Share your daily school attendance data
HowThe information that schools canmust shareprovide dailythe attendanceDepartment data.for Education (DfE).
Applies to England
From the start of the 2024 to 2025 academic year, itschools willhave bea mandatoryduty forto schoolsprovide tothe shareinformation theirin attendancethis dataguidance withto the Department for Education (DfE).), on request.
- how schools should share their daily attendance data
sharingwithfromtheSeptemberdepartment - the
2024(,data,required - the
It also covers:
howwhich schoolsshouldthisshareguidancetheirappliesdatatochangeshowtoschoolsthecandataensurebeingtheycollectedmeet the statutory dutywhichhowCBDSschools,identifiersacademytotrusts and local authorities can access and use the data- how
schoolswecanprotectmakeandsuresharetheirthe data
This guidance explains the Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2024. The regulations require the ‘appropriate person’ of a relevant school to provide the required data items to the department on request.
This guidance serves as the request for these data items.
Statutory requirement
Sharing school attendance data is accuratea statutory requirement on schools under the following legislation:
DfEA isstatutory collectingrequirement:
- means
automaticthatdailyschoolsattendancedodatanotfromneed to obtain parental or pupil consent to the provision of information - ensures schools are protected from legal challenge that
agreethey are breaching a duty of confidence tosharepupils - helps
theirto ensure that returns are completed by schools - means that all pupil data
withcollectionus.elementsGettingare mandatory unless specifically stated to be voluntary
The importance of sharing daily attendance data:data
schools,dailylocalattendanceauthoritiesdata not only ensures schools and academy trustsaccessmeettotheirmorestatutoryup-to-dateduty,pupil-levelbutattendancedataalso:
- helps
youschools, academy trusts, governing bodies and local authorities meet the new expectations set out in working together to improve school attendance - requires no additional cost
- will not add to
youraschool’sschool or academy trust’s workload helpgivesimproveschools, local authorities and academy trusts access to more up-to-date pupil-level attendancebydata- enables
identifyingeasytrendsidentificationandof pupilswhorequiringneed sharehelpsattendanceidentifydatatrendswithacrossyourpupilboard,groups,governingschools,bodylocal areas, andlocalnationallyauthorityenables efforts and strategies to be targeted
Schools, their academy trusts and local authorities can access and analyse the data via the secure AccessMonitor your school attendance datatool.
This to:data:
Pupil attendance in schools data from national and local authorities is published on Explore Education Statistics every 2 weeks.
Who shouldthis sendguidance us datafor
SendingThis dailyguidance applies to all:
- schools maintained by a local authority
- special schools not maintained by a local authority
- academy schools
- alternative provision Academies
But it does not apply to nursery schools.
Schools required to share attendance data
We isuse voluntarythe for‘School schools.type’ listed on Get Information About Schools (GIAS) to identify the schools required to provide the information set out in this guidance.
ThisThey includes:are:
maintainedacademynurseriesalternative provision converterprimaryacademyschoolsalternative provision sponsor ledmiddle-deemedacademyprimaryconverter- academy
schoolsspecial converter middle-deemedacademysecondaryspecialschoolssponsor ledsecondaryacademyschoolssponsor ledall-throughcommunityschoolsschool- community special
schoolsschool - foundation
(includingschool - foundation
non-maintainedschools)school pupilfreereferralschools’unitsalternative provisionalternativefreeprovisionschoolacademiesfree(includingschoolfreespecial- non-maintained
schools,special school - pupil referral unit (PRU)
- studio school
- university technical
collegescollege (UTCsUTC) - voluntarily
andaidedstudioschool - voluntary
schools)controlled school
The regulations do not apply to any other types of institutions, such as:
city16technologyto 19 academies- sixth form colleges
- independent
(CTCs)schools that are not academies
WhatData dataitems weincluded needin the regulations
WeFollowing collectthe publication of this guidance, all relevant schools should ensure they share and continue to share the followingrequired data items:items.
Required data items for each pupil:
- forename
- middle name
- surname
- date of birth
uniquepupilnumber- sex
- ethnicity
childfirstlookedafterlanguagechilduniquepreviouslypupillookednumberafter(and former, where necessary)specialattendanceeducationalcode- admission
needs(SEN)supportdate educationleavinghealthdateand(wherecareplanavailable)freeschoolmealspostcode- national curriculum year group
schoollookeduniqueafterreferencenumber(URN)childlocalpreviouslyauthoritylookedcodeadmissionafterdatechildexpectedspecialleavingeducationaldateneeds(where(SEN)available)actualtypeleavinganddaterankchildeducationinhealthneedand(wherecareavailable)plan (EHCP)childfreeprotectionschoolplanmeals(whereavailable)(FSM)
We’re requestingcollecting each of these data items for:
- pupils in reception
- all compulsory school-age pupils
- pupils in years 12 and 13 (if this is recorded in your management information system (
We’reThe notdata collectingitems informationlisted recordedbelow inare thenot commentsincluded field in anthe MIregulations system.
Thebut data will be refreshedcollected foron anya codesvoluntary youbasis:
- child
changeinafterneed - child
Requirements sharingfor sharing
HowSchools towith sendmanagement usinformation yoursystem attendance(MIS) data
The dataeasiest willway beto collectedshare byattendance adata companyis calledvia Wonde.
If your school already uses Wonde’s secure portal
Wonde willhas askasked youschools via its portal to agree to share your attendance via its portal. Once youa agree,school agrees, it will connect with yourthe MIMIS system to extract and securely transfer the data to usDfE automatically each day. YouThis canwill optinclude outany ofchanges thisto data-sharingthe atdata anyfrom time.previous days.
To share data:
- Go to your
schoolWondedoesportalnotcurrentlyanduseselectWonde’sDfE. - Review
securetheportalrequest to share data. - Accept the request.
You’llIf beyou contactedhave byany problems using Wonde’s teamsecure toportal, helpemail
There installare theno securecosts portal.involved Ifin you’vesharing notdata beenvia contactedWonde.
Continuous bydata them,sharing
A firstschool checkis yourcompliant junkwith folder,the thenduty emailto Thereinformation willunder bethe noregulations costswhen:
- the
involvedschool has anditcontinueswilltoenablehaveyouall the required information in its MIS - Wonde has continued permission to
Compatible MIS suppliers
Wonde can extract data from these MI systems:from:
- Arbor
- Bromcom
- Compass
- Databridge
- Engage
- Facility
- Integris
- PupilAsset (Horizons)
- SatchelOne
- ScholarPack REST
- SchoolBase
- SchoolPod
- SIMs
SOSTeacher(XP-Trust)CentrePupilAssetWCBS- WCBS
(Horizons)Hub - WondeGeneric
- XP-Trust
This thislist could be subject to change if new management information systems become available.
Schools without compatible MIS
The very small number of schools that do not use a compatible MIS can submit data willto bethe useddepartment.
AllTo meet the statutory duty, the required data weitems aremust collectingbe submitted every Friday by 11.59pm for the previous school week.
Data should be submitted for all weeks when there is subjectat least one school session.
It needs to ainclude
- a
notice - all
informationpupilsthatinidentifiesthe school
Attendance must be recorded twice a childday will(morning beand sharedafternoon publicly.sessions).
WeTo willsubmit data each week:
- use
thisthedatastandard Excel (.xlsx) template toidentifyrecordnational,theregionalrequiredanddatalocalitemstrends,twice a day (morning andpatternsafternoon) - save a copy of the populated Excel template, as a comma-separated values (CSV) file
- log in
schooltoattendance.a DfE secure portal using your DfE sign-in credentials to submit the data, for the relevant week
WeThe willDfE shareportal ourgenerates analysisa withunique memberssubmission reference number. This serves as confirmation and acknowledgment of the Attendancecompleted Actionsubmission.
If Weare willunable share data via Wonde and have not sharebeen school-identifiable-levelcontacted by DfE, send an email to:
Resubmission of attendance data
We withcomplete thebasic nationalquality Attendancechecks Actionon Alliance,each butdata submission. If data is missing or incorrect, we will contact you.
You may shareneed itto withsubmit locala Attendancenew Actionfile Readreplace ourthe
Data protection and data sharing
The UK General Data Protection Regulation (,) ,the )Protection toAct find2018 out(DPA more.
We2018) willprovides notcertain safeguards regarding the use thisof school-levelpersonal data for:by organisations, including:
Ofstedtheordepartment- local
regionaldirectordecision-makingauthorities judgementsschools
The UK GDPR and DPA 2018 details the rights of those (known as) data subjects about whatwhom constitutesdata ais schoolheld, causingsuch concernas:
- pupils
inspection,parents- teachers
This academisationincludes or(amongst decisionsother information that we are obliged to placeprovide):
- the
arightschooltoinknowortheremovetypes of data being held - why it
fromisabeingtrustheld, and fundingto whom it may be communicated
For the purposes of data protection legislation, the terms ‘process’, ‘processed’ or ‘processing’ apply to any activity involving the personal data, such as:
- collecting
- storing
- sharing
- destroying
How this data will be used
AAll data we are collecting is subject to a . No information that identifies a child will be shared publicly. We will use this data to identify national, regional and local trends, and patterns in school attendance.
A is available for this collection.
Further information
Get information about the Monitor your school attendance tool:
Updates to this page
Last updated
Updated information about mandatory attendance data sharing, effective from 19 August 2024.
Added surname, forename and middle name(s) and their common basic data set (CBDS) identifiers to the list of data items included in the regulations.
Added information about mandatory attendance data sharing, which begins in September 2024.
Updated the list of MI systems.
Updated the data protection impact assessment (DPIA).
Updated 'How this data will be used' section with the latest versions of the 'privacy notice', 'data collection principles' and 'data protection impact assessment (DPIA)'.
Information on accessing your school attendance data has been removed. A link has been added to a new page containing this information.
Updated the final sentence in the section 'What data we need'. It has been changed from 'The data will be refreshed for codes changed within 7 days of registration' to 'The data will be refreshed for any codes you change after you start sharing data'.
Updated the data protection information in the privacy notice in 'How this data will be used'.
Added 'date of birth' to 'We collect the following data items'.
Updated the list of data items in the ‘What data we need’ section. Added information on school identifiable level data in the ‘How this data will be used’ section. Also updated the ‘data protection impact assessment (DPIA)’, ‘privacy notice’ and ‘data collection principles’ documents to reflect that this collection is now business as usual. Sections 2 (a), 3 and 6 in the DPIA have been updated. The data is being shared with schools, trusts and local authorities, with aggregated attendance statistics being published.
Information about when reports will be ready to view has been added under 'Accessing your school's attendance reports'.
Updated information on accessing your school attendance reports including how get access to view your education data.
First published.
Update history
2024-11-14 09:39
We updated the section ‘Schools required to share attendance data’ to clarify that the regulations do not apply to schools listed as ‘other independent schools’ on Get information about schools.
2024-09-05 10:14
Updated the ‘Data protection and data sharing’ section to remove teachers from the ‘data subjects about whom data is held’ list.
2024-08-22 11:00
Updated information about mandatory attendance data sharing, effective from 19 August 2024.
2024-05-17 09:37
Added surname, forename and middle name(s) and their common basic data set (CBDS) identifiers to the list of data items included in the regulations.
2024-04-11 16:17
Added information about mandatory attendance data sharing, which begins in September 2024.
2024-03-27 14:40
Updated the list of MI systems.
2024-01-08 16:56
Updated the data protection impact assessment (DPIA).
2023-06-07 12:30
Information on accessing your school attendance data has been removed. A link has been added to a new page containing this information.
2023-05-25 15:17
Updated the final sentence in the section ‘What data we need’. It has been changed from ‘The data will be refreshed for codes changed within 7 days of registration’ to ‘The data will be refreshed for any codes you change after you start sharing data’.
2023-05-05 13:23
Updated the data protection information in the privacy notice in ‘How this data will be used’.
2023-03-15 11:16
Added ‘date of birth’ to ‘We collect the following data items’.
2023-02-17 17:18
Updated the list of data items in the ‘What data we need’ section. Added information on school identifiable level data in the ‘How this data will be used’ section. Also updated the ‘data protection impact assessment (DPIA)’, ‘privacy notice’ and ‘data collection principles’ documents to reflect that this collection is now business as usual. Sections 2 (a), 3 and 6 in the DPIA have been updated. The data is being shared with schools, trusts and local authorities, with aggregated attendance statistics being published.
2022-11-16 16:27
Information about when reports will be ready to view has been added under ‘Accessing your school’s attendance reports’.
2022-09-01 10:43
Updated information on accessing your school attendance reports including how get access to view your education data.
2022-03-14 14:07
First published.