
First-tier Tribunal (Social Security and Child Support) hearing lists

A list of upcoming Social Security and Child Support Tribunal appeal hearings.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales



These lists contain the cases to be heard within each administrative region.

Each list includes the following details for each case:

  • hearing venue (for oral/ face-to-face(F2F)/ in person hearings only)
  • appeal reference number
  • hearing type
  • hearing time
  • appellant name
  • respondent name

The lists will published each day between 2pm and 5pm

Open justice is a fundamental principle in our courts and tribunals system, and will continue to be as we develop the use of audio and video technology.

When considering the use of telephone and video technology, the judiciary will have regard to the principles of open justice. Judges may determine that a hearing should be held in private if this is necessary to secure the proper administration of justice.

Social Security and Child Support Tribunal parties and representatives will be informed directly as to the arrangements for hearing cases remotely. Any other person interested in joining the hearing remotely should contact the Office via email as per the list below so that arrangements can be made. The following details should be included in the subject line of the email [OBSERVER/MEDIA] REQUEST – [case reference] – [hearing date]. If the case is to be heard in private or is subject to a reporting restriction, this will be notified.

What to expect coming to a court or tribunal

Tribunal centre name and postcode Email
Glasgow G2 8GT
Bradford BD3 7BH
Leeds LS1 2ED
Liverpool L2 5UZ
Birmingham B16 6FR
Sutton SM1 1DA
Cardiff CF24 0AB
Published 20 October 2020
Last updated 23 August 2023 + show all updates
  1. Lists updated for 4 August 2023

  2. Lists updated for 3 August 2023.

  3. Lists updated for 2 August 2023.

  4. Updated lists 1 August

  5. Lists updated for 31 July 20223

  6. Lists updated for 28 July 2023

  7. Updated list 27 July

  8. Updated list 26 July

  9. Updated list 25 July

  10. Lists updated for 24 July 2023

  11. Updated lists for 21 July

  12. List updated for 20 July 2023

  13. Updated lists.

  14. Lists updated.

  15. Lists updated for 17th July

  16. Lists updated for 14 July 2023

  17. Lists updated for 13 July 2023.

  18. Lists updated for 12 July 2023.

  19. Lists updated for 11 July 2023

  20. Lists updated for 10 July 2023

  21. Lists updated for 7 July 2023

  22. Lists updated for 6 July 2023

  23. Lists updated for 5 July 2023.

  24. Lists updated for 4 July 2023.

  25. Lists updated for 3 July 2023.

  26. Lists updated for 30 June 2023

  27. Lists updated for 29 June 2023

  28. Lists updated for 28 June 2023.

  29. Updated for 27 June 2023

  30. Lists updated for 26 June 2023.

  31. Lists updated for 23 June 2023.

  32. Lists updated for 22 June 2023

  33. Updated for 21 June 2023

  34. Lists updated for 20 June 2023

  35. Lists updated for week beginning 19 June 2023.

  36. Lists updated for 16 June 2023

  37. Lists updated for 15 June 2023

  38. Lists for 14 June published.

  39. Lists for 13 June published.

  40. Lists for 12 June published.

  41. Lists updated for 9 June

  42. Lists updated for 8 June 2023

  43. Lists updated for 7 June 2023

  44. Lists updated for 6 June 2023

  45. List for 5 June published.

  46. List for 2 June published.

  47. Lists for 1 June published.

  48. Updated for 31 May 2023

  49. Updated for 30 May 2023

  50. Updated for 26 May 2023

  51. Lists updated for 25 May 2023

  52. Lists updated for 24 May 2023

  53. Updated for 23 May 2023

  54. Lists updated for 22 May 2023

  55. Updated for 19 May 2023

  56. Lists updated for 18 May 2023

  57. Lists for 17 May published,

  58. Lists for 16 May published.

  59. Lists updated for 15 May 2023

  60. Lists for 12 May published.

  61. Lists updated for 11 May 2023

  62. Birmingham list amended.

  63. Lists updated for 10 May 2023

  64. Updated for 9 May 2023.

  65. Lists updated for 5 May

  66. Updated for 4 May 2023

  67. Amended list for Birmingham for 3 May 2023.

  68. Lists updated for 3 May 2023

  69. List updated for 2 May 2023

  70. Lists updated for 28 April 2023

  71. Lists updated for 27 April

  72. List for 26 April published.

  73. Lists for 25 April published.

  74. Updated for 24 April 2023.

  75. List updated for 21 April

  76. Lists updated for 20 April 2023.

  77. Lists for 19 April published.

  78. Lists updated for 18 April 2023.

  79. Lists updated for 17 April

  80. Lists updated for 14 April 2023.

  81. Updated for 13 April 2023.

  82. Updated for 12 April 2023.

  83. Updated for 11 April 2023.

  84. Updated for 6 April 2023.

  85. Updated for 5 April 2023.

  86. Updated for 4 April 2023.

  87. Lists updated for 3 April 2023.

  88. Updated for 31 March 2023.

  89. Lists updated for 30 March

  90. Updated for 29 March 2023.

  91. Lists updated for 28 March 2023.

  92. Lists updated for 27 March 2023.

  93. Lists updated for 24 March 2023.

  94. Lists for 23 March published.

  95. Lists updated for 22 March 2023.

  96. Updated for 21 March 2023.

  97. Lists updated 20 March

  98. Lists updated for 17 March 2023.

  99. Lists updated for 16 March 2023.

  100. Lists updated for 15 March 2023.

  101. Updated for 14 March 2023.

  102. Published lists for Monday 13 March 2023.

  103. Updated for 10 March 2023.

  104. Lists updated for 9 March 2023.

  105. Lists updated for 8 March 2023.

  106. Lists updated for 7 March 2023.

  107. Lists updated for 6 March 2023.

  108. Lists for 3 March published.

  109. Lists for 2 March published.

  110. Lists updated for 1 March 2023.

  111. Updated for 28 February.

  112. Updated for 27 February 2023.

  113. Lists for 24 February

  114. Lists for 23 February published.

  115. Updated for 22 February.

  116. Updated for 21 February.

  117. Updated for 20 February.

  118. Lists updated for 17 February 2023.

  119. Lists updated for 16 February 2023.

  120. Lists updated for 15 February 2023.

  121. Updated for 14 February.

  122. Lists updated for 13 February 2023.

  123. Lists for 10 February published.

  124. Updated for 9 February.

  125. Lists updated for 8 February 2023.

  126. Lists updated for 7 February 2023.

  127. Updated for 6 February 2023.

  128. Lists updated for 3 February 2023.

  129. Lists updated for 2 February 2023.

  130. Lists updated for 1 February 2023.

  131. Lists updated for 31 January 2023.

  132. Lists updated for 30 January 2023.

  133. Lists updated for 27 January 2023.

  134. Updated for 26 January

  135. Lists for 25 January published.

  136. Lists for 24 January published.

  137. Lists for 23 January published.

  138. Updated for 20 January.

  139. Lists updated for 19 January 2023.

  140. Lists updated for 18 January

  141. Lists for 17 January published.

  142. Lists for 16 January published.

  143. Lists for 13 January published.

  144. Updated for 12 January.

  145. Lists for 11 January published.

  146. Updated for 10 January.

  147. Lists for 9 January published.

  148. Lists for 6 January published.

  149. Updated for 5 January.

  150. Updated for 4 January 2023.

  151. Updated for 3 January 2023.

  152. Updated for 30 December.

  153. Lists updated for 29 December (Cardiff) and 3 January (Liverpool and Birmingham). All other locations have no more hearings listed until 2023.

  154. Lists for 23 December published.

  155. Lists for 22 December published.

  156. Updated for 21 December.

  157. Updated for 20 December.

  158. Updated lists for 19 December

  159. Lists updated for 16 December

  160. Cardiff and Bradford lists for 15 December added

  161. Lists for 15 December added

  162. Lists for 14 December updated

  163. Updated for 13 December.

  164. Updated for 12 December.

  165. Updated for 9 December.

  166. Lists for 8 December added

  167. Lists for 7 December updated

  168. Lists for 6 December added

  169. Updated for 5 December.

  170. Lists for 2 December added

  171. Lists for 1 December updated

  172. Lists for 30 November updated

  173. Updated for 29 November.

  174. Updated for 28 November.

  175. Lists for 25 Nov published.

  176. Updated for 24 November.

  177. Updated for 23 November.

  178. Lists updated for 22 November

  179. Updated for 21 November.

  180. Lists for 18 November published.

  181. Updated for 17 November.

  182. Lists for 16 November added

  183. Updated for 15 November.

  184. hearing lists 14 November published

  185. Updated for 11 November.

  186. Updated for 10 November.

  187. Updated for 9 November.

  188. Amended list for Bradford for 8 November.

  189. Lists for 8 November added

  190. Lists for 7 November added

  191. hearing lists 4 November published

  192. Lists for 3 Nov updated

  193. Lists for 2 November published.

  194. Updated for 1 November.

  195. Updated for 31 October.

  196. Updated for 28 October.

  197. Updated for 27 October.

  198. Updated for 26 October.

  199. Updated for 25 October.

  200. Updated for 24 October.

  201. hearing lists 21 October published

  202. Updated for 20 October.

  203. Updated for 19 October.

  204. Updated for 18 October.

  205. Updated for 17 October.

  206. hearing lists 14 October published

  207. hearing lists 13 October published

  208. hearing lists 12 October published

  209. hearing lists 11 October published

  210. hearing lists 10 October published

  211. Hearing lists 7 October published

  212. List updated for 6 October.

  213. Updated for 5 October.

  214. Updated for 4 October 2022.

  215. hearing lists 3 October published

  216. List for 30 September added

  217. Updated for 29 September.

  218. hearing lists 28 September published

  219. Updated for 27 September.

  220. hearing list 26 September published

  221. hearing lists 23 September published

  222. Hearing lists 22 September published

  223. hearing lists 21 September published

  224. Lists updated for 20 September.

  225. Updated for 16 September.

  226. Updated for 15 September.

  227. Updated for 14 September.

  228. Lists for 13 September published.

  229. List updated for 12 September.

  230. Updated for 9 September.

  231. Updated for 8 September 2022.

  232. Updated for 7 September 2022.

  233. Lists for 6 September published.

  234. Lists for 5 September published.

  235. hearing lists 2 September published

  236. Updated for 1 September.

  237. Lists for 31 August added

  238. List for Glasgow 30 August added

  239. Lists for 29 and 30 August published.

  240. Updated for 26 August.

  241. Lists for 25 August added

  242. Updated for 24 August.

  243. Updated for 23 August.

  244. Updated for 22 August.

  245. Lists for 19 August published.

  246. Lists for 18 August added

  247. Hearing lists August 17 published

  248. hearing list 16 August published

  249. Lists for 15 August added

  250. Lists for 12 August published.

  251. Lists for 11 August published.

  252. Lists for 10 August published.

  253. Lists for 9 August published.

  254. hearing lists 8 August published

  255. hearing lists August 5 published

  256. hearing lists 4 August published

  257. hearing lists 3 August published

  258. Updated for 2 August.

  259. Updated for 29 July.

  260. Updated for 28 July.

  261. Updated for 27 July.

  262. Updated for 26 July.

  263. hearing lists 25 July published

  264. Updated for 22 July.

  265. Updated for 21 July.

  266. Updated for 20 July.

  267. Updated for 18 July.

  268. Updated for 18 July.

  269. Updated for 15 July.

  270. Updated for 14 July.

  271. Updated for 13 July.

  272. Updated for 12 July.

  273. Hearings 11 July published

  274. Updated for 8 July.

  275. Updated for 7 July.

  276. Updated for 6 July.

  277. hearing lists 5 July published

  278. Updated for 4 July.

  279. Hearings 1 July published

  280. hearing lists 30 June

  281. Hearings 29 June published

  282. Updated for 28 June.

  283. Hearings 27 June published

  284. Updated for 24 June.

  285. Hearings 23 June published

  286. Updated for 22 June.

  287. Hearings 21 June published

  288. Updated for 20 June.

  289. Updated for 17 June.

  290. Hearings 16 June published

  291. Updated for 15 June.

  292. Hearings 14 June published

  293. Updated for 13 June.

  294. Updated for 10 June.

  295. Lists for 9 June added

  296. Hearings 8 June published

  297. Hearings 7 June 2022 published

  298. Updated for 2 to 6 June.

  299. Updated for 1 June.

  300. Hearings 31 May published

  301. Updated for 30 May.

  302. Updated for 27 May.

  303. Hearings 26 may published

  304. Updated for 25 May.

  305. Hearings 24 May published

  306. Hearings 23 May published

  307. Updated for 20 May.

  308. Hearings 19 May published

  309. Updated for 18 May.

  310. Hearings for 17 May published

  311. Updated for 16 May.

  312. Updated for 13 May and updated the details page.

  313. 12 May Lists Update

  314. Updated for 11 May.

  315. Updated for 10 May.

  316. Updated for 9 May.

  317. hearings 6 May published

  318. Updated for 5 May.

  319. Lists for 4 May added

  320. Updated for 3 May.

  321. Updated for 3 May.

  322. Updated for 2 May.

  323. Updated for 29 April.

  324. Hearings 28 April published

  325. Updated for 27 April.

  326. Hearings for 26 published

  327. Updated for 25 April.

  328. Updated for 22 April.

  329. Hearings for 21 April published

  330. Updated for 20 April.

  331. Updated for 19 April.

  332. Updated for 14 April.

  333. Updated for 13 April.

  334. Hearings 12 April published

  335. Updated for 11 April.

  336. Updated for 8 April.

  337. Hearings 7 April Published

  338. Updated for 6 April.

  339. Hearings 5 April Listed

  340. Hearings 4 April published

  341. Added Leeds lists for 31 March.

  342. Updated for 31 March.

  343. Lists added for 30 March

  344. Hearings 29 March published

  345. Hearings 28 March published

  346. Updated for 25 March.

  347. Hearings 24 March published

  348. Updated for 23 March.

  349. Updated for 22 March.

  350. Updated for 21 March.

  351. Updated for 18 March.

  352. Updated for 17 March.

  353. Updated for 16 March.

  354. Hearings 14 March published

  355. Hearings for 14 March published

  356. Updated for 11 March.

  357. Hearings 10 March published

  358. Updated for 9 March.

  359. Updated for 8 March published

  360. Updated for 7 March.

  361. Hearings for 4 March published

  362. Lists for Thursday 3 March 2022 published.

  363. Lists for 2 March added

  364. Hearings 1 March published

  365. Hearings 28 February published

  366. Updated for 25 February.

  367. Hearings 24 February published

  368. Updated for 23 February.

  369. Hearings 22 February published

  370. Hearings 21 February published

  371. hearing lists 18 February published

  372. Hearings 17 February published

  373. hearing lists 16 February published

  374. Updated for 15 February.

  375. Updated for 14 February.

  376. Updated for 11 February.

  377. Hearings 10 February published

  378. hearing lists 9 February published

  379. Hearings 8 February published

  380. Updated for 7 February.

  381. Updated for 4 February.

  382. Updated for 2 February.

  383. Hearings 1 February published

  384. Updated for 31 January.

  385. Updated for 28 January.

  386. Updated for 27 January.

  387. Hearings 26 January published

  388. hearings 25 January published

  389. Hearings 24 January published

  390. Lists for 21 January added

  391. hearing lists 20 January published

  392. Updated for 19 January.

  393. Updated for 18 January.

  394. Updated for 17 January.

  395. Updated for 14 January.

  396. Updated for 13 January.

  397. Updated for 12 January.

  398. Hearings 11 January published

  399. Hearings 10 January published

  400. Hearings 7 January published

  401. hearings 6 January published

  402. hearings 5 January 2022 published

  403. hearings 4 January published

  404. Hearings 31 December published

  405. Updated for 30 December.

  406. Updated for the Christmas break.

  407. Updated for 23 December.

  408. Updated for 22 December.

  409. Updated for 21 December.

  410. hearing lists 20 December published

  411. hearing lists 17 December published

  412. Updated for 16 December.

  413. Hearings 15 December published

  414. Hearings 14 December published

  415. Hearings 13 December published

  416. Updated for 10 December

  417. Updated for 9 December.

  418. Updated for 8 December

  419. Hearings 7 December 2021

  420. Updated for 6 December.

  421. hearing lists 3 December published

  422. hearing list 2 December published

  423. Updated lists for 1 December.

  424. Hearing lists for 30 November 2021 published.

  425. hearing lists 29 November published

  426. Updated lists for 26 November 2021.

  427. Hearing lists for 25 November 2021 published.

  428. hearing lists 24 November published

  429. Hearing lists for 23 November 2021 published.

  430. Hearing lists 22 November published

  431. Hearing lists 18 November published

  432. Hearing lists for 18 November published

  433. Hearing lists for 17 November 2021 published.

  434. Hearing lists for 16 November 2021 published.

  435. Hearing list for 15 November 2021 published.

  436. Hearing lists for 12 November 2021 published.

  437. Hearing lists for 11 November 2021 published.

  438. Hearing lists for 10 November 2021 published.

  439. Hearing lists for 9 November 2021 published.

  440. Hearing lists for 8 November 2021 published.

  441. Hearing lists for 5 November 2021 published.

  442. Hearing lists for 4 November 2021 published.

  443. Hearing lists for 3 November 2021 published.

  444. Hearings for 2 November published

  445. Hearings for 1 November published

  446. Hearing lists for 29 October 2021 published.

  447. Hearings for 28 October published

  448. Hearings for 27 October 2021 published.

  449. Hearings for 26 October published

  450. Hearing lists for 25 October published.

  451. Hearings for 22 October 2021 published

  452. Hearings for 21 October published

  453. Hearings for 19 October published.

  454. Hearing for the October published

  455. Hearings for 18 October published.

  456. Hearings for the 15 October published

  457. Hearings for 14 October published.

  458. Hearing lists for 13 October 2021 published.

  459. Hearings for 12 October 2021

  460. Updated lists for 11 October.

  461. Hearings for 8 October published

  462. Hearings for 7 October published

  463. Hearings for 6 October published

  464. Hearings for 5 October published

  465. Updated for 4 October

  466. Hearings for 1 October published

  467. Hearings for 30 September published.

  468. Hearings on 29 September

  469. Hearings on 28 September

  470. Hearings on 27 September

  471. Hearings on 24 September

  472. Hearing lists for 23 September 2021 published.

  473. Hearings on t 22 September

  474. Hearings on 21 September

  475. Hearings on 20 September

  476. Hearings on 17 September

  477. Updated lists for 16 September.

  478. Updated lists for 15 September.

  479. Updated lists for 14 September.

  480. Updated lists for 13 September.

  481. Hearings on 10 September

  482. hearings for 9 September

  483. Hearings on 8 September

  484. Hearings on 7 September

  485. Updated lists for 6 September

  486. Hearings on the 3 September

  487. Hearing lists for 2 September 2021 published.

  488. Hearings on 1 September

  489. Updated hearing lists for 30 and 31 August.

  490. Hearings on 27 August

  491. Hearings on 26 August

  492. Hearings on 25 August

  493. Hearings on 24 August

  494. Lists updated for 23 August.

  495. Hearings 20 August

  496. Hearings on 19 August

  497. Hearings on 18 August

  498. Hearings on 17 August

  499. Updated lists for 16 August.

  500. Hearings for 13 August

  501. Hearing for 11 August

  502. Hearings for 11 August

  503. Hearings for the 10 August

  504. Updated for 9 August.

  505. Updated for 6 August.

  506. Updated for 5 August.

  507. Updated for 4 August.

  508. Hearings for 3 August published.

  509. Updated lists for 2 August.

  510. Hearings on the 30 July 2021 published

  511. Hearings on the 29 July 2021 published

  512. Hearings on the 28 July 2021 published

  513. Hearings on the 27 July 2021 published

  514. Hearings on the 26 July 2021 published

  515. Hearings on the 23 July 2021 published

  516. hearings of the 22 July 2021 published

  517. Hearings on the 21 July 2021 published

  518. Hearing on the 20 July 2021 published

  519. Updated lists for 19 July.

  520. Hearings on the 16 July 2021 published

  521. Hearings on the 15 July 2021 published

  522. Hearings on the 14 July 2021 published

  523. Hearing lists for 13 July published.

  524. Updated for 12 July.

  525. Hearings on the 9 July 2021 published

  526. Hearings on 8 July 2021 Published

  527. Hearings on the 7 July 2021 published

  528. Hearings on the 6 July 2021 published

  529. Updated lists for 5 July.

  530. Hearings for 2 July 2021 published

  531. Hearings for 1July 2021 published

  532. Hearings on the 30 June 2021 published.

  533. Updated for hearings on 29 June.

  534. Hearings updated for 28 June.

  535. Hearings on the 25 June 2021 published

  536. hearings on the 24 June 2021 published

  537. Hearings for the 23 June 2021 published.

  538. Hearings on the 22 June 2021 published

  539. Updated for 21 June.

  540. Hearings for the 18 June 2021 published

  541. Hearings on 17 June 2021 published

  542. Hearings on the 16 June 2021 published.

  543. Hearings on the 15 June 2021 published

  544. Updated for 14 June.

  545. Hearings for the 11 June 2021 published

  546. Updated for 10 June.

  547. Hearings for the 9 June 2021 published

  548. Hearings for the 8 June 2021 published

  549. Updated lists for 7 June.

  550. Hearings for the 4 June 2021 published

  551. Hearings for the 3 of June 2021 published

  552. Hearings for the 2 June 2021 published

  553. Updated for 1 June.

  554. Hearings for the 28 May 2021 published

  555. hearings for the 27 May 2021 published

  556. Hearings for the 26 May 2021 published

  557. Hearings for the 24 May 2021 published

  558. Updated for 24 May.

  559. Hearings for the 21 May 2021 published

  560. Hearings for the 20 May 2021 published

  561. Hearings for the 19 of May 2021

  562. Hearings for the 18 of May 2021 published

  563. Updated for 17 May.

  564. Hearings for 14 of May 2021 published

  565. Listings for the hearings on the 13 of May 2021

  566. Listings of the hearings of the 12 of May 2021

  567. Listings for the hearings of the 11 May 2021

  568. Listings for the hearings on the 10 of May 2021

  569. Listings of the hearings of the 7 of May 2021

  570. Listings for the Hearings on the 6 of May 2021

  571. Listings for the hearings on the 5 of May 2021

  572. Updated lists for 4 May.

  573. Listings for the hearings on the 29 of April 2021

  574. listings for the hearings of the 29 of April 2021 published

  575. Listings for the hearings of the 28 April 2021 published

  576. Listings for the hearings on the 27 of April 2021 published

  577. Listings for the hearings of the 26 April 2021 published

  578. Listings for the hearings of the 22 April 2021 published

  579. Listings for the hearings of the 21 April 2021 published

  580. Listings for the hearings on the 20 of April 2021 published

  581. Hearing lists for 19 April published.

  582. Hearings for the 16 April 2021 published

  583. Hearings for 15 April 2021 published

  584. Hearings for 14 April 2021 published.

  585. Hearing lists for 12 April 2021 published.

  586. Updated for 9 April

  587. Updated for 8 April.

  588. Hearing lists for 7 April 2021 published.

  589. Updated for 6 April.

  590. Updated for 1 April.

  591. Updated lists for 31 March.

  592. Updated lists for 30 March.

  593. Updated for 29 March.

  594. Updated for 26 March

  595. Updated lists for 25 March.

  596. Updated for 24 March.

  597. Updated lists for 23 March.

  598. Updated lists for 22 March.

  599. Updated lists for 19 March.

  600. Updated lists for 18 March.

  601. Lists for 17 March 2021 published.

  602. Hearing lists for 16 March published.

  603. Updated for 15 March.

  604. Updated for 12 March

  605. Hearing lists for 11 March 2021 published.

  606. Hearing list for 10 March 2021 published.

  607. Hearing lists for 9 March 2021 published.

  608. Updated for 8 March.

  609. Updated for 5 March

  610. Updated for 4 March

  611. Updated for 3 March

  612. Updated for 2 March

  613. Updated for 1 March

  614. Updated for 26 February

  615. Updated for 25 February

  616. Updated for 24 February

  617. Updated for 23 February

  618. Updated for 22 February

  619. updated for 19 February.

  620. Updated for 18 February.

  621. Updated for 17 February.

  622. Update for 16 February

  623. Updated for 15 February.

  624. Updated for 12 February

  625. Updated for 11 February.

  626. Updated for 10 February

  627. Updated for 9 February

  628. Updated for 8 February.

  629. Hearing lists for 5 February 2021 published.

  630. Updated for 4 February

  631. Updated for 3 February

  632. Updated for 2 February

  633. Updated for 1 February.

  634. Updated for 29 January.

  635. Updated for 28 January.

  636. Updated for 27 January.

  637. Updated for 26 January

  638. Updated for 25 January

  639. Updated for 22 January.

  640. Updated for 21 January.

  641. Updated for 20 January.

  642. Hearing lists for 19 January 2021 published.

  643. Updated for 18 January.

  644. Updated for 15 January.

  645. Updated for 14 January

  646. Updated for 13 January

  647. Updated for 12 January.

  648. Updated for 11 January

  649. Updated for 8 January

  650. Updated for 7 January.

  651. Updated for 6 January

  652. Updated for 5 January.

  653. Hearings for 4 January published.

  654. Updated for 31 December.

  655. Updated Liverpool and Sutton for 30 December.

  656. Updated for 24 December

  657. Updated for 23 December

  658. Hearings for 22 December published.

  659. Hearings updated. Birmingham, Bradford, Leeds and Newcastle next sitting on 4 January.

  660. Updated for 18 December.

  661. Updated for 17 December.

  662. Hearing lists for 16 December 2020 published.

  663. Updated for 15 December

  664. Updated for 14 December.

  665. Updated for 11 December.

  666. Updated for 10 December.

  667. Updated for 9 December.

  668. Updated for 8 December.

  669. Updated for 7 December.

  670. Updated for 4 December.

  671. Updated for 3 December.

  672. Updated for 2 December.

  673. Updated for 1 December.

  674. Hearing lists for 30 November published.

  675. Hearings for 27 November 2020 published.

  676. Updated for 26 November

  677. Updated for 25 November.

  678. Updated on 23 November

  679. Updated for 23 November.

  680. Hearings for 20 November 2020 published.

  681. Updated for 19 November.

  682. Updated for 18 November.

  683. UPdated for 17 November.

  684. Hearing lists for 16 November 2020 published.

  685. Hearing lists for 13 November published.

  686. Hearing lists for 12 November 2020 published.

  687. Hearing lists for 11 November 2020 published.

  688. Hearing lists for 10 November published

  689. Lists for 9 November 2020 published.

  690. Hearing lists for 6 November published.

  691. Hearings for 5 November published.

  692. Updated for 4 November.

  693. Updated for 3 November.

  694. Updated for 2 November.

  695. Updated for 30 October.

  696. Updated for 29 October.

  697. Updated for 28 October.

  698. Udated for 27 October

  699. Updated for 26 October lists.

  700. Updated for 23 October.

  701. Lists updated.

  702. Updated lists for 22 October.

  703. First published.