Original document : https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/italy
Change description : 2024-12-02 12:22:00: Removal of information about national general strike in Italy on 29 November (‘Warnings and insurance’ page). [Guidance and regulation]
Showing diff : 2024-11-19 13:58:56.471371116 +00:00..2024-12-02 12:22:40.529107979 +00:00
2024-12-16 09:51
Updated information about the Jubilee 2025 – Holy Year (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)
2024-12-02 12:22
Removal of information about national general strike in Italy on 29 November (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2024-11-19 13:58
Information about national general strike in Italy on 29 November (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2024-11-07 10:52
Information added about the Jubilee, known as the Holy year, which is taking place in Rome from 24 December (‘Warnings and insurance’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages)
2024-10-30 10:01
Removal of information on severe weather and flooding across Italy (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2024-10-21 12:55
Updated information on severe weather and flooding across Italy (‘Warnings and insurance’)
2024-10-20 15:32
Information on severe weather and flooding across Italy (‘Warnings and insurance’)
2024-10-16 16:53
New information on travelling with people aged 17 and under (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2024-09-30 13:38
Removal of information about severe weather and flooding’s (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)
2024-09-24 16:14
Information on severe weather warnings and flooding in Italy (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2024-09-19 16:50
New information on flooding in the region of Emilia-Romagna (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2024-09-05 13:18
Information on the new EU Entry/Exit System (EES), planned to be introduced from November 2024 (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2024-07-08 13:34
Updated information about travelling to or from Catania (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)
2024-07-05 16:41
Catania airport is now open for departures but flight arrivals are still limited (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)
2024-07-05 10:18
Increase in alert levels for Etna and Stromboli volcanoes in the south of Italy, and suspension of flights into Catania airport
2024-06-27 16:19
Information about hiking in the Trentino region of Italy ( See ‘Outdoor activities and adventure tourism’ on the ‘Safety and security’ page).
2024-06-13 16:24
This travel advice was reviewed for style and accuracy.
2024-06-04 10:48
Information that if your passport is lost or stolen, you cannot use a police report to leave Italy (‘Safety and security’ page).
2024-05-21 16:13
Information about active volcanoes in southern Italy (‘Safety and security’ page).
2024-01-25 13:27
Information that if you are visiting Venice, you may need to pay an access fee (Under ‘Tourist tax’ on the ‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-12-04 11:16
Removal of information about transport strikes (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-11-22 12:05
A 24 hour national strike of airport, airline and ground handling staff is expected on 24 November (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-11-06 13:33
Removal of information about ongoing forest fires (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-10-23 15:59
Information on cases of dengue fever in Italy (‘Health’ page).
2023-10-21 15:25
Information on increased border controls between Italy and Slovenia (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2023-10-20 16:29
Information on increased security presence and demonstrations (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-09-08 14:02
Removal of information on extreme weather (‘Warnings and insurance’ page) and forest fires (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-09-05 17:52
Addition of information on extreme weather (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-08-08 16:35
Removal of information on extreme weather (‘Warnings and insurance’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages). Removal of information on the remaining COIVD-19 testing requirements in Italy (‘Entry requirements’ and ‘Health’ pages).
2023-07-26 16:14
Information on the extreme temperatures currently affecting many parts of Italy (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-07-19 18:22
Latest update: Information on the reduction of flights in operation at Catania Airport (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-07-17 11:05
Information on the closure of Catania airport until 14.00 on 19 July (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-07-16 11:57
Removal of information on strike by airport staff on 15 July.
2023-07-14 13:07
Information on extreme temperatures in Italy (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-07-13 18:59
Addition of information regarding strikes (Warnings and insurance) (Safety and security)
2023-06-22 10:49
Information about the global terrorism risks to British nationals abroad on all FCDO travel advice pages.
2023-06-21 15:28
Updated information about valid travel documents (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2023-06-16 14:36
Removal of information on severe flooding in the region of Emilia-Romagna (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-06-05 13:23
Updated information on severe flooding in the region of Emilia-Romagna (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-05-27 00:00
Removal of information about the General Strike
2023-05-26 11:41
Updated information on flooding in the Emilia-Romagna region and a general strike on 26 May (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-05-18 16:04
Updated information on flooding in the Emilia-Romagna region (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-05-17 16:01
Warning about flooding in the Emilia-Romagna region (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-05-15 15:18
Removal of information about football celebrations in Naples in April and early May (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-04-28 11:38
Addition of information about football celebrations in Naples and the risks of altitude sickness (‘Summary’ and ‘Health’ pages).
2023-03-24 10:49
Removed information on the Italy v England football match on 23 March (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-03-21 16:03
Information about the Italy v England football match in Naples on 23 March (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-03-06 12:03
New layout to improve usability of website
2023-02-23 09:53
Updated information on testing positive for COVID-19 while in Italy (‘Coronavirus’ page).
2023-01-11 16:40
Updated information on self-isolation requirements following a positive COVID-19 test (‘Coronavirus’ page).
2023-01-09 10:52
Removal of information on crowds expected in Rome following the death of the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (‘Summary’ page).
2022-12-31 11:09
Updated information on crowds expected in Rome following the death of the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (‘Summary’ page).
2022-12-30 16:54
Updated information on entry requirements for travellers arriving from China (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2022-12-07 10:50
Updated information on visiting a hospital ward or care home and providing a negative test result, regardless of vaccination status (‘Coronavirus’ page). Additional information on winter sports (‘Safety and security’ page).
2022-11-16 10:16
Updated information that from 16 January 2023, visitors to Venice who have not booked accommodation in the city or surrounding islands will face a separate entry fee of between 3 and 10 euros (‘Local laws and customs’ page).
2022-11-14 16:05
Notification of plans for an entry fee for visits to Venice and the surrounding islands from summer 2023 (‘Local laws and customs’ page)
2022-11-09 12:36
Notification of an earthquake on 9 November 2022 resulting in potential disruption to travel (‘Summary’ page)
2022-11-07 10:34
Updated information on Italian Consulates in the UK (‘Entry requirements’ page)
2022-10-03 15:42
Updated information on mask wearing – end of mandatory use of FFP2 masks on public transport (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages).
2022-09-15 14:57
New information on COVID-19 spot checks at airports and ports (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages).
2022-09-02 14:30
Updated information on the self-isolation period in case of a positive COVID-19 test and removal of drought warning (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Natural disasters’ pages).
2022-08-23 09:32
Clarification to new information that minors aged 17 or under cannot check in to hotels or holiday accommodation without an accompanying adult (‘Local laws and customs’ page).
2022-08-17 16:47
New information on minors under the age of 17 in hotels ( ‘Local Laws and Customs’ page)
2022-07-07 10:28
Updated information on the current drought in parts of Italy (‘Summary’ and ‘Natural Disasters’ pages)
2022-06-23 10:55
Updated information on the lifting of the requirement to wear masks on flights in and to or from Italy (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)
2022-06-16 14:44
Update to guidance on wearing masks (‘Coronavirus’ page)
2022-05-31 20:25
Update to entry requirements following lifting of restrictions for entry (‘Entry requirements’ page)
2022-05-12 15:12
Clarification about current passport validity (‘Entry requirements’ page)
2022-05-03 16:55
Green Passes are no longer required to access business and services in Italy (‘Coronavirus’ page)
2022-04-29 21:34
Update to information on the requirement to wear FFP2 masks (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)
2022-04-14 13:19
Update to information on the requirement to wear FFP2 masks when entering Italy on public transport (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)
2022-04-07 16:49
Update to information on Green Passes and Super Green Passes (‘Coronavirus’ page)
2022-04-06 11:57
Update to information on Super Green Passes (‘Coronavirus’ page)
2022-03-31 14:46
Update to information on Super Green Passes, mask requirements and isolation (‘Coronavirus’ page) and end of testing on arrival into Sicily (‘Entry requirements’ page)
2022-03-24 12:18
Update to information on validity of Covid recovery certificates for accessing services in Italy (‘Coronavirus’ page)
2022-03-11 16:32
Update to information for travellers self-isolating in Italy (‘Entry requirements’ page)
2022-03-03 11:16
Update to information on transiting through Italy (‘Entry requirements’ page)
2022-03-01 10:25
Updated information on entry requirements to Italy from 1 March (‘Entry requirements’ page)
2022-02-28 17:07
Updated information on entry requirements to Italy from 1 March (‘Entry requirements’ page)