
Ofqual: rolling update

Information on qualifications which have been disrupted by coronavirus (COVID-19).

Applies to England


On 4 January 2021 exams

GCSEs,the ASPrime andMinister Aannounced levels

Therethat wereGCSE, AS and A level exams inwould Octobernot andtake examsplace in allsummer GCSE2021. subjectsOn are13 beingJanuary, heldthe inSecretary Novemberof orState December.

Artfor Education confirmed that exams for vocational and designtechnical isqualifications beingshould assessednot bytake aplace taskin setFebruary and markedMarch.

Ofqual, bythe Department for Education and the exam board.boards Yourfor gradeEngland willhave bebeen determinedworking bytogether youron performancedifferent onarrangements to award qualifications this task.

Resultsyear. days

QualificationResultsGCSEs, day
AS and A level16levels December
GCSEand mathssome vocational and Englishtechnical language13qualifications January
GCSEswill inbe allawarded otherusing subjects24teacher-assessed February


Appeals thefor studentGCSEs, guideAS sectionand onA autumnlevels

Vocational and technical qualifications

SomeYou awardingcould organisationsonly alreadyappeal offersummer assessmentsresults inif theyou autumnthought:

  • your termschool or incollege January.did Thosenot thatmake don’ta mayreasonable choosejudgement towhen dodeciding sowhich thisevidence Talkuse to determine your college,teacher-assessed traininggrade
  • your providerschool or schoolcollege ifdid younot wantmake toa usereasonable thisjudgement asabout anyour opportunitygrade tobased geton orthe improveevidence gathered
  • your grade.

    Summerschool 2022or GCSEs,college ASdidn’t andfollow Aits levels

    Theprocedures governmentproperly intendswhen thatworking examsout willyour goproposed aheadgrade

  • your inschool summeror 2022,college withmade somean changesadministrative toerror exams and changeswhen tosubmitting non-examyour assessments.

    proposed grade
  • the exam board made an administrative error



Appeals gradingfor examsvocational inor 2022,technical wequalifications

If willyou aimthink forthat ayour gradinggrade standardis thatwrong, reflectstalk ato midwayyour pointcollege, betweentraining 2021provider andor 2019

Gradeschool. boundariesThey will betell setyou sowhat thatthe moreprocess studentsis willfor receiveappealing higheryour gradesqualification thangrade. wasYou thecan casealso beforecheck theyour pandemic.awarding Thisorganisation’s willwebsite providefor amore safetydetails.

Key 2022information about 2021 qualifications

Student guide to awarding: summer 2021

ResultsYou forcan vocationalfind anddetailed technicalinformation qualifications in 2022our willstudent beguide basedto onawarding: thesummer outcome2021. The information is available in a variety of examsformats including BSL and assessments.easy-read.

Autumn Awardingexams

GCSE, organisationsAS and A level

There will be allowedexams toin makeOctober adaptationsfor toAS assessments and qualifications,A wherelevel. theyAll needA to,level duesubjects towill thebe pandemic.

Contingencyavailable. plansAS in casebiology, examschemistry, cannotphysics, gomaths aheadand asfurther planned

Themaths governmentwill intendsbe thatavailable.

There exams will gobe aheadexams in 2022.all IfGCSE examssubjects cannotin goNovember aheador asDecember.

Art planned,and studentsdesign will receivebe gradesassessed determined by theira teachers,task usingset teacher-assessedand gradesmarked (TAGs)by similarthe toexam thoseboard. usedYour ingrade summerwill TAGsdetermined areby basedyour performance on teachers’this assessment of their students’ work.task.

ForSee GCSEs,the ASstudent andguide Asection levels,on weautumn haveexam publishedseries guidance for schoolsGCSEs, AS and collegesA onlevels.

Vocational howand totechnical collectqualifications

Some evidenceawarding fromorganisations theiralready studentsoffer assessments in the remainderautumn ofterm theor academicin year,January. soThose that thisdon’t evidencemay ischoose availableto indo caseso TAGsthis areyear. needed. 

OurTalk guidanceto encouragesyour schoolscollege, totraining useprovider theiror existingschool assessmentif plansyou andwant not to over-assessuse students.this Inas manyan cases,opportunity theto necessaryget assessmentsor willimprove alreadyyour begrade.

Information plannedfor to2022 supportGCSEs students’and learningA andlevels

Consultation helpon themproposals

Ofqual prepareand the Department for summerEducation exams.

Privateare candidates

Asnow weanalysing expectthe examsresponses to taketheir placeconsultation inon 2022,proposals wefor areexams encouragingin schools,2022. collegesThey andwill otherpublish examthe centresdecisions tosoon.

Changes allowalready privateannounced candidatesfor toGCSEs, registerAS withand themA levels in the usual way.


IfOn exams16 cannotJune, gowe aheadannounced asthat planned,there privatewould candidatesbe willchanges need to worknon-exam withassessment aand school,fieldwork collegerequirements orfor othersome examqualifications centretaken in 2022.

  1. We will allow adjustments to generatethe assessment and evidence requirements for anon-exam teacher-assessedassessment Asubjects privatesuch candidateas coulddance, takedesign assessmentsand throughtechnology, thefood yearpreparation toand producenutrition, thismusic, evidence.and Alternatively,PE.
  2. In aGCSE privateand candidateAS couldgeography, choosestudents towill benot assessedanswer onlyquestions ifon itfieldwork isthey decidedhave thatdone examsthemselves.
  3. For cannotGCSE takeEnglish place.language, Theyteachers woulddo thennot need to findsubmit arecordings school,of collegestudents ordoing othertheir examspoken centrelanguage toassessments.
  4. Spoken worklanguage with,for andGCSEs wouldin modern foreign languages will be assessed in athe morenormal compressedway, periodthrough ofspeaking time.

    Thetests. JointIf Councilthis foris Qualificationsnot (JCQ)possible due to public health restrictions, they will publishbe aawarded listin ofa schools,different collegesway.

  5. Exam andboards otherdo examnot centresneed thatto willuse acceptvocabulary privatethat candidateis examnot entriesincluded foron GCSEs,their ASvocabulary andlists Afor levelsGCSE inmodern summerforeign 2022.



Vocational vocational and technical qualifications, the2021 to 2022

The Department for Education has published guidanceconfirmed onthat contingencyexams measures.and Theassessments contingencywill arrangementsgo wouldahead include:

  • usingfor TAGsall forvocational thoseand technical qualifications mostfrom similarSeptember to2021. GCSEsOfqual andis Aworking levels
  • delayingwith the awardingDepartment offor qualificationsEducation thaton requirecontingency studentsplans toshould demonstratethe occupationalpandemic or professional competence

Replacement certificates

Ofqual doesdo not hold copies of your certificates – we can’t tell you your grade or provide replacements. Certificates are held by the exam board you sat your qualification with. If you don’t know which exam board you took your qualification with, ask your school. If your school don’t know you will need to ask each exam board to do a search for you – they will charge you for this.

Contact your exam board to get a replacement certificate. If your exam board no longer exists, your certificates will have moved to an existing board. board. Find out who now holds your certificates.

Contact your exam board

Anxiety and mental health support

WeIt’s understandunderstandable thatto thisfeel hasworried beenabout ayour difficultresults timethis foryear. studentsWe andpublished youa haveblog shownfrom greatexperts resilienceat inManchester theUniversity faceon ofthings thethat challengesmight presentedhelp byif theyou pandemic.are worried about your grades. Always make sure you speak to somebody if you are feeling anxious or struggling with your mental health. This might be a parent, carer or someone else you trust.

You can also contact:

Published 8 July 2021
Last updated 318 DecemberSeptember 2021 + show all updates
    1. Updated to include information on contingency measures should exams and assessments not go ahead in 2022.

    2. Removing guidance on submitting appeals for GCSEs and A levels as the appeal deadline has passed.

    3. Removed the table advising the dates of results days.

    4. Added links to additional guides about appealing GCSE, AS and A level results and added information about consultations on arrangements for qualifications awarded in 2022.

    5. Added details of 2 consultations for how exams should take place for the next academic year (2021 to 2022).

    6. First published.