Ofqual: rolling update
Recent updates regarding regulated qualifications.
Applies to England
AS, A level and Level 3 vocational and technical qualifications results, summer 2023
Ofqual has published 2 guides to today’s (17 August 2023) exam results:
- Guide to the 2023 Level 3 vocational and technical qualifications (VTQ) results in England (including T Levels)
- Guide to AS and A level results for England, summer 2023
These guides summarise the headline figures across England and reflect Ofqual’s decision to return to pre-pandemic grading this summer.
You can explore the results in more depth – including breakdowns by centre type, subject and region – using Ofqual’s interactive visualisations.
Ofqual has also summarised the key data in infographics for AS and A level and Level 3 VTQ.
Federation of Awarding Bodies and Joint Council for Qualifications publish communication principles
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB) have published communication principles. These principles will guide both organisations when providing schools and colleges with support and guidance for Level 3 vocational and technical qualification (VTQ) students. This will help these students receive their results on time, allowing them to progress to further or higher education.
JCQ and FAB communications principles
JCQ and FAB will ensure all their communications to schools and colleges:
- use clear and consistent language and terminology
- are targetted to the right people, making them aware of the actions they need to take
- are timed to align with key deadlines
You can find out more about Ofqual’s VTQ action plan, including deadlines.
You can read more about the communication principles on the JCQ website and the FAB website.
New VTQ information hub to support schools and colleges
Ofqual has launched a new information hub for exams officers and subject teachers. The hub brings into one place the key dates awarding organisations set to ensure the timely delivery of level 3 vocational and technical qualification (VTQ) results used for progression to further study. It is the latest in Ofqual’s package of measures to create parity for VTQ students in summer 2023.
Ofqual is asking exams officers and teachers in schools and colleges to work together earlier, during term time, to support students expecting to receive results in August. Awarding organisations have introduced earlier term-time checkpoints to make sure they can identify and track students’ progress. Using the information hub will help exams officers to work effectively with awarding organisations during term time to ensure these students get their results when they need them.
Level 3 VTQ results Action Plan: measures for 2023
Ofqual has announced 3 new deadlines to ensure that awarding organisations issue complete and correct Level 3 vocational and technical qualifications (VTQ) results to students in summer 2023 . This includes a deadline for the issue of results by awarding organisations to schools and colleges of Monday 14 August. The vast majority of Level 3 results used for progression to further or higher education will be released to students by Thursday 17 August, which is also A level results day.
These and other measures form the latest phase in Ofqual’s Action Plan for successful VTQ results delivery in 2023. They apply to students taking VTQs who intend to use their qualification to progress to further or higher education.
Read the statement setting out these deadlines and other measures we are introducing for summer 2023 VTQ results.
Industrial action
The Department for Education has issued guidance that recommends that schools should prioritise the running of examinations and assessments on any strike days, and should review their contingency plans to enable this to happen.
Schools, colleges and other exam centres should speak to the relevant awarding organisations if they are expecting any disruption that might affect the sitting of exams and assessments.
Support for students: summer 2023
Decisions for GCSE maths, physics, combined science and modern foreign languages
Ofqual confirmed that exams boards will continue to require exam boards to provide formulae and revised equations sheets for GCSE mathematics, physics and combined science exams in 2023.
Ofqual also confirmed permanent changes to assessment requirements in modern foreign language (MFL) GCSEs in its consultation outcome published in November.
2023 grading
Our Chief Regulator published plans for 2023 grading in September. We will return to pre-pandemic grading, but with protection for students. This means that, broadly speaking, a typical student who would have achieved an A grade in their A level geography before the pandemic will be just as likely to get an A next summer, even if their performance in the assessments is a little weaker in 2023 than it would have been before the pandemic.
For 2023, we recommend that teachers use the familiar pre-pandemic standard as the basis for predicting their students’ grades be that for use internally or for external use such as UCAS predictions.
Resilience in the exam system
Ofqual and DfE published the outcome to their joint consultation on arrangements which will build resilience in the exam system for the unlikely event that exams cannot be held in 2023. Ofqual published guidance for schools, colleges and other exam centres on gathering evidence of student performance.
Subject content and assessment arrangements: 2022 to 2023
Ofqual and the Department for Education have confirmed the arrangements for subject content in GCSEs, AS and A levels and non-exam assessment in qualifications taking place in the academic year 2022 to 2023.
This means that the assessment arrangements for GCSE, AS and A level qualifications being awarded in 2023 will be as follows:
- for GCSEs in English literature, history, ancient history and geography, students will study and be assessed on all the usual topics and content
- for dance, design and technology, drama (and theatre), food preparation and nutrition, film studies, media studies, music, music technology, physical education (PE), students will carry out the usual non-exam assessment activities
- for art and design, students will be assessed by an exam board set task and a portfolio as usual
- for geography, geology, and science subjects, students will carry out the usual fieldwork and practical science activities
- for GCSEs in English language, students will carry out spoken language assessments as usual and some of these will be recorded by their teachers
- for GCSEs in modern foreign languages, students will take formal speaking tests as usual
Replacement certificates
Ofqual does not hold copies of your certificates – we can’t tell you your grade or provide replacements. Certificates are held by the exam board you sat your qualification with. If you don’t know which exam board you took your qualification with, ask your school. If your school don’t know you will need to ask each exam board to do a search for you – they will charge you for this.
Contact your exam board to get a replacement certificate. If your exam board no longer exists, your certificates will have moved to an existing board. Find out who now holds your certificates.
Contact your exam board
Last updated
Information added about summer 2023 Level 3 results day.
Updated to provide information on joint communications principles published by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB). Removed section on review of Level 2 and Level 3 results delays, as this has been superseded by another update.
Section added describing the new VTQ information hub for use by schools and colleges.
Update added drawing attention to the publication of Ofqual's statement announcing new deadlines and other measures intended to ensure that awarding organisations issue complete and correct level 3 vocational and technical qualifications (VTQ) results to students in summer 2023.
Updated to include guidance on industrial action
Updated to include outcomes of consultations regarding MFL, formulae and equation sheets and resilience.
Added information on 2023 grading and exam arrangements and updated information on 2022 Level 2 and Level 3 results. Removed information no longer immediately relevant to the rolling update including signposting to appeals information, guidance on producing accessible assessments.
Information about the 2022 summer exam series has been removed as it is no longer relevant. Details about assessment arrangements for GCSE, A level and AS levels in 2023 have been added to the "Subject content and assessment arrangements: 2022 to 2023" section.
Updated information regarding Level 3 BTEC and Cambridge Technicals results and Level 1/2 and Level 2 vocational and technical qualification results.
Updated information regarding Level 1/2 and Level 2 vocational and technical qualification results & BTEC and Cambridge Technicals results.
An updated statement on delayed BTEC and Cambridge Technicals results.
Details regarding the delayed BTEC and Cambridge Technical results have been added, along with contact details for the relevant awarding organisations.
Added information abour A level and GCSE results weeks in 2022.
Removal of content related to exams and contingency arrangements, now that the 2022 exam summer series has been completed.
Added update: "Checking exam papers"
Added an advice note for students on fake exam papers offered on social media.
Added information on plans for subject content and assessment arrangements next academic year, and on new guidance for awarding organisations on making their assessments accessible.
Updated with additional information for teachers on collecting evidence for use in contingency arrangements.
Added in links to this year's student guide to exams and assessments.
Taking out information regarding the autumn series results days for GCSEs and A levels, which have now passed.
Added information about the support measures available to students taking GCSEs, AS and A levels this year.
Added information on special consideration for Applied Generals, Tech Awards, Tech Certs and Tech Levels in England.
Update to the private candidate section which states that the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has published a list of schools, colleges and other exam centres that will accept private candidate entries for GCSEs, AS and A levels in summer 2022.
Updated reference to autumn GCSE exams, which have finished.
Added information about January assessments for vocational and technical qualifications.
Updated to include a link through to our guidance for schools, colleges and training providers on awarding vocational and technical qualifications in the academic year 2021 to 2022.
Updated to include information on contingency measures should exams and assessments not go ahead in 2022.
Removing guidance on submitting appeals for GCSEs and A levels as the appeal deadline has passed.
Removed the table advising the dates of results days.
Added note about legal advice being unnecessary when appealing qualification results.
Added links to additional guides about appealing GCSE, AS and A level results and added information about consultations on arrangements for qualifications awarded in 2022.
Added details of 2 consultations for how exams should take place for the next academic year (2021 to 2022).
First published.
Update history
2025-01-21 11:18
Added details of VTQ Information Hub 2024 to 2025
2024-11-20 10:46
Added information about, and links to, the Ofqual Student Guide to Exams and Assessments in 2025 and the Ofqual guide for schools and colleges 2025. Also added details about exam, assessment and results scheduled for 2025.
2024-11-13 10:25
Updated to reflect the outcome of the consultation on provision of formulae and equation sheets for GCSE mathematics, physics and combined science exams in 2025, 2026 and 2027, and to remove references to the guides to the 2024 exam series.
2024-10-08 15:58
Added the proposed changes to the assessment of mathematics, physics and combined science GCSEs in 2025, 2026 and 2027 to the rolling update.
2024-08-22 09:35
Added information about GCSE results 2024, and Level 1, Level 1/2 and Level 2 qualification results for vocational and technical qualifications 2024.
2024-08-15 09:43
Added information about A level results 2024 and Level 3 vocational and technical qualifications 2024.
2024-08-07 11:09
Added GCSE 9–1 grades to uni places: What you need to know about 2024 exam results and Grading continues as normal this summer in England. Removed links to older articles.
2024-07-10 10:15
Updated with details of the removal of the technical qualification accreditation requirement.
2024-05-09 12:22
Added links to an Ofqual blog about the start of the summer 2024 exam series and a reminder about the risks of malpractice. Removed links to articles abouts summer 2023 results.
2024-04-19 14:23
Added a link to a letter from the chief regulator to schools and colleges about the summer 2024 assessment series.
2024-01-25 16:02
Added details of Ofqual’s VTQ information hub 2023 to 2024: key dates and deadlines
2023-11-27 09:57
Information has been added about the 2024 guides for students and for schools and colleges.
2023-10-12 10:25
Section added pointing users to new information about arrangements for vocational and technical qualification results delivery from 2024 onwards.
2023-08-24 12:00
Updated to remove information predating summer 2023 results.
2023-08-24 09:35
New section highlighting publication of guides and infographics about summer 2023 GCSE and Level 1, Level 1/2 and Level 2 VTQ results.
2023-08-17 09:30
Information added about summer 2023 Level 3 results day.
2023-04-05 14:20
Updated to provide information on joint communications principles published by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB). Removed section on review of Level 2 and Level 3 results delays, as this has been superseded by another update.
2023-03-29 09:34
Section added describing the new VTQ information hub for use by schools and colleges.
2023-03-16 12:12
Update added drawing attention to the publication of Ofqual’s statement announcing new deadlines and other measures intended to ensure that awarding organisations issue complete and correct level 3 vocational and technical qualifications (VTQ) results to students in summer 2023.
2023-01-16 18:00
Updated to include guidance on industrial action
2022-12-08 12:22
Updated to include outcomes of consultations regarding MFL, formulae and equation sheets and resilience.
2022-10-10 10:00
Added information on 2023 grading and exam arrangements and updated information on 2022 Level 2 and Level 3 results. Removed information no longer immediately relevant to the rolling update including signposting to appeals information, guidance on producing accessible assessments.
2022-09-21 09:30
Information about the 2022 summer exam series has been removed as it is no longer relevant. Details about assessment arrangements for GCSE, A level and AS levels in 2023 have been added to the “Subject content and assessment arrangements: 2022 to 2023” section.
2022-08-26 18:39
Updated information regarding Level 3 BTEC and Cambridge Technicals results and Level 1/2 and Level 2 vocational and technical qualification results.
2022-08-24 19:27
Updated information regarding Level 1/2 and Level 2 vocational and technical qualification results & BTEC and Cambridge Technicals results.
2022-08-22 20:04
An updated statement on delayed BTEC and Cambridge Technicals results.
2022-08-19 20:36
Details regarding the delayed BTEC and Cambridge Technical results have been added, along with contact details for the relevant awarding organisations.
2022-08-08 11:49
Added information abour A level and GCSE results weeks in 2022.
2022-07-01 11:11
Removal of content related to exams and contingency arrangements, now that the 2022 exam summer series has been completed.
2022-05-25 14:31
Added update: “Checking exam papers”
2022-05-18 13:00
Added an advice note for students on fake exam papers offered on social media.
2022-05-12 10:01
Added information on plans for subject content and assessment arrangements next academic year, and on new guidance for awarding organisations on making their assessments accessible.
2022-03-25 10:38
Updated with additional information for teachers on collecting evidence for use in contingency arrangements.
2022-03-15 10:16
Added in links to this year’s student guide to exams and assessments.
2022-02-28 09:30
Taking out information regarding the autumn series results days for GCSEs and A levels, which have now passed.
2022-02-07 12:00
Added information about the support measures available to students taking GCSEs, AS and A levels this year.
2022-02-03 16:02
Added information on special consideration for Applied Generals, Tech Awards, Tech Certs and Tech Levels in England.
2022-01-19 12:41
2021-12-20 12:30
Updated reference to autumn GCSE exams, which have finished.
2021-12-17 13:58
Added information about January assessments for vocational and technical qualifications.
2021-12-16 10:58
Updated to include a link through to our guidance for schools, colleges and training providers on awarding vocational and technical qualifications in the academic year 2021 to 2022.
2021-12-03 09:56
Updated to include information on contingency measures should exams and assessments not go ahead in 2022.
2021-09-18 00:15
Removing guidance on submitting appeals for GCSEs and A levels as the appeal deadline has passed.