
List of customs agents and fast parcel operators

Find customs agents and fast parcel operators who can help submit customs declarations.

MostIt peoplecan usebe customscomplicated agentsto submit import and export declarations, so you may want to dealuse witha customscompany forwhich them.specialises Customsin agentsthis andarea.

Find fastsomeone parcelto operatorshelp you

Businesses on thisthese listlists are not vetted, approved or recommended by HMRC. InformationThe oninformation the lists is provided to HMRC by the customs agents and fast parcel operators, and HMRC does not verify or guarantee how current or accurate it is.

ItIf canyou bedownload complicateda list, you’ll need to submitwiden importthe andcolumns exportto customsview declarations,the sofull youdetails. You may wantbe able to useadd afilters companyto whichthe specialisesheadings inso thisyou area.can search or order the list.

Customs agents

TheseCustoms include:agents on this list provide a range of customs services on traders’ behalf.