk
ECU Worldwide (UK) Ltd 02380 626 509 ukclearances@ecuworldwide.com
Eddie Maybank

T/A Customs Clearance UK

0208 691 5067

Mobile: 079991 90688

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce 0131 221 2999 info@edinburghchamber.co.uk
EFM Management Ltd 44 1784 223960 info@efm.global
EFS Logistics Limited 01282 410044 Logistics@efs.global
Elm Consolidators Limited 01375 395 880 elm@elmco.co.uk
Embassy Freight Services (UK) Ltd 01268 820 461 seaimports@embassyfreight.co.uk
Embrace Global Logistics Ltd 0161 279 1606 dave@embracegloballogistics.com
EMS Cargo Ltd 0800 2461169 ems@ems-cargo.co.uk
Enterprise Liner Agencies Ltd 0208 591 8787 ELA@UK.com
EOS Warehousing Ltd 02892 680 066 Customs@eoswarehousing.com
Espace Europe Ltd 01543 418 700 TonyShally@espaceglobalfreight.com
ETL Logistics Limited44 (0) 1932562169info@etl-logistics.com
Euro Asia Maritime Agencies Ltd 02380 677555 Customs@euroasia-maritime.com
Eurogate Logistics 0203 954 3333 sales@eurogate.co.uk
Euronox Limited +44(0) 208 434 7031 info@euronoxltd.co.uk
Europa Air & Sea 01784 264 001 airsea@europa-worldwide.com
Europa Shipping Services (Newcastle) Ltd 01289 330 747 john.bacon@europa-shipping.com
Eurosprint Freight Services 0121 785 0666 clay@eurosprint.co.uk
EuroTurk Freight Solutions Ltd 44 1480 470114 CLR@euroturk.co.uk
Excess Luggage Ltd0845 270 7186info@excessluggage.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Falsum Consulting Limited 0207 735 2455 sam@falsum.co.uk
Far Logistics Ltd 023 8020 1281 chris.barrington@farintl.com
Fastnet Forwarding Ltd 01582 463 814 dwhite@fastnetforwarding.co.uk
Fastrack Custom Declaration  44 0923218241129  sheikhtariq66@hotmail.com
FC Logistics Limited 01394 448190 david@fclogistics.co.uk
FCL Global Forwarding Ltd 0121 555 1040 info@fclgf.com
FCL World Logistics Ltd 01635 268 371 info@fclworld.com
FCX Worldwide Express 0162 472 1900 steve.kimber@fcx.im
Fellowship Freight Ltd 01473 794 949 info@fellowshipfreight.co.uk
Fenix Freight Limited 0121 222 5151 accounts@fenixfreight.com
Fenris Strategic Solutions Ltd +44(0) 2890 941607 customs@fenrisltd.com
FH Bertling Logistics Aberdeen Limited 01224 661 810 operations.aberdeen@bertling.com
Fistral Impex Limited 01279 680345 fistral@fistral-impex.co.uk
Flexible Cargo Services Ltd 01206 638556 info@flexiblecargoservices.co.uk
Flexport International B.V. 0031 20 888 1888 eu.brokers@flexport.com
Fornax Logistics Limited 0207 096 0901 info@fornaxlogistics.com
Freight Group 01394 334888 freightgroupstaff@freightgroup.com
Freight Logistics Solutions 01633 288 400 operations@freightlogisticssolutions.co.uk
Freightair Ltd 0191 268 9862 ncloffice@freightair.co.uk
Freightlane Ltd 01304 831 668 scollins@freightlane.co.uk
Fresca Group Ltd T/A Fresh Clear 01892 835 577 imports@freshclear.com
Frontier Forwarding Services Ltd 0208 893 7722 info@frontierforwarding.co.uk
FSC Oceans Limited 01753 210040 Alan.hewitt@fscoceans.com
Future Forwarding Co Ltd 0844 879 4977 lisalarvin@ukffcl.com


Name Phone number Email address
G.B. Agencies Ltd 01472 246 500 Tim.OMahoney@gbagroup.com
GAC Management Ltd 07967 500130 gary@gacml.co.uk
GAC Services (UK) Ltd 01642 637 500 Lee.Round@gac.com
Gateship Limited t/a Gateway Shipping Co 01304 207003 info@gatewaydover.com
GAVA ILS UK LTD +44(0)1784 420130 info@gavauk.com
GCL Logistics Ltd 020 8844 4016 Martyn.Satterthwaite@gcllog.com
GEFCO Forwarding UK Ltd 01784 279585 LHRImports@gefco.net
Gemini Freight Management Ltd 01322 374 854 sales@gemini-freight.com
Geodis FF United Kingdom Limited 0802 831 4234 overland@daviesturner.co.uk
George Baker (Shipping) Ltd 0139 469 5287 Toby.Spink@georgebakershipping.com
Gerlach Customs Services (UK) Limited 01304 218 761 Sales@uk.gerlachcs.com
Glasgow Chamber of Commerce 0141 204 2121 ettore.viscontini@glasgowchamberofcommerce.com
Global Container Services Ltd 01394 451 200 freight@globalcontainers.com
Global Freight Connections +44 (0) 7985373101 GrahamSimmonds@gfc-group.co.uk
Global Intelligent Logistics (UK) Limited 01322 537 402 barry.jalalon@globalintel.co.uk
Globex Freight Management Ltd 01394 676162 andy@globexfm.co.uk
Globexaair LTD 0208 897 0490 tony.white@globexair.com
Gondrand UK 0208 526 8751 slatteryp@gondrand.co.uk
Gordian Knot Forwarding Ltd 0730 5400 213 logsitics@gordianknotforwarding.co.uk
GP Global Logistics Ltd 01633 843 152 customs@gp-logistics.co.uk
GR8 FR8 Limited 0161 610 6150 operations@gr8fr8.co.uk
Grange Shipping Ltd 01394 605 200 info@grangeshipping.co.uk
 G Heyn & Sons Ltd 028 90350000 imports@heyn.co.ukexports@heyn.co.uk
 Global forwarding Ltd 0161 4367 041 manclearance@globalf.com


Name Phone number Email address
H & M Freight Services Ltd0208 8440088sales@hmfreight.com
Hamilton Shipping Container Services Limited 02890 357000 containers@hamiltonshipping.com
Hampshire Chamber of Commerce 01329 242 420 ezcert@hampshirechamber.co.uk
Hansen and Mac Ltd 01403 274 485 info@hansenmac.com
Harbour Shipping Limited 01304 200 923 Sapplebee@harbourshipping.co.uk
Heavyweight Air Express Limited 01332 853 258 customs@haegroup.com
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Limited 0130 424 8390 CustomsClearanceEnquiries@hellmann.com
Hemisphere Freight Services Limited 01473 550 945 customs.enquiry@hemisphere-freight.com
Henry Diaper & Co. Ltd 0151 545 5471 Ian.Walsh@diaper.co.uk
Herbert Watson Freight Services Ltd 01619 050 410 sales@herbertwatson.co.uk
Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce 01905 673613 internationaltrade@hwchamber.co.uk
Heritage International Freight 0208 569 2050 london@hfreight.com
HICS Worldwide 01753 790 390  worldwide@hics.co.uk
Hillebrand Ltd 01304 208206 gbd-clearance@jfhillebrand.com
Hollyport Logistics Ltd 01753 680 323 jerry.holmes@hollyportlogistics.co.uk
Horizon International Cargo Ltd 01753 688 676 Dale.Gilbart@hicargo.com
HPA LTD 01482 333377 Info@hpal.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
I C Shipping Limited 0121 502 0095 ian@icshipping.com
Ideal International Ltd 01708 526941 astewart@ideal-forwarding.co.uk
IML Agencies Ltd 01394 674989 shaun@imlagencies.co.uk
Immediate Transportation Co Ltd 01753 653777 imports@itcoltd.com
Immingham Transport Ltd 07710 703 976 david.millard@ntex.com
In Time Worldwide Express Limited 0345 258 2330 logistics@itwx.net
Independent Freight Solutions Ltd 02476 343 037 customs@independent-freight.com
Interfreight (UK) Ltd 01394 676 644 dturner@interfreightuk.com
International Forwarding Ltd 01675 434 690 sales@internationalforwarding.co.uk
International Vehicle Shipping Services 0203 787 4201 info@ivssuk.com
Interspan Freight Solutions Ltd 0161 848 0070 daniel@interspanfright.com
Inter-ways Ltd 01302 802240 ian@interways.co.uk
Inverness Chamber of Commerce 01463 718131 international@inverness-chamber.co.uk
Invictus Global Logistics Limited 01634 540 770 louise.robinson@invictusgloballogistics.com
 Immediate Transportation Co Ltd    01394 674421  felixstowe@itcoltd.com


Name Phone number Email address
J C Shipping Services Ltd 02380 682016 john@jcshipping.co.uk
JAG-UFS Ltd 0208 818 7746 mike.davies@jagufs.com
Jalsa (UK) Ltd 020 8751 6171 pets@jalsauk.com
Jas Forwarding (UK) Limited 01224 766 770 neil.howarth@jas.com
Jeavons Eurotir Ltd0121 201 0061Sales@jeavonseurotir.co.uk
JEM Freight Services (UK) Ltd 0175 368 4696 jemops@jemfreight.com
JEM Logistics Ltd 0161 713 3109 david@jemlogistics.co.uk
Jenkinson Logistics 44 2890 783041 Iain.McCafferty@jenkinson.ie
JODA Freight 01535 634590 customs@jodafreight.com
John Good Shipping Limited 0161 834 4899 mreid@johngood.co.uk
John Pipe International +44 2380 360100 mal.young@johnpipe.co.uk
John Sutcliffe & Son (Grimsby) Ltd 01469 359101 agency@jsutcliffe.co.uk
Jordon Freight Ltd 01394 286 644 Roddy.Forster@jordonfreight.com
JPAir International 44 (0) 1753 683 438 jpair@international.com
JS Forwarding 01394 274747 info@jsforwarding.co.uk
JSA Global 01394 678678 bkerr@jsaglobal.com


Name Phone number Email address
K&L Freight Ltd 01606 272 880 stephen@klfreight.com
Kalantha 07399 308 201 contact@kalantha.com
KC Group Shipping Ltd 0141 420 1700 imports@kcshipping.co.uk
KCI Logistics 01268 646 260 stephen.knight@kcilogistics.co.uk
Kedan Logistics Ltd 0345 094 5858 info@kedan.co.uk
Ken Hill Freight Services Ltd 01530 413300 chris@kenhillfreight.co.uk
Kenny Fisher Shipping Limited 01704 543723 bill@kennyfishershipping.co.uk
Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce 01233 503 838 viv@kentinvictachamber.co.uk
Kerry Logistics (UK) Ltd 0161 873 1457 stacey.byrne@kerrylogistics.com
Kestrel Liner Agencies 01279 729 415 preeves@kestrel.com
Key Air & Sea Ltd 02087560500 jason@keyair.co.uk
Key Cargo International 0161 998 0000 colin@keycargo.net
KGH Customs Services 0161 768 6500 sales.uk@kghcustoms.com
Killick Martin & Company Limited 01268 209 395 sales@killickmartin.com or paul.gallagher@killickmartin.com
Kingscote Rojay Limited 01429 804040 Janice.best@kr-l.com
KranLee Logistics Limited01246 281234hello@kranlee.com
Kuehne + Nagel01322 283 400uk.customers-brexit@kuehne-nagel.com


Name Phone number Email address
L B Freight Limited 01422 351217 sales@lbfreight.co.uk
Laser Transport International Ltd 01303 260471 sales@laserint.co.uk
LCL International 01304 213 658 transport@lclinternational.com
Leman International Transport 01924 921 262 Andrew.brogan@leman.com
LF Logistics UK Limited 0161 -786 7571 Dionnescroop@lflogistics.com
LHR Global Logistics 01753 689 905 import@lhrglobal.com
Ligentia UK Ltd 0113 344 4000 sales@ligentia.com
Linc Freight Management LTD 01376 564962 Daniel@lincgroup.co.uk
Lincoln Maritime Limited +44 (0) 2081503671 sales@lincolnmaritime.co.uk
Locker Freight Ltd0151 480 8922Steve.hill@locker-freight.co.uk
Logfret UK Ltd 0208 759 5523 lhr@logfret.co.uk
Logwin Air + Ocean Uk Limited 44 (0)161 266 2103 antony.atack@logwin-logistics.com
Lombard Shipping plc 01473 243 888 enquiries@lombardshipping.co.uk
London Chamber of Commerce & Industry 020 7203 1846 edocuments@londonchamber.co.uk
Lovefreight ltd 01268 419019 vicky@lovefreight.co
Lucas Freight Ltd 01481 724480 mail@lucasfreight.com


Name Phone number Email address
M&B (Felixstowe) Ltd 01304 825884 info@mbfxt.com
M&W Airfreight Ltd 01619 050 469 sales@mwairfreight.co.uk
M&W Freight Ltd 01619 050 400 sales@mwfreight.co.uk
M.A. Freight Services Limited 01553 828144 mgbishop@mafreight.co.uk
Maersk 01394 695 653 or 01394 695 662 Roxsan.Bennett@Maersk.com
Maina Freight Forwarders PLC44 0 2088431977Info@Maina.com
Maina Imports Ltd44 0 2088431977Sales@Maina.com
Maltacourt Limited 08454 989 555 enquiries.uk@maltacourt.com
Mannson Freight Services Limited012682 70001KPerkins@mannson.com
Mapcargo International Ltd 01753 255 255 sales@mapcargo.co.uk
Marexport UK Ltd 01473 271485 brian@marexport.co.uk
Maritime Cargo Services 01449 616 100 sales@maritimecargo.com
Martintrux Group Ltd 01304 213 122 Clearance@martintrux.co.uk
Martyn Fiddler Customs Services Limited 01279 810 020 MFAL@martynfiddler.aero
Maurice Ward & Co (UK) Ltd 01784 464319 unitedkingdom@mauriceward.com
Maxi Haulage Ltd 01925 605 790 mattjackson@maxihaulage.co.uk
McAuley Freight Ltd 028 90 298181 hugh@mcauleyfreight.co.uk
Meachers Global Logistics Ltd 02380 741515 sales@meachersglobal.com


Name Phone number Email address
Nagel Langdons Limited 01304 872 617 customs@nagel-langdons.co.uk
NEBA Freight Limited 020 8642 9190 imports@nebafreight.com
Neill & Brown Limited 01482 644287 chris.watson@neillbrown.com
Nelson Freight Ltd 0151 645 5783 norman.nelson@talk21.com
Neon Freight Ltd 01477 668003 or 07788 667 776 ian.mallon@neonfreight.co.uk
Neptune Shipping Agency Ltd 01579 386 000 sales@nsa.com
Neptune Shipping Agency Ltd 01579 386 000 sales@nsa.com
NEXUS Customs Ltd 01724 410430 paul.robertson@nexuscustoms.com
NF Global Logistics Ltd 0113 2059525 sales@nfglobal.co.uk
Nippon Express (UK) Ltd  +44 (0) 20 8737 4271 mohammed.patel@neeur.com
Nisko UK 01945 860 354 simon@niskouk.com
NISSIN (U.K.) Ltd 44 01895 439555 J.Rodrigues@nissinuk.com
NMC Global Logistics Limited +44 1394 270400 neil@nmclogistics.com
NNR Global Logistics UK Ltd0208 893 2883nnrlhr@nnruk.com
Norfolk Chamber of Commerce 01603 625 977 export@norfolkchamber.co.uk
Norman Global Logistics Ltd 01394 695 435 Martin.Rue@norman.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Ocean International FS Ltd 01489 578 222 peter@oceaninternational.com
Oceanblue Logistics Ltd 01472 878514 customs@oceanbluelogistics.co.uk
Oceanside Logistics Ltd 02380 860 585 Ashley@oceansidelogistics.com
Oceanwide Freight Services Limited 0044 (0) 1708 551345 ben@oceanwidefreight.co.uk
OIA Global Ltd 0207 265 3100 rachel.morley@oiaglobal.com
Omni Customs Products 07340 108 652 ben@omnicustomsproducts.com
OMNI Freight Services Ltd 01394 695089 andy@omniservices.co.uk
One World Express Inc Ltd 0208 860 6060 info@oneworldexpress.com
One World Logistics UK Limited 01753 683334 naresh@owfll.com
OOCL Logistcs (Europe) Ltd 01473 654 411 olopluslev@oocllogistics.com
Orbis International Ltd +44 (0)1636 701358 airfreight@orbis-int.com
Orbit Cargo Services Ltd 020 85743771 www.orbitcargoservices.com
Orbital Freight Ltd 01603 300222 tony@orbitalfreight.co.uk
Osborn Customs Services Ltd 01634 731632 imports@osborncustoms.com
 Octain Ltd  01245 449080  customs.docs@octain.com


Name Phone number Email address
P&O Ferrymasters Ltd 01473 786200 chris.chapman@pofm.com
Pantos Logistics UK Ltd 01753 610 410 Kimberly.kim@pantos.com
ParcelWorks Ltd 0797 393 1627 jkelley@parcelworks.com
Parkside Warehousing & Transport Co Ltd 01473-690161 chris.hazelwood@btconnect.com
PDP Freight Services Ltd 44  (0) 1753 764030 shaun@pdpgroup.com
Pentagon Freight Services Plc 01224 405 600 Aberdeen@pentagonfreight.com
Perishable Movements Ltd 0208 893 2666  
Peter and Paul Enterprises Ltd 07984 647 087 p.okafor@ymail.com
Petrasco Services Ltd 01224 337 733 customs@petrasco.co.uk
PFE Express Ltd 01376 533 000 info@pfe-express.co.uk
Pinnacle International Freight Ltd 0845 6216 111 enquiry@pif.co.uk
Pioneer International Import Export Limited +44(0)20 8756 0222 info@pioneerinternational.co.uk
PJ Global Logistics Limited 01304 806 550 documents@pjgloballogistics.co.uk
PJ Shipping Ltd 01304 825 939 clearance@pjshipping.com
PMG Worldwide Ltd 01753 687898 alan@pmgw.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Quality Freight Services Ltd 0161 820 6830 duncan@qualityfreight.co.uk
Quest Freight Ltd 020 8890 0330 john@questfreight.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Radius Logistics UK Ltd +44 (0) 2081332586 cus.lon@radiuslog.co.uk
Radius Warehouse and Logistic Services   0117 9820099 info@radiuslogistics.co.uk
Raycole Global Logistics Ltd 01375 489449 info@raycolegloballogistics.com
RBF Cargocare Limited (Cannock) 01543 728 437 steve.clifford@rbf-cargocare.com
RBF Cargocare Limited (Felixstowe) 01394 671 775 andy.tomlinson@rbf-cargocare.com
RBF Cargocare Limited (London Gateway) 01375 678 343 andy.tomlinson@rbf-cargocare.com
RBF Cargocare Limited

Customs specialist in the food, sanitary, phytosanitary and health industry
01394 671 775 jon.beech@rbf-cargocare.com
Real-Time 365 Limited 01245 860 365 Terry@Real-Time365.com
Reed Forwarding Ltd 01284756225 emma@reedforwarding.co.uk
Regency International (G.B.) Ltd 01708 620 200 bryan@regencyintlgb.com
Regency Shipping Ltd 01753 287 800 info@rsllhr.co.uk
Regional Express Limited 44 (0) 1794 516 515 charlie@regionalexpress.co.uk
Reliable Shipping (UK) Ltd 01394 671 921 greg@reliableshipping.co.uk
Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce 0141 847 5464 info@renfrewshirechamber.com
Republic Cargo Systems Limited0121 712 8930UK@rcslogistics.com
Rhenus Logistics 0161 886 4297 Chris.mcguinness@uk.rhenus.com
Robert Kukla Spedition UK Ltd01303 847203m.jacobs@kukla-spedition.com


Name Phone number Email address
S.H. Pratt Group Ltd 01582 436 524 LizYork@shprattgroup.com
SAFCO Services Ltd 01473 313041 philip@safcoservices.com
Samphire Cargo Ltd 01304 207 120 chris.grimes@samphirecargo.co.uk
Sandrair International Limited 01932 787 277 info@sandrair.com
Savino Del Bene 0208 844 8550 jack.pells@savinodelbene.com
Schallenberg International Limited 01394 675 339 Info@Schallenberg.com
Sea Avia Forwarding Ltd 0238 033 4403 enquiries@seaavia.co.uk
Seabourne Forwarding Limited44 01332 814 477Customs@seabourme-group.com
Seabrook Export Services Ltd 0203 288 2980 Wyatt@seabrookexports.com
Sea-Cargo UK 01469 577119 immingham@sea-cargo.no
Seafair (UK) Limited  +44 (0)1268 530634 uk.sales@seafairgroup.com
Seafast Logistics Ltd 01394 694 800 enquires@seafast.com
Seagull Freight Services Ltd 02085 944 161 ibrahim@seagull-freight.com
Seairo Shipping Ltd 0151 482 5528 roy@seairoshipping.com
Seaport Freight Services Ltd 01394 676 691 enquires@seaportfreight.co.uk

Seaspace International Forwarders Ltd 01293 554620 info@seaspace-ain’t.com
Senator International 0161 493 3200 andrew.whitehouse@man.senator-international.com
Senator International Freight Forwarding Limited  0161 493 3200 andrew.whitehouse@man.senator-international.com
Sevenstar Yacht Transport UK 44 2380821031 mike@sevenstar-uk.com
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce 0114 201 8888 customs@scci.org.uk
Ship Cars Ltd 01495 320 540 info@shipcars.co.uk
Shipright Ltd 07961009336 info@shiprightltd.co.uk
Shropshire Chamber of Commerce 01952 208 200 enquiries@shropshire-chamber.co.uk
Shuttle Bridge Logistics Ltd 0203 1375 588 info@shuttlebridge.co.uk
Simarco International Ltd 01376 501110 brexit@simarco.com
SKI Freight International Limited 0161 217 1224 imran@skifreight.com
Sound Moves UK Ltd01784 424 471Martin.corr@soundmoves.co.uk
South American Agency Ltd. T/A SAA Logistics 0208 2492328 admin@saalogistics.co.uk
Spectrum Forwarding Ltd 02084407710 info@spectrumforwarding.co.uk
Speedlink International Logistics028 90691332belfast@speedlink.ie
Spica Logistics Ltd 07493 456 482 tolga@spicalogistics.co.uk
Spray Shipping Ltd 01394 676 555 info@sprayshipping.co.uk
Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce 01782 202 222 wendy.hall@staffordshirechambers.co.uk
StartUp Overseas 44 (0)117 9073520 admin@startupoverseas.co.uk
Stone Logistics Ltd 0161 905 0421 chris@stonelogistics.co.uk
Straight Freight Ltd 44 (0) 1784 252955 info@straight-freight.co.uk
Sumitomo Warehouse (Europe) 44 (0) 207 265 1414 info@swluk.com
Sunbury Warehousing & Logistics Limited +44 (0) 1932 450 568 sales@sunburylogistics.co.uk
Superior Freight Services (UK) Ltd 01753 686863 Superior@supuk.com
supreme freight 44 (0)23 8072 7913 ashley@supremefreight.com
Surrey Chamber of Commerce 01483 735 540 export@surrey-chambers.co.uk
Sussex Chambers of Commerce 01444 259 259 info@sussexchamberofcommerce.co.uk
 SLR International Ltd  01255 870099  customs@slrtrans.co.uk
 Sovereign Cargo Ltd 01323 735300 info@sovcargo.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
T E Shipping Ltd 01708 388100 tebejer@teshipping.com
t.ward shipping 0131 554 1231 shipping@tward.co.uk
TCB Group Ltd 028 95 608 444  darren@tcbfreight.com
Team Global Limited 01753 686393 phil@teamdeliver.com
Telenet Global Logistics Ltd 01753 768100 ajordan@telenetlogistics.com
TGF Unique Ltd 0208 818 7811 info@tgfunique.com
TGT Customs Consulting440 7774278584info@tgtconsulting.co.uk
Thames Valley Chamber Of Commerce Group 01753 870560 chambercustoms@tvchamber.co.uk
The Jamar Group 01392 410 984 customs@jamargroup.co.uk
Thermotraffic UK Limited 020 8596 5406 n.stokes@thermotraffic.com
Thos E Kettlewell & Son Ltd01405 762262agency@kettlewell.com
Toga Freight Services Ltd (Ireland) +353 1 630 4200 Brexit@TogaFreight.com
Toll Global Forwarding Group UK Limited 0208 893 2337 Inde.atwal@tollgroup.com
TPS Global Logistics Ltd 01622 237 979 info@tps-global.com
TQ Express 0161 437 0248 Imports@tqexpress.com
TR Logistics Group 02890 373 700 info@tr-logistics.com
Trafertir International Transport Ltd 01268 247 004 customs@trafertir.com
Trans Global Freight Management Ltd 01932 212821 einfo@trans-global.com
Transland Group 0044 1543 445656 kjones@translandgroup.co.uk
Transland International UK Ltd 01543 445656 kjones@translandgroup.co.uk
Tudor Freight 0208 831 4234 adam@tudorfreight.com
Turquoise Logistics Ltd 012277 725480 info@turquoiselogistics.co.uk
Tuscor Lloyds Ltd 0161 868 6000 hello@tuscorlloyds.com


Name Phone number Email address
U Freight UK Ltd 01932 788116 lonop@ufreight.com

UK Customs Solutions LTD 01394 334 880 enquiries@ukcustomssolutions.co.uk
UK Import Services Limited 0345 309 6360 enquiries@ukimportservices.com
UK Postings Worldwide 01844 398 880 Lee.Bucktrout@ukpworldwide.com
Uneek Forwarding Ltd 44 208 984 0425 info@uneekforwarding.co.uk
Uniexpress Ltd 01274 741800 michael@uniexpress.co.uk
Unisystems Freight (UK) Ltd 01376 518 700 russell@ufl.uk.com
Universal Delivery Solutions Ltd 0208 848 3308 info@udsww.com
Universe Logistics 0203 004 9397 info@unvs.co.uk
Unsworth 0208 988 8055 ag@unsworth.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Vantec World Transport (NL) BV 0161 498 6277 Nick-johnson.pr@vantec-gl.com
Velta International Ltd 01376 505 160 info@velta.co.uk
Viamaster International Ltd 0113 259 7031 customs@viamaster-intl.com
Viking Shipping Services Ltd 01757 606 695 gpickering@vikingshipping.co.uk
Vikstar Limited +44 (0) 20 85379206 vikesh@vikstar.co.uk
Viva Xpress Logistics (UK) Ltd + 44 (0)1753 210700 info@VXLNET.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
W E Dover Ltd 01304 249 855 sales@wedover.co.uk
W. Saunders (Shipping & Forwarding) Ltd  01394 672244 info@wsaunders.co.uk
Wainwright Bros & co Ltd 02380 223671 E-mail-forwarding@wainwrightgroup.com
Warrant Group Limited 0151 955 0630

0151 955 0626
WBC Export Packaging Limited 01773 307236 andy.butterfield@wbcltd.com
Widem UK Limited 01788 891015 rugr@widem.eu
Wilder Logistics (Felixstowe) Ltd 01473 655 735 fxt@wilderlogistics.com
Wilder Logistics Ltd 01753 681 085 mail@wilderlogistics.com
Wine and Spirits Trade Association 0207 089 3877 info@wsta.co.uk
Wineflow Clearance Ltd 01304 273 632 clearance@wineflow.com
Wirral Chamber of Commerce 0151 650 6940 export@wirralchamber.co.uk
WM International Ltd 0121 327 1504 michal.gierat@wmgroupuk.co.uk
Woodland Global +44 1245 619740 hayley.williams@woodlandgroup.com
Woodland Global Ltd 01245 619 900 customs@woodlandglobal.com
Woodside Global 02893 344848 michaelwoods@woodsides.comimports@woodsides.com
World Cargo Logistics Limited 0161 302 8643 kevin@worldcargologistics.co.uk
World Cargo Logistics LTD 07931 526652 manchester@worldcargologistics.co.uk
World Freight Consultants Ltd 01375 851999 info@wfc-ltd.co.uk
World Transport Agency Ltd 01394 673247 felixstowesales@wtagroup.com
World Transport Agency Ltd 07771 796 479 dean.levey@wtagroup.com
Worldwide Energy Logistics Limited 0208 8670330 wellsales@well.uk.com
Worldwide Logistics Group 020 39002474 aj@wwllmail.com
WS Logistics Ltd 01394 272 266 info@wslogistics.com
WTC Logistics UK Limited 01268 582120 operations@wtclogistics.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
XPand Logistics Ltd 01784 431 081 salesteam@xpandlogistics.co.uk
XPO Global Forwarding UK Ltd 01753 686 883 lhrimports@xpo.com


Name Phone number Email address
YFT Logistics Ltd 02380 472696 yvonne@yftlogistics.co.uk
Yorkshire Shipping Ltd 01482 333600 customs@yorkshireshipping.co.uk
Your Logistics Company Ltd 0203 058 4100 operations@yourlogisticscompany.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Ziegler UK Ltd 01753 287550 ukairfreight@zieglergroup.com
ZigZag Global Ltd (Returns)0203 286 8223al@zigzag.global
Zygo Limited 01394 671 444 gov.uk@zygo.eu

List of fast parcel operators A to Z

The following fast parcel operators offer a range of customs services for both low and high-value parcels.



Name Phone number Email address
512 (Doncaster) Limited 01302 217512 Dom@5-1-2.com
Abacus Express Logistics Ltd 01753 686442 info@abacusexpresslogistics.com
Active Freight Management Limited 01784 473900 imports@active-freight.com
Air Sea Logistics Ltd 01753-687411 imports@airsealogistics.com
Alinnza Trading London Ltd 07840 191 477 ezequield@alinnzatrading.com
Allseas Global Logistics 0161 272 8989 info@allseasglobal.com
Andrews Shipping & Fwdg Ltd 02088055588 andreas@andrewsshipping.com
Aquarius Airfreight Services Ltd 02088142873 Info@aquariusairfreight.co.uk
Aramex UK Ltd 01753 210 500 aramexukenquiries@aramex.com
ASM Freight Services Ltd 020 8572 5792 info@asmfreight.co.uk
Atlantic Pacific Global Logistics Ltd 01268 582 776 sales@atlantic-pacific.com
Aviation Support Ltd 01753 757 100 shipping@aviation-support.co.uk
Aztek International Freight Limited 01268 286 444 nick@aztekintl.com


Name Phone number Email address
B&H Worldwide Ltd 02087 595 544 mventham@bhworldwide.com
Barker & Hood Ltd 01206 215700 colchester@barker-hood.co.uk
Blaiklock Limited 01932 598444 operations@blaiklock.uk.com
Bluewater Shipping UK Ltd 01224 771 191 bwopsaberdeen@bws.dk
Bolloré Logistics UK Ltd 020 7897 7800 richard.myers@bollore.com
Brunswick International – Liverpool 0151 933 1315 steve.crane@brunswickinternational.co.uk
Bullet Express Ltd 0330 102 7500 worldwide@bulletexpress.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Caledonian Freight Ltd 01324 472 611 ops@caledonianfreight.com
Cavalier Logistics UK LTD 0203 887 1350 dvanturton@cavlog.com
CBI Global Freight Management Ltd 0161 870 8760 nigel.sleigh@cbiglobal.com
Clear Fr8 Ltd 01304 806 425 operations@clearfr8.com
CMI Logistics limited 01274 623270 julie@cmilogistics.co.uk
Cool Cargo Logistics Ltd020 8577 0033info@coolcargo.co.uk
Cosmotrans International Ltd 020 8751 2109 ops@cosmotrans.co.uk
Crane International Freight Ltd 01234 742 507 stevecrane@craneint.com
Crossflight Limited 01753 776 048 j.kelly@crossflight.com
CS Brunt Freight Services Ltd 0161 872 1252 chris@csbrunt.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Davies Turner & Co Ltd 03300 301 870 road@daviesturner.co.uk
Davies Turner Air Cargo Ltd 01753 680 828 aircargo@daviesturner.co.uk
DHL Express 01332 828402 gettingstarted@dhl.com
DPD group UK 0121 275 7376 internationalexperts@dpdgroup.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
EFS Logistics Limited 01282 410044 Logistics@efs.global
Embrace Global Logistics Ltd 0161 279 1606 dave@embracegloballogistics.com
ETL Logistics Limited44 (0) 1932562169info@etl-logistics.com
Euronox Limited +44(0) 208 434 7031 info@euronoxltd.co.uk
Eurosprint Freight Services 0121 785 0666 clay@eurosprint.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
FedEx Express 03456 07 08 09 uk@fedex.com
Fenix Freight Limited 0121 222 5151 accounts@fenixfreight.com
Flight Logistics Group Ltd – ShipArt 01753 763 500 sam@flightlg.com
Freight Logistics Solutions 01633 288 400 operations@freightlogisticssolutions.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
G.B. Agencies Ltd 01472 246 500 Tim.OMahoney@gbagroup.com
Gemini Freight Management Ltd 01322 374 854 sales@gemini-freight.com
Globexair 0208 897 0490 tony.white@globexair.com
Gondrand UK 0208 526 8751 slatteryp@gondrand.co.uk
Greencarrier Freight Services (UK) Ltd 01469 282600 airandocean@greencarrier.com
Gwynedd Shipping Limited 01407 760232 sales@gwyneddshipping.com

H - no entries


Name Phone number Email address
I C Shipping Limited 0121 502 0095 ian@icshipping.com
Immingham Transport Ltd 07710 703 976 david.millard@ntex.com
In Time Worldwide Express Limited 0345 258 2330 quotes@itwx.net
Invictus Global Logistics Limited 01634 540 770 louise.robinson@invictusgloballogistics.com


Name Phone number Email address
Jeavons Eurotir Ltd0121 201 0061Sales@jeavonseurotir.co.uk
John Pipe International +44 2380 360100 mal.young@johnpipe.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Kalantha 07399 308 201 kalantha@protonmail.com
Ken Hill Freight Services Ltd 01530 413300 chris@kenhillfreight.co.uk
Kingscote Rojay Limited 01429 804040 Janice.best@kr-l.com


Name Phone number Email address
Landmark Global 0207 042 1338 gsaunderson@landmarkglobal.com
Leman International Transport 01924 492296 alex.rothwell@leman.com
LHR Global Logistics Ltd 0208 283 9480 cs@lhrglobal.com
Lincoln Maritime Limited +44 (0) 2081503671 sales@lincolnmaritime.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Maina Couriers Ltd0 44 2088431977Info@Maina.com
Mapcargo International Ltd 01753 255 255 sales@mapcargo.co.uk
Mark 3 International 01753 683 511 rob@mk3i.com
Merzario Ltd 01277 363 117 operations@merzarioltd.co.uk
Mission Control Ltd01373 800 321fpo@missioncontrolltd.com


Name Phone number Email address
Neptune Shipping Agency Ltd 01579 386 000 sales@nsa.com
NMC Global Logistics Limited +44 1394 270400 neil@nmclogistics.com
Norsk European Wholesale Ltd 01753 800 800 richard.shelton@norsk-global.com
NTEX Ltd 01469 570 412 melanie.horton@ntex.com
NTI UK INC. (Nankai Express Co Ltd.) 020 3793 0766 air@uk.nankai-express.com


Name Phone number Email address
OCS Worldwide 0207 640 3845 samson.buwu@ocsworldwide.co.uk
One World Express Inc Ltd 0208 860 6060 info@oneworldexpress.com
One World Logistis UK Limited 01753 683334 naresh@owfll.com
Orbis International Ltd +44 (0)1636 701358 airfreight@orbis-int.com


Name Phone number Email address
PFE Express Ltd 01376 533 000 info@pfe-express.co.uk
Port Clearance Solutions Ltd 01702 307 676 operations@portclearancesolutions.co.uk
Port Shipping Ltd 01304 210880 info@portshipping.co.uk
Principle Logistics Ltd t/a ThinkPrime +44 (0) 020 8081 0311 Freight@thinkprime.co.uk
PSM Logistics 02034 684 333 sales@psmlogistics.com


Name Phone number Email address
Quality Freight Services Ltd 0161 820 6830 duncan@qualityfreight.co.uk
Quest Freight Ltd 020 8890 0330 john@questfreight.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Radius Logistics UK Ltd +44 (0) 2081332586 cus.lon@radiuslog.co.uk
RIF Worldwide Plc 01932 753 799 nblakemore@rifworldwide.co.uk
RJJ Freight Ltd 01394 695 575 nigel.abbott@rjjfreight.co.uk
Rohlig Logistics 0121 745 9955 Rohlig-uk@rohlig.com
Royale International Couriers Ltd 0208 890 3004 don@Royale.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
SAFCO Services Ltd 01473 313041 philip@safcoservices.com
Seabrook Export Services Ltd 0203 288 2980 Wyatt@seabrookexports.com
Shuttle Bridge Logistics Ltd 020 3137 5588 info@shuttlebridge.co.uk
Spectrum Forwarding Ltd 02084407710 info@spectrumforwarding.co.uk
Speedlink International Logistics028 90691332belfast@speedlink.ie
Spica Logistics Ltd 07493 456482 tolga@spicalogistics.co.uk
Superior Logistics 01753 689 784 Dan@superiorlogistics.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Team Global Limited 01753 686393 phil@teamdeliver.com
The Courier Company (UK) Limited 08700 116 611 jason@thecouriercompany.biz
TLC World Logistics 020 8750 8968 stuart@tlc-logistics.co.uk
TNT 0800 100 600 customercareuk@tnt.co.uk
Toll Global Forwarding 020 8818 7860 Raj.Khubchandani@tollgroup.com
TPS Global Logistics Ltd 01622 237 979 info@tps-global.com


Name Phone number Email address
Universal Delivery Solutions Ltd 0208 848 3308 info@udsww.com
Universe Logistics 0203 004 9397 info@unvs.co.uk
UPS 03457 877 977 ukreply@ups.com


Name Phone number Email address
Vikstar Limited +44 (0) 20 85379206 vikesh@vikstar.co.uk
Viva Xpress Logistics (UK) Ltd +44 (0)1753 210700 info@VXLNET.co.uk



Name Phone number Email address
WBC Export Packaging Limited 01773 307236 andy.butterfield@wbcltd.com
Wilder Logistics Ltd 01753 681 085 mail@wilderlogistics.com


Name Phone number Email address
XPand Logistics Ltd 01784 431 081 salesteam@xpandlogistics.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Your Logistics Company Ltd 0203 058 4100 operations@yourlogisticscompany.co.uk


Name Phone number Email address
Zentrade Services Ltd 07903 237 811 Alison@zentrade.co.uk
Ziegler UK Ltd 01753 287550 ukairfreight@zieglergroup.com
ZigZag Global Ltd (Returns)0203 286 8223al@zigzag.global
Published 14 October 2019

Last updated 1824 June 2020 + show all updates
  1. The list of customs agents and fast parcel operators been updated with 38 additions and 2 amendments.

  2. The list of customs agents has been updated with 211 additions, 7 amendments and 1 deletion.

  3. The list of customs agents has been updated with 117 new entries, and the list of fast parcel operators with 47.

  4. The list of customs agents has been updated with 45 additions.

  5. The list of customs agents has been updated with details of what to you need to send to HMRC to be added to the list. There have also been 30 additions and 2 amendments.

  6. The list of customs agents has been updated with 23 additions and 5 amendments.

  7. The list of customs agents has been updated with 33 additions and 2 amendments.

  8. The list of customs agents has been updated with 3 additions.

  9. The list of customs agents has been updated with 4 additions.

  10. The list of customs agents has been updated with 3 additions and 1 amendment.

  11. The list of customs agents has been updated with 3 additions.

  12. The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 additions.

  13. The list of customs agents has been updated with 3 additions.

  14. The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 additions and 1 new fast parcel operator.

  15. The list of customs agents has been updated with 6 additions.

  16. The list of customs agents has been updated with 10 additions.

  17. The list of customs agents has been updated with 10 additions and 2 amendments.

  18. 29 new customs agents, 1 amendment and 1 new fast parcel operator have been added to the list.

  19. 10 new customs agents have been added, two amended.

  20. This page has been updated with 11 new customs agents, one amended and 3 new fast parcel operators added.

  21. Three new customs agents have been added and one has been amended.

  22. Three new customs agents have been added to the list.

  23. Three new customs agents have been added to the list.

  24. Two new customs agents have been added to the list.

  25. Addition of 1 new customs agent and new email addresses for 3 more

  26. Four customs agents have been added to the list.

  27. The list of customs agents has been updated with 5 new entries and 2 amendments.

  28. The list of customs agents has been updated with 5 new entries and 2 amendments.

  29. The list of customs agents has been updated with 37 new entries.

  30. The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 new entries.

  31. The list of customs agents has been updated with 12 new entries.

  32. The list of customs agents has been updated with 4 new entries. The list of fast parcel operators has also been updated with and 1 new entry.

  33. The list of customs agents has been updated with 8 new entries. The list of fast parcel operators has also been updated with and 1 new entry.

  34. The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 new entries.

  35. The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 new entries.

  36. The list of customs agents has been updated with 12 new entries.

  37. This page has been updated with new contact details for customs agents.

  38. This page has been updated with new contact details for customs agents and parcel operators.

  39. A new customs agent has been added to the list.

  40. First published.

Update history

2025-02-04 15:19
The list of customs agents has been updated with 9 additions and 4 amendments.The list of express operators has been updated with 6 additions.

2025-01-16 15:20
The list of customs agents has been updated with 12 additions and one amendment.The list of express operators has been updated with 4 additions.

2024-11-26 15:36
The list of customs agents has been updated with 16 additions, 2 amendments and 1 removal.The list of express operators has been updated with 1 addition and one amendment.

2024-11-14 08:59
The list of customs agents has been updated with 11 additions.The list of express operators has been updated with 1 addition and one amendment.

2024-10-31 10:56
We have updated the list of customs agents with 30 additions and 11 amendments and 7 additions to the express operators register.

2024-10-11 15:31
The customs agents and express operators registers have been updated. Information about how to contact HMRC to add your business to the registers has also been updated.

2024-08-06 15:18
The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 additions, 1 amendment and 1 removal.

2024-07-16 11:06
The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 additions and 2 amendments.

2024-06-13 09:01
The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 additions.

2024-05-15 13:54
The list of customs agents has been updated with 5 additions, 1 amendment and 1 removal.The list of fast parcel operators has been updated with 1 amendment.

2024-04-29 14:03
The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 addition and 2 amendments.The list of fast parcel operators has been updated with 1 addition.

2024-04-24 11:23
The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 addition and 2 amendments.

2024-04-02 11:34
The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 additions and 2 amendments.

2024-03-15 09:14
Information about how to subscribe for the Customs Intermediaries Bulletin has been updated.

2024-03-12 11:15
The customs agents list has also been updated with 3 additions.

2024-02-20 13:25
The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 additions and 2 amendments.

2024-02-05 12:31
The list of customs agents has been updated with 3 addition and 2 amendments.

2024-01-25 15:54
The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 additions and 2 amendments. The list of fast parcel operators has been updated with 1 addition.

2024-01-10 09:31
The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 amendments. The list of fast parcel operators has been updated with 1 amendment.

2023-12-22 10:33
The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 addition and 1 amendment. The list of fast parcel operators has been updated with 1 addition and 1 amendment.

2023-12-15 10:52
The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 addition. The list of fast parcel operators has been updated with 1 addition.

2023-12-08 10:54
The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 addition and 2 amendments.

2023-12-01 16:48
The list of customs agents has been updated with one addition, one removal and three amendments.

2023-11-28 13:04
The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 addition and 1 amendment. The list of fast parcel operators has been updated with 1 addition.

2023-11-23 10:46
The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 addition. The list of fast parcel operators has been updated with 1 addition.

2023-11-08 16:26
The list of customs agents has been updated with two additions.

2023-11-06 11:08
The list of customs agents has been updated with one removal and one amendment.

2023-10-16 10:51
The list of customs agents has been updated with one addition and one amendment.

2023-10-10 12:21
The customs agents list has been updated with one addition, one amendment and one removal.

2023-10-03 13:38
The customs agents list has been updated with one amendment and one addition.

2023-09-08 09:48
The list of customs agents has been updated with one amendment.

2023-09-01 11:44
The list of customs agents has been updated with one addition.

2023-08-24 17:07
The list of customs agents has been updated with two additions and two amendments.

2023-08-17 12:15
The list of customs agents has been updated with one addition.

2023-08-02 15:42
The list of customs agents has been updated with one addition.

2023-07-20 14:25
The list of customs agents has been updated with one addition and one amendment.

2023-07-12 14:43
The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 additions and 2 amendments.

2023-06-29 11:12
The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 addition. The list of fast parcel operators has been updated with 2 additions.

2023-06-20 11:57
The list of customs agents has been updated with 2 amendments.

2023-06-09 11:22
The list of customs agents has been updated with 1 update and 2 additions. The list of fast parcel operators has been updated with 1 addition.

2023-05-25 15:23
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2023-05-18 15:21
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2023-05-12 09:02
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2023-05-04 10:43
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2023-04-27 15:03
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2023-04-25 08:29
The list of customs agents has been updated.

2023-04-13 09:42
The list of customs agents has been updated.

2023-03-30 11:13
The list of customs agents has been updated.

2023-03-24 10:30
The list of customs agents has been updated.

2023-03-20 17:04
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-11-24 13:51
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-10-13 14:31
The list of customs agents has been updated.

2022-09-23 15:12
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-09-20 08:23
The list of customs agents has been updated.

2022-09-02 12:00
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-08-15 15:21
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-07-28 15:42
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-07-21 12:53
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-07-15 10:49
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-07-08 10:50
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-07-01 10:30
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-06-23 13:05
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-06-16 15:52
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-06-07 17:15
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-05-26 14:53
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated. If you ask for your business to be added to the list, you can tell us if you offer services to facilitate movements using the Customs Declaration Service.

2022-05-19 15:25
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-05-13 10:03
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-04-28 12:30
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-04-21 16:41
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-04-07 12:21
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-04-01 13:37
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-03-31 19:09
Updated to include that you can also tell us if you offer services for completing entry summary declarations for goods imported into Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) using the Safety and Security GB (S&S GB) service.

2022-03-24 15:15
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-03-18 11:41
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-03-11 09:35
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-03-04 10:56
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-02-24 15:51
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-02-17 09:37
The list of customs agents has been updated.

2022-02-09 14:07
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-02-02 10:27
The list of customs agents has been updated.

2022-01-27 12:45
Guidance about adding your business has been updated.

2022-01-26 12:01

2022-01-18 15:49
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2022-01-10 15:42
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-12-21 14:08
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-12-14 14:00
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-12-09 13:28
The information under ‘Add your business’ has been updated to include additional details you can include in your email.

2021-12-08 14:51
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-11-30 09:26
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-11-24 07:55
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-11-18 10:10
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-11-09 14:58
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-11-02 12:20
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-10-19 15:54
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-10-11 15:13
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-10-08 09:35
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-09-30 15:37
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-09-24 10:11
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-09-20 15:26
Information added about removing your company name or other details from the register, and on how to report a suspicious email.

2021-09-17 15:11
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-09-10 14:45
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-06-03 13:28
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-05-28 14:59
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-05-20 15:09
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-03-26 12:50
If you're asking for your business to be added to a list of customs agents or fast parcel operators, you can ask to be signed up for the monthly Customs Intermediaries Bulletin at the same time.

2021-03-18 15:20
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-03-12 09:15
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-03-05 08:00
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-02-19 11:43
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-02-10 15:59
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2021-01-28 09:08
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2020-10-12 13:26
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2020-10-05 08:22
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2020-09-21 14:29
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2020-09-14 10:51
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2020-09-07 09:27
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2020-08-27 11:54
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2020-08-07 14:36
The list of customs agents and the list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2020-08-03 10:52
The list of customs agents and list of fast parcel operators have been updated.

2020-07-29 13:36
The list of customs agents has been updated with 23 new requests, and the list of fast parcel operators with 10 new entries.

2020-07-17 15:47
The list of customs agents has been updated with 27 new requests, and the list of fast parcel operators with 9 new entries.

2020-07-13 16:45
The list of customs agents has been updated with 17 new entries and 3 amendments, and the list of fast parcel operators with 4 new entries and 1 amendment.

2020-07-01 08:58
The list of customs agents and fast parcel operators been updated with 1 addition.

2020-06-30 15:05
The list of customs agents and fast parcel operators been updated with 20 additions and 4 amendments.

2020-06-24 12:23
The list of customs agents and fast parcel operators been updated with 38 additions and 2 amendments.

2020-06-18 15:08
The list of customs agents has been updated with 211 additions, 7 amendments and 1 deletion.

2020-06-09 14:26
The list of customs agents has been updated with 117 new entries, and the list of fast parcel operators with 47.

2020-06-03 16:08
The list of customs agents has been updated with 45 additions.

2020-05-26 12:03
The list of customs agents has been updated with details of what to you need to send to HMRC to be added to the list. There have also been 30 additions and 2 amendments.

2020-05-19 09:53
The list of customs agents has been updated with 23 additions and 5 amendments.

2020-05-07 15:37
The list of customs agents has been updated with 33 additions and 2 amendments.

2020-05-01 13:23
The list of customs agents has been updated with 3 additions.