Share your daily school attendance data
How schools can share daily attendance data and access attendance reports.
Applies to England
We’re trialling getting automatic daily attendance data from schools. Getting daily attendance data will:
- give schools, local authorities and multi-academy trusts (MATs) access to more up-to-date
pupilpupil-levellevel - help you meet the new expectations set out in working together to improve school attendance
- not add to your school’s workload
Schools should use the reports to help improve school attendance by identifying trends and those pupils thatwho need support, and sharing attendance data with yourtheir board, governing body and local authority.
Who should send us data
Sending daily attendance data is voluntary for schools.
This includes:
- maintained nurseries
- primary schools
- middle-deemed primary schools
- middle-deemed secondary schools
- secondary schools
- all-through schools
- special schools (including non-maintained special schools)
- pupil referral units
- alternative provision
- academies (including free schools, university technical colleges
(UTCs)(UTCs) and studio schools) - city technology colleges
What data we need
We collect the following data items:
- forename
- surname
- unique pupil number
- gender
- ethnicity
- child looked after
- child previously looked after
SENspecial educational needs (SEN) support- education health and care plan
- free school meals
- national curriculum year group
- school
URN - local authority code
We’re requesting each of these data items for:
- pupils in reception
- all statutory
schoolschool-ageage - pupils in years 12 and 13 (if this is recorded in your management information
systems)system (MIS)
We’re not collecting information that is recorded in the comments fieldsfield in youra management information systems.MIS.
The data will be refreshed for codes changed within 7 days of registration.
How to send us your attendance data
The data will be collected by a company called Wonde.
ForyourschoolsschoolthatworkuseswithWonde’sWonde,securetheyportalWonde will ask you
throughviatheiritssecureOnce you agree,
Wondeit will connect with yourmanagementMISinformationsystem(MIS)us.DatauswillbesharedfromyourMISdatadata-sharingsharing
If your school does not currently use WondeWonde’s secure portal
IfYou’ll you do not use Wonde, you’ll be contacted by theirWonde’s team to help you install the secure portal. If you’ve not been contacted by them, first check your junk folderfolder, orthen email There will be no costs involved and it will enable you to share your attendance data with us.
Wonde can extract data from these management information systems:MISs:
- Arbor
- Bromcom
- Cloud School
- Engage
- Facility
- Integris
- PupilAsset
- ScholarPack
SIMSSchoolBaseSIMSPrimarySchoolPodSchoolBaseSIMSSchoolPodSIMS Primary- Teacher Centre
- Wonde Generic
How this data will be used (including DPIA)
All data we’re collecting is subject to a
. No information that identifies a child will be shared publicly.We’ll use this data to identify national, regional and local trendstrends, and patterns in school attendance. We’ll also share our analysis with members of the Attendance Action Alliance. Read our forto morefind information.out more.
Any analysis we share will not include any data that could identify your school.
We will not use this data for:
- Ofsted or
RSCregionaldecisionsschoolsmakingcommissioner (RSC) decision-making judgementsjudgmentsaroundabout what constitutes a school causing concern- inspection, academisation or decisions to place
orremove - funding purposes
A collection is also available.collection.
Accessing your schoolschool’s attendance reports
Schools that haveshare shared daily attendance data can access attendance reports via a dashboard on the view your education data service.
We will email you when your reports are ready to view. This can take up to 4 weeks from when you first start sharing daily data.
Using the service:
- you’ll be able to see data for your school
MATs will be able to view the data of the participating schools
theythey’reare - local authorities will be able to view the data of participating schools
withinin their area
Read ourmore about articlehow forto helpaccess with accessing your attendance reports.
Get access to view your education data
You’ll only be able to view attendance reports if you’ve been given access by your school, trust or local authority.
If you’re from a school, you’ll need your DfEDepartment signfor inEducation (DfE) Sign-in account details to access the service. You’ll need to request the ‘View your education data – Schoolschool Attendanceattendance Data’data’ role from your organisation’s approver.
If you’re from a trust or local authority, you’ll need your IDAMSidentity and access management service (IDAMS) credentials to log in. You’ll then need to request access to ‘View your education data – Schoolschool Attendanceattendance Data’data’ from your organisation’s super user.super-user.
Last updated
Information about when reports will be ready to view has been added under 'Accessing your school's attendance reports'.
Updated information on accessing your school attendance reports including how get access to view your education data.
First published.
Update history
2024-11-14 09:39
We updated the section ‘Schools required to share attendance data’ to clarify that the regulations do not apply to schools listed as ‘other independent schools’ on Get information about schools.
2024-09-05 10:14
Updated the ‘Data protection and data sharing’ section to remove teachers from the ‘data subjects about whom data is held’ list.
2024-08-22 11:00
Updated information about mandatory attendance data sharing, effective from 19 August 2024.
2024-05-17 09:37
Added surname, forename and middle name(s) and their common basic data set (CBDS) identifiers to the list of data items included in the regulations.
2024-04-11 16:17
Added information about mandatory attendance data sharing, which begins in September 2024.
2024-03-27 14:40
Updated the list of MI systems.
2024-01-08 16:56
Updated the data protection impact assessment (DPIA).
2023-06-07 12:30
Information on accessing your school attendance data has been removed. A link has been added to a new page containing this information.
2023-05-25 15:17
Updated the final sentence in the section ‘What data we need’. It has been changed from ‘The data will be refreshed for codes changed within 7 days of registration’ to ‘The data will be refreshed for any codes you change after you start sharing data’.
2023-05-05 13:23
Updated the data protection information in the privacy notice in ‘How this data will be used’.
2023-03-15 11:16
Added ‘date of birth’ to ‘We collect the following data items’.
2023-02-17 17:18
Updated the list of data items in the ‘What data we need’ section. Added information on school identifiable level data in the ‘How this data will be used’ section. Also updated the ‘data protection impact assessment (DPIA)’, ‘privacy notice’ and ‘data collection principles’ documents to reflect that this collection is now business as usual. Sections 2 (a), 3 and 6 in the DPIA have been updated. The data is being shared with schools, trusts and local authorities, with aggregated attendance statistics being published.
2022-11-16 16:27
Information about when reports will be ready to view has been added under ‘Accessing your school’s attendance reports’.
2022-09-01 10:43
Updated information on accessing your school attendance reports including how get access to view your education data.
2022-03-14 14:07
First published.